Woman Ditches Her Career and Becomes a Stay at Home Girlfriend

  • last year
Credit: SWNS / Emily de Rean

A woman who ditched her corporate career has shared her 'rules' to become a stay-at-home girlfriend - including staying in your best shape, learning to cook and never dating someone for their potential.

Emily de Rean, 37, hadn’t always aspired to be a stay-at-home girlfriend but decided to quit her corporate job as a financial analyst, after her dad passed away from cancer and she realised life was too short 'to be unhappy'.
00:00 I've never dated guys that were like financially struggling because it's just not my lifestyle.
00:07 I think life's too short really.
00:09 Hi there, my name is Emily.
00:17 I live in Dallas, Texas and for the past two and a half years I have been a stay at home
00:23 girlfriend.
00:24 Now I've brided to a stay at home fiancé.
00:30 We got to know each other within probably the first six months.
00:34 He is an entrepreneur himself, he's a business owner and he said, "You know, you have a lot
00:38 of good ideas, a lot of things you want to do."
00:40 So he said, "I'm very serious about you and if you're open to it, let's just have you
00:46 not work so you can devote your time to something more productive."
00:50 That's the word that he used, something more productive.
00:54 I've never dated guys that were like financially struggling because it's just not my lifestyle.
01:02 You know, if on the first date he doesn't offer to pick you up, it's the fact that he
01:13 didn't offer.
01:14 These are telltale signs, you know, the way that a man acts.
01:17 You go out to dinner, check comes and he sends you a Venmo or a request for money or he says,
01:22 "Oh hi," gets the bill and he's like, "Oh, how do you want to do this?"
01:25 That's a no go.
01:37 People think that to become a stay at home girlfriend you have to be with a multimillionaire
01:41 and that is far, far from the truth.
01:44 You know, there's nothing wrong with a man who wants to be, let's say, a high school
01:47 teacher.
01:48 But if you're a woman whose ultimate goal is to be a stay at home girlfriend or a stay
01:53 at home wife, somebody who's a teacher is never going to be able to afford that, you
01:58 know?
01:59 Of course you date and marry for love, but it's normal to have requirements because men
02:03 have requirements as to what we look like.
02:07 I got a lot of negative comments.
02:13 He's going to leave you, you're going to be homeless, you're lazy, you're a leech, you're
02:19 not very smart.
02:20 Like some people are robots.
02:21 They've been conditioned to think a certain way and they refuse to think outside the box
02:26 because I don't look down on women that want to be in 50/50 relationships.
02:30 I don't look down on girls that want to work 60 hours a week.
02:34 Some actually like it.
02:35 I'm just talking to girls and telling them, "Hey, there's other options."
02:39 It's never too late to create your dream life and live for yourself.
02:44 Don't live for the expectations of others.
02:46 I really think we are the master of our own destiny.
02:50 If I can do it, so can you.
03:00 (upbeat music)
