Social and affordable home policy set to pass parliament after govt. secure support from Greens

  • last year
The Federal Housing Minister is confident the government can reach its target of 30-thousand new social and affordable homes in five years, despite skills and supply constraints. The 'housing future fund' is set to pass parliament this week after the government secured the support of the greens.


00:00 It's the government's signature housing policy, the $10 billion Housing Australia
00:06 Future Fund.
00:07 It remained in doubt because of those negotiations stalling.
00:11 The Greens had withheld support for the scheme, which is designed to deliver some 30,000 social
00:17 and affordable homes in the first five years of its operation.
00:20 They had made their vote contingent on things like rent freezes being introduced across
00:25 the nation.
00:26 Both sides then gave some ground to form yesterday's deal with, as you said, the bill set to be
00:35 voted on this week.
00:37 The government gave an additional $1 billion in funding for this year for social and affordable
00:42 housing.
00:43 But more so, the Greens separating their demand for rent freezes from this bill process.
00:48 The coalition accusing the opposition of not going far enough, questioning whether the
00:55 target will be met.
00:57 But for 99% of Australians who are either renting or aspiring to own a home or own a
01:05 home, that's what their aspirations are.
01:08 Their aspirations, the great Australian dream is to own your own home.
01:11 I think this government's waved the white flag on home ownership.
01:15 The Housing Minister Julie Collins insisting this is an ambitious but achievable target.
01:21 We're confident we can meet the $30,000 in the first five years of the fund working with
01:26 Housing Australia.
01:28 As I said, we already have homes under construction today.
01:31 We also, of course, understand that this is not the only thing.
