Nazir Leghari gives inside news

  • last year
00:00 I have a question for you. Not only is the challenge within the court, but also outside.
00:09 In the cases that Haider Waheed was talking about, Malik also said that we will see.
00:15 Because they have a year and they have a lot to see.
00:19 They have to keep their house in order and a message should not be shared.
00:24 What do you think will happen?
00:26 If there is an intention, then a lot can happen.
00:31 I don't think that they will have an intention.
00:37 The first thing is what Malik has said.
00:41 We have to look at Balochistan.
00:44 It is a good opportunity for Balochistan.
00:46 There are judges from Balochistan, there is the chairman of the senate,
00:49 there is the Prime Minister from Balochistan.
00:51 But still this question exists in Balochistan that why are people missing?
00:57 And how many people are missing?
00:59 Not only from here, people have been missing from other places.
01:03 But why are people missing when you have the law, the courts, the supreme court,
01:10 the high courts, the lower judiciary.
01:15 You have your customs, things are there, then what is the need to make people unaware or lost.
01:23 If anyone has spoken against the law, then there should be no legal action against him.
01:31 There should be no action.
01:33 Any person is not above the law.
01:36 Any institution, any person, any group, any community, any person, any personality, any ministry, any court, any position is not above the law.
01:48 In principle, it is like this.
01:50 Yes, but it should be like this and it should be made sure.
01:55 And the absolute law also prohibits it.
02:01 If there is absolutism anywhere, if the power is demanding,
02:06 if the power is demanding in the Chief Justice,
02:11 then I think the first case they have filed for the society is probably that they will want to go towards the practice and procedure.
02:20 And that will also be that there should be a kind of a basic law,
02:28 which does not happen at will.
02:31 I have seen, we have all seen, there is no such thing.
02:34 Mr. Hyderabadi will also know and our master will also know how things used to happen in the mind.
02:42 Let's take notice of this.
02:44 So, I personally have knowledge of some things that during a TV program, the anchor got a call,
02:53 that it is okay, you keep this program, tomorrow also program on this, then see what happens after this.
02:59 And then whatever happened, it is in front of us.
03:01 I don't want to talk about it because this matter may be in court or it may be coming back to court.
03:06 So I don't talk about it, but I have been called up,
03:10 that this program is having a lot of fun, keep it on, then we will see what we do.
03:16 It should not be like this that you are a program manager and then about the program,
03:23 then take a notice like this and the right to take notice is that its foundation should be extensive
03:30 and there should not be any confusion in it.
03:33 It is happening right.
03:35 Apart from this, if you want to rule, then you should rule the law, not the crime,
03:42 there should be no confusion, the law should be extensive, no one should be more than the law
03:47 and whoever has the status, the position should be the same.
03:52 He has said about him that he came directly.
03:57 So there are such examples, there are also in our country that the Chief Justice of Lahore High Court
04:03 was suddenly made the Chief Justice of Pakistan and his name was Justice Munir.
04:11 Then the answer he gave to this great favor was the same as the opinion that was invented
04:21 and which has always been going on, that was the lesson of the favor given to Justice Munir.
04:27 But that was the case of PCO.
04:31 I am very sorry that Justice Ibtihaar Chaudhary went to PCO, he went to PCO himself.
04:42 Initially.
04:43 Initially he went to PCO, even after that he did not tell me when he took the oath under the constitution.
04:49 When he took the oath, no, he was already in the position.
04:56 He took the oath under the PCO, after that he did not take any oath and he ignored those people
05:03 who had taken the oath under the constitution of Pakistan.
05:06 In fact, Mr. Haider can shed light on that, that he was declared the Chief Justice from the previous term,
05:15 that is, he was the Chief Justice, then it was said about the decisions of Mr. Dogar,
05:19 what was thought, what should be done about this, that is, he has gone, now he does not agree
05:24 if he is the Chief Justice, then how will his decisions be valid, so it was a very tricky situation
05:30 that we saw at that time.
05:31 No, no, whatever he did, with the constitution, with the constitution, with the law, with the whole politics,
05:37 with the political action, it was a joke, it was a joke, it is still going on, it is still going on.
05:43 We are absolutely clear about this. Whatever is happening with the courts, with the Supreme Judiciary,
05:50 with the Supreme Court, the way things have been going on, it was very much of a personal matter.
05:58 We don't want to see it this way, we want to see that such a person who has a very big background,
06:03 is powerful, and his family, Qazi Musa, then Qazi Issa, and then this cousin of his, Ashraf Jahangir Qazi,
06:13 he also has a background, he also has a background, who is a great ambassador of ours,
06:19 and his own big background, his aunt was, his aunt was Jennifer Musa, who was the head of the Constitutional Assembly,
06:27 who made the constitution, and his other relationship with the constitution, his direct relationship with the constitution,
06:34 I say that now they will have to consider the constitution as the supreme law of the land,
06:41 when the constitution is being twisted, when the constitution's nose is being twisted,
06:46 when the constitution's ears are being twisted, then they should come forward or not,
06:49 because this cannot be played with the constitution.
06:51 Okay, okay, okay.
06:53 Mr. Lagari, let's move forward from this.
