Clowne Garden Village housing protest (1)

  • last year
Clowne Garden Village housing protest
00:00 So if you can just tell me why we're here.
00:01 So we're here to protest against the 1800 houses that Bolsover District Council want
00:05 to build on the north side of Clown.
00:08 It's going to impact all the infrastructure within the area.
00:10 We're going to need new primary schools, we're going to need extensions built into the existing
00:15 secondary schools.
00:17 The road network can't handle the new 3,500 cars that are going to be on the roads.
00:24 And the medical centres are going to be overwhelmed with approximately about 23,000 more appointments
00:30 every year.
00:31 So this is the action group out telling Bolsover District Council at their full council meeting
00:37 that we don't want the houses building and they need to go away and come up with a better
00:41 plan.
00:42 As a Bolsover Parish Councillor, we feel that Trouble Bob Roundabout, we're going to be
00:48 impacted by all this new housing in terms of traffic coming through the village.
00:54 You know we're already getting another 650 houses down at Maston Moor, another 450 down
00:59 at Whitwell, you know 1,800 houses here.
01:03 It's going to be an absolute nightmare.
01:04 It's terrible at the moment for people trying to cross Trouble Bob Roundabout and certainly
01:05 it's impossible for children, you know, that are trying to get to school into the village.
01:17 This is really a really, really bad deal for them, certainly for Bolsover.
01:21 And God knows what it's going to do for Clown.
01:24 You know the infrastructure on the roads is terrible now and there's going to be no improvement
01:30 whatsoever.
01:31 So, for us, it's an absolute disaster.
01:33 And I think where Bolsover District Council have now really crossed the line and have
01:38 really I think lost the moral high ground is they're allowing the developers to cut
01:42 the affordable housing contribution from 10% to 5% to pay for the roundabout and also to
01:50 make a contribution towards the regeneration project for Clown which Bolsover District
01:55 Council yesterday decided to kill off.
01:57 So not only are we losing 50% of the affordable houses that we would have got, we're not
02:03 now going to get any of the improvements to Clown Town Centre that would have been happening
02:07 under the Clown Regeneration Framework.
02:08 framework.
