Argentinean left-wing coalition presents proposals for elections

  • last year
The Workers’ Left Front – Unity has two proposals for the elections in Argentina. To run in the general elections, it requires a minimum of 15% of the valid votes and to win the internal election. teleSUR


00:00 In Argentina, leftist groups are preparing for the primary, open, simultaneous and mandatory
00:05 elections to be held next Sunday, August 13, all over the country.
00:09 Members of three different perspectives tell us about their position regarding the electoral
00:13 proposal in the following report from correspondent Santiago Correa.
00:21 The Workers' Left Front Unity has two proposals, one of which is headed by Miriam Bergman and
00:26 represented by young people such as 18-year-old Lautaro Balmonde.
00:32 We are a list of commitment.
00:33 We are a list of guaranteed struggle.
00:36 In other words, you can see us in the streets every day, together with the people of Ujuy
00:41 lately, together with the workers.
00:44 During the campaign, many promises are made and what we make are commitments.
00:49 We always do what we say and we, from the youth, are always active in the streets.
00:55 You will see us this year promoting the campaign and in all the struggles that are to come.
01:01 And next year, when the IMF adjustment comes, we will also be in the streets together with
01:06 Miriam Bergman and Nicolás del Caño, who are at the head of the list I am on, who are
01:12 fighters.
01:13 For example, I am the grandson of disappeared people.
01:17 The mothers of Plaza de Mayo and Miriam Bergman made me proud that they put mass killers in
01:23 jail and recently the grandson 133 appeared, thanks to an enormous fight we are giving
01:30 and that is the proof that fighting is useful.
01:33 Pablo Higachielo, who is part of the list headed by Gabriel Solano, points out why they
01:38 are the option to be chosen in the internal election.
01:42 In this country, everyone has governed, Kirchnerists, Peronists, radicals, Marquistas, and the situation
01:49 is getting worse and worse.
01:52 We come from a very acute social regression.
01:54 Fifty-five percent of the children are poor, 40 percent of poverty, and they all come with
02:00 a war plan against the workers dictated by the International Monetary Fund.
02:04 And we are stating that we have to stop this and that we have to defend the workers.
02:08 We are strong defenders of migrants.
02:11 Today there is a growth in the xenophobic, racist, reactionary discourse, not only in
02:16 Argentina with every reactionary right wing, but worldwide.
02:21 We strongly defend the rights of migrants in Argentina and around the world.
02:25 And at the same time we are fighting for migrants to accompany the list of the left front and
02:30 for them to have the same rights as Argentinian citizens.
02:33 Meanwhile, as another option and for the single list of the new mass headed by Manuel Castaneda,
02:39 Federico Winckour puts forward some of the proposals of the party of which he is a member.
02:45 For us, this election is very important.
02:47 We see that it is very much to the right, where all the big sectors are discussing how
02:53 much they are going to adjust the working people, that this crisis can only be overcome
02:58 with adjustment and how much pressure they are going to put to turn the debate to the
03:03 left.
03:04 That is why we are making our proposal together with Manuel Castaneda for a minimum vital
03:10 and mobile salary of 500,000 pesos.
03:13 We propose that the rent from that salary should be cut at 50% of the family income
03:19 and that this should be controlled and regulated and also a housing construction plan so that
03:25 the market spends at the same time as tax on idle housing.
03:29 After the PASO, the forces that achieve a minimum of 1.5% of the ballot votes and win
03:35 the internal election if disputed, will be able to compete in the general elections in
03:40 October.
03:41 Antiego Corey, Telesur, Argentina.
