Ted Roof TU postgame

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Watch Sooners defensive coordinator Ted Roof meet the press after OU's 66-17 win at Tulsa on Saturday, Sept. 16, 2023.
00:00 >> Ten, five takeaways.
00:03 >> Was it five or six?
00:04 >> Five.
00:05 >> Five interceptions and one fumble recovery, right?
00:08 >> Yeah, yeah, six takeaways.
00:09 >> Five not to be confused with six, that's right, yeah.
00:12 >> How do you feel about that?
00:13 >> Great, it's awesome, our guys made plays on the ball.
00:17 And a lot of good things happened.
00:20 One of those resulted in a touchdown, the other one went down to the four yard line.
00:24 So proud of that, and certainly those are big factors in winning like we did.
00:30 >> You mentioned the fumble recovery,
00:32 the game was TJ Sackers, was it exciting to see the pressure kind of start to turn
00:36 up super natural?
00:37 >> Yeah, I mean, cuz we had some things we gotta work on, obviously,
00:42 the things we weren't very good at today.
00:44 With our third down defense, we gotta get that improved.
00:50 The red zone defense, we gotta go back to work on that.
00:56 But yeah, with the reduction, yeah, it's always nice to win.
01:05 >> Yeah, as a coach, you're happy with the win and
01:08 you wanna accentuate the positives and build on those.
01:12 And at the same time, you know you've gotta correct the mistakes.
01:15 And we will go back to work and get those fixed.
01:19 But I was proud for our guys, happy for our guys, and they did a good job.
01:24 Like I said, one of the areas, the emphasis always, but
01:27 certainly, most of the time, take the ball away and put our guys on a short field.
01:31 Our guys were able to do that.
01:33 >> How do you feel like Jensen played today?
01:34 Tell us again from the- >> Yeah, he did a good job.
01:36 He was a board hitter, he was a captain today.
01:39 And I'm really happy for him and proud for him.
01:42 And I'm looking forward to his continued improvement.
01:45 >> Ten, eight, three guys, big offense,
01:47 where did it start today, played a lot of cheating, just went to DC,
01:51 and Peyton's a ball player and did a lot of good things.
01:56 And certainly had, again, a lot of things that we've gotta get better at and
02:00 improve, but he takes a lot of pride in how he works and his performance.
02:06 So, first start is the first one, and next week we're gonna do the first.
02:12 >> What team is at the top when it comes to the things that you'll need to get
02:14 better at?
02:15 >> Third down defense, third down defense without a doubt.
02:19 We went, the first half we went good, but
02:21 there was an area that was struggling in the first half,
02:25 we were better in the second half, but the first half, that wasn't very good.
02:30 And so, we gotta find a way to get better at that, get off the field,
02:33 when we have opportunities to get off the field.
02:36 >> The two breakdowns you had, the touchdowns,
02:38 can you kind of diagnose what happened with those and how do you fix that?
02:41 >> They were breakdowns, you're exactly right.
02:43 I'm not gonna get into specifics of who were what, but they were breakdowns.
02:47 That's the thing, to go where we wanna go and do what we gotta do.
02:53 We gotta run with the bus and run with it.
02:54 >> Now to Gabriel.
02:55 >> And-