Dillon Gabriel Interview

  • last year
Oklahoma Sooners quarterback Dillon Gabriel meets the press after practice on Monday, Aug. 28, 2023.
00:00 Obviously you guys talked about intensity and intensity.
00:03 Is that a little bit different this week?
00:05 A little bit.
00:06 I think it's just everyone knows what's to come.
00:09 So, a lot of fun and good energy in the building.
00:13 And obviously today was a fun day.
00:16 What was fun about it?
00:18 What energy was that in?
00:19 Yeah, just knowing that you're going to be playing someone else
00:22 and kind of get to go against someone else.
00:24 I guess that's a great feeling knowing we've kind of been going against each other
00:28 all summer.
00:29 How different is this feeling than this week last year?
00:32 Different in many ways, but I think just time in general.
00:39 You know, kind of new team, same goals, stuff like that.
00:43 I think the energy is just always great in the beginning of the year
00:49 with everyone fresh and ready to go.
00:51 Any more calms?
00:53 You know what to expect to a certain extent as far as not being new to Oklahoma.
00:57 For sure.
00:58 A little more confidence preparation, just knowing what to expect.
01:02 But I think that's for everyone, just knowing how we do what we do every day.
01:08 Every team's different.
01:09 How's the energy for this different?
01:13 I don't know.
01:14 I think everyone's just focused, locked in, and know what we're set out to do.
01:19 And I think that just kind of energy rubs off on everyone.
01:24 It's good for us going into week one.
01:26 I asked Jeff earlier today about the in-game communication between you two
01:30 and how that's grown.
01:31 You've done it a lot now.
01:32 How has it evolved from the very start at UCF to where you are now?
01:36 Just more in-depth conversations.
01:38 I think my freshman year, very simple, kind of can't really explain what I was seeing.
01:44 But now I guess just being able to be more complex
01:46 and get things changed a little faster.
01:49 And then likewise, just when we get out there,
01:52 just having another coach on the field, being able to be that voice for the boys,
01:55 being able to see everything and relay that over just so we're on the same page.
01:59 Is there anything you learned last year,
02:01 or maybe ways that became elevated last year when you were reunited,
02:04 but also a bit older, a bit more experienced?
02:06 Yeah, I think as time went on and then as I have played a little more football,
02:11 just knowing how to communicate.
02:14 And then as the season went on as well, just being on the same page.
02:17 But like I said, going into the offseason in January to now,
02:22 just more in-depth conversations.
02:24 Jeff used the word "dominant" today, talking about what he expects from you.
02:29 And he used the word "championship level."
02:33 How do you feel about that?
02:35 Those words matter.
02:37 Yeah, for sure. It's what I came here to do.
02:40 It's getting outside of your comfort zone
02:42 and trying to get to a level that you always want to be at.
02:47 So for me it's high expectations, but also something I really want to achieve.
02:52 So it's all part of it.
02:53 Has it felt like that during camp?
02:55 This camp, has it felt like you've had a dominant camp
02:58 and you're on the verge of a championship level, that kind of thing?
03:01 You look back on the past month, do you feel that?
03:03 Yeah, I feel like we, as a unit, we're very crisp and clean in what we do.
03:09 I think whenever you have that kind of camp, it just relays over the season.
03:13 But this is a game of doing and performance,
03:15 so you've got to go out there and prove it as well.
03:18 Is there anything specific you're looking for in the offense
03:20 to prove that you guys are moving in the right direction early on in the season?
03:24 I think as we went into fall camp, it was everything.
03:27 We were just trying to get better at every single thing we have on the table,
03:30 whether it's number down situational football or too many situations.
03:35 Just putting ourselves in those situations as much as possible,
03:38 and I think the coaches did a good job of it.
03:40 What's your best advice for Jackson when he gets ready,
03:43 first week of action, preparing for the fact?
03:45 I think he knows what to do in the learning process of growing.
03:52 But he's been in it since January, so he's been able to know the process
03:56 of getting ready for a spring game, but also a game,
03:59 and just how we lead up into it.
04:02 Obviously, Braden was a big part of the offense last year.
04:04 How's that relationship with the tight ends kind of building over the camp?
04:09 Really good. That's something we've been working on all season,
04:13 and I'm excited to go make it happen and see what's to come.
04:17 But I think that's just for everyone in the offensive unit,
04:20 the skills in general, just working at it, but excited to go put it to work.
04:25 Stogner's got experience in productivity as a starting tight end.
04:30 The second guy always seems to be a pivotal one,
04:33 whether you're going jumbo or you're moving him around.
04:36 How's that position developed, or how's that spot developed for that position?
04:40 I think all tight ends did a really good job.
04:42 We've got a deep, tight end room, so that's really good for Coach Finley
04:46 and the guys just being able to learn from Stog,
04:49 but also take advantage of every opportunity, getting better.
04:53 I think they've done a great job of it, just how, like I said, crisp and clean they've been.
04:58 So excited to see everyone go put it to work.
05:01 Jeff was talking this morning about just having more depth at quarterback
05:04 maybe allows you to be more free at times.
05:06 Last year you guys didn't have a ton of depth.
05:08 Do you feel that you can maybe do a little bit more since you have, I guess, more people behind you?
05:13 I'd just say in general you can do more when you've got a lot of guys being able to contribute.
05:20 But I think that just comes together being in year two and everyone in the system
05:25 just allows you to go more in depth in what you already know and then try some new things.
05:30 This is not a football question, Dylan, but the group of speakers you've had come in this month,
05:35 Jackson, Boucher, some of the other guys, anyone that really resonated with you?
05:40 For the most part, I think just every alumni that comes in here,
05:44 just seeing how special this place was to them and obviously being in the same for us.
05:50 Just the tradition, the history, it's really cool to have people come back that you obviously do it at a high level.
05:57 Being able to watch it and hear from them themselves, it's just super cool and kind of full circle.
06:04 Just being able to experience that, it was great from both of those guys.
06:10 Dylan, I don't think we've talked to you since Maui happened, have we?
06:13 Yeah.
06:14 So, you have been at MSU?
06:16 No, we haven't.
06:17 I just wanted to get your thoughts on that, about the people in Maui and the losses that were suffered there.
06:21 Yeah, just super sad.
06:23 I just had some family over there and friends that I knew from a young age,
06:28 just losing their house and their business.
06:31 It's a sad deal and it's tough knowing people like that, but just the people that are going through it.
06:37 Praying for them, but also know Hawaii is a special place and very strong and I'm proud to be from there.
06:44 Just praying for them and hope everyone does the same and just shows as much love as they can.
06:52 You've involved yourself in the community at your local high school and in your town.
06:56 Any thoughts about doing that with Maui?
06:58 For sure.
06:59 Just something a part of it.
07:01 I love Hawaii and I know the tight-knit family and just the people there and what they're about.
07:08 I would love to and it's something I'm definitely going to do in the future.
07:13 How old are you? 22?
07:17 22.
07:18 How old were you when you played your first game? Your very first football game?
07:22 18.
07:24 Have you ever played before high school?
07:27 Oh, you're saying the first college game?
07:29 No, college game.
07:30 Oh, my first football game. Probably when I was 7 or 8.
07:33 We've got a story here.
07:34 No, no, no. Probably 7 or 8 playing flag football.
07:38 Flag football. Do you have any remembrance of the first time you stepped on a field for that game?
07:43 I do. Flag football wasn't too butterfly-ish just because it's flag football.
07:48 I remember my first Pearl City Chargers game when I was my first tackle game against IAO.
07:55 I remember that game and it was a great game.
07:59 How old was that?
08:00 9, I believe.
08:01 What were you called?
08:02 Pearl City Chargers.
08:04 Pearl City Chargers.
08:05 Yes, sir.
08:06 Where was this?
08:07 This was in Hawaii.
08:08 With friends or did you just sign up for an organization?
08:10 My dad signed me up for a team.
08:13 I was begging to play football and then he signed me up and it was that up until here.
08:20 What position were you in?
08:22 I played a bunch. I played a little running back, but at a certain point I started quarterback.
08:27 That's what I've been playing ever since.
08:30 How does that happen? How does a coach or whatever put you at quarterback?
08:33 I remember we had a competition who could throw it the farthest and then I ended up doing it.
08:39 So then I ended up being the quarterback, like I said, until now.
08:44 So if you ran the fastest you'd be the running back or something?
08:46 Something like that. Whoever had the best hands played receiver.
08:49 Were you doing some of the tackling back then?
08:52 I was. I played a little DN in Hawaii. I played a little DN. I played a little safety.
08:57 That's just because we only had maybe 22, 23 kids on our team. I had to play both ways.
09:05 Were there any quarterbacks that you liked watching as a kid?
09:07 How old were you when Colt Brennan was playing at Hawaii?
09:10 I don't know how old I was, but I remember going to the games with Devon Bess and AJ Green.
09:19 They had Isaiah Woosley at quarterback. They had a bunch of guys.
09:28 They had another lefty, Schroeder, I think. I was very aware that Hawaii football went to a bunch of games.
09:36 But Colt Brennan definitely was the GOAT back at home.
09:40 Forgive me if you even ask this, but what have you seen from Jackson since the spring?
09:47 Just growth in general. Learning and getting older.
09:50 But for the most part, just time spent in the building. I think the most growth happens during that time.
09:57 You leave high school early and come to college.
10:00 Just the growth in general, how he talks, and being able to come out and know what we're doing day to day.
10:06 How do you feel about your offense going into this first game?
10:10 I feel really good. I feel confident in our guys and everyone contributing.
10:15 I'm just excited to finally play someone else and put all the work to use.
10:21 I'm excited for that and can't wait to step out there.
10:24 Everybody talked about the inexperience that we see with losing Marvin and things like that.
10:29 Your thoughts on that core going into this first game?
10:31 A lot of opportunity for them. I think they're very prepared and excited for the moment and opportunity as well.
10:38 Like I said, just putting all that work in offseason and putting it to use is something that we're excited to do.
10:46 Do you feel like you have playmakers like Marvin and guys that you can go get them?
10:50 I do. Young guys that may not have played as much football, but guys that can do a lot of things that are very talented as well.
10:58 I'm excited, like I said, to watch them go at it and go play someone else.
11:04 What are you looking forward to most about the second half of the season?
11:09 I'm excited to play ball.
11:13 From that last game to now, it's something we've been very eager to step back on that field and play ball.
11:21 Ball is ball. It's 11 on 11. Can't wait to go do it.
11:26 I saw your social media post. It was pretty cool.
11:29 Do you feel like people don't really know you or don't know who you are as a college football player?
11:35 You've put up huge numbers so far in your career.
11:39 At the end of the day, it's a game of doing and a game of winning.
11:44 That's what I'm set out to do. With the guys we've got, it's something we've been super focused on and put an emphasis on for sure.
11:52 Just winning the day, winning the red, whatever it is. Just finding a way to win.
11:57 That's my main focus and something I've put a huge emphasis on for me as well.
12:03 It was pretty cool what you did. How did you come up with the idea and the design?
12:09 I met some great people in the community. I have a connection to Mustang High School as well.
12:15 Shout out to all those people that helped out. Keaton, Waleed, everyone that made it come together. I'm super grateful for that.
12:23 Are you excited to get back to playing in the stadium?
12:28 I am. Like I was saying, just eager to get on the field.
12:33 That eagerness came from last year. A long eight months of waiting.
12:39 Just eager to get out there and play ball and go do it.
12:44 Is it going to be about soaking up these moments?
12:47 Last year, getting to play in front of these fans and everything.
12:51 I think everyone is just kind of going. Trying to make life happen.
12:58 We don't always stop and take it all in.
13:03 Trying to do a good mixture of both. Prepare and work really hard at it. Enjoy it as well.
13:10 Thank you guys. Appreciate it.