Hollyoaks 22nd June 2023-n

  • last year


00:00 If I don't get my money back, I promise you your life won't be worth living.
00:03 Which is all the more reason you seduce and marry the soul so we can take him for everything.
00:06 We can't fail, Sienna.
00:07 You need to pull out all the stops for Rafe or I am a goner.
00:09 Listen, Sarah, about yesterday...
00:11 Look, I know what you're gonna say and I totally agree.
00:13 So, no more hanky-panky until all this blows over?
00:16 I'm going to make some calls and see if I can lure Terry back to the village.
00:20 Be ready.
00:20 And if he shows, be careful. He is dangerous.
00:23 Paul!
00:24 I really would have to come on the shoot if I'm still welcome.
00:27 Consider yourself invited.
00:29 What's the matter? Lost your bottle?
00:31 God, they're mine!
00:33 (MUSIC)
00:35 (MUSIC)
00:37 (upbeat music)
00:39 (upbeat music)
00:42 (upbeat music)
00:44 (upbeat music)
00:47 (upbeat music)
00:52 (upbeat music)
00:57 (upbeat music)
01:01 (upbeat music)
01:06 (upbeat music)
01:12 (upbeat music)
01:15 (upbeat music)
01:19 (upbeat music)
01:26 ♪ I don't wanna change ♪
01:30 - Welcome to your face.
01:31 ♪ I can't make the same mistakes ♪
01:33 - Warren.
01:34 ♪ Bring myself out 'cause I can't be tamed ♪
01:38 ♪ Out in the wild broken off the chain ♪
01:42 ♪ Chasing through the crowd ♪
01:44 - Um, Warren and I had a little bit of a falling out.
01:49 - No.
01:50 (upbeat music)
01:53 - Hey, Rafe.
02:04 - How are you?
02:05 - Very good, you?
02:06 - Very well.
02:07 I need to get an invite to Rafe's shoot, right?
02:10 - I need it today.
02:12 - Look, friends fight sometimes.
02:16 It doesn't have to be a big deal.
02:17 - I've told you that it's stuff like this
02:19 why I don't wanna stick around.
02:21 You just can't help yourself.
02:23 - You're leaving anyway.
02:24 So I might as well go for broke, right?
02:26 - Whatever.
02:27 You should probably put some ice on that or something.
02:30 - I mean, what do you care?
02:31 You're going to America.
02:33 Soon, it'll be out of sight, out of mind.
02:35 Just like what you wanted.
02:37 (upbeat music)
02:40 - Maybe you don't even need to be at the shoot tomorrow.
02:42 I mean, it's not like you're gonna seduce him too, is it?
02:45 - Right, and neither are you.
02:46 Not without my help, right?
02:47 That's the plan, isn't it?
02:48 I befriend Rafe, find out all his deepest wants and needs,
02:50 feed him back to you, and then you finish the job.
02:53 - Yeah, you're the fluffer.
02:56 Okay, well, it's not that I don't want you there.
02:57 - Right, and it's not like I don't need that money.
02:59 Especially now I have Warren on my back again.
03:01 - Yeah, but the Clay Pigeon shoot is tomorrow,
03:03 and it's taken me long enough to grease Rafe,
03:04 so do you really think that you can get an invite in one day?
03:07 - Well, I could slash his tires, and then fix them for him.
03:12 - Your plan is to break his stuff
03:14 until he lets you be his friend?
03:16 - You know what, Sienna?
03:17 I don't need an idea.
03:18 I am charming enough.
03:20 I will score an invite by myself.
03:22 - Okay, well, I will believe that when I see it.
03:24 - Hey, you two.
03:25 I thought you'd split up.
03:27 - Why don't you try telling that to him?
03:30 (scoffs)
03:32 - Still got it.
03:36 - Still got it, then.
03:38 - Yeah, I guess so.
03:40 I suppose you fancy a quick pint, dear?
03:44 - Yeah.
03:45 - Oh, sorry.
03:48 - Mm.
03:49 - Oh, here he is.
03:51 The man of the moment.
03:53 - What's that?
03:59 - Are you gonna answer him,
04:02 or do I need to get the bomb squad here to check it out first?
04:05 - It's chocolates, innit?
04:06 So enjoy.
04:07 - You know, I am yet to hear an apology
04:09 come out of that stupid gob of yours.
04:11 - I'm not apologizing.
04:12 It's the truth.
04:13 Uh, what are you doing here with him?
04:15 - Someone had to bang you two's heads together.
04:18 - I think they're doing a good job of that themselves.
04:20 Here.
04:21 You think some tacky chocolate
04:23 is gonna make up for bashing your best mate in the face?
04:26 - You didn't quite bash me in the face.
04:28 Look, maybe we should have been honest
04:30 about the whole cash flow here.
04:32 Look, just forget it.
04:34 (distant music)
04:37 - Seriously, why is she here with you?
04:42 - We ran into each other
04:44 and she said we should sort things out, so...
04:46 - Morning.
04:53 Why does this place look like a frat house?
04:56 - Princeton Arms had a big blowout last night.
04:59 They still haven't come back,
05:00 so I'm guessing it was a good one.
05:01 - That would explain the cheesy pop music at 2am.
05:04 - No, that was me.
05:06 After they left.
05:07 - Romeo, little mix.
05:09 I'm concerned as to what that says about me
05:11 if my boyfriend has such poor music taste.
05:13 - Yeah.
05:15 - I was just on a short repelling start for Juliet's funeral.
05:19 - Oh.
05:20 I'm sorry.
05:23 - It's fine.
05:25 She was just a massive, massive fan.
05:27 But you're right, it was rubbish anyway, so I'm...
05:30 I'm gonna get back to that in a bit.
05:32 But for now, I've got all these family photos
05:34 and I'm gonna stick the best ones up at the service.
05:36 - Look, I know she wanted you and Perry to sort this out,
05:39 but can you let me help?
05:41 - She's trusted me to do it.
05:42 I'm gonna do it.
05:43 It's all right.
05:44 - All right.
05:46 Okay, well...
05:47 Just know if you need any help, you can ask.
05:51 - Yeah.
05:52 (distant music)
05:59 (door opens)
06:00 - Okay, look.
06:02 I know I probably blew your mind yesterday,
06:04 but if this is you looking for seconds, then...
06:06 - Oh, Damon.
06:07 You made it.
06:08 - Zara said you had some more work to do for the heist, so...
06:12 - So, you know like these roadworks have started in the village?
06:17 Well, we thought it was a chance to borrow more traffic cones.
06:20 'Cause we need to make sure we've got enough to clear away for our getaway car, right?
06:23 - Well, I've just passed there and there's a load of builders there.
06:25 I mean, they're not just gonna let you take 'em.
06:27 - (laughs) You leave that to me.
06:29 - Well, are you sure?
06:30 I mean, I've got experience in this.
06:32 Me and Brodie used to nick traffic cones at nights out.
06:35 We'd put 'em on our heads and just run at each other.
06:38 Although, one time I got knocked out for a whole minute.
06:41 So, yeah, it was pretty stupid, really.
06:43 - You know, every time you open your mouth,
06:46 I get more and more worried about doing an actual heist with you.
06:49 - Why don't we let Cindy take the lead on this, 'cause she's got a plan.
06:52 - Okay.
06:54 (distant music)
06:57 - Dave.
06:58 Good to see you.
07:00 Look, I know we haven't spoken since...
07:03 Not what happened with Anna.
07:05 - It's all right.
07:06 I've had a lot to think about.
07:08 In fact, you know what I was thinking the other day?
07:10 I was thinking about mine and Anna's last wedding anniversary.
07:13 Remember? I'd forgotten about it and you let me use this place.
07:16 I'd say I might bake 'em.
07:18 - Yeah, I remember.
07:19 - And it's all said and done.
07:21 That's probably the nicest thing anyone's done for me since I've been here.
07:25 - You're a good friend, Tom.
07:27 - Thanks.
07:29 - Women trouble, eh?
07:31 - I'm sorry, who are you?
07:32 - Got it in one.
07:33 - Rafe.
07:34 - It's Rafe.
07:35 - Couldn't help but overhear.
07:37 What's the issue, Jones?
07:38 - Dave's wife kissed Tony.
07:39 - Well, it was all one way.
07:42 - I'm sorry, it was.
07:44 - Well, I, uh...
07:47 I don't have much experience in the realms of marriage.
07:49 I have a choice, but, um...
07:51 It sort of reminds me of this time.
07:53 I, uh, I lent a vintage Porsche to a friend of mine.
07:56 - Okay, let me stop you there.
07:58 Honour's not a car.
07:59 - Shush, Dave.
08:01 Right, Rafe, speaking.
08:02 Please, continue.
08:03 - Well, when he gave it back to me, it was as slick as ever.
08:06 Looked the same, drove the same, but...
08:08 Something was different.
08:10 Something had changed.
08:11 She had been with another man and, uh...
08:13 Something was lost between us.
08:16 Forever.
08:17 So I, uh...
08:22 - I mean, it's not exactly the same, but I'm...
08:24 - No, no.
08:25 I think it's a very, very elegant metaphor.
08:29 - So, come on.
08:40 How long are you gonna give me the silent treatment for?
08:44 - Yeah, 'cause this place is usually full of sparkling conversation, isn't it?
08:50 - Look, I said it's over, right?
08:53 Let's move on.
08:54 - Why are you making such a big deal about yesterday?
08:59 - We get things out of our system the only way that we know how.
09:03 We shake hands, we move on.
09:04 That is the way it's always been.
09:06 - Sure.
09:07 Then maybe we can celebrate by clubbing a mammoth to death
09:10 and dragging its dead carcass into our lair.
09:12 - Oh!
09:13 So you're above a scrap now, are you?
09:15 - Nah.
09:20 - There's something going on with you.
09:21 - Just leave it.
09:23 - Not until you tell me what's going on.
09:26 - You wanna know what's going on with me?
09:27 - Yeah.
09:28 - Try the fact that my kid thinks I'm some type of thug.
09:30 Won't even live on the same continent as me, but yet here you are.
09:34 Your kids, they adore you
09:36 after everything you've done.
09:39 Now tell me,
09:41 how does that work?
09:42 Why is that fair?
09:44 - So you're telling me that I don't deserve my kids?
09:47 - If I don't deserve my kids, you definitely don't deserve yours.
09:50 - Careful now.
09:54 - Why?
09:55 What are you gonna do?
09:57 Punch me again?
09:58 'Cause we both know that you making the first move
10:01 is your only fighting chance when it comes to me.
10:04 Just like when we were kids.
10:06 - Do you...
10:11 want me to hit you or something?
10:16 (thud)
10:17 - Stay out of my business, right?
10:24 (upbeat music)
10:31 (upbeat music)
10:33 - Okay, so the plan is, you go and seduce the builders.
10:48 We'll use that distraction to steal some traffic helps.
10:51 - How do you know they're gonna be interested?
10:53 - Damon, I don't think you understand how this works.
10:56 They're builders.
10:57 I have walked past a few in my time.
10:59 - That's a bit heteronormative, Cyn.
11:01 - Well, now you're just making up words.
11:03 Okay, team, watch and learn.
11:06 - We don't even wanna do this heist.
11:08 - Yes, I know.
11:09 But if we keep everybody with low-level stuff,
11:11 then maybe she'll forget about robbing a bank.
11:13 - Hello, boys.
11:14 Exactly how big is your hole?
11:17 - All right, fellas?
11:24 - Hello.
11:25 - Hey, what's going on here, then?
11:27 - Yeah, we're just, uh, a little bit of groundwork.
11:30 Level it all out.
11:31 - Yeah?
11:32 - Big drill.
11:33 - Ah, right.
11:34 - Underground.
11:35 - Yeah?
11:36 - Hi.
11:39 - Sorry, are you stealing traffic cones?
11:43 - That's not very responsible.
11:45 - So how are you set for tomorrow, Tony?
11:48 Reckon you'll be able to keep up with the old hands?
11:50 - Oh, is this that clay pigeon shoot of yours?
11:53 Sounds fun.
11:54 I wouldn't have thought it'd be up your street.
11:56 - Had much experience with firearms, Ethan?
11:59 - Yeah, I've dabbled.
12:01 But, you know, I'd love to get involved again, sir.
12:03 - Yeah, well, unfortunately, Rafe's guest list is full.
12:06 Close friends and local councillors only, I'm afraid.
12:09 - Are you a councillor, Tony?
12:11 - Right, no, you should have mentioned.
12:13 - Anyway, I, uh, just remembered I've got to do something.
12:16 So you two stay here.
12:18 Dave, you want to catch up?
12:20 - So, councillor,
12:24 how about we get our noses into some of this rare whiskey of yours?
12:28 - Well...
12:31 - Hey, what's going on?
12:32 Why are you, uh, sucking up to the Toff?
12:35 - Toff is exclusionary language, Dave, and some might consider it a spur.
12:39 - I apologise, sir.
12:40 - Anyway, you seem to have perked up on his presence.
12:43 - Hmm. - Okay, I won't ask.
12:46 Do me a favour, though, yeah?
12:47 Send me a text when that Toff leaves the pub, yeah?
12:49 *Music*
12:56 - Alright, Mum, how you doing?
12:58 - Not great.
12:59 Three machines broken, and the repairman's on holiday,
13:01 and now we've got even less than we should have needed to have slept.
13:04 - Mum.
13:05 I mean about Jules.
13:08 - Yeah, I know what you mean, son.
13:12 Just, uh, listen, I'm sorry I've not seen you much.
13:15 I just, I've been so busy at the gym.
13:17 - It's fine.
13:18 - Get it?
13:19 I've been planning the funeral today.
13:25 I've sorted a playlist.
13:28 I've changed the socials, so it's like a little memorial page,
13:31 just like you wanted.
13:32 But I was wondering...
13:35 I was wondering whether you'd be able to help me plan the ceremony.
13:39 - What? I thought, I thought, I thought you and Perry were doing all that.
13:43 - Yeah.
13:44 Yeah, but...
13:47 You're a business owner, you've got that business mind.
13:49 I thought you'd help organise things.
13:51 - I don't know what you want me to tell you.
13:54 Like, what's happened, it's there, and if I look directly at it,
13:57 then that's all I'm gonna say, and I just...
13:59 I just don't, I don't think I can handle that right now, son.
14:02 Do you understand?
14:03 - Yeah, of course.
14:06 - You can handle it.
14:08 You know, you're stronger than I am.
14:09 You know, you're both...
14:10 You can handle it.
14:17 (Sighs)
14:18 - If you're here about that day, there is such a thing as being too persistent.
14:32 - Oh, I'm actually here to see DeMarcus.
14:34 Hey.
14:36 About what happened with your dad,
14:39 I just want you to know, if you're looking for someone to blame, you should blame me.
14:43 - I do blame you.
14:45 - Right.
14:46 Well, that's good, then.
14:47 - But I blame him too.
14:50 I mean, I know what he's like.
14:52 Why do you think I don't want to be here anymore?
14:54 - When me and your dad grew up, it was tough.
14:58 You were either hard or you were soft,
15:00 and if you were soft, it was even tougher.
15:03 It's what made us who we are.
15:05 - Except you aren't a pair of lonely kids scrapping in a care home anymore.
15:08 So sorry to break it to you, but it's not just who you are.
15:11 It's how you choose to be.
15:14 - Yesterday, it was me who started it.
15:17 Years ago, Felix would have been in my face.
15:21 But now?
15:23 Well, maybe he's been hanging around with you for too long.
15:26 - Thanks for coming.
15:28 Really.
15:30 But I have to go.
15:40 - You did a good thing, you know.
15:42 Coming round and trying to sort it out.
15:44 - Well, I have my moments, despite what you might think.
15:48 Felix is a mate.
15:50 A really good one.
15:52 This whole...
15:54 DeMarcus leaving.
15:56 It's really messing with his head.
15:58 Anyway.
16:01 - Why don't you...
16:03 stick around?
16:06 (Sobbing)
16:07 - Family was the most important thing to Celeste.
16:14 She gave her life for it.
16:15 - Are you supposed to be punching that thing?
16:28 - I never thought I'd say this, but I'm...
16:32 I'm all punched out.
16:35 (Sobbing)
16:36 I don't know what I want to do, Merce.
16:39 When he goes.
16:41 - DeMarcus?
16:43 - I spent my entire life wishing I had my dad.
16:47 You know, I told everyone at the home I...
16:51 I didn't need one.
16:53 The truth is that...
16:56 I filled in all those gaping holes in my sad little life.
17:03 With these ideas that I was gonna make sure my own kids had everything I didn't.
17:08 They were gonna know what it was like to be loved.
17:11 What happened?
17:16 - Hey.
17:18 Put me in you.
17:20 We have both made mistakes, but...
17:24 nobody can say that we don't love our children.
17:32 - You're an incredible father to DeMarcus.
17:34 - Yeah? - Yeah.
17:37 - When I make the effort,
17:39 but it's convenient for me.
17:42 I missed out most of his life.
17:45 It's probably the reason why he doesn't want anything to do with me.
17:47 - Okay, I get that you are caught up about your boy.
17:51 But tell me, is...
17:55 is there anything else going on?
17:59 - No.
18:00 Speaking of devils,
18:06 it's the big man himself.
18:08 Probably wants me to, um,
18:10 take him to the airport.
18:12 Hey, son.
18:16 What's up?
18:18 - What is wrong with you?
18:19 Warren's just been round to see me.
18:22 (Sighs)
18:23 - Hey.
18:33 How'd it go with the photos?
18:36 - Oh, yeah. Yeah, good.
18:38 I tried some nice ones.
18:40 I think Juliette would like them.
18:42 Well, I hope she would. I don't...
18:44 won't really know, will we?
18:47 - If you pick them, they'll be perfect.
18:51 And hey, look.
18:52 I know you didn't want me involved,
18:54 but I have a really good idea about the playlist.
18:56 I thought maybe you and Pris could turn it into a mix?
18:59 - Yeah.
19:02 It's a great show.
19:03 Good call here.
19:05 Now that's what I call a morning.
19:06 - Message received.
19:08 Sorry, I...
19:10 I know you wanted to do this alone.
19:11 I'll just... I'll leave you to it.
19:13 - No. No.
19:14 I know I said that, but...
19:17 I was wrong.
19:19 What you said about Juliette was right.
19:20 She wouldn't want me messing my head up with all of this.
19:23 That's exactly what I'm doing, right?
19:25 I'm messing myself up completely.
19:27 (Scoffs)
19:29 So what I'm trying to say is
19:30 if the offer of you helping me out with this
19:32 is still on the table, then...
19:33 - It never left.
19:35 And...
19:38 this girl knows how to throw a party.
19:39 Sorry, that was... that was inappropriate.
19:42 - No. No, no, it's not.
19:44 I mean, Juliette always liked to tear up, didn't she?
19:48 - Exactly.
19:49 So, let's get to work.
19:50 - Miss Blake!
20:01 You tweed?
20:02 - Yeah, I thought I would treat myself ahead of the shoot tomorrow.
20:05 - Oh, no.
20:07 I've got a flat tire.
20:09 - It's a lovely set of wheels, this.
20:11 - I'm afraid you're seeing her on a bad day.
20:13 She'd be going nowhere like this.
20:16 - And of course, nothing useless can be truly beautiful.
20:18 - You have a way with words.
20:20 - It's a William Morris quote.
20:21 - I know.
20:22 - Yeah, I used to fix these things up all the time, back in the day.
20:26 Till I rocked up here and, well, let me tell you,
20:28 you don't see this kind of motor knocking around in these parts.
20:30 Look, I could sort it for you if you want.
20:32 I know the garage, I could grab my tools.
20:34 - Please, it's far worse than this and the army.
20:36 I'll have her back up and running in no time.
20:38 (Doorbell rings)
20:41 - Oh, what?
20:43 No, nightmare.
20:44 My croquet game tomorrow got cancelled.
20:46 I was really looking forward to letting loose.
20:48 - You play croquet?
20:50 - Are you kidding me?
20:52 I live by the mallet.
20:54 - I tell you what,
20:56 why don't you come along to the shoot tomorrow?
20:58 I'm sure we'll find you a role.
21:00 Can't you?
21:02 - You know what, Rafe?
21:03 I think I would.
21:04 (Laughs)
21:07 - I hope you don't think that counts as a date.
21:09 - You know, I thought I had to take you for dinner
21:11 before I got what I wanted.
21:13 (Laughs)
21:14 - Don't know what makes you think that was just for you.
21:18 - Oh.
21:21 - Dinner would be nice, though.
21:22 - Dinner it is.
21:24 Yeah.
21:28 Do you think that Felix is all right?
21:29 - That boy has not been all right since I've known him.
21:32 Why?
21:34 - I don't know, it's...
21:36 It's just the way he's been acting recently.
21:38 - Are you worried about him?
21:40 - Yeah.
21:42 Yeah, I am, actually.
21:43 - Aw.
21:45 Someone worried about their little friend.
21:46 (Laughs)
21:48 - Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!
21:50 What the hell are you doing?
21:51 Are you in my clothes?
21:53 - Yeah, yeah, we were just...
21:55 - You're in my house, in my clothes?
21:57 I guess you were just sleeping in my bed, too, yeah?
21:59 Get out of my clothes, man!
22:01 - Do you want to see me naked or something?
22:04 Me and Sharon, we were just...
22:07 - I know what you were doing!
22:09 You were trying to be a dad to my kid.
22:10 Now, Sharon,
22:11 come out!
22:12 - What were you doing?
22:13 - I said come out!
22:14 What were you playing at?
22:15 - You're just overreacting.
22:16 - I said come out!
22:17 What's wrong with you?
22:18 - Hop aboard the Below Deck Sailing Yacht
22:27 where there's high expectations, hangovers and hurt feelings.
22:30 Stream now or watch live on E4 weeknights at 8.
22:34 And a whole lot of stress is on the menu
22:36 for Britain's next great chefs.
22:37 Stream the series so far of 5 Star Kitchen.
22:40 Or watch live tonight at 8.
22:41 The news is next.
22:43 - What on earth are you wearing?
23:00 - Is that a kite?
23:02 - Oh, this.
23:03 I'm just trying out my new look.
23:04 - We must catch up over another libation soon.
23:06 - Yeah.
23:08 - Right.
23:09 - Yeah.
23:11 - Yeah.
23:12 - Yeah.
23:13 - Yeah.
23:14 - Yeah.
23:15 - Yeah.
23:16 - Yeah.
23:17 - Yeah.