Gil: Venezuela continues to work tirelessly in its commitment to sustainable development

  • last year
On the opening day of the UN Sustainable Development Goals Summit, Venezuelan Foreign Minister Yván Gil said that we consider it imperative to develop and access environmental technologies and to set new goals that allow greater production with the least consumption of resources. teleSUR
00:00 (music)
00:05 We go live to the United Nations to listen to the
00:08 statements of the Foreign Minister of Venezuela at
00:10 the SDG Summit.
00:11 (video)
00:12 (as translated)
00:13 -- goals on the remaining seven years that we have in
00:16 order to fulfill this roadmap that we set for
00:19 ourselves for the benefit of our peoples.
00:22 Chair, for Venezuela, the global strategy for
00:26 development should include, amongst its
00:28 decisions, the ethical and differentiated points.
00:34 This involves building strategies on a
00:36 multilateral level that will support the national
00:39 efforts that are focused on achieving global
00:41 sustainability.
00:43 As its central axis, Venezuela believes that
00:46 building of sustainable development is our guiding
00:49 light and a present obligation -- an
00:52 obligation for the present and for future generations
00:57 in terms of improving quality of life and all of
01:00 the other areas -- social, commercial, and other
01:03 relations that exist between people and nature
01:06 and its impact on the economy and ways of life.
01:09 In this way, sustainable development requires
01:13 guidelines in order to focus the specific
01:16 behavior of people and companies.
01:20 This is a crucial value for us.
01:23 In order to transform this traditional model into
01:27 one that is more sustainable, we believe
01:30 that it is crucial that we develop access to
01:33 environmental technology and set new goals that
01:36 will enable greater production with less use
01:39 of resources and reduce the polluting impacts on a
01:43 global level.
01:44 In this regard, Venezuela will continue to work
01:48 tirelessly to its commitments under
01:50 sustainable development, despite the imposition of
01:54 more -- a great number of unilateral coercive
01:58 measures that have had a very damaging impact in
02:02 many areas of life.
02:04 It is fundamental that we recognize the fundamental
02:07 role of science and technology in the
02:10 sustainable development of states, insofar as they
02:13 allow states to face up to many, if not all, of the
02:17 challenges.
02:19 As we try to reduce the technology gap, we require
02:24 greater solidarity for our development.
02:27 Chair, by way of conclusion, the Bolivarian
02:29 Republic of Venezuela reiterates its faithful
02:32 commitment to finding solutions based on
02:35 solidarity that are multidimensional,
02:36 differentiated, concrete, immediate, inclusive,
02:39 innovative, and concerted that will allow us to
02:44 achieve our goals in sustainable development
02:47 and drive forward development in a way that
02:51 fulfills the ultimate goal that we have set for
02:53 ourselves, which is to leave no one behind.
02:55 I thank you.
02:55 (applause)
02:56 We were listening to the statements of the
03:03 Venezuelan foreign minister at the SDG summit held in
03:06 the framework of the 78th United Nations General
03:08 Assembly.
03:09 Ivan Hills said that sustainable development
03:11 demands guidelines to be achieved and transform
03:13 current models to more sustainable ones.
03:16 The foreign minister pledged Venezuela's
03:17 commitment to continue working towards the SDGs
03:20 despite coercive unilateral sanctions imposed
03:23 against Venezuela.
03:24 Stay tuned with Telesor English to stay up to
03:26 date on the current events at the United Nations
03:29 and more.
