FTS 12:30 15-08: Ecuador’s police report bomb threat at bus station in Guayaquil city

  • last year
FTS 12.30
*Venezuelan president condemns political violence
*Russia warns of serious risk of nuclear confrontation


00:00 The National Police of Ecuador reported a bomb threat alert at a bus station named Terminal
00:16 Terrestre in the city of Huayaquil as violence increases in the nation ahead of Sunday's
00:22 presidential elections.
00:26 Ecuador's President Nicolás Maduro Moros condemned the political violence seeking to
00:31 disrupt peace and security in the country.
00:37 And the Russian Chief of Diplomacy, Sergei Lavrov, accused Brussels and Washington of
00:41 recklessly increasing the threat of direct clash of nuclear powers.
00:54 Hello from the headquarters of Telesudio English in Havana, Cuba.
00:58 This is From the South.
01:00 I'm your anchor, Gladys Quesada.
01:14 And now we begin with the news.
01:16 This Monday in Guatemala, the departments of Huehuetenango, Isabel and Totonicapan received
01:21 the electoral boxes for the second run-off election, scheduled for August 20th.
01:26 The Supreme Electoral Court, the TSE, shared several images on its socials, showing the
01:31 reception of the boxes containing the supplies to be used in the second round of the elections.
01:36 According to the court, over 3,000 electoral boxes were taken to departmental electoral
01:41 boards in each jurisdiction in order to ensure fulfillment of security measures.
01:46 The president of the departmental electoral board, Maynard Ochoa Sea, informed that all
01:51 the material will be delivered overland.
01:58 On Tuesday morning, the National Police of Ecuador reported that a bomb threat alert
02:03 at the bus station named Terminal Terrestre in the city of Guayaquil, the capital of the
02:07 province of Guayas.
02:09 The police reported the discovery of a suspected explosive device outside the terminal, and
02:14 specialized units of the police are in place conducting the respective procedures.
02:19 A week ago, there was also a similar alert, when a suspicious suitcase was found on one
02:25 of the platforms of the terminal, but the threat was later discarded.
02:29 Guayaquil went from 50th place in 2021 to the 24th in 2022 in the ranking of the most
02:36 violent cities in the world, published last February by the Citizen Council for Public
02:40 Safety and Criminal Justice of Mexico.
02:47 And we stay on the topic.
02:48 Starting this Tuesday, several universities in the city of Guayaquil, southwest Ecuador,
02:53 suspended on-site activities due to the criminal violence affecting the country.
02:58 The assassination of a presidential candidate and the arrest of a criminal leader for his
03:04 alleged involvement in the crime has forced several universities to return to virtual
03:10 classes.
03:11 Following the seizure of the city by numerous motorized vehicles and the demonstration of
03:16 force by the inmates of a violent prison demanding the release of the leader of the gang known
03:21 as the "Chineros", the University of Guayaquil, the Catholic University and the Littoral Polytechnic
03:27 University decided to take the measure as a way of protecting the lives of the students
03:32 and older personnel.
03:39 In other topics, on Monday, from the southwest of the country, the President of Colombia,
03:43 Gustavo Petro, asked the dissidents of the FARC for a cessation of hostilities rather
03:47 than ceasefire.
03:49 From the Department of Cauca, where he attended an extraordinary Security Council precisely
03:54 due to the violent actions of the dissidents known as the Central General Staff, commanded
03:59 by A.K.A. Ivan Murdisco, the head of state demanded a gesture that will bring relief
04:04 to the communities of the zone from the harsh living conditions imposed on them by the armed
04:09 attacks.
04:10 Petro has stressed in different scenarios that the government's main condition for
04:14 advancing total peace is that any group that agrees to dialogue with the state must live
04:20 out any action that impacts the civilian population.
04:28 Any negotiation started in the national territory involving an armed group must take into account
04:34 that before a ceasefire, what we want is the suspension of hostilities to the civilian
04:39 population.
04:40 Neither kidnapping, nor confinement, nor extortion, nor massacres, nor the death of social leaders,
04:46 nor the death of former combatants who have signed the peace agreement, nor the attack
04:52 on indigenous communities.
04:54 Neither offer or mestizo authorities can be allowed as a premise for a peace agreement.
05:00 The Colombian president explained the basic rule of a peace agreement and that, at its
05:05 core, is to act on behalf of the civilian population.
05:08 This agreement is basically to end hostility with the civilian population in the first
05:15 place and secondly to accept the transition from illicit to licit economies.
05:22 In Venezuela, President Nicolás Maduro Moros condemned the political violence seeking to
05:27 disrupt the peace and security in the country.
05:30 During his speech on the program with Maduro More, the president condemned all types of
05:35 political violence, referring to the decision of the Attorney General's Office to appoint
05:40 an official to investigate the death threats against Delsa Solorzano, presidential pre-candidate
05:46 for the opposition party Citizen Encounter, Encuentro Ciudadano.
05:50 The head of state ordered the Minister of Internal Affairs to activate the efforts for
05:54 the government also to investigate and provide the necessary security services to the opposition
06:00 leader.
06:01 Likewise, Maduro condemned the attacks on Western media which want to establish fascism
06:06 in the country by means of lies, manipulation and violence.
06:14 On Tuesday, a blackout affected Brazil's federal district and 25 of the 26 states of the South
06:19 American giant.
06:20 Roraima, in the extreme north of the country, was the only state not affected by the blackout.
06:26 The Ministry of Mines and Energy reported that the blackout occurred at 8.31 am local
06:31 time.
06:32 At first, it indicated that the National Systems Operators database registered an interruption
06:37 of 16,000 megawatts of load in states in the north and northeast of Brazil.
06:42 Later, it pointed out that the southeastern states were also affected, detailing that
06:47 the interruption was caused by the opening of the north-southeast interconnection.
06:52 The causes of this event are still under investigation.
06:55 At 9.16 local time, power was restored in all the affected regions.
07:02 Let's take a short break.
07:08 But remember you can join us on TikTok @TelesorEnglish where you will find the news in different
07:12 formats, news updates and more.
07:17 Lotus Diary is coming up.
07:18 Stay with us.
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07:45 Welcome back.
07:52 In Hawaii, at least 99 people have died in the devastating wildfires as authorities continue
07:58 to search for the missing in the shard ruins of Maui.
08:01 Police will begin releasing the names of those who died in the wildfire that ravaged the
08:05 La Genia area.
08:07 Meanwhile, fire crews continue to extinguish outbreaks in the fires in La Genia and upcountry
08:12 Maui.
08:13 Several survivors have been displaced by the blazes, the worst of which destroyed much
08:17 of the historic town of La Genia, and people across Maui have put out desperate pleas for
08:22 information about the missing loved ones.
08:25 Hawaii Governor George Green warned at a news conference that search and recovery operations
08:30 are likely to turn up more remains on the west side of the island as he regrets not
08:35 having had more servants to warn and protect the locals.
08:41 We're pleased we couldn't go back in time and have a lot more protection from sirens.
08:48 We will do all we can to get more water.
08:51 We will do all that we can to get more warning for people.
08:54 And after the sinister fire, survivors in Hawaii are baffled by the negligence displayed
08:59 by the authorities.
09:00 The negligence go from Hawaiian natives, people representing the culture and traditions that
09:07 live here, to people that aren't even from here.
09:11 They don't even have any roots here.
09:13 It's got to this point where it's like, who are these people watching us?
09:16 Do they even properly care for us?
09:20 Authorities in India confirmed on Tuesday that the death toll rose to 65, while thousands
09:25 of people are missing due to landslides and floods caused by heavy rains in several regions
09:29 of the country.
09:31 According to an official report, the northern Indian states of Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand
09:37 are the most or the worst affected areas.
09:40 Indian Home Minister Amit Shah pointed out that the National Disaster Response Force
09:44 teams are engaged in relief and rescue operations, along with the local administration, and assured
09:50 that the monsoon season had the highest number of incidents of downpours or very sudden and
09:55 destructive rainstorms in the past 50 years.
10:02 On Tuesday, the Russian Chief of Diplomacy, Sergei Lavrov, accused Brussels and Washington
10:07 of irresponsibly increasing the threat of a direct clash of nuclear powers.
10:12 During his speech at the International Security Conference being held in Moscow, attended
10:16 by representatives of more than 100 countries, the Chancellor assured that NATO, the European
10:22 Union and the White House, in order to save their project of division of the world and
10:26 containment of Russia, sent large quantities of weapons to Ukraine, without any kind of
10:31 control or regulations, so the armament spreads all over the world.
10:36 He also said that all the warnings sent by Russia about the nuclear risk are ignored
10:40 and seriously misrepresented.
10:48 For his part, Belarusian Defence Minister Viktor Krenin warned of the possibility of
10:52 a direct military confrontation with NATO in the near future.
10:56 Speaking at the Moscow Conference on International Security, the senior official noted that many
11:01 heads of state behave under Washington's control and push for war only to seed profits.
11:07 In this sense, Krenin emphasised that the possibility of a conflict with NATO is becoming
11:12 quite obvious.
11:13 Krenin also said that the latest expansion of the North Atlantic Alliance is also a kind
11:18 of colonisation of new territories in order to use their population in a probable war
11:23 with the East.
11:24 Regarding to NATO's expansion, the minister assured the world "East" should be understood
11:29 as a set of nations willing to resist the West.
11:37 The Ukrainian government intensified its war against the Orthodox Church.
11:41 Police forces have started an aggressive eviction from the historic Kiev Cave Monastery.
11:46 The government imposed the condition of joining a new Ukrainian Orthodox Church.
11:51 In this way, they tried to break the basis of the clergy, accusing them of an alleged
11:55 pro-Russian activity.
11:57 This Tuesday, they carried out the threats that started months ago.
12:01 The police forces have seized several buildings belonging to the complex where monks and pilgrims
12:05 live.
12:06 The religious personnel notified through a statement that the buildings are cut off and
12:11 that the police forced the locks and raided the headquarters.
12:14 Since 2018, Kiev unilaterally promoted an independent and seismic branch.
12:25 And we have a second short break coming up.
12:28 Don't go away.
12:50 Welcome back.
12:51 On Tuesday, two Palestinian youths, one of them a minor, were shot dead by Israeli occupying
12:56 forces in a refugee camp near Jericho.
12:59 Mohamed Nijon, 25, and Kouzai Al-Walaji, 16, were killed by live ammunition in Akrobat
13:07 Jbeil refugee camp.
13:09 With these deaths, the number of Palestinians killed by the occupying forces in 2023 reaches
13:14 169.
13:15 The Palestinian Health Ministry confirmed the deaths, while the Prisoners' Society
13:20 reported in the same raid operation the arrest of at least 10 more Palestinians, two of them
13:25 fishermen.
13:26 The raid occurred hours after a summit of Egypt, Palestine and Jordan on possible strategies
13:31 for ending the occupation.
13:33 Tensions have been running high in the occupied West Bank in recent months amid repeated Israeli
13:38 incursions into Palestinian towns and cities.
13:45 Early Tuesday morning in Israel, a strong explosion shook an industrial zone in the
13:49 north of the city of Tel Aviv.
13:51 The explosion took place at a chemical factory in the industrial area of the Ramat Hashuram
13:56 settlement, where at least three people were confirmed injured, one of them in minor and
14:01 two in moderate conditions.
14:03 According to residents of the area, the blast was heard some 10 kilometers away.
14:08 Local authorities are investigating the origin of the incident.
14:16 In Afghanistan, the Taliban marked the second anniversary of returning to power with a public
14:21 holiday, celebrating the takeover of Kabul on August 15, 2021, and the establishment
14:27 of what they describe as security across the country under an Islamic system.
14:32 The new government remains unrecognized formally by any country, while the international community
14:37 continues to debate how and whether to engage with Taliban authorities.
14:42 Most Muslim countries have rejected Taliban's stand on women's rights since they have stopped
14:46 Afghan women and girls from working or traveling in the absence of any male guardian.
14:52 The Taliban hopes for foreign recognition and the lifting of sanctions.
14:55 Meanwhile, their poor management of the country has dramatically reduced poppy production
15:00 in what has for years been the world's biggest source of opium.
15:13 And marking the date in a very different fashion, Afghan women in the Pakistani capital Islamabad
15:18 staged protests against the Taliban rule in Afghanistan on the second anniversary of the
15:23 group's return to power.
15:25 "We are furious that we raise our voice and also slogans against the Taliban.
15:32 But still now the international community are silent and they do not talk or take any
15:40 serious decision against the Taliban.
15:43 Once again we came here and we shout and we loud our voice and we want to the international
15:51 community to pay attention to the situation of Afghanistan."
15:55 In this context, China outcried U.S. counter-terrorism efforts in Afghanistan as a complete failure,
16:01 stressing that military interventions are futile if the aim is to bring up democracy.
16:07 "The world witnessed the moment when the United States hastily withdrew their troops
16:13 from Afghanistan.
16:14 The lesson from this change of situation in Afghanistan is very profound and it is still
16:19 worthwhile for the world to reflect on it today.
16:22 It shows that the United States military, political and counter-terrorism efforts in
16:27 Afghanistan are a complete failure and that once again military intervention, political
16:32 interference and attempts to bring democracy don't work.
16:35 On the contrary, it only brings turbulence and disaster."
16:39 Niger's coup leaders recalled their country's envoy Abdijan on Monday after remarks made
16:45 by Ivory Coast President Alassane Ouattara that they said amounted to praising armed
16:51 action against Niamé.
16:53 Military rulers denounced Ouattara's eagerness to see this illegal and senseless aggression
16:58 against Niger come to pass, taking into account Niger's West African neighbor's intention
17:03 for a possible military attack to reinstate ousted President Mohamed Bassem.
17:08 On his return from a summit on the Economic Community of West African States, ECOWAS,
17:13 in Abuja on Thursday, Ouattara said the heads of state had agreed a military invasion should
17:18 start as soon as possible.
17:20 He also said that Ivory Coast would contribute a battalion of between 850 and 1,100 troops
17:27 alongside Nigeria and Benin.
17:31 "The statement and remarks made by His Excellency Alassane Ouattara, President of Ivory Coast,
17:41 relaying and taking on board with notorious aggressiveness the conclusion of the extraordinary
17:46 summit of ECOWAS on August 10, 2023, concerning measures and sanctions against Niger and its
17:54 people.
17:55 These sanctions, which are both iniquitous and illegal, and whose hastiness attests to
18:01 the manipulation orchestrated by certain foreign powers for an unevolved agenda, are far from
18:08 weakening the determination of the people of Niger to bring about the change necessary
18:13 for the country's recovery and the safeguarding of its people's interests."
18:19 Nigerian military authorities confirmed that the number of military personnel killed after
18:23 a terrorist ambush rose to 26.
18:26 The event took place in the town of Aboulak, in the center-south of the country, last Sunday.
18:31 Initially, there were seven dead and eight wounded, but on Tuesday, an air force spokesperson,
18:37 after reporting the crash of the support helicopter, updated the death figure to 26.
18:43 Officials stationed in the Tahua region reported that the extremists also suffered numerous
18:47 casualties.
18:48 Without specifying the number, nor did they provide details of the helicopter crash, except
18:54 that it landed in an area controlled by the terrorists.
19:01 On Tuesday, Ethiopia's lower house voted in favor of the state of emergency declared by
19:06 the federal government over violence in the Amhara region.
19:10 Clashes between members of the Ethiopian army and a local militia known as Fano erupted
19:15 earlier in the month in towns and cities across Amhara after months of tensions.
19:19 Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed's government imposed a six-month state of emergency across Amhara
19:25 on August 4, and several cities remained under curfew, although violence eased late last
19:31 week.
19:32 The crash revived fears about the stability of Africa's second-most populous country,
19:37 seven months after a peace deal ended a brutal two-year conflict in the neighboring region
19:41 of Tigray.
19:46 The government of Kenya announced on Tuesday that it has reinstated a small subsidy to
19:51 stabilize retail fuel prices for the next 30 days.
19:55 After taking office in September, President William Ruto abolished fuel and maize meal
20:00 subsidize put in place by his predecessor, saying he'd prefer to subsidize production
20:06 rather than consumption.
20:08 The move was also aimed at cutting government spending.
20:11 Opposition leader Raila Odinga has led multiple mobilizations against the high cost of living
20:16 and blamed the government's economic policies.
20:18 The Petroleum and Energy Regulatory Authority announced on Monday that the maximum retail
20:23 price of a liter of oil would remain constant at $1.35, protecting consumers from a 0.05
20:31 increase, which the government assumed through a price stabilization fund.
20:41 And we have come to the end of this news brief.
20:43 Remember, you can find this and many other stories on our website at dallaswearinglish.net.
20:48 And also, if you feel so inclined, please join us on social media for all the latest
20:53 news.
20:54 We are on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Telegram, and TikTok.
20:59 For Dallas Wearing English, I'm your anchor Gladys Quesada.
21:02 Thank you for watching.
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