Off The Record | Kashif Abbasi | ARY News | 2nd August 2023

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#OffTheRecord #MansoorAliKhan #AtherKazmi #FaisalKarimKundi #SalmanAkramRaja #KashifAbbasi

(Current Affairs)

- Kashif Abbasi

- Salman Akram Raja (Lawyer)
- Ather Kazmi (Analyst)
- Mansoor Ali Khan (Analyst)
- Faisal Karim Kundi PPP

Mansoor Ali Khan made big prediction regarding PMLN

Is PPP with Shehbaz's govt in the legislation? Faisal Karim Kundi's reaction
03:11 And I think I am now wasting my time over here,
03:14 and I will tear up your bills.
04:55 What is going on?
05:48 and the government has opened the door of the last Umrah. Now you can open it by yourself, you can use this and go anywhere and after this your house, my house, their house, no one's house is safe anymore.
05:59 If someone lights a bus, they will be considered an extremist organization.
06:02 And anyone can light a bus, whether it's of that community or not, you can find out later that who lit it, the actual person who lit it, had any connection with this community or not.
06:13 If you find out later that someone is an enemy of the country, and you get their numbers, messages, which have been praised, you are also inside.
06:22 And is it difficult to hack a phone?
06:24 I will tell you honestly, once WhatsApp was hacked by me.
06:28 No, no, seriously, this happened with me.
06:31 I will tell you one thing, a minister's call was leaked, a phone call.
06:35 He says that the biggest phone call I got was that, it wasn't a WhatsApp call.
06:39 The biggest thing that people were worried about was that WhatsApp was hacked.
06:44 So, this is such a vague kind of legislation.
06:47 I myself found a Muslim and talked to him, so you can believe that he said to me, "We don't know what's happening. They have not discussed this with us. We don't know what's happening."
06:56 So, there is such an urgency that such laws should be passed before the government leaves.
07:02 And I will tell you that in the next two to three years, there will be very terrible results.
07:08 And the talk show that you are doing today is the first on this.
07:11 When its repercussions will start in the next two years, then you will say, "Oh, this law is bothering us a lot."
07:17 No, for example, it is 62-63, 62-63, this is the Noon League.
07:22 Later, at one time, he himself refused to do it.
07:25 The 18th amendment was being done, so it was said to end it.
07:27 Mr. Mian said that it will not be applicable to us. And it was passed under that same 63.
07:34 So, this is the same legislation that I am telling you today that you will see that it will haunt.
07:38 And we don't know anything that when the political atmosphere will change, then the gate of Jati Umrah can also be opened.
07:44 You have heard that your government people, Irfan Siddiqui sir reacted with extreme favorability that who will come under its control.
07:51 Many people are now reacting. Mr. Kamran Murtaza is also a government ally.
07:57 Mr. Raza Rabbani is a government ally. I was listening to Mr. Kermani on the TV program.
08:02 I would like to hear him again. What is the government thinking at the moment?
08:07 What is the government ally saying? Let's hear.
08:14 If you had to bring a bill, it was necessary that you would have taken your allies and people of your party in confidence.
08:21 I would say that whoever has done this, he is very politically immature.
08:27 Neither the Standing Committee nor the people saw it. It came directly to us.
08:31 If this law is passed without a committee, then maybe in the coming days it will be such a torture for us,
08:40 from which God knows who will be squeezed. Whatever legislation is like this, at least take your allies in confidence.
08:48 You are cutting your hands.
08:50 This is related to this bill, Mr. Chairman. This is an open attack on the democracy.
08:55 I can see its death on the day of the democracy that is breathing.
08:59 We strongly oppose this bill.
09:04 Mr. Kazmi, we are on the democracy. Everyone can see this. The entire Senate is protesting.
09:10 Who is not seeing this? Is this the Noon League itself?
09:14 I will tell you, the law minister says that we did not make the law of the Supreme Court.
09:19 The second one came and is tearing copies on it. What is going on?
09:24 The insult of public consciousness.
09:26 Didn't they see what was happening with the law and the constitution when Raja Riyaz is the official opposition leader?
09:32 This is the same insult.
09:34 Papa, this is Senate.
09:36 But in the Senate, someone has also spoken.
09:38 That's why you have Senate also.
09:40 But in the Senate, someone has also spoken about this.
09:43 When elections were stopped in two days, if Raza Rubani had walked out at that time,
09:48 two or three friends would have said at that time that you cannot break the law and the constitution like this,
09:52 then maybe the situation would not have reached this level.
09:54 Today, the law that you were also talking about, the Secret Act,
09:59 it is said that if you do something intentionally or unintentionally,
10:04 what is the crime that you will not be punished until you have decided?
10:08 This is a basic thing.
10:09 Secondly, the foreign agent in the country or going to his address.
10:14 Either you include a list in this bill that he is the foreign agent,
10:18 because here they keep changing with time.
10:20 Sometimes one traitor, sometimes the other traitor.
10:22 So that you know who you are talking to.
10:24 Listen, what will happen if you engage with a traitor?
10:26 Mr. Kundi, you are the one who says that we are the ones who joke with everyone.
10:31 You say that your mic is having a little problem right now.
10:35 My mic is always having a problem.
10:38 Say good things, don't say bad things.
10:42 You also come and talk.
10:44 The problem is this, listen to me.
10:45 Any person who is directly or indirectly,
10:47 okay, that's fine.
10:48 Intentionally or unintentionally.
10:50 That means you intentionally or unintentionally.
10:53 Are you working or engaging?
10:55 Well, you understand the foreign power if you are doing something with India.
10:59 Foreign agent, non-state actor.
11:01 This is the category of Taliban.
11:03 Non-state actor.
11:04 Organization, PTI.
11:06 If you have the number of the PTI, if you have messaging with a person,
11:09 you declare him as a traitor.
11:11 Entity, association of group, guilty of a particular act.
11:17 And then, look at the powers that have been given to you,
11:21 that you can enter anyone's house.
11:23 I am seriously thinking, is this the model of democracy
11:28 for which Mr. Kundi struggled in his unity?
11:31 And for three years, you don't know what else?
11:34 Yesterday, I was in the program, yesterday also,
11:36 I said something to him.
11:37 I said, one thing is connected with People's Party,
11:40 law, law, democracy.
11:42 Rest, rest, to their people.
11:44 Rest, let's go, agreement, disagreement, keep going.
11:47 Does People's Party agree with all these things?
11:50 With these laws, what are you doing?
11:53 What will happen?
11:54 They went to the committee, the table will be again,
11:56 all these laws will be bulldozed and law will be made in this country.
11:59 Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.
12:01 We had a debate on this one bill yesterday also,
12:03 when the bill was presented in the Senate.
12:05 No, the Pakistani party and as a political worker,
12:08 I, as an information secretary of the party, I don't agree with anyone.
12:12 The bill that we are making today,
12:14 the bill that is being made today,
12:16 when we go to the opposition tomorrow,
12:18 when it is implemented, we will scream and shout,
12:20 you will taunt us, you have passed, you have done this, you have done that.
12:24 So I think that when you are saying,
12:26 the minister of law is also saying, I don't know,
12:29 and the interview is being put,
12:30 so no one knows and the bill is being made like this?
12:32 This is completely wrong, I don't agree with this.
12:34 I spoke to a friend of Noon today,
12:36 I will tell you what is inside,
12:37 he thinks that People's Party is on board.
12:39 No, no.
12:40 You will get the roll in the middle,
12:42 they are on board but they have also made noise.
12:44 No, no.
12:45 How much is it right?
12:46 This is completely wrong,
12:47 whoever has said this, bring him to the program with me,
12:49 and I will sit with him and tell him that there is no one on board.
12:51 Has the Prime Minister, who gave the statement yesterday,
12:53 has taken the People's Party on board?
12:55 When he brought 230, didn't you bring it to the committee?
12:58 When you brought it to the parliament,
13:00 did you bring the People's Party on board?
13:02 Sir, where is Bilawal sir?
13:03 Karachi.
13:04 In Pakistan?
13:05 Yes, sir.
13:06 Yes, he was with the Prime Minister.
13:07 He has made a statement.
13:08 So, why are you silent?
13:09 On what?
13:10 On all these laws.
13:12 Why are you silent?
13:13 I am his representative, I am his spokesman.
13:14 You are a representative.
13:15 When he said that he will break your legs,
13:17 I will break your legs.
13:18 I am the information secretary of the party,
13:20 I will sit with you and tell you.
13:22 Why is the leadership not speaking?
13:23 Why is the leadership silent?
13:24 Look, the translation of the party is that...
13:26 Agreed, I understand that.
13:27 But the problem is that if there was a talk of a conservative system here,
13:30 then today, the first press conference,
13:32 Bilawal sir had said that I will kick the system.
13:35 You have said this before.
13:37 Today, such a big legislation is being made,
13:39 why is he silent?
13:40 He is not silent.
13:41 As soon as he comes from Karachi,
13:43 he will come to the parliament,
13:45 he will address and also hold a press conference.
13:47 Earlier, he was engaged with the Chinese delegation here.
13:50 Today, the Turkish delegation is in Karachi.
13:53 In a couple of days, he will come to Islamabad.
13:55 How long does it take to tweet?
13:56 What?
13:57 To tweet.
13:58 People's Party will oppose this.
13:59 We will oppose this.
14:00 We will not let it come.
14:01 I told you, we have already opposed it.
14:03 No, there is a small thing in this.
14:05 Sir, this is their government.
14:06 This is your government.
14:07 This is your government's bill.
14:09 This is not the bill of the Noon League.
14:10 This is the bill of this government.
14:12 The way the People's Party is putting itself aside,
14:15 this cannot be.
14:16 Either you say that this happened without our consent,
14:19 we openly protest on this,
14:21 neither did you walk out nor did you protest,
14:23 I think you did walk out, but you should have opposed it.
14:25 The government belongs to the United Nations.
14:27 You agree on some issues of the United Nations,
14:29 you do not agree on some.
14:30 There have been governments in the past.
14:32 Do you think this is crossing the democratic red line?
14:34 Absolutely.
14:35 100%.
14:36 So if the democratic red line is crossed,
14:38 will you only remain in criticism?
14:40 No, we will oppose this.
14:41 If we are involved in this crime,
14:44 we will be free tomorrow.
14:45 In the past, when we were doing the 18th amendment,
14:49 we said that the Bashar regime should be ended.
14:51 And the Noon League, which took a stand,
14:54 said that this is very important.
14:56 And they were the first to experience this.
14:58 The first to experience this.
15:00 The army was the first to experience this.
15:02 Even after the Chihara conspiracy case,
15:03 the army was the first to experience this.
15:05 They did not believe in Sadqa.
15:07 You should not do things that will cause political harm to you.
15:11 Many people come and go in the government.
15:13 We come to our senses when the government is over
15:15 and we implement it.
15:16 When did we do this?
15:17 Do you understand this?
15:18 I don't think I understand.
15:20 I will come to the second question.
15:21 Let me ask Raja sahab.
15:22 Salman Raja sahab, Assalamu Alaikum.
15:24 Waalaikum Assalam.
15:25 Raja sahab, if the President had sent him back,
15:27 and there is no National Assembly,
15:28 if there is no National Assembly,
15:29 the Senate is in its place,
15:31 then what will happen?
15:32 Will this bill be lapsed?
15:33 Will there be no laws?
15:34 Or will there still be laws?
15:36 Yes, this is a different matter.
15:42 There is no National Assembly,
15:44 but if the Senate passes it,
15:46 it originated in the National Assembly,
15:49 it should go back to the National Assembly.
15:52 I would say, if the National Assembly thinks about it,
15:57 then that time starts after that.
16:00 But a debate can be held on this.
16:02 If there is no National Assembly,
16:04 then the time given in the bill
16:06 that after this period,
16:07 after 10 days,
16:08 the law will be passed,
16:10 but in the case that the National Assembly
16:12 sends him back to the President.
16:15 If there is no National Assembly
16:17 and it cannot be sent back,
16:18 then in my opinion,
16:19 that period will not start.
16:21 But will the bill be finished
16:23 or will it remain pending
16:24 until the National Assembly comes?
16:26 When an assembly ends,
16:31 then the pending bills
16:34 end.
16:37 All these things are worth attention.
16:39 We have not yet come across
16:41 a big case on this.
16:43 But in the British Parliamentary tradition,
16:46 it is that as soon as the term of an assembly ends,
16:49 the pending bill is considered to be over.
16:52 But there is a Pakistani tradition too.
16:54 That tradition, you know,
16:57 that is there.
17:01 That is there.
17:03 We are making new traditions every day.
17:05 Look, this is the season of tradition-making.
17:08 And Raza Rabbani Sahib said this correctly today in the Senate.
17:11 Rajvada.
17:12 What tradition are we establishing?
17:15 And this tradition will be with us all tomorrow.
17:18 Today you think that in the next 2-3 months
17:20 you will have to achieve a political goal
17:22 with regards to a Jamaat.
17:24 2-3 months will pass.
17:25 After that, you will have to live with these laws.
17:28 He said correctly that
17:30 do not establish these traditions, God willing.
17:32 But we will do it, sir.
17:34 Let's see.
17:36 I still have hope that
17:38 no matter how bad a democracy is,
17:40 no matter how much pressure there is on the democracy,
17:42 there is a possibility somewhere.
17:44 And somewhere, a voice will definitely be heard.
17:46 Today, a voice has been raised.
17:48 Now let's see how many people will have a problem
17:50 that it will not work with reason.
17:55 And what is going to happen in the future,
17:57 we will see it with the perspective of contemplation.
17:59 Absolutely right.
18:00 There is confusion among the government people.
18:03 I can't put my finger on this.
18:06 Let me be honest.
18:08 Look, when you have this confusion,
18:11 we do not agree, but we see that there is no government.
18:14 The patrol has increased, we will criticize a little.
18:16 Which is understandable, parties distance themselves.
18:19 That is the decision of the finance minister.
18:21 But when you say that we have a red line,
18:23 then what is the reaction of the red line?
18:25 Is it a befitting reaction?
18:26 If this red line has been crossed with these laws,
18:28 then the reaction of all parties,
18:30 including Mr. Maulana,
18:32 has it come as it should have come,
18:34 or to the extent of statement?
18:35 Do you remember about the drone?
18:37 One thing came out that we will officially criticize it a lot,
18:41 but it is not like that.
18:43 I think all these parties, including People's Party,
18:47 Noon League, JUFA,
18:49 are not looking at this moment.
18:51 They are looking at the next year, year and a half, two years,
18:53 and the repercussions that will come,
18:55 and the result that will come ultimately,
18:57 after accepting all these things,
18:59 they are looking at the situation after the election.
19:02 They are looking at the same page,
19:04 that there is no need to criticize,
19:06 there is nothing to stop.
19:08 I respect Mr. Kundi's point that
19:11 we are not on board at all,
19:13 and we do not agree at all.
19:15 So basically, is he telling me that
19:17 Noon League is not discussing these bills?
19:19 They do not talk to them.
19:21 Actually, the process is that,
19:23 behind the scene, you sit first and then the whole committee.
19:25 The committee is made for this,
19:27 everyone is in that committee.
19:29 No, this is not going to the Bill Committee.
19:31 I am saying that there is a procedure before this.
19:33 Even before the Senate table,
19:35 there is a procedure that you take everyone on board.
19:37 It is a unity.
19:39 There is no discussion of any kind.
19:41 They themselves come and say,
19:43 "Oh, the menu has come today, okay fine."
19:45 Even the Noon League people,
19:47 who are big allies,
19:49 even their people do not know.
19:51 Iftanullah has said today,
19:53 "What is happening? We do not even know about it."
19:55 And this is the reality.
19:57 Mr. Khirwani has also said the same thing.
19:59 Even the people of Noon are saying the same thing.
20:01 Sir, when this is the state of Noon,
20:03 then the People's Party…
20:05 Then what will happen to the state of Janoon?
20:07 The problem is positioning.
20:09 Do you think the position will remain the same
20:11 or will the position change?
20:13 You will come out as strongly and say,
20:15 "This is not acceptable."
20:17 Yesterday also this bill was being bulldozed
20:19 and we stopped it from being bulldozed.
20:21 We sent it to the committee and discussed it.
20:23 All political parties were represented there.
20:25 First take it to the committee.
20:27 What is it? You have made the table.
20:29 Okay, 10 people sit, 12 people sit.
20:31 I will pass the bill.
20:33 It has been passed in the Congress Assembly.
20:35 It has been passed in the Congress Assembly.
20:37 It has been passed in the Senate Committee.
20:39 It has been passed in the Senate Committee.
20:41 The same thing is that when it will go to the Congress Assembly…
20:43 Sir, the Congress Assembly has passed it.
20:45 You were also in the Congress Assembly.
20:47 This bill was passed in front of you.
20:49 Yesterday, how many members were there?
20:51 There were 12 members, but 15 were passed.
20:53 15 parliamentarians passed this bill.
20:55 No, no, no, Mr. Kundi, we talk to you.
20:57 We have not done anything.
20:59 We have not done anything.
21:01 It is okay that the people's party is not on board.
21:03 If we had been on board, we would have agreed to it.
21:05 We have not done anything.
21:07 It has not come to the committee.
21:09 First, there is an introduction of the bill.
21:11 It goes to the committee.
21:13 After that, when it gets wet, nothing happens.
21:15 They say, just pass it.
21:17 Sir, because you have to go,
21:19 I will ask him about the men's number.
21:21 The Prime Minister has announced that there will be a men's number.
21:23 According to the men's number,
21:25 there will be a slight restriction on the number of electors.
21:27 How will it be?
21:29 Did you ask the Prime Minister?
21:31 I asked a few questions.
21:33 Are you going to the Prime Minister's house for dinner?
21:35 No, no, I am going to my office.
21:37 Because today, the Prime Minister has to eat at his house.
21:39 No, I am not going there.
21:41 I have heard that whoever you call,
21:43 you have to eat at the Prime Minister's house.
21:45 People say that to avoid your program.
21:47 They say, who asked there?
21:49 And you see,
21:51 whoever you call, they will be going out more than half.
21:53 The Prime Minister has announced.
21:55 Look, two or three things.
21:57 The first thing is that
21:59 the question is that
22:01 why are political parties running from the elections?
22:03 Our job is to fight the elections,
22:05 to win or lose.
22:07 The Noon League is running.
22:09 Whoever wants to run,
22:11 they want to run from the elections.
22:13 What Noon League is running from the elections?
22:15 I think it is running indirectly.
22:17 If you are saying that I will do the men's number.
22:19 Look, the first thing is that our CM
22:21 has written a letter.
22:23 There are two caretakers.
22:25 Your Prime Minister says that I will not support him.
22:27 What is his legal standing?
22:29 Our Prime Minister has written a letter.
22:31 As a CM, the Prime Minister was not addressed.
22:33 Two caretaker chief ministers are sitting.
22:35 They have no representative.
22:37 They are caretakers.
22:39 They are not elected representatives.
22:41 They can't address our issues.
22:43 KP and Punjab.
22:45 The third thing is that the CCI,
22:47 for example, should pass through this phase.
22:49 The CCI has told him that
22:51 how will the 51-3
22:53 amendment of the constitution be passed?
22:55 Doesn't Mr. Shabbaaz know?
22:57 It will be passed by 15 members.
22:59 Does he not know? He has a law ministry.
23:01 He should know.
23:03 But you have also put such traditions.
23:05 No, no, look.
23:07 You have to make a constitutional amendment.
23:09 You need a two-thirds majority.
23:11 Is this a deal breaker for you and PM LN?
23:13 If they don't agree with you.
23:15 No, look, such a thing cannot happen.
23:17 If they say that I am under the minister,
23:19 then it will happen.
23:21 It can happen in these circumstances.
23:23 Then you can agree.
23:25 As a political worker, I ask.
23:27 In these circumstances, the Supreme Court
23:29 gives decisions, you don't agree.
23:31 In these circumstances, elections should be held.
23:33 In these circumstances, nothing can happen.
23:35 Look, when you have an issue of non-discrimination,
23:37 you have to amend the constitutional amendment
23:39 51-3.
23:41 You have to bring a two-thirds majority.
23:43 And look,
23:45 now this is not the case.
23:47 Now you go to the elections.
23:49 The uncertainty that has become political,
23:51 the way forward for this is elections.
23:53 Have you contacted them to postpone the elections?
23:55 No, I have not contacted them.
23:57 I have heard everything in Dubai.
23:59 You listen to a lot of things.
24:01 They will tell you.
24:03 You change your means.
24:05 I will call you from now on.
24:07 I will call you 24 hours in advance.
24:09 Tell me the truth.
24:11 I always tell the truth.
24:13 I have never lied to you.
24:15 They say, don't tell me, it's a separate discussion.
24:17 I can't tell you if I don't tell you.
24:19 I will never lie to you.
24:21 Let's take a break.
24:23 Welcome back, Nazim.
24:27 Mr. Kazmi, there is a total breakdown
24:29 at the moment.
24:31 People's Party and Noon League.
24:33 When will the elections be held?
24:35 There is a disagreement on this.
24:37 There is a disagreement on the amendments.
24:39 What has kept them together?
24:41 We know that they are together
24:43 because of the people
24:45 who are sitting in the Zamaan Park.
24:47 The whole nation knows
24:49 why they are together.
24:51 The second thing is that
24:53 the kind of legislation
24:55 that has been created,
24:57 I have not been surprised
24:59 by it at all.
25:01 This is not a recent incident.
25:03 This bill was presented yesterday
25:05 and the day before yesterday.
25:07 In the last one and a half years,
25:09 you have seen the bill
25:11 being used in many places.
25:13 Did you feel that
25:15 they have taken a stand for the bill?
25:17 Mr. Kundi was saying
25:19 that the elections are being held
25:21 in two provinces.
25:23 The Supreme Court's statements
25:25 that the Parliament will not allow
25:27 the elections in two provinces,
25:29 is this the model of the democracy
25:31 in 2023 where people who had to
25:33 give their homes and land
25:35 have made your homes unprotected?
25:37 Will we enter the houses of our
25:39 own people whenever we want?
25:41 Is this what we wanted to achieve?
25:43 Is this what we are sending
25:45 to the world?
25:47 They are all equally involved in this.
25:49 They will be complaining
25:51 that the elections are not being held
25:53 on time.
25:55 We will support them then.
25:57 But they need to think
25:59 about not reaching that point
26:01 and making some changes.
26:03 First of all,
26:05 you are going to build a Gwadar University
26:07 in your city.
26:09 I have never been to Gwadar.
26:11 Alhamdulillah,
26:13 there are 28 private universities.
26:15 People's Party will take credit for this.
26:17 We have built it.
26:19 You know that
26:21 during the People's Party
26:23 in the year 2013,
26:25 so many medicines were patented
26:27 and licensed.
26:29 Later, they were reversed
26:31 because of the shortage of medicines.
26:33 How many days are left?
26:35 A week?
26:37 It's been a week.
26:39 In Islamabad,
26:41 there is a market
26:43 for not only universities
26:45 but also for the license of arms.
26:47 You can grab
26:49 all the things you want.
26:51 There is a game show
26:53 where you are told
26:55 to collect as much money
26:57 as you can.
26:59 We are actually at that stage.
27:01 You asked me a while ago
27:03 if the People's Party is on board.
27:05 It is on board.
27:07 But when the assembly
27:09 gets ready,
27:11 the game game will start.
27:13 He said that he didn't do it.
27:15 Why didn't he do it?
27:17 Because they have to show
27:19 that we are not together.
27:21 We are not united.
27:23 When will the election be held?
27:25 The Prime Minister
27:27 has given a statement.
27:29 Do you think it will be a breaking point
27:31 between the People's Party and the Noon?
27:33 A month ago,
27:35 you asked me this question.
27:37 All your panelists said
27:39 that it will be done in 90 days.
27:41 I was the only one who said
27:43 that I don't think so.
27:45 Now, I am more confident
27:47 that it won't happen.
27:49 What do you think?
27:51 Will it happen in a year or in January?
27:53 I met a very important person
27:55 and asked him the same question.
27:57 He said that it will be done in 90 days.
27:59 He said that we should not think
28:01 before March 2024.
28:03 What should we think after that?
28:05 Elections?
28:07 You should think after that.
28:09 I don't want to think after that.
28:11 I was with a friend of the People's Party.
28:13 Do you think that the law was made
28:15 because of his thinking?
28:17 He never thinks.
28:19 If he had thought,
28:21 it would not have happened.
28:23 I was with a friend of the People's Party.
28:25 I told him that we should not think
28:27 before the elections.
28:29 I think it will depend on
28:31 who is the Nigra Prime Minister.
28:33 You will get a clear mood
28:35 after that announcement.
28:37 Mr. Ishaq Dar was coming.
28:39 He never comes for 2 or 3 months.
28:41 Why should we do that?
28:43 We get the Prime Minister's name.
28:45 Sometimes, we get a shock.
28:47 I remember a show of Mr. Dildar Purvez Bhatti.
28:49 I was watching it live.
28:51 At that time,
28:53 Jatoy was made the Nigra Prime Minister.
28:55 He gave a very interesting example.
28:57 He said that when a child is very noisy
28:59 and he wants to go out for ice cream,
29:01 there are 2 gates at home.
29:03 I am talking about 70s and 80s.
29:05 He said that he takes the child in the car
29:07 and takes him out of the door.
29:09 He brings him back and puts him in the car.
29:11 He says that he is a tourist.
29:13 It is not a big deal.
29:15 He will be a tourist.
29:17 He will get the tag of the former Prime Minister.
29:19 Maybe enough for him.
29:21 He cannot become the Prime Minister.
29:23 He will be the Nigra Prime Minister.
29:25 He cannot become the Prime Minister.
29:27 He will be the Nigra Prime Minister.
29:29 I don't think so.
29:31 No one can become the Prime Minister
29:33 by the votes of the people.
29:35 I am saying this with great responsibility.
29:37 You can become the Prime Minister
29:39 by the votes of the people.
29:41 But not by the majority vote.
29:43 There is a difference.
29:45 It is not a big deal.
29:47 A party can become the Prime Minister
29:49 by the votes of the people.
29:51 This is a ground situation.
29:53 This is a reality.
29:55 People's Party and Noon League
29:57 are in a position to go out
29:59 and get their services done.
30:01 Now, it is not clear
30:03 whether the elections will be held on time.
30:05 People's Party is also worried.
30:07 They are saying that the elections
30:09 should be held on time.
30:11 They know that the airport will be secure.
30:13 They know that the airport will be secure.
30:15 They know that the airport will be secure.
30:17 I don't think that the elections
30:19 will be held on time.
30:21 What is the reason for that?
30:23 The reason is that the long-term
30:25 policies that we are talking about,
30:27 have we allowed the Nigra Prime Minister
30:29 to have so many powers?
30:31 We have made a law.
30:33 In the last two to three months,
30:35 we have made decisions
30:37 to strengthen the caretaker
30:39 and increase his powers.
30:41 We have made a law to end
30:43 the way of justice.
30:45 The way you have been running
30:47 for the last few months,
30:49 it seems that everyone is mentally ready
30:51 to pull the strings.
30:53 But I would like to ask you
30:55 about the differences between
30:57 Noon League and People's Party.
30:59 Then, a big question is
31:01 where is the Chief Organiser
31:03 of Muslim League Noon?
31:05 She was a very active leadership role
31:07 in PMLN. What happened?
31:09 There is complete silence. Why?
31:11 But first, listen to this.
31:13 There is a big possibility that
31:15 the CCI will be admitted.
31:17 We have to go to the elections
31:19 under the new MNLN.
31:21 Do you think that the elections
31:23 will be held in three months?
31:25 This is the result of that.
31:27 If this comes in CCI,
31:29 I will raise objections.
31:31 I am not in a position to vote
31:33 in favour of the census.
31:35 Elections should be held on time.
31:37 We presume that CCI
31:39 confirms MNLN by chance.
31:41 Then, the elections will be held
31:43 on the basis of that MNLN.
31:45 In that case, the elections
31:47 can be held in four to six weeks.
31:49 First, the MNLN should be completed
31:51 according to their satisfaction.
31:53 Then, the election commission
31:55 will be held in two months.
31:57 This is a one-year project.
31:59 If the new MNLN comes,
32:01 then the limit of 90 days
32:03 will have to be exceeded.
32:05 Pakistan is in a position
32:07 to hold elections in 60 days.
32:09 The political parties should
32:11 attend the elections.
32:13 The reason for delaying the elections
32:15 is that our party does not support CCI.
32:17 Your 90 days will be off if you
32:19 go to the elections.
32:21 Then, you will go to the January elections.
32:23 Why should I not believe
32:25 that the elections will not be held on time?
32:27 There is no way to delay it.
32:29 The MNLN's project is being completed.
32:31 After that, the elections will be held
32:33 in 60 or 90 days.
32:35 If we have to go to the elections,
32:37 the MNLN has already decided.
32:39 The assembly should be continued.
32:41 Why would you want to bring a caretaker
32:43 and ask him to postpone the elections
32:45 for 6 months?
32:47 You are forgetting an important element
32:49 which is Mr. Khan's case
32:51 and his decision.
32:53 All the parties are on board
32:55 to control him.
32:57 The Toshakhana case
32:59 will have to be resolved within the next 24-48 hours.
33:01 Obviously, he will appeal in the Islamabad High Court
33:03 whenever that process is held.
33:05 I think that depends on the situation.
33:07 Secondly, the People's Party
33:09 thinks that their stake is better
33:11 and that they are in a better position
33:13 and that they can hold the elections.
33:15 The Noon League is afraid
33:17 that they are not as secure in their home ground.
33:19 Pakistan Tariq-e-Insaf is a very popular
33:21 Jamaat even today.
33:23 I agree with Atif Bhai
33:25 that if there is an election in Punjab,
33:27 then I think that Pakistan Tariq-e-Insaf
33:29 will definitely win
33:31 from the big metros.
33:33 I think that the Noon League
33:35 is secondary to the Tashkent case
33:37 and it is the first position in my opinion.
33:39 Laws are being made to make
33:41 sure that the Tashkent case is not
33:43 a secondary case.
33:45 First, the Jamaat should be banned
33:47 and then the person should be arrested.
33:49 All this is happening because
33:51 the ballot paper is not showing the signs of the election.
33:53 Mr. Rajesh, can you hear me?
33:55 Yes, I can.
33:57 We have already agreed that
33:59 two-thirds majority is necessary
34:01 to win the election.
34:03 You cannot do anything legally
34:05 without a ban.
34:07 But suppose that the law is being bulldozed
34:09 and still it is being done.
34:11 The CCI has agreed
34:13 and now there is no need for a new law.
34:15 Can this government continue in that case
34:17 until there is no ban?
34:19 Should this government be extended
34:21 for three months or
34:23 should the caretaker be announced?
34:25 No, no.
34:27 This will be a situation
34:29 where there is no concept of a ban.
34:31 Obviously, the case will go to the courts.
34:33 The High Court and Supreme Court will look into it.
34:35 It is not possible that you say
34:37 that we cannot amend the law
34:39 because the majority is not there
34:41 and we will continue to run the government.
34:43 How long will we run it?
34:45 Look, there was a census.
34:47 Sir, the caretaker is
34:49 running in front of you for a year or two.
34:51 Look, it is all unconstitutional.
34:53 Sir, it does not matter what you say
34:55 because it has been going on for a year or two.
34:57 So, there is no need for a new law in this country.
34:59 I cannot ask you a question.
35:01 If we are not able to amend the law
35:03 and the law is going to be abolished
35:05 and the government will be
35:07 going through a process of amending the law
35:09 then anything can happen.
35:11 You can make the Nizam Sikka do whatever you want.
35:13 You are asking me
35:15 what is possible by amending the law.
35:17 I am saying that if you want to increase
35:19 the seats of Balochistan
35:21 for example, because of the census
35:23 then you need to amend the law.
35:25 And because it is not possible to amend the law
35:27 then you will have to
35:29 run the elections like this.
35:31 On the 2017 elections?
35:33 Yes.
35:35 Not only the elections
35:37 but the actual issue is the number of seats.
35:39 The number of seats.
35:41 After this census
35:43 the number of seats in Balochistan
35:45 will increase.
35:47 And for that increase you need to amend the law.
35:49 Therefore, because it is not possible
35:51 then you will have to
35:53 run the elections on the seats
35:55 that you have.
35:57 Sir, can you tell me something quickly?
35:59 I understood.
36:01 Tomorrow the decision will be made in the Parliament.
36:03 It seems that
36:05 this is the intention of the court.
36:07 But let me make another request.
36:09 If we do not increase the number of seats
36:11 and the government is not able to do so
36:13 because it is not possible to amend the law
36:15 then they can say that
36:17 in those seats that are in the law
36:19 there will be a new amendment
36:21 and it may take 2-3 months.
36:23 And for that you will have to
36:25 go back to the court
36:27 and ask for the time.
36:29 But that time cannot be more than 2-3 months.
36:31 According to the census
36:33 it does not take more than that.
36:35 This is one thing.
36:37 As far as the Tosha Khana is concerned
36:39 there are three issues.
36:41 One issue is that
36:43 the judge, Humayun Dilawar
36:45 has been complained about
36:47 in front of the Zindabad High Court
36:49 that on his Facebook page
36:51 there were some posts
36:53 about Mr. Imran Khan
36:55 and he has recently
36:57 deleted his Facebook page.
36:59 And it is also being said
37:01 that he has his own likes in it.
37:03 If the FIA
37:05 comes and states that
37:07 they have not found any evidence of this.
37:09 They have said in the report
37:11 that they had the material
37:13 on their page but they did not put it.
37:15 This was said by the judge.
37:17 My page has the material
37:19 but I have not put it.
37:21 The FIA has confirmed this
37:23 but we will have to see.
37:25 Sir, this is the last time.
37:27 Do you think the decision will be made tomorrow?
37:29 The intention is the same.
37:31 But I think it will be difficult.
37:33 We will see what happens in the court tomorrow.
37:35 But the intention is the same.
37:37 The intention is that it should be finished.
37:39 Quickly, I have two questions.
37:41 One, will the Tosha Khana be there tomorrow?
37:43 The second question is
37:45 will the Tosha Khana be there tomorrow?
37:47 I think...
37:49 Manjeet will be there?
37:51 Manjeet will be there in every case.
37:53 We will see if the announcement is made tomorrow or day after.
37:55 As per the will.
37:57 The decision is against Khan sir.
37:59 It seems that the way the case is being run
38:01 it seems that
38:03 the intention is to punish Khan sir.
38:05 Where is Maryam Nawaz?
38:07 Maryam Nawaz
38:09 when you do not want to
38:11 spoil the relationship with the establishment
38:13 she becomes silent.
38:15 This is a simple formula.
38:17 If you do not want to spoil the relationship
38:19 she will remain silent.
38:21 If she is needed tomorrow, she will be active again.
38:23 Why will she be needed tomorrow?
38:25 The whole work is against the establishment.
38:27 Khawaja Asif sir's talks are being postponed.
38:29 I don't know if it will be needed.
38:31 The narrative building is going on.
38:33 The talk in 2019 will not be as Khawaja sir said.
38:35 There will be something behind it.
38:37 I am going to take a break.
38:39 Let's take a break.
38:41 Welcome back.
38:43 Welcome back.
38:45 Welcome back.
38:47 Welcome back.
38:49 Welcome back.
38:51 Welcome back.
38:53 Welcome back.
38:55 Welcome back.
38:57 Welcome back.
38:59 Welcome back.
39:01 When NAB was increased from 14 days to 30 days and Khakhaan Abbasi was present, when I asked why he did it, he said, "I don't know why but I know that this use will be against us."
39:13 Politicians have always known that they make laws, but it is not in their control whom it will be used against.
39:20 It is a democracy and at least it is of name. Everyone should pass it a little bit. May Allah grant us permission. Allah Hafiz.
