FTS 8:30 23-09: 78th Session of the UN General Assembly continues in New York

  • last year
FTS 8.30
*Over 10,000 U.S. automotive workers strike demanding better conditions
*Brazil: bushfires in the Amazonia continues to burn
00:00 The fifth day of the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly is set to kick off
00:14 in New York.
00:17 13,000 workers of the United States and the Union demonstrated at 38 work sites of General
00:24 Motors and so on cemented high salaries and better working conditions.
00:33 And four fires are raging in the Brazilian Amazon, many caused by deforestation and worsened
00:38 by an intense heat wave affecting the country.
00:48 Hello and welcome to From the South.
00:49 I'm Ana Razaval from the Delos Estudios in Havana, Cuba, we begin with the news.
01:09 The fourth day of the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly closed on
01:14 Friday in New York as the city prepares on Saturday for another day of general debates.
01:20 The fifth day of the debates will open at 9 a.m., as world leaders continue to debate
01:25 for issues at the UN's General Assembly.
01:28 Representatives from the UN member nations focused on the challenges regarding global
01:33 peace, sustainable development and climate change, with global self-leaders uniting the
01:38 demands for a more equal world society.
01:41 Prime Minister François-Bisset de Grenades, Rafael Gonçalves, Russian Foreign Minister
01:45 Sergei Lavrov and Venezuelan Foreign Minister Ivan Hill are among the speakers addressing
01:50 the United Nations General Assembly on the fourth day of ongoing debates.
01:59 During his intervention at the United Nations General Assembly, Bahamas, Foreign Minister
02:04 Frederick A. Mitchell called climate change the most serious issue his country is facing
02:09 and regretted one of the developed nations' position that there won't be any reparation
02:14 for climate change damage.
02:17 It was actually shocking to us to hear one of our developed nation partners and their
02:21 position on climate reparations for loss and damage on the part of his country.
02:27 Their response was that under no circumstances would there be reparations for loss and damage
02:32 from climate change.
02:35 Mr. President, small island developing states like the Bahamas have been negotiating for
02:39 loss and damage for over 30 years.
02:42 So it begs the question, how much are 399,314 lives worth?
02:52 During his speech at the 78th United Nations General Assembly, Grenades' Prime Minister
02:57 Dido Mitchell called for international units and cooperation to face human suffering wherever
03:03 and whenever it happens.
03:07 We all must never forget that whenever and wherever there are severe challenges and especially
03:14 human suffering, the United Nations and its members must come together and respond to
03:22 such crisis with the greatest urgency to its multilateral efforts and cooperation so that
03:29 we can all come together in the aid of our neighbors and citizens in the time of their
03:36 needs.
03:38 Prime Minister of Haiti Ariel Henry said safety was a priority of his government and expressed
03:45 his concern about the violence in the country.
03:48 I have come here today on behalf of my people to raise our security question which remains
03:56 the key priority of my government.
04:00 To highlight that the circulation of arms, massacres, kidnappings are major concerns
04:08 for my administration.
04:14 During his speech, the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Costa Rica, Arnaldo Ricardo Andretti
04:19 Noco, spoke about the proposals made by his country to seek to accelerate the decision-making
04:24 process so that our organizations can get out of the ditch in which they have fallen.
04:30 Costa Rica is an example that dialogue can be more powerful than guns.
04:37 When it comes to fair competition criteria, these are more important than selfish criteria.
04:48 Our people have no fear when it comes to countering those who think that might is right.
04:58 We depend on the international system and those of us who do depend on that system understand
05:02 the need to have a global system in place which meets the needs of the most vulnerable.
05:07 The proposals that Costa Rica has made seek to accelerate the decision-making process
05:14 so that we can get out of the stupor that our organization has fallen into.
05:19 We find ourselves at a turning point.
05:23 If ever there was a time for a call to action, it is now.
05:30 The Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda, Gaston Brown, urged the United Nations Assembly
05:36 to address the issue of increased arms imports into the Caribbean from the United States.
05:41 The United Nations General Assembly gave us the opportunity to come here and to speak
05:47 about those issues.
05:49 More recently we have seen a proliferation of ammunition and guns.
05:59 We have seen an increase in homicides as a result of these guns.
06:02 But the irony is they are not manufactured in the Caribbean.
06:05 They are imported primarily from the United States.
06:08 They represent a significant threat to us in terms of the amount of homicides.
06:12 In fact we now have about three times the amount of homicides per thousand of the global
06:18 average and it is because of those guns that are being imported in the Caribbean.
06:25 Obviously mostly used by those involved in the narcotics trade, but they are also using
06:30 those guns to hurt innocent people.
06:33 It's an issue that many of us would have addressed during this Assembly.
06:38 In an interview for TELUSURA correspondent Aiza Garcia from New York, the Prime Minister
06:43 of Antigua and Barbuda demanded a lifting of unilateral coercive measures imposed by
06:47 the United States on Cuba and Venezuela.
06:50 Cuba and Venezuela, we think what the United States is doing to Cuba is cruel and we continue
06:58 to advocate for the sanctions to be lifted.
07:00 They say for example that Cuba is involved in state sponsored terrorism.
07:04 They know it's not true and they need to take them off the list.
07:07 I mean the situation in Venezuela, we have made a plea as well for them to discontinue
07:12 the sanctions against Venezuela.
07:14 They are hurting the Venezuelan people.
07:17 They are literally contributing to the exodus of Venezuelans because of the hardships that
07:21 the sanctions have created.
07:23 But even within the Caribbean region, those of us who benefited from Petro-Caribbean,
07:27 we too are suffering and we are innocent.
07:29 We haven't done anything to offend the United States, but at the same time we can't avail
07:33 ourselves of fuel from Petro-Venezuela, which in the past would have acted as a price stabilization
07:39 mechanism for Caribbean countries who were getting petroleum products on the Petro-Caribbean.
07:45 So these are some of the inequities that we continue to advocate within the UN forum and
07:51 we are hoping that our voices will not fall in deaf ears and that there will be some transformational
07:57 changes.
07:58 Premier Brown also thanked President Nicolás Maduro for providing support to the Caribbean
08:03 countries.
08:04 I have to take the opportunity to thank President Maduro in that he would have assisted a number
08:09 of Caribbean countries, including Antigua and Barbuda, with a partial debt right to
08:14 offer 50% of the amounts owed for the petroleum products.
08:18 And that in itself would have helped to reduce our debt to GDP.
08:21 I believe Jamaica, St. Vincent and the Grenadines and other countries that have benefited.
08:26 And you know what is interesting, you have a country that is struggling, providing that
08:31 kind of relief for others, and you find wealthy countries, even the United States in this
08:34 hemisphere, which is the wealthiest country on the planet, you know, has not been, or
08:40 have not been as responsive as even countries that do not quite have resources.
08:44 So kudos to President Maduro and the government people of Venezuela for the responsiveness
08:49 to the needs of the Caribbean people.
08:52 Let's take a short break, but remember you can join us on TikTok @ElSueroEnglish, where
08:56 you'll find news in different formats, new dates and more.
08:59 Other stories coming up, stay with us.
09:21 Welcome back.
09:22 On Friday, 13,000 workers at the U.S.-Ara Union demonstrated at 38 work sites of General
09:28 Motors and St. Lawrence.
09:31 According to statements by Union President John Fain, they are ready to shut down more
09:35 plants if negotiations for a negotiated labor agreement do not move forward.
09:40 The demand includes 40% wage increases distributed over the next four years and the elimination
09:46 of wage differences between workers in plants of the same companies.
09:50 Better job security guarantees and the recovery of benefits they have received up to 2009
09:56 to compensate workers for the increase in the cost of living.
10:00 Meanwhile, the Union has decided not to call strikes at the move for plants in recognition
10:05 of the progress of its negotiations with the manufacturer.
10:14 Venezuela's President Nicolás Maduro signed a bill for the promotion of non-oil exports.
10:19 The bill was signed during a meeting between the head of states and the National Economic
10:23 Council and needs the approval of the National Assembly to become law.
10:28 The legal instrument will give Venezuela the power to organize and facilitate all activities
10:33 in the field in order to threaten the economy.
10:37 It also establishes incentives for special non-oil exports and promotes a single window
10:42 for foreign trade.
10:55 Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro approved a four-point agreement to rescue the stability
10:59 of the country.
11:01 The agreement was reached at a working meeting of the National Productive Economic Council
11:05 and seeks to recover the country's economic and financial growth.
11:10 The first point looks to guarantee the peace of citizens, and the second to condemning
11:15 criminal sanctions against Venezuela, as well as to demand from the government of the United
11:19 States the immediate lifting of the coercive measures against the homeland.
11:24 The third represents a consensus for economic prosperity, and the fourth a plan to recover
11:29 the welfare of the Venezuelan people.
11:48 In the South Amazonas, forest fires are raging in Brazil, many caused by deforestation and
11:53 worsened by an intense heat wave affecting the country.
11:57 Reports indicate that there are ongoing fires in the town of Audazes, located in the Brazilian
12:02 Amazon.
12:03 These fires have caused damage to trees and have affected people with smoke, leaving them
12:09 fearful that their homes may also be affected.
12:12 The National Institute of Special Research has recorded 5,186 fire outbreaks in the Brazilian
12:19 state of Amazonas in the first 20 days of September, which is 72% higher than the same
12:26 period last year.
12:27 The Brazilian Amazon is facing threats from illegal mining and the expansion of the agricultural
12:32 sector, which often involves burning the forests to create more cultivation areas or pastures.
12:43 The authorities in Libya on Saturday stressed that search and rescue efforts are continuing
12:48 for victims and bodies under the rubble more than 10 days after the passage of strong Daniel
12:53 through the Libyan city of Derna.
12:56 The Libyan Red Crescent is stepping up its effort to collect medical and food supplies
13:01 to meet the needs of the city and other flood-affected areas.
13:05 Almost two weeks after the storm brought down two dams for live teams and paramilitaries
13:10 continued to search for bodies and treat the injured amid fears of the spread of disease
13:15 due to unsanitary conditions.
13:17 Alaa Al-Faghari, a Red Crescent doctor, said the situation in the city of Derna remains
13:23 tragic.
13:24 "There are still people under the rubble who are still trapped and no one can recover them,"
13:29 added Al-Faghari.
13:30 We have a second short break coming up but before we invite you to visit our YouTube
13:41 channel Natal's Good English.
13:42 There you'll be able to re-watch our interviews, sub-stories, special broadcasts and more.
13:48 Hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell to stay up to date on the
13:52 world's most recent events.
13:55 Final short break, don't go away.
13:58 Welcome back.
14:18 And now we go to China, more specifically to the world capital of pandas, the city of
14:22 Chengdu.
14:23 There, the provincial government of Xi'an organized the first Golden Panda Awards for
14:28 international film and television productions.
14:31 The ceremony was attended by the famous actor Jackie Chan and her Latin American as the
14:36 winner of the Best Actor award.
14:39 RTVT collaborator in China, Manuel Ramos, attended these events.
14:43 Let's see.
14:47 The new Chinese international movie and series award, Golden Panda, called for production
14:51 from countries in various regions.
14:53 Vietnam, Iran, Argentina, Russia, Czech Republic, Thailand and Colombia were some of the countries
14:59 with nominated productions, in addition to countries that usually dominate renowned international
15:05 awards such as the USA, France, UK and Italy.
15:14 According to the organizers, the new festival aims to increase cultural exchanges between
15:19 countries under the concept of a community with a shared future for humanity, or a community
15:24 of common destiny.
15:25 The idea has Confucian and Marxist roots and has been promoted by the Chinese government
15:30 for about a decade in its bilateral relations and in the various international platforms
15:35 in which it participates.
15:43 As the world capital of the giant panda, Chengdu seems like the ideal city to host the festival.
15:48 Through the so-called panda diplomacy, initiated more than half a century ago, China sends
15:53 pandas to other countries for a certain period as a symbol of friendship.
16:02 South American films are close to us, such as the Brazilian Central Station, which had
16:07 a great influence in China.
16:09 We hope that through these film exchanges and events, we can further promote communication
16:13 between filmmakers, foster more collaborative projects and inject more elements and vitality
16:19 of cinema into the peaceful development of the world and the awareness of a shared future
16:23 for humanity.
16:33 Different countries, they have different cultures, and I think for me, I really hope in the future
16:38 I can play with different people in different countries, and I can learn from them and they
16:43 can learn from me, because I think a culture always needs to be exchanged, right?
16:48 And we can bring a lot of different things together, and we can create the new thing.
16:53 So that's why I want to meet more people like Brazilian musicians, right?
16:58 And probably we can learn from each other, and so we can use this way to bring a lot
17:03 of new things coming and to make the whole world more peaceful and more happy.
17:24 Prominent figures from the Chinese film industry were present at the award ceremony in the
17:29 Land of the Pandas.
17:30 Among them were Jackie Chan, Kwan-Hsiao Tong and Wu Jing.
17:34 As part of the awards, the organizers held a forum where themes of cooperation, dialogue
17:39 and mutual learning were discussed.
17:41 Former senior officials from the United Nations, former Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva
17:47 and former Egyptian Foreign Minister Nabil Fahmy participated in the event.
17:51 You were talking about mutual understanding, and we believe from UNESCO that when we share
17:58 our cultures, when we are able to showcase actually what they bring actually to communities,
18:06 to individuals, this is when we actually develop further, when communities are able to flourish
18:15 so that individuals as well are able to exchange and share across countries.
18:22 Argentine director Leandro Martinez had his work, Aru, nominated for Best Animation.
18:28 He believes that spaces like these promoted by China outside the hegemonic circuit can
18:32 contribute in terms of dissemination and support for productions in South America.
18:40 China's total box office during this summer broke a record, surpassing the equivalent
18:44 of more than 20 billion yuan, with domestic productions gaining an increasingly large
18:50 proportion as a result of a long trajectory of tax incentives and subsidies to the industry.
18:57 For us to reach Hollywood, whether from Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil or wherever it may be, it
19:05 is a much longer path than the exposure you can achieve at an event like this, for example.
19:10 So imagine my short film is an independent work made by myself in my own home, and suddenly
19:15 I'm invited and nominated for an award without any kind of prejudice.
19:19 In other words, I didn't have to go through any political process, have connections in
19:24 the industry or be invited first to other smaller festivals.
19:27 No, it's as if, simply because they liked her or found that has something to say, I
19:32 have the opportunity to be here.
19:37 Another Latin American present at the Golden Panda Award Ceremony was Argentine actor Nahuel
19:42 PĂ©rez Vizcayart, who ended up winning the award for Best Actor of the Festival for the
19:47 film Persian Lessons, a co-production between Russia, Germany and Belarus.
19:56 I know that the award from this event points a little to that, to the expansion of borders.
20:01 Mine is a very particular case, but it really coincides very well with today's logic, which
20:06 is that I am Argentine and worked on a Russian-German film, playing a Belgian who speaks French
20:11 and German, and now we are here with a Chinese award.
20:14 I think it is the most beautiful thing about cinema and art in general, when political
20:18 borders are erased a little, and for at least a moment it seems that we understand each
20:23 other and can create a common language.
20:27 We have come to the end of this brief.
20:28 You can find these and many other stories on our website, www.talsurenglish.net.
20:33 And join us on social media, Facebook, Instagram, Telegram and TikTok.
20:38 For Talsur English, I'm Ana Rosabal.
20:42 Thank you for watching.
20:43 [music]
20:53 you
