• 2 years ago
(Adnkronos) - Quando l'arte e l'inclusione si fondono, l'inaspettato diventa realtà. Questa mattina, l’aeroporto di Roma Fiumicino, luogo d’eccezione di performance artistiche e di esposizione di straordinari capolavori come il Salvator Mundi di Giovan Lorenzo Bernini, è diventato palcoscenico di un teatro della diversità e dell’inclusione, grazie all’inedita collaborazione tra l’Associazione Teatro Patologico Onlus, compagnia teatrale composta da attori e attrici con disabilità psichiche e Aeroporti di Roma. Nella suggestiva Piazza dell’area di imbarco A del Terminal 1, dieci attori del Teatro Patologico si sono esibiti nell'interpretazione di una delle scene più significative della “Medea” di Euripide, incantando e coinvolgendo i passeggeri in transito e aggiungendo un tocco di inattesa magia al loro viaggio.


00:00 [singing]
00:08 This is a unique experience because we have already travelled all over the world, from Johannesburg to Tokyo, London, Sao Paulo.
00:15 But this morning at the airport in Rome we met the whole world.
00:19 It is extraordinary, with a show, a Greek tragedy,
00:24 it means that the airport wants to show not only the effectiveness and beauty of the place, but also a speech of inclusion.
00:32 It is extraordinary because we were the first country in the world to close the gyms, thanks to the pathological theatre,
00:38 and also to have created the first university course of theatre integrated for emotion.
00:43 This is a demonstration that Italy does an extraordinary job for the inclusion of absolutely special and unique people.
00:52 Why do we host them? Because the airport in Rome, I think, wants above all to give the sign of inclusion,
00:59 to offer to the traveller who arrives in Italy or leaves Italy the sign of our culture, of what we can give.
01:07 So we show many works of the past, of the present, and we want to give space to all cultural forms.
01:15 And I would say that today's one is certainly a good sign.
01:18 I have been at the pathological theatre for more than ten years.
01:21 I started it to try a new experience. I have not always felt myself as normal, as most people.
01:34 I said, "This place that says where normality ends and madness begins and vice versa."
01:42 I said, "I want to experience this experience."
01:47 And this beautiful adventure began, which gave us wonderful experiences,
01:54 which made us do tours all over the world, and every time it is a great emotion.
01:59 [Applause]
