Salute, Landi: “Controllo del colesterolo è al centro della campagna Stay Alive”

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - “Uno dei fattori di rischio cardiovascolare che andremo a controllare è il colesterolo. Il cuore della campagna del Mese del cuore è infatti il controllo del colesterolo”. Lo ha detto Francesco Landi, direttore del dipartimento di Scienze dell'Invecchiamento, ortopediche e reumatologiche della Fondazione policlinico Gemelli Irccs di Roma e professore di Medicina interna e geriatria dell'università Cattolica di Roma, a margine della conferenza stampa di presentazione della nuova campagna “Stay Alive”, lanciata da Danacol di Danone in collaborazione con la Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Agostino Gemelli IRCCS, volta a sensibilizzare i cittadini sull’importanza della prevenzione dei rischi cardiovascolari, nonché dell’adozione di uno stile di vita sano.


00:00 [Music]
00:04 Today we are still talking about prevention,
00:08 because prevention is the most important strategy
00:11 to prevent cardiovascular diseases,
00:13 but above all to gain longevity,
00:17 but above all a longevity of success.
00:20 What does longevity mean?
00:21 A longevity in good health.
00:22 Being in good health means getting there as much as possible,
00:26 somehow without diseases.
00:28 One of the factors that we will check,
00:30 and that unfortunately correlates in particular with cardiovascular diseases,
00:34 is cholesterol.
00:36 So the heart of the campaign,
00:38 the month of the heart of this prevention campaign,
00:40 is cholesterol control.
00:42 And with this campaign,
00:44 we will try to intercept people
00:46 less sensitive to control,
00:48 that is, not those who spontaneously come to the hospital,
00:51 but those who are somehow a little more resistant to do so.
00:54 What we have been observing in recent years,
00:57 in particular, is conditioned by the two years of pandemic.
01:01 In the two years of pandemic, we know very well,
01:03 we all checked much less,
01:06 because we were afraid to go to the hospital,
01:08 we were afraid to go to the laboratory to do the analysis.
01:12 So we still have data,
01:14 not only in which many people have high cholesterol,
01:18 high cholesterol total over 200,
01:22 210, 220 is already a high value,
01:25 and unfortunately most people
01:28 believe that this is normal cholesterol.
01:30 I believe that this is a fact
01:32 that has remained unchanged in the last ten years.
01:35 We started, between one thing and another,
01:37 ten years ago with this project,
01:39 and even today, when we ask,
01:41 "Do you think you have normal cholesterol?"
01:43 "Yes." We check the cholesterol, 220, 230, 240,
01:46 people are amazed and believe they have normal cholesterol.
01:50 This is the main point,
01:52 that we have to act on these people with prevention,
01:55 by controlling cholesterol and possibly treating cholesterol,
01:59 with two very simple factors, physical exercise and diet.
02:03 And in the diet, certainly,
02:05 plant sterols are an extraordinarily important aspect
02:09 to guarantee that reduction
02:11 that makes us re-enter cholesterol in normal values.
