• 4 hours ago
(Adnkronos) - Il 21 e 22 ottobre il Teatro Parioli di Roma ha ospitato lo spettacolo “Pinocchio: una favola alla rovescia”, messo in scena dalla Compagnia stabile del Teatro Patologico, composta da attori con disabilità fisiche e psichiche. La rappresentazione, gratuita e aperta al pubblico, è stata organizzata per promuovere il dialogo su temi fondamentali come la salute mentale e l’inclusione sociale. Realizzata con il supporto non condizionato di Lundbeck Italia, l'iniziativa ha ricevuto il sostegno della Presidenza della Repubblica, il patrocinio del Senato, del ministero della Salute e della Disabilità, dell’Istituto Superiore di Sanità, del Consiglio Nazionale dei Giovani e dell’Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata.


00:00Pinocchio, a fable a la rovescia is this the title of the show staged on October 21 and 22 at the Parioli Theatre in Rome by the Stabile Company of the Pathological Theatre, composed of actors with physical and mental disabilities.
00:18The initiative, sponsored by the President of the Republic, the Senate, the Ministry for Disabilities and the Ministry of Health, was organized to promote dialogue on fundamental issues such as mental health and social inclusion.
00:33It is something that is particularly close to our hearts, mental health. We have already set up a work table last year to have proposals in this direction. We have increased the psychological bonus compared to how it was substantiated in previous years and I am here also to testify my closeness to these issues, in particular to the pathological theatre that I have known for a long time and that I appreciate a lot.
00:56Why not Pinocchio? Being the child who tries in every way to overcome autism, the child lives in the early stages of childhood and falls, falls into the traps of the cat, of the wolf, of the temptations, but also in moments of great rescue. The belly of the whale has its uterus and in the end it does it.
01:25The re-reading of the famous fable of Collodi, which starts from the episode of the dogfish, proposes an overturned narrative to highlight the difficulties of those who are considered different. With the direction of Dario D'Ambrosi, founder of the Pathological Theatre, the show aims to raise public opinion on the problems of disability and social acceptance.
01:47It is very beautiful what Geppetto tells at the beginning, which says, I want to see humanity as it treats you and as different, because it is a burrattino, it is the metaphor of special boys and it is a story, in my opinion, exhausting, especially this adaptation that really gives back confidence to so many families, so many so-called special people.
02:15The event comes from an idea of ​​Senator Antonio Guidi, neuropsychiatrist and already Minister for the Family, with the support of Lundbeck Italia, a company committed for years to promoting mental health.
02:26The emotions that the company of the Pathological Theatre made us live were extraordinary emotions, the beauty of the sets, the extraordinary ability of the actors, the beauty of the costumes, they immersed us in a world of uniqueness and beauty, so these are initiatives that as a company we carry on so that we can really value the unique being of each of us.
02:56To give voice to those who live the experience of disability, art is to express what cannot be externalized in a theatre conceived as a protected space, in which you can be what you want without being judged.
