Blake Smith Tulsa Week Interview 9-11-23

  • last year
Oklahoma tight end Blake Smith meets the press f
00:00 >> First collegiate touchdown.
00:01 >> Yeah. >> That feel overdue,
00:03 feel like a long time coming?
00:04 >> I do, man, it's been, what, four years now?
00:07 It finally felt good to get out there and once the play was called,
00:10 I kinda knew it was coming my way.
00:11 And just executing it, and the rest is history.
00:15 >> So what are you feeling lining up there,
00:17 knowing the ball's probably coming your way?
00:19 >> We knew what kind of covers we were gonna get in that formation inside the red,
00:23 within on the three yard line.
00:24 And so it was just my job to set it up and
00:28 the rest is easy said than done, so yeah.
00:31 >> I think Andrell after the game said that that was something you guys had
00:33 talked about all week, that you knew that that was gonna be there.
00:36 Do you realize when that play was called that this is the chance?
00:39 >> Yeah, we knew what kind of coverage, like I said, we were gonna get.
00:42 And honestly, it was really his job to set it up and do a little rub route and
00:48 then just get to the corner.
00:50 So I really gave my credit to him for opening me up on the flat.
00:53 >> Did you get the ball?
00:54 >> Say it again? >> Did you get the ball?
00:55 >> I didn't, I don't know, I gave it to the ref.
00:57 It was out of my mind, it was an out of body experience.
00:59 So I don't know where the ball went.
01:01 >> Are you usually on extra point?
01:03 I noticed as you run into the sidelines, you had the oh shit moment.
01:06 >> Yeah, I did.
01:07 I ran over and I was just so excited with my teammates.
01:09 And then just all of a sudden I just had to walk back in and
01:12 go back in the field goal.
01:13 So yeah, it was one of those things I just forgot.
01:16 [LAUGH] >> Yeah.
01:18 >> So some of the offensive struggles that you guys had early in the game,
01:21 things kind of opened up towards the end.
01:23 Is that just kind of working out some early season kinks or
01:27 what do you feel like the root of that was?
01:28 >> Yeah, we just kind of shot ourself in the foot.
01:30 We just didn't get into a rhythm, but it took us a while.
01:35 It was nothing that SMU did, but
01:36 they did a lot of new stuff that we gotta give them credit for.
01:39 But we did a lot of stuff that we usually don't do.
01:42 And in the film, we corrected it today.
01:45 And so we're gonna correct it and move on and then get ready for Tulsa.
01:49 >> It was almost pretty easy to miss there, but
01:51 Dylan had four touchdown passes on Saturday.
01:53 >> He sure did.
01:54 >> How about his performance so far through two games?
01:55 >> It's remarkable.
01:56 I mean, he comes in day in and day out and proves us what kind of talent he is and
02:01 the type of player he is.
02:03 And I'm really proud of him.
02:04 I mean, he's really showcasing why he's the best quarterback in the Big 12.
02:07 >> Was it weird looking up at the scoreboard in the fourth quarter and
02:12 seeing only 14 points on the board?
02:15 >> It was, that's what I'm saying.
02:16 It took us a whole three quarters.
02:18 It took us all the way to the fourth quarter to finally get rolling and scored.
02:22 We only had four drives in the second half, so every moment counts.
02:25 But we didn't wanna take things lightly, and so
02:28 we had to do everything we can to improve and get back on track.
02:33 >> I know you weren't here last year, so
02:34 maybe you don't have a ton of backdrop for the growth one year to the next.
02:38 But what does it say about this team when the offense can have a day where they're
02:42 kinda experiencing some doldrums and the defense is right there to pick them up?
02:45 >> Yeah, that's why the defense is so strong.
02:47 I mean, Coach V gets them right day in and day out, week by week.
02:50 And so we know that they're gonna have our back and we're gonna have their back.
02:53 And so last week it was their time to have our back, and
02:56 I think moving forward will be the same way going forward.
02:59 >> You do get some good confidence though from,
03:01 SMU cuts it down to three and here's a right on the field and respond.
03:04 >> Yeah. >> I can imagine that,
03:05 that makes everybody feel pretty good.
03:06 >> Yeah, it's a huge confidence booster for us to respond the way we did.
03:09 I mean, we had a slow start and it's really about how you, it's not how you start,
03:13 it's how you finish.
03:13 And we definitely showed that we were able to finish and
03:16 we're gonna show that the rest of the season.
03:18 >> Is that some motivation going into this next week to play the better?
03:22 >> Yeah, I mean, that's everybody's mind says to play better.
03:26 There's always improvement.
03:28 There's always little critiques here and there, but
03:33 it's what you do throughout the week that prepares you for Saturday.
03:35 >> How's the tight end group doing in the run game, just blocking wise?
03:39 >> I think we're doing good.
03:40 I mean, me and Stogg, we had a few mess ups, just a little technical stuff that we
03:45 need to fix on and physicality wise, but I think for
03:48 the most part we're doing pretty well, I think so.
03:52 >> Nice to see Stogg get on the board.
03:54 >> Yeah, yeah, it was good.
03:56 I mean, he's been doing this for a long time now.
03:58 So he's had a lot, he has a lot of receptions under his belt.
04:01 So I think moving forward, we'll get him a lot more touches.
04:04 >> How much of an opportunity, a window you feel like there is for
04:07 you guys in the tight end room this time this weekend, that Tulsa defense?
04:10 >> I think it's what we do throughout the week.
04:12 I mean, giving Coach Lebe confidence in us, showcasing our talents and
04:16 our abilities and just really proving on Saturday and really having
04:20 the brother next to you play for them and just moving forward with that.
04:25 >> What do you know about the Tulsa defense so far?
04:27 What have you seen from them?
04:29 >> I think that's pretty, not really for me to discuss right now, but
04:34 I mean, it's gonna be a hard fought game.
04:36 I think every week, every team we play is gonna be hard fought and
04:38 I feel like if we do our job, we'll be in good shape.
04:42 >> Two weeks of live game action,
04:44 how's your relationship with Dylan Gabriel grown?
04:46 >> It's grown tremendously.
04:47 I mean, it all started in the spring, but it grew over time and I feel like just
04:52 the confidence that we're both connecting on through the passing game,
04:56 it's gonna keep continuing to grow.
04:58 >> Obviously, it's not real far, but how excited are you to see kind of this team
05:02 get out on the road for the first time, get away from home stadium, things like that?
05:05 >> Dog mentality, that's our mindset right now and
05:07 it's all about our mindset going forward cuz we know it's gonna be a hostile
05:09 environment, so we gotta use that energy and that fuel within the locker room and
05:14 bring it out and showcase it on Saturday, so it'll be a good one.
05:17 >> Appreciate it, Floyd.