Nick Sirianni on his slot options

  • last year
Nick Sirianni on his slot options
00:00 like we have good options in-house to be able to move forward, right?
00:05 So and that can be, you know, that's why we cross-train people, you know, whether that's
00:09 a corner, whether that's a safety, you know, whether that's the guys that play nickel.
00:15 So we feel like we have good in-house options there.
00:18 Listen, are we going to miss Avante?
00:20 Of course we are.
00:21 You know, he's a great football player who's made a lot of plays here.
00:25 You know, I thought he was playing really good football, really being aggressive, caused
00:29 that fumble and then made some really good plays on the perimeter.
00:34 And so we'll miss his contributions as both as a teammate and on the field.
00:41 But we do, we like some of our options and this is the benefit of, you know, Howie and
00:45 his staff building, you know, building depth.
00:47 And so, you know, and that's our job as coaches to make sure we have options with the depth
00:52 that we have.
00:53 And so we feel comfortable with that.
00:55 But no doubt we'll miss Avante while he's gone.
