Stéphane Cornicard a eu la chance de jouer dans Spectre, il raconte son expérience.
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00:00 cut more than an hour of the final film.
00:03 And I was very much in what was cut.
00:08 I was there for a week, I had very little to do.
00:18 I was representing the head of the French nation.
00:21 So I'm in several scenes.
00:26 The director wanted all the characters on screen to be actors.
00:33 So he called us all and we worked for a week on that.
00:39 Many of the scenes we shot, if I'm not mistaken,
00:43 I don't want to say anything stupid, but that's what I heard,
00:46 more than an hour of what was shot,
00:50 arrived on the floor of the editing room.
00:55 That is, they cut more than an hour of the final film.
00:59 And I was very much in what was cut.
01:05 I think there are one or two scenes where I'm still in the final film.
01:08 It doesn't matter, somewhere it doesn't bother me.
01:11 I'm not looking for notoriety or anything.
01:15 To have worked with them on this product, on this franchise,
01:20 for me it's a tick on the list of things I'd like to do in my life.
01:26 It was very nice, it was well paid.
01:29 We would always like to have more lines, more...
01:33 But it's like Salislavsky said, the great master of Russian theater,
01:40 he said, "There are no small roles, there are only small actors."
01:43 And in fact it's true.
01:45 Any actor that is visible on the screen, even for a minute,
01:49 is as important as the main actor.
01:52 So, yes, no, not really frustrated.
01:55 No, I was happy to do it.