Bussing With The Boys | Barstool Rundown August 23, 2023

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John Rich | Barstool Rundown
00:00 Hey Evan!
00:02 Oops.
00:03 Hey Evan!
00:04 Well, I hear that you just took the finance exam to become a certified financial analyst.
00:10 Well.
00:11 Alright, welcome to the rundown.
00:14 It is August 23rd.
00:17 We are somewhere in Connecticut, Norfolk, Connecticut.
00:21 Is that a place?
00:22 I think we're around there.
00:24 And we are on the bus on the way to the Barstool Award Show.
00:30 And for some reason we decided it would be a great idea to do the rundown from the bus
00:35 today.
00:37 As always, we didn't put a lot of planning into it, but you know what?
00:41 We had five hours of a bus ride to kill and we figured, let's grab some people who are
00:45 on here.
00:47 Let's have ourselves a rundown.
00:49 So the way it's going to work, I want to be kicking the topics to these guys.
00:53 The three people who are on the rundown today, technically our crew here, we have Vibzy,
00:59 Francis and Ken Jack.
01:01 What's up guys?
01:02 Good to see you.
01:04 This is fun.
01:06 Here we are.
01:07 I get horrible motion sickness.
01:09 This is hell.
01:10 Yeah, our driver is a little twitchy with the old gas pedal foot.
01:17 So yeah, the first topic I got for you guys is Reggie Bush is opening up a defamation
01:26 suit against the NCAA.
01:30 He is claiming that the lawsuit is based on the NCAA maliciously attacking his character
01:35 through a completely false and highly offensive statement that was widely reported in the
01:40 media and substantially and irreplaceably damaged his reputation.
01:45 He's actually holding a press conference at some point today in LA.
01:49 So Reggie Bush thinks he was done wrong by the NCAA.
01:52 Vibs, want to take us home?
01:54 I mean, it's a shame.
01:56 It's a shame that he didn't exist like 10 years later whenever they had like the nil
02:02 deals and stuff.
02:03 I mean, he did take the money.
02:04 Like, I mean, he is wrong, but I don't, I don't, I think Reggie Bush got the short
02:10 or yeah, he didn't get a good deal there.
02:11 I don't know why.
02:12 I'm just rambling.
02:13 I think I hate everything right now.
02:16 I think a cool way for them to settle this out of court would be if the NCAA said, well,
02:23 what if we don't pay you, but instead we reinstate your Heisman and your team's wins and the
02:31 USC championship and we recognize all your records and all of that.
02:37 I would imagine this is about legacy.
02:39 He's saying it's a libel case or a slander case, right?
02:42 So you know, I don't think those typically result in huge punitive damages.
02:49 I could be wrong about that.
02:51 Maybe they do.
02:52 Obviously the, well, anyway, there was one recently that had a big one, but yeah, this
02:57 is about reinstating his reputation and fighting back.
02:59 And I think too, that like when a major sports league changes their rule years and years
03:08 after they've, you know, punished people for violating that rule and now all of a sudden
03:14 it's legal, you need to go like retroactively, like marijuana, dissolve the people that did
03:21 it.
03:22 And like if the MLB were to tomorrow, just all of a sudden say all steroids are now legal,
03:29 then I don't know.
03:30 I would think Barry Bonds and Mark McGuire and all those guys could hopefully get into
03:35 the hall of fame and all that stuff.
03:37 But anyway, what do you think?
03:39 You hear Bush is going to war and you know it's going to be a disaster no matter what.
03:42 So I think you should avoid that at all costs.
03:44 Just kind of live with what he has.
03:45 Everyone liked Reggie Bush.
03:46 He pretty sure he had sex with Kim Kardashian at the height of her.
03:51 And he also, he was like a massive celebrity at the time.
03:55 It's not like he didn't get like any sort of like recognition or, or like people were
03:59 like, Oh my God, Reggie Bush, you didn't deserve any of that shit.
04:01 And I don't think anyone really cares like outside of old people.
04:05 So I also think that let's be honest, if he had played today, he probably would have made
04:12 more money than whatever the boosters paid him.
04:14 I wonder, what do you think?
04:16 Yeah, for sure.
04:17 You look at like a Johnny Manziel.
04:19 I just watched that documentary where it's like Johnny Manziel could have gotten so much
04:22 money but because of the NCAA he got nothing and they were using his likeness as well.
04:27 It read you all these people kind of got screwed.
04:29 Like I said, it's like marijuana laws.
04:31 You have like drug dealers sitting in jail and then now it's legal.
04:33 You have these stores selling it.
04:35 So yeah, they kind of got screwed.
04:36 So but how do you, how do you fairly justify that?
04:39 I know.
04:40 Like go back and like fix it.
04:42 I wonder who was mad at that among the college football fandom because like I'm thinking
04:47 unless you were like an SEC school or some big school that was like really in a position
04:52 to land Reggie Bush, if boosters did the booster thing didn't happen.
04:56 Like, what are you mad about?
04:57 Like if you're Oregon State or whatever, what do you have to be angry about?
05:01 You never were in the running at all.
05:02 I do think it's bullshit how they took away his Heisman and dragged him like that.
05:06 Like you were saying, just give him back the Heisman.
05:08 Yeah, that would be cool.
05:11 That would be cool.
05:12 All right.
05:13 Next topic.
05:14 I'm going to keep it in college football a bit.
05:17 The Florida Gators documentary.
05:20 People seem to think it was just a massive Urban Meyer puff piece and everyone hates
05:24 it.
05:25 Yeah.
05:26 Did you guys watch it yet?
05:27 I haven't watched it yet.
05:28 So give us the lowdown.
05:29 I watched the first two episodes and they were just they're so boring because you have
05:32 you have Urban Meyer, who is basically just a fluff piece about Urban Meyer is like the
05:37 lead voice through it all.
05:39 And it feels like it's it's not genuine Urban Meyer.
05:42 It's not answering the questions you want.
05:43 And then you also have Tim Tebow and Tim Tebow just kind of annoys me at this point.
05:46 I've heard Tim Tebow's like getting pushing through obstacles and stuff and his adversity
05:52 story so many times.
05:53 It's like, all right, I'm kind of tired of Tim Tebow.
05:56 And those are the two leads in the documentary, at least for the first two episodes.
06:01 And then they get into some of the drama in the third episode, but it's none of the drama
06:05 that you want.
06:06 They don't really talk about Aaron Hernandez, all all the stuff they mention, like one of
06:11 the players hitting a woman and like they make Urban Meyer look like he's a goddamn
06:14 hero for like cutting him from the team and how it's like the worst.
06:18 The guy ended up like ODing like a year later.
06:21 And it's it's a fluff piece on Urban Meyer.
06:23 They just meet right Urban Meyer the entire time.
06:25 I mean, it's how you get him.
06:27 You get him on the on the documentary.
06:30 They're not obviously Urban Meyer is not going to do a documentary where he's like getting
06:33 trashed.
06:34 But I feel like they could have used more like they're going up against Ohio State in
06:39 the national championship game.
06:40 They have none of the Ohio State players like I feel like they could have gotten Troy Smith.
06:43 Like what's Troy Smith doing these days?
06:44 I think he could have gotten on.
06:46 I just would have liked to granted Kings of the Swamp or whatever.
06:49 It's very one sided towards the Gators.
06:51 And I wish you could have had more voices in there that like give.
06:54 So it's not just a fluff piece.
06:55 Yeah.
06:56 A little bit of the other side of the story.
06:57 I think it's like a fundamental this misunderstanding of the vibe around Urban Meyer.
07:03 Like everyone hates his ass.
07:04 Yes.
07:05 He is not a light guy.
07:06 I think that's the Netflix producers thinking like people will love to see Urban Meyer side
07:10 of things like not really if it's going to be like just like fluffing him up like you're
07:14 saying.
07:15 Apparently.
07:16 Yeah.
07:17 They're like oh he left Jacksonville.
07:18 And then when he goes to Annabelle he's like oh he left Jacksonville.
07:19 It's like now he kind of got fired.
07:20 He got fired for being so horrible.
07:22 You can see how like the shit college coaches do like it works because you just get you
07:27 weed out the shitty players and there's all these like minded people that are in the same
07:31 room.
07:32 But then whenever you get to the NFL like they're grown men and professionals that get
07:35 paid millions of dollars like they're not going to be like beating the shit out of each
07:38 other in the locker room when they're not getting your reps up.
07:41 There's some wild footage from like the weight room.
07:43 That was probably the best part.
07:45 But most of it just doesn't cover.
07:49 Like I watched the Johnny Manziel one and I feel like even in that one I was like oh
07:52 sweet.
07:53 Yeah.
07:54 I remember that game.
07:55 That was awesome.
07:56 You don't really look back on the games like oh this is this is great stuff.
07:59 I don't know.
08:00 Nothing's really that great in it.
08:02 It's just a fluff piece.
08:03 I will say I want to read this because somebody tweeted out these are all things that were
08:08 not mentioned at all.
08:09 Yeah there's a good tweet where it shows everything.
08:11 So there was no mention of Aaron Hernandez beside him taking the blame or Tebow taking
08:16 the blame in that bar fight.
08:17 So yeah very brief mention of Aaron Hernandez.
08:21 Nothing about the Pouncey twins who are crazy.
08:24 Right.
08:25 Nothing about Cam Newton stolen laptop.
08:28 Nothing about Percy Harvin attacking a wide receiver coach.
08:32 Apparently Carlos Dunlap was arrested before the 2009 SEC championship game.
08:37 Nothing about that.
08:39 Nothing about Shelly Myers 9 1 1 call and Urban Meyer going to the hospital with chest
08:44 pains.
08:45 And then the entire 2010 season I guess was just excluded.
08:49 So a lot of stuff there.
08:50 They just didn't write.
08:51 They do.
08:52 They talk about a player getting arrested for selling like a gram of weed.
08:58 And like that's like as deep and dark as it goes.
09:00 I feel like that sucks.
09:02 It's like why bother making it all.
09:04 Yeah.
09:05 Everyone wanted to hear those stories that were just read in tweet.
09:07 Everyone hear about that.
09:08 I mean Aaron Hernandez alone.
09:10 Yeah.
09:11 Yeah.
09:12 And the Pouncey twins the Pouncey twins are crazy.
09:14 That's exciting.
09:15 Yeah.
09:16 Cool.
09:17 Yeah.
09:18 They didn't do a good job.
09:19 Did you see Justin Verlander telling Alex Cora to fuck off yesterday on the field.
09:25 I saw that.
09:26 Yeah.
09:27 It was pretty casual.
09:28 Pretty casual.
09:29 You know they were already arguing and he ends it with a fuck off.
09:32 I don't know.
09:33 Baseball like the unwritten rules and the sort of respect.
09:38 Is that a huge violation that you're not supposed to tell the opposing manager that that they
09:44 say to fuck off or something like that.
09:47 It's baseball's weird with stuff like that because like in football that's every play.
09:50 You tell someone literally fuck yourself.
09:53 Right.
09:54 But then baseball I don't know.
09:55 I don't know.
09:56 Baseball is a gentleman's game.
09:57 Yeah.
09:58 I don't know.
09:59 Verlander is a weird cat.
10:00 Have you ever seen you seen the leaks.
10:02 Him in the jeans like in the in the mirror.
10:05 He came more than anyone's ever come in them.
10:06 I've met in history.
10:07 Yeah.
10:08 I have not seen this.
10:10 What is this.
10:11 Oh I've seen his like shirtless mirror pics.
10:12 They had the big the member like big celebrity nude leaks the fappening thing way back when.
10:18 So they had Upton and Verlander like all their shit leaked.
10:21 Oh and I remember the only thing that stood out for me in the entire fappening was the
10:25 sheer volume of cum that came out of Justin Verlander.
10:28 Like a video.
10:29 No it's just a picture.
10:30 But it was like I swear to you like like a water bottle full of cum.
10:35 That's tough.
10:36 That's my last standing.
10:37 Right.
10:38 You probably can't like jerk off before it's like in the four stars or like in a certain
10:42 thing.
10:43 So yeah it's like it's like pictures are weird.
10:44 They're weird like the weird dudes.
10:47 Yeah.
10:48 A little bit of a psycho brain to be a pitcher.
10:50 Fair enough.
10:51 Superstitious is the word I was looking for.
10:52 I took a dramamine pill and I'm like falling asleep like I was the worst pick for this.
10:58 It's all right.
10:59 We're almost there.
11:00 Yeah.
11:01 So we're definitely not almost there but we are on the way to the Barstool Awards.
11:06 We're halfway.
11:07 We're halfway.
11:08 About halfway.
11:09 It's a five hour trip almost.
11:11 Francis you are presenting tonight.
11:14 Yeah.
11:15 The rest of us I don't think anybody really knows what's going to happen other than some
11:19 people are going to get roasted.
11:20 Yeah.
11:22 You know this is one of those things where I have not been given a ton of information.
11:29 The directives I've received have changed a lot.
11:35 I think the run of show has changed a lot but I think that the people who are presenting
11:41 are prepared.
11:43 And so what it's going to lead to is a lot of surprises.
11:49 I think it's going to be funny.
11:52 I think it's going to be pretty exciting and alluring and I genuinely have you know some
12:00 butterflies.
12:01 I'm looking forward to it.
12:03 I am.
12:05 I think all of us have a weird conflicting feeling of excitement and dread.
12:11 It's going to be great until the spotlight gets turned on you.
12:14 Yeah until you're in the blender.
12:17 I don't know that everyone's going to get thrown into the blender.
12:19 I think it's too big of an event for people to just be you know.
12:24 Going into it it seems like it's there's a tweet from KFC where it's a powder keg and
12:29 Dave is like that's right.
12:30 We got an email from Erica like yelling at the third floor people for bringing a bunch
12:34 of plus ones or something and just being all over the place and unorganized.
12:39 So it seemed like the spotlight was on the third floor.
12:43 From what I felt that was what I felt like but then I could just show up and then it's
12:47 just all of us getting shot.
12:49 Yeah yeah.
12:50 That uh.
12:51 Yeah if there's spillover like if he's mad third floor then he might just take it out
12:56 on us because he knows he I mean I guess he can.
12:58 I'm sure that there will be shots taken.
13:02 I'm sure there's going to be some hurt feelings some stung egos.
13:09 But at the end of the day we all get to dress up and celebrate the 20 year journey that
13:15 we are some small part of.
13:20 And I think hopefully it'll be fun to have a front row seat to that that story.
13:26 Are any of you guys nominated for an award you know.
13:28 I don't think so.
13:29 Because I think Jeff Delo was notified.
13:31 Yeah.
13:32 He was the most emotional moment maybe.
13:35 Probably the crowd.
13:36 Based on his tweet.
13:37 Yeah.
13:38 One thing I'm excited for with this is that like for me when I was like growing up as
13:41 a fan of Barstool and college and stuff like one of the things that I liked the most was
13:46 like the Barstool difference of things being kind of like haphazardly thrown together.
13:50 And like like you were saying like a lot of shit has changed the last second for this
13:54 which makes me think that like this is going to have that sort of like while being high
13:58 produced like we have like a trillion dollar camera facing us right now.
14:01 Like I think it's still going to be a bit of like a disaster being put together.
14:05 Right.
14:06 And like that kind of leads to laughs because it's us.
14:08 It's not like we're at the ESPYs or something.
14:10 We're meant to be like this.
14:11 Right.
14:12 Which is fun for a viewer too.
14:15 It'll have moments like the Will Smith slap.
14:18 Yeah.
14:19 Maybe not of that magnitude but there are you know there will be things like that.
14:24 Right.
14:25 Any person in general you think's in trouble.
14:28 It's a good question.
14:31 Maybe maybe Mean Girls.
14:34 Maybe I don't know.
14:35 I feel like I know they're low hanging fruit but Smitty and Nate because I feel like they're
14:39 going to get these awards are Dundee's for them.
14:43 Hmm.
14:44 Yeah.
14:45 Probably.
14:46 I don't know.
14:47 I could see me getting getting some shrapnel just because I did last time we had the award
14:53 show.
14:54 It was a nightmare.
14:56 But it's all good.
14:57 You know do you think you will get in trouble for not dressing up.
15:00 I feel like everyone this.
15:01 No I don't think I don't think anyone would be that stupid.
15:04 Yeah I think Rico Bosco is going to get a lot for no not maybe necessarily even a good
15:09 reason but just he's one of Dave's like Z zeros in on him a lot.
15:13 Yeah.
15:14 Yeah.
15:15 I think who else.
15:16 But I don't know.
15:17 I'm kind of excited.
15:18 Yeah.
15:19 All right.
15:20 Well let's have a good time.
15:21 Of course.
15:23 $10 on pay-per-view tonight.
15:25 Yeah.
15:26 Correct.
15:27 Yeah.
15:28 You find a link on Twitter.
15:29 It's all over the Web site.
15:30 And just to tease it.
15:31 Francis was reading us some of his jokes he has.
15:33 He's going to get a few minutes of their very good.
15:36 Francis he's taking some shots.
15:38 It's going to be very funny.
15:39 Thanks John.
15:40 Yeah.
15:41 We'll see.
15:42 We'll see if I have a job tomorrow.
15:43 It's a bad day to be Ellie.
15:44 I'll tell you that much.
15:45 Oh man.
15:46 Oh boy.
15:47 All right.
15:48 20th anniversary award show are tonight.
15:52 Find the link.
15:53 Watch it.
15:54 10 bucks.
15:55 It'll be a lot of fun.
15:55 (whooshing)
