Starting off with streaming, Netflix has this to offer families looking for something to watch together, Inspired by an epic Chinese tale, The Monkey King follows a charismatic Monkey voiced by Jimmy O. Yang and his magical fighting Stick on an epic quest for victory over one hundred demons, an eccentric Dragon King, and Monkey's greatest foe of all --his own ego!
Next - Eccentric staff members of an upstate New York theatre camp must band together when their beloved founder falls into a coma. Scoring a respectable 85% approval rating on rotten tomatoes so far, Theatre Camp, starring The Bear's Molly Gordon and Tony award winner Ben Platt, is charming and hilarious in equal measure.
And finally - Seven friends go away for the weekend, only to find themselves trapped in a cabin with a killer who has a vendetta. They must pit their street smarts and knowledge of horror movies against the murderer to stay alive in The Blackening. This one pokes fun at all the tropes of the genre and makes for a laugh out loud watch.
Next - Eccentric staff members of an upstate New York theatre camp must band together when their beloved founder falls into a coma. Scoring a respectable 85% approval rating on rotten tomatoes so far, Theatre Camp, starring The Bear's Molly Gordon and Tony award winner Ben Platt, is charming and hilarious in equal measure.
And finally - Seven friends go away for the weekend, only to find themselves trapped in a cabin with a killer who has a vendetta. They must pit their street smarts and knowledge of horror movies against the murderer to stay alive in The Blackening. This one pokes fun at all the tropes of the genre and makes for a laugh out loud watch.
00:00 Starting off with streaming, Netflix has this to offer families looking for something to
00:04 watch together. Inspired by an epic Chinese tale, The Monkey King follows a charismatic
00:09 monkey voiced by Jimmy O. Yang and his magical fighting stick on an epic quest for victory
00:13 over 100 demons, an eccentric dragon king and monkey's greatest foe of all, his own
00:21 ego.
00:22 Next, eccentric staff members of an upstate New York theatre camp must band together when
00:26 their beloved founder falls into a coma. Scoring a respectable 85% approval rating on Rotten
00:31 Tomatoes so far, Theatre Camp, starring the Bears' Molly Gordon and Tony Award winner
00:36 Ben Platt, is charming and hilarious in equal measure.
00:41 And finally, seven friends go away for the weekend only to find themselves trapped in
00:44 a cabin with a killer who has a vendetta. They must pit their street smarts and knowledge
00:48 of horror movies against the murderer to stay alive in the blackening. This one pokes fun
00:52 at all the tropes of the genre and makes for a laugh out loud watch. That's all for now,
00:56 goodbye!
00:56 - Oh, I like that. - Yeah!
00:58 That can prove I'm not the blackest.