• 2 years ago
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00:00 Why would they be afraid?
00:01 Can a singer judge an actor?
00:03 No.
00:04 No, they have to judge other people.
00:07 So we can get the right decision.
00:09 But it's okay.
00:10 Because there are some programs that are more famous.
00:12 It's okay.
00:13 I don't understand that.
00:15 Can't a singer judge?
00:17 But when they make an actor, can a singer be a judge?
00:19 To be continued...
00:32 Now we have...
00:34 Examples.
00:36 A pretty girl.
00:38 A pretty girl.
00:40 But she's not pretty.
00:42 She's already pretty.
00:43 She's already pretty.
00:45 She's not you. She's our friend.
00:47 Okay, she's already pretty.
00:50 She's already pretty.
00:52 She's already pretty.
00:53 She's ready.
00:54 She's ready.
00:55 You said she's ready, not she's already pretty.
00:58 She's ready.
00:59 But we're just colouring her.
01:02 We have a representative from Kalang Krab.
01:05 Kalang Krab?
01:07 Kalang Krab.
01:10 We have a teacher.
01:12 Teacher.
01:13 Teacher.
01:14 Yes.
01:15 She's taking care of her students.
01:17 She has pretty teeth.
01:19 We're going to show you how to colour her.
01:23 We're just going to colour her.
01:24 Full colour.
01:27 Okay.
01:28 Full colour.
01:29 Full colour.
01:30 You're fast.
01:31 I am.
01:32 I'm just doing the usual things.
01:34 We're going to take some water.
01:35 It's going to melt.
01:37 We're going to colour her eyes.
01:39 Take care of her mouth.
01:41 She's going to move on her own.
01:43 Let her move.
01:44 Because the fabric is going to move.
01:47 Give her a chance to try.
01:49 Can I try?
01:50 I want to use red.
01:52 Because the colour combination is necessary.
01:54 You want green?
01:55 I think green and red...
01:57 ...will give her a...
01:59 ...a different look.
02:01 She wants to colour her face differently.
02:03 Because it will look better.
02:05 Can you do it?
02:07 He's creative.
02:11 Did you see that?
02:12 He said I'm creative.
02:13 Because there are three colours in one leaf.
02:17 I'm sorry.
02:19 I'm sorry for painting your face.
02:22 Did you see that?
02:23 It's heavy.
02:25 If we colour it wrongly...
02:36 ...and it's not right...
02:38 ...we can just cut it.
02:40 We can cut it back.
02:42 We can't cut it with water.
02:44 We have to mix it.
02:46 Mix it.
02:48 Are you happy?
02:51 If you're okay with it, you can do it.
02:53 I'm happy.
02:54 I like professionals.
02:56 Like before, I'm a professional.
02:58 Because I can judge people better.
03:00 If I'm wrong, I'll get a fanbase.
03:02 What's the fanbase for?
03:03 Why are you afraid?
03:04 Can an actor judge a singer?
03:06 No.
03:07 Then?
03:08 He has to judge the singer.
03:10 Then, we'll get the right decision.
03:12 But it's okay.
03:13 It's okay.
03:14 It's okay to have a fanbase.
03:16 I don't understand that.
03:18 Can't a singer judge a singer?
03:20 If they're good, can a singer be a judge?
03:23 Yes.
03:24 And when the singer...
03:25 I'll be calm when I'm angry.
03:27 When the singer is angry.
03:28 I can't do that.
03:30 Let's open the poll.
03:32 Open it.
03:33 Post it.
03:35 I'm always confused about the poll.
03:39 We know who will win.
03:41 I don't want to repeat it.
03:43 It's okay.
03:45 I'm always confused about the poll.
03:46 If I lose, I'll admit it.
03:48 I'll respect the people who voted for me.
03:51 3, 2, 1.
03:59 Time's up.
04:02 My fan is determined.
04:06 If she said it's Abang Ray, she'll be the judge.
04:08 I know.
04:09 Don't think too much.
04:10 The lowest vote.
04:12 It's the same.
04:13 Number 3 and 4 are the same.
04:14 How can it be the same?
04:16 It's the same.
04:17 Number 3 and 4 are the same.
04:19 She's not cheating.
04:20 Elizad and Angga are the same.
04:23 I promise I won't lose to her.
04:25 That's what she said in the contest.
04:30 I promise I won't lose to her.
04:32 Who won?
04:36 Who won?
04:38 It's okay. I don't care.
04:39 I promise I won't lose to her.
04:40 I'll be the judge.
04:42 Who won?
04:44 The result is 45.18.
04:48 Who won?
04:50 The winner is...
04:52 Abang Rahim.
04:53 I won't watch the live.
04:54 I promise I won't lose to her.
04:55 The winner is Abang Rahim.
04:58 Promise?
05:10 I promise.
05:12 That's all.
05:14 But teamwork is important.
05:16 I'm sorry.
05:18 This is the result of the four of us.
05:23 We're not pretty.
05:25 We're just working.
05:27 We thought we're just normal.
05:30 But when it's true...
05:32 What do you think?
05:34 If I were to replace this with purple, I think it's perfect.
05:39 But I saw the yellow one.
05:42 It's okay.
05:44 So, when it's the same colour, it's not okay.
05:48 There's no tone.
05:49 There's no tone.
05:51 There's no difference.
05:52 If this is blue, there's green.
05:54 There's no tone.
05:56 If this is red, and it's purple, it's like a frame.
05:58 It's holding the batik.
06:00 This is the last one.
06:01 Maybe it's already done.
06:04 When we look at it, we have to remember that the yellow leaves are dark.
06:09 It's dark.
06:10 It's not visible.
06:12 It's okay, Jat.
06:14 You're the winner.
06:16 If there's a TV like this, we'll make it look like you're the winner.
06:21 We're here to support KPI Batik Indonesia.
06:28 #JanganSalahPilihBatik
06:32 KPI Batik Indonesia
06:37 KPI Batik Indonesia
