• last year
Frank The Tank
00:02Monja Monja Bon Appetit, let's eat. It's time for
00:07tanks cooks
00:09Bonja Monja Bon Appetit, let's eat. It's time for tanks cooks
00:15It's time. It's time. It's time once again
00:21All right
00:23even though
00:24In the air, there's a slight chill
00:27It's always a trill to go back to the grill, you know
00:32Today I got a recipe from Chad
00:38Who sent me a recipe for?
00:40Grilled lamb chops. Yeah, that's right grilled lamb chops already got my corn
00:47Already got the potatoes roasting the roasted fire potatoes, but now I'm gonna be making some
00:56Not a plate
00:58I'll be making some grill
01:02Lamb chops. Yes, it's like grilled lamb chops
01:06So let's get this grill going
01:09we'll put the
01:12The lamb chops on the grill now, we're gonna start these off
01:25We're gonna start these off basically that the grill already preheat so we're gonna get these
01:30Lamb chops and there's tiny tiny little lamb chops, aren't they?
01:37So these I thought these are big lamb chops, you know tiny lamb chops
01:43Lamb chops lamb chops gonna cook up some lamb chops lamb chops lamb chops
01:52Lamb chops lamb chops
01:55above the lamb chops
01:57Lamb chops lamb chops put them on the grill now lamb chops
02:04All right. What we're gonna do is gonna put our regular spices on of course. We got some accent
02:12Swirl around we'll do some
02:17Garlic powder, of course
02:26Next up is this
02:29Steak seasoning we can toss on here
02:34And of course our lemon pepper don't want to forget the lemon pepper
02:45I actually got my plate
02:47That kind of suck. So I'm gonna have to
02:50I'm gonna have to use a piece of foil as my plates
02:54I've got all this stuff outside, but I forgot to bring a goddamn plate, but we'll just close this up and we'll cook this for about
03:03Two minutes, let's see how we're looking in here and see how it's cooking
03:11Turn the corn
03:14You spice it up a little bit more
03:32There we go, there we go, there we go. All right
03:37Let's turn the lamb chops turn the meat around
03:43Cook on other side now
03:46Turn the meat around
03:51Yes, we have to turn the meat
03:55Flip the lambs. I'm silencing these lambs cooking them up quite nicely
04:03Here we go
04:07You see it flipping the lambs turning the lambs
04:11And of course, we're all spice it up again a little more accent
04:20Of course some more
04:24Lemon pepper
04:37And of course can't forget the garlic powder
04:44All right, close it up and cook it for another
04:49Two minutes
04:51Take a quick look inside
04:57It's starting to cook up nicely
05:03That's what you call cooking with fire
05:08Let's see how we're looking as it continues to cooking
05:13All right, let's flip these potatoes a little bit
05:19Turn the corn
05:26Rotate these lamb chops a little bit. The ones that are closest to the flame will be further from the flame
05:33The ones that are furthest from the flame will be closest to the flame
05:45Nice and well cooked
05:48Da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da
05:56Look at that fire build up
06:03You know when I'm grilling it's always thrilling
06:09You know when I'm grilling it's always thrilling
06:12All right, we're getting closer and closer. I think we can take off
06:16these lamb chops
06:19Again I forgot my
06:22plate inside so I gotta put them on a piece of furrow
06:26Da da da dee dee, lamb chops lamb chops. I don't really eat lamb chops.
06:32But hey
06:36Chad Lautner sent this to me and I thought hey, what the hell? Why not?
06:43That one almost got away from me
06:47Da da dee dee dee dee da da da da dee da da
06:51We'll do is we'll get some, put some garlic butter on these nice little lamb chops.
07:02As you can see, I can't believe I forgot to bring out a plate.
07:09Aye, aye, aye.
07:10Then I got to walk down the green mile to get back to my apartment, so I'll just use
07:16So put some garlic butter all over.
07:20Garlic butter all over, garlic butter all over, and we'll let these sit for about five
07:28minutes before we get ready to dig in and plate the meal.
07:32So we'll close this up, and we'll get ready for these nice grilled lamb chops.
07:47All right, time to, all right, time to plate the meal, even though I forgot a plate.
08:01Yes, that's right.
08:02I'm eating off the foil because I forgot to bring down a plate.
08:06So let's get some of these lamb chops.
08:08Here's lamb chop one.
08:11Of course, we got our fire roasted potatoes, too, over here.
08:16Look at that.
08:17Each came out nice, I think.
08:18Look at that.
08:19They came out nice this time.
08:20Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh.
08:21Roasting on that fire.
08:22We got the corn on the cob coming out good again.
08:35It's always thrilling when you're grilling.
08:38Let's get a little salt on these.
08:43Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.
08:47Fire roasted potatoes.
08:49Always delicious.
08:51Now let's see these, four of these lamb chops.
08:58Here we go.
09:01That's a small lamb chop.
09:02I think I might need a bigger lamb chop.
09:19You know, Mary once had a little lamb.
09:23Its fleece was white as snow.
09:26But then he got caught.
09:29And well, monja, monja, bon appetit.
09:35Let's eat.
09:36And if you know any other recipes I should eat or make,
09:42send them to njtank99 at gmail.com.
09:46That's what Chad Louner did.
09:48Thank you again, Chad.
09:50And let's go.
09:54Monja, monja.
