
  • last year
Councillor Anne-Frances Hayes, Derbyshire County Councillor for Staveley, has taken to social media to highlight the dire state of Middlecroft Road in Staveley.
00:00 This is Councillor Hayes and I'm here on Middlecroft Road in Staveley and I just want to make a
00:05 film about the dire state of the surface of this road. Now it is a road that I have repeatedly
00:11 reported to Derbyshire County Council and asked for a full resurface and they have sent
00:17 engineers and every time an engineer has come back they've said it's not in bad enough state
00:22 for a full resurface. I completely disagree and I just want to prove that on film. So
00:31 we're in the car and the husband's going to drive so here we go. So we set off and to
00:39 be honest this top half, the Inksoll end, isn't too bad. We're still jiggling the car
00:49 a bit but it's not that bad. Have a look at the patchwork quilt of this section of road.
01:00 So here we get to the problem areas and as you can see it's patched, it's potholed, the
01:10 potholes have been filled not very well and they don't last for more than a couple of
01:15 weeks. We've got quite a lot of speed bumps on here, all of which are crumbling and in
01:32 dire need of repair. So you've got to bear in mind that this is a major road, it gets
01:42 a lot of traffic. It connects Inksoll with Stabley Centre and a lot of people use it
01:48 in order to get to the Morrison supermarket at the bottom end. So it does get a lot of
01:55 traffic and look at the state of it, it's so bad. Speed bumps are getting flattened
02:08 now and covered in potholes. I think Stabley and Stabley people have put up with this for
02:19 way too long and they shouldn't have to put up with it any longer. You can see it's a
02:27 major bus route as well, the 74 comes up here and to be honest if you're looking at the
02:33 side, the pavements aren't any better and they've caused quite a few trip hazards for
02:40 pedestrians.
