Dillon Gabriel Interview 9-4-23

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Oklahoma Sooners quarterback Dillon Gabriel meets the press after practice on Monday, Sept. 4, 2023.
00:00 >> I think it was a Jaleel down the sideline on the right side.
00:05 Another one, Jaleel on the right side, a little tighter to the end zone and
00:09 then a pedalway on a little perimeter.
00:13 >> What do you learn from those incompletions?
00:15 I mean, when you have such a good day, what do you learn?
00:17 What do you take away from the incompletions?
00:19 >> Yeah, details, dialing in the details and trying to be better.
00:23 Every play you can, it's part of it, but you're just trying to execute a high level.
00:29 >> Two of those three were in the hands though, right?
00:31 I mean, they were decent throws.
00:33 Were they needed to be?
00:35 >> Yeah, I felt like I gave them a chance, but at the same time, shoot.
00:40 We're all human and
00:42 the things are gonna happen in the course of the game, so shoot.
00:46 Good first outing, but just, like I said, there's always room for improvement.
00:53 >> Dylan, you had such a good game.
00:54 Did you feel like that all the hard work,
00:57 cuz you talked about how you wanted to be better, did it come to fruition?
01:01 >> Yeah, I was just setting the tone, setting the tone for the season,
01:04 what we wanna accomplish, and taking it one step at a time.
01:07 I think that's the most important thing, so I felt like we set the tone.
01:11 But now it's rolling into week two and flipping the page and working on it.
01:16 >> Is it pretty easy to settle in after going long on drill to get the game?
01:20 >> Yeah, you could say so.
01:23 Just a great way to connect on the third play.
01:27 But anytime you're working on deep shots and hit, it's good for momentum.
01:35 But then also when you're moving the football,
01:37 it's good things to get in the red zone and finish.
01:40 >> What to say about your group receivers that you had so
01:42 many guys get involved, and that doesn't even include Jaleel.
01:44 Obviously, you got kept off in this one.
01:46 >> It's good, I mean, that's the beauty of it,
01:50 being able to trust a bunch of guys to come in and compete at a high level.
01:54 But also produce, and I think everyone that came in did that.
01:58 >> Dylan, you mentioned Andreall converting on that first pass.
02:01 Maybe just how helpful was that in terms of right away having a connection like
02:05 that in terms of developing it going forward and the rest of the season?
02:09 >> Yeah, this offseason, we've been working at it.
02:11 And it's fun kinda learning each other, but
02:16 I think just the work we put in together and
02:20 seeing it come into fruition is a great deal.
02:22 But knowing that that's just the beginning of it.
02:24 >> That deep play ability he brings me to the office, how helpful, how big is it?
02:29 >> Huge, it's part of how we play, just being aggressive and
02:32 taking advantage of every opportunity we get on the field.
02:34 So it's great having him.
02:38 >> You got your tight end game going, you and Jackson did.
02:43 Flare screens and things like that.
02:44 Stodner didn't even have a catch, but he blocked his spread off.
02:47 Tight end group's better than people think, isn't it?
02:49 >> For sure, they all do a great job.
02:52 Whether it's Stodd, Blake, Josh, or Kate getting in, and even Jason Llewellyn.
02:57 Just, I mean, that's what you want.
03:00 And guys who can come in and continue to play at a high level, it's great for us.
03:05 >> Do you have a sense yet who's gonna lead this receiver corps in pitches?
03:08 I know you're one of them, but you start to look around, it's like, wait a minute,
03:12 which one of these guys is gonna lead?
03:13 >> It's different, I think in a year a lot of things change, even game to game.
03:18 Like you see, Jalil didn't get as much, but
03:22 he blocked his butt off on the perimeter.
03:24 And you just never know who's gonna get hot at what moment.
03:28 And I think that's the beauty of what we do, just being able to plug and
03:31 play with a bunch of different guys and produce.
03:34 So that'll be time to tell, for sure.
03:37 >> This is a presumption based on sitting up here in the press box.
03:42 You looked way more comfortable throwing the football.
03:46 And this is from somebody who's played a bunch of football, right?
03:49 >> Yep. >> So, were you more comfortable and why?
03:54 >> I'd say so just with time, but also just within the scheme,
03:58 just being confident in that.
04:01 Looks may be deceiving at times, sometimes it's a lot going on,
04:05 you're able to hide it well.
04:07 But for me, I just feel like just confidence in preparation and
04:11 year two coming out there, knowing what to expect is just a great advantage for me.
04:17 And the experience thing will continue to be something I pride myself on,
04:22 just having to see a lot of guys and a lot of different looks, a lot of defenses.
04:26 I think that is something I can use to my advantage.
04:29 >> Heard about the confidence that Nick and
04:30 Jaden have started to develop a rapport with you.
04:33 Is it almost easier to go back to them when they go out and
04:36 do it in a game and you can kind of trust them a little bit more?
04:38 >> Yeah, I think just in game, I think that confidence and
04:42 in general just getting the taste once you get your feet wet and
04:46 you make a big play or do something like that.
04:47 I think the hunger but then also the excitement and confidence comes in and
04:53 those guys have worked their butt off.
04:54 And like I said, previous interviews, just those are guys who worked and
04:58 have been here but being able to showcase that and
05:01 then get the opportunity to take advantage of it.
05:04 >> A game like Saturday, everything goes so well.
05:06 Do you, as a vet, kinda go to the younger guys like, hey,
05:09 back to the drawing board, what happened doesn't matter now, kind of a thing?
05:12 >> Yeah, I think learning how to flip the script or flip the page, sorry,
05:17 and just move on to the next week.
05:19 It's good or bad, you flip the script or flip the, I keep saying that,
05:24 flip the page and move on, you know what I'm saying?
05:26 It's something that's important for all of us to learn but
05:29 also leadership and it's home for that.
05:31 >> Dylan, along those lines, SMU this weekend, what do you see from them?
05:34 What kind of challenges do they present in this offense?
05:37 >> Yeah, really good.
05:38 They got a lot of new transfers in that played high level football and
05:41 played really well.
05:42 So they're a great team and we gotta prepare for them.
05:47 Come Saturday, we'll all find out.
05:50 >> Sunday film review, the broking, what'd you guys learn about this game?
05:54 11 for 11, Mr. Perfection, what'd you guys, how'd he break it down?
05:58 >> No, shoot, that's a birthday sauce, I guess you could say.
06:02 He balled out, he did his thing, and I'm proud of him.
06:04 And I just, I think about the excitement of being able to do that on your birthday,
06:11 your first game, that's just a fun deal.
06:14 >> Was there any discussion in film review on Sunday about-
06:18 >> For sure, just-
06:18 >> Just when you could have done this.
06:19 >> Yeah, just dissecting it and perfection isn't truly attainable.
06:25 Sometimes you get there, pitch or throw in a perfect game, but
06:30 even getting there, there's things you can get better at.
06:32 And I think he's been able to take Coach from Coach Love and
06:37 try to get better at everything, whether it's ball placement, feet, eyes,
06:41 the whole thing, so that's something we always take out of every game.
06:45 >> Like the deep ball to Andrell, how much repetition does that take?
06:49 Is that something that just gets better as the season goes on,
06:52 you guys get more of those opportunities?
06:54 >> Yeah, that's eight months together of being close and working at it.
06:59 But time does do wonders and hard work and putting it in together.
07:04 But that's a testament to who he is and always hit me up, doing the same.
07:10 He's that type of guy, so I'm proud of him and excited for him.
07:14 >> Is the deep ball just all about timing and chemistry with someone, or
07:18 what comes into perfecting that?
07:22 >> A little faith, trust, and a little bit of pixie dust.
07:24 >> [LAUGH]
07:25 >> You gotta have a little bit of all of it.
07:27 No, but just the work that we put in and
07:30 just consistent getting those reps, I think will help.
07:33 >> Do you feel that was gonna hit on the defense that were coming out in, and
07:37 in the game, in a couple of places?
07:38 >> Had a feeling, that's what you kind of prepare for.
07:42 And then it hitting was a good deal for
07:45 us to get the first drive going and moving in the right direction.
07:49 >> When he transferred to OU, did you know much about his game?
07:52 Did you know that he was gonna be kind of like a speedster type player?
07:55 >> Yeah, I knew of him, just being a fan of college football, watching it.
08:00 But once I knew we were going after him, I definitely hit him up real quick and
08:05 was excited to get going with him, so.
08:09 >> What was that first maybe on field impression of him when you guys got to
08:13 work together?
08:14 >> He's longer than you think on film.
08:17 He's just a lot taller than I would imagine, kind of like me.
08:22 No, I'm playing, but just seeing him play really fast and
08:27 be very good in and out of his breaks.
08:29 I think that's a great combination, being good size,
08:34 being really fast, and being very agile, so.
08:37 >> What do you take away from those deep throws that ended up as passing for
08:40 his throws?
08:41 >> Those are the ones we want back, just being really aggressive and
08:45 trying to get those to go our way, just big chunk plays.
08:48 But that's something we repetition and work will get us to that point.
08:55 >> The fact he's getting tackled though, basically, I mean, he's open.
08:58 That's good news, right?
08:59 >> I know. >> Almost more so than,
09:01 I guess, the opposite.
09:02 >> Yeah, I think it's hard for a lot of people to get to that point.
09:05 But finishing is where you separate yourself.
09:08 And that's where we're gonna pride ourselves on, keep getting better.
09:12 >> So you're saying you should have caught him?
09:14 >> No, I'm saying the work and the things we strain for
09:18 is being able to finish that and find ways.
09:20 He did maybe get a little tackle the mid tracking, but
09:25 finding ways to get better from that.
09:28 >> Dylan, what you saw in his first game,
09:31 just kind of get the sense that he's kind of always in the right spot.
09:36 >> Yeah, just knew he was super talented, starting out.
09:40 Was learning a lot on the go, but knew once he learned it,
09:45 he was very exceptional in what he does.
09:48 So just happy for him and a guy who's very humble and quiet at times.
09:52 But when he lets loose and plays ball, he's tough.
09:55 >> Dylan's gotta get going.
09:57 Thank you guys.
09:58 >> Thanks, Dylan.