• 2 years ago
00:00 [Music]
00:10 [Music]
00:35 Eva, Judas is looking for you. He would like you to act as hostess for the evening.
00:40 [Music]
00:56 [Music]
01:13 Eva.
01:14 [Music]
01:23 I'd like you to meet a friend of mine. This is Jerry.
01:26 Hi Jerry.
01:27 Hello Eva.
01:28 Jules was very insistent.
01:29 I'd love you to come. Let's just stay and have lunch here.
01:33 I'm going back into the water before we eat.
01:36 Why don't you join me?
01:37 I'm sorry, but I don't have a swimsuit.
01:40 You can borrow one of mine. Come on.
01:43 So long then. I'll be seeing you tomorrow.
01:45 Aren't you staying?
01:46 Sorry, I have to go. Judas is waiting for me. Important business. Bye.
01:52 [Music]
02:15 [Music]
02:31 I'll help you.
02:32 [Music]
03:01 [Music]
03:21 [Music]
03:50 [Music]
04:00 [Music]
04:10 [Music]
04:24 Are you for us?
04:26 [Laughter]
04:29 You'll see. It's wonderful.
04:31 [Music]
05:00 [Music]
05:15 [Music]
05:27 [Music]
05:37 [Music]
05:47 [Music]
06:07 [Music]
06:17 [Music]
06:27 [Music]
06:37 [Music]
06:47 [Music]
06:57 [Music]
07:07 [Music]
07:17 [Music]
07:27 [Music]
07:42 [Music]
07:47 [Music]
07:48 Well, Jerry.
07:50 [Music]
07:51 Eva tells me that you're studying Chinese medicine.
07:55 That's right. It's a fascinating subject.
07:59 She works in a clinic for the poor as a volunteer.
08:03 How unpleasant. It doesn't sound very glamorous.
08:08 I think it's wonderful to be doing something useful.
08:11 I thought, uh, perhaps you were content being so ornamental.
08:17 Eva's more than ornamental, Judas. You don't appreciate her enough.
08:23 Thanks, Judas. It's nice to be appreciated rather than collected.
08:28 Collected? Well, really, Eva, I didn't realize you felt that way, darling.
08:34 It's getting late. I really have to go.
08:38 I'll drive you home. I can get a cab.
08:41 Oh, no, no. Eva wants to show off her new car, don't you, darling?
08:46 You mustn't refuse her.
08:49 It's been a marvelous evening. It really has.
08:51 I'm taking you home. Oh, no, no. That's all right.
08:54 Jerry, when you know Eva like I do, you'll know you can't say no to her.
08:58 Don't be nasty, Judas. Come on, Jerry. I'd really like to drive you home.
09:02 We can have a talk on the way. I won't be gone long.
09:05 Good night. We'll get together soon.
09:07 Good night.
09:09 Eva seems very interested in that girl. I wonder why.
09:12 Ah. And you seem very interested in Eva.
09:16 I wonder why.
09:18 [footsteps]
09:21 [music]
09:30 Jerry, with me you can be frank.
09:42 You've given up your studies because you haven't any money.
09:45 And that's why you're going back to Newport tomorrow.
09:48 The ticket's in your bag, isn't it?
09:51 Open your bag and show it to me.
09:54 [music]
09:57 What on earth are you doing? I mustn't lose it.
10:03 [music]
10:06 [music]
10:09 Thank you.
