“The world today is experiencing very delicate crisis”

  • last year
Speech by Nabil Ammar, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Tunisia, at the 78th Session of the UNGA. teleSUR
00:00 And we go live to the 78th General Assembly of the United Nations on the fifth day.
00:12 Let's listen to the statement of Nabil Amar, a minister for foreign affairs of Tunisia.
00:16 I would like to congratulate Mr. Dennis Francis and through him the Republic of Trinidad and
00:24 Tobago on his presidency of the General Assembly at the 78th session.
00:32 I wish him every success in conducting our work and I can assure him of our support,
00:40 support for his vision and that is prosperity, growth, and sustainability.
00:47 I would also like to express to Mr. Sam Akkorosi, president of the 77th session, my deep gratitude
00:55 and congratulations for an excellent – for a job well done.
01:01 I would like to reiterate our support and acknowledgement for the efforts of the Secretary
01:06 General, Mr. Antonio Guterres, and for his excellent initiative to promote multilateral
01:14 action.
01:15 Mr. President, our world today is experiencing a very delicate page in its history where
01:23 crises and challenges are growing at a time when wars and conflicts are getting worse
01:30 and where – when geopolitical divisions are evident and where we see a slowing of
01:38 the implementation of SDGs and the crisis of indebtedness of developing countries is
01:43 worsening, where poverty and hunger is increasing, and where the gap between the North and the
01:50 South is increasing without even mentioning the unprecedented increase in refugees and
01:55 migrants and the continuing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the climate
02:04 crisis.
02:05 Is this really the world to which we aspire after almost eight decades since the creation
02:09 of the United Nations?
02:13 This is an image that is very distant from the goals and values that this organization
02:20 is based on.
02:26 That being said, we call on the creation of new approaches and new means that are more
02:33 effective to meet the challenges of today.
02:36 We also call on strengthening cooperation and solidarity at the international level
02:41 on the basis of common but shared responsibility.
02:46 We would also like to reiterate the need to truly respect the UN Charter, international
02:53 law, human rights, every – by everyone, without politicizing them.
03:04 That is the way to bolster trust among states and to sustain multilateral action and to
03:18 achieve security, peace, and development.
03:21 With this in mind, we hope that this session will be a historical turning point, a new
03:27 start for the multilateral system and for international cooperation as a whole.
03:31 Ladies and gentlemen, hundreds of millions of people had great hopes in the 2030 Agenda
03:41 for Sustainable Development, and yet what has been achieved to date is significantly
03:47 below what was hoped for.
03:51 Bearing that in mind, Tunisia supports the relaunch efforts of the Secretary General
03:58 to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, in particular practical steps that seek to
04:02 alleviate the lack of funding.
04:04 We also welcome the fact that the Secretary General has set up a response group to the
04:12 global crises – the financing crisis, food crisis, energy crisis – in order to deal
04:19 with the impact of the war in Ukraine on food and energy.
04:24 In this context, we would like to recall the appeal of President Kays Sayad of Tunisia
04:31 during the Summit of Food Systems in Rome to create a strategic stockpile of grain,
04:39 cereals for the world, which we could use when necessary.
04:44 And I think it's important to acknowledge that it is clear that the international monetary
04:50 system has failed, the system which was created following World War II to provide a safety
04:58 net for the world, to guarantee lasting financing for development and for the least developed
05:07 countries.
05:08 This system, quite to the contrary, has disappointed and has abandoned these countries.
05:16 In fact, even worse, this system has contributed to increasing the gap between advanced countries
05:22 and developing countries.
05:23 These developing countries face very difficult choices today, which consist of sharing a
05:30 large part of their resources to reimburse their debt and servicing the debt, rather
05:35 than responding to the vital needs of their populations.
05:37 This is why today we call for substantive reforms of the international financial system
05:44 and to change global economic governance.
05:50 This is an essential priority to overcome current difficulties and to pave the way for
06:07 a more fair system that invests in sustainable development and in future generations.
06:13 Furthermore, we call on the world to take serious steps to ensure a recovery of funds
06:23 looted abroad to help countries that have been pillaged so that they can base their
06:31 efforts on their own resources.
06:34 It's also important to avoid these kinds of violations in the future.
06:38 Mr. President, what the world is experiencing today – the impact of climate change, deterioration
06:46 of ecosystems, worsening of natural disasters – all this forces all of us to confront
06:54 these challenges urgently.
06:57 That is the absolute priority for us today, and this in spite of the fact that our countries
07:01 are not responsible for the current situation of our planet.
07:05 With that in mind, Tunisia welcomes the initiative of the Secretary General, who called for holding
07:11 a summit for a climate ambitions action summit.
07:15 And in this context, we reiterate the need to continue international efforts and step
07:19 up these efforts to achieve the needed solutions.
07:28 All responsible actors should assume their responsibility by providing climate funding
07:34 to countries who are experiencing the worst damage from the climate crisis.
07:38 Mr. President, illegal migration has worsened in our geographical area due to the inadequate
07:49 development of many African states, due to conflicts that are continuing, due to the
07:54 effects of climate change, without mentioning the fact that criminal networks are exploiting
08:02 precarious conditions of thousands of people who are seeking better opportunities in life
08:09 and are trafficking these people, whether this is from the south of the Mediterranean
08:15 to the north of the Mediterranean or from sub-Saharan Africa.
08:19 While reiterating the need to adopt a global approach to tackle this issue of illegal migration,
08:29 which is by focusing on its root causes rather than simply its consequences, while saying
08:36 that we once again would like to reiterate the need for all parties to assume their responsibility
08:46 -- origin countries, transit countries, and destination countries, as well as regional
08:49 and international organizations.
08:51 And in this context, we call on the continuation of the process of the International Conference
08:56 on Development and Migration, which started in Rome based on a Tunisian and Italian initiative.
09:05 Tunisia has always dealt with this issue of illegal migration within its possibilities
09:12 and given its longstanding attachment to human rights and in fulfilling its international
09:20 obligations.
09:23 And we can assure you that Tunisia will not accept the arrival of illegal immigrants,
09:32 concealed kind of arrival of illegal immigrants.
09:34 Furthermore, we condemn all political exploitation or media exploitation that is irresponsible
09:40 of the suffering of the victims of illegal migrants for political purposes.
09:46 Mr. President, Tunisia has been no -- has not been an exception to what the world has
09:53 experienced and continues to experience in terms of challenges -- economic challenges,
09:58 social challenges, living conditions.
10:01 And we, in spite of these current difficulties, we intend to overcome these difficulties,
10:07 strengthen our resilience and sustainability in cooperation with our friends and partners
10:13 while respecting the principles and the guiding principles of our national policies and national
10:21 destiny.
10:22 We will continue tirelessly with the process of reform and strengthening good governance
10:31 and combating corruption in order to strengthen and fine-tune our democracy, the performance
10:41 of our state institutions, and to put an end to the irresponsible political manipulations
10:50 that we've seen over the past 10 years.
10:53 This is all in response to the aspirations of the Tunisian people who, very sincerely,
10:59 on the 25th of July of 2021, expressed their will.
11:03 The people are attached to their aspirations until this process of reform is completed,
11:08 in spite of challenges and pressure.
11:10 We're also -- we intend to strengthen our resilience to -- in the face of challenges,
11:17 including regional and global challenges, lack of funding, the effects of climate change,
11:23 the consequences of COVID-19.
11:27 And our country, as part of a presidential initiative, has -- was the first to call on
11:37 strengthening international solidarity to combat COVID-19, and that led to the adoption
11:45 by the Security Council of Resolution 2532, co-sponsored by France.
11:51 We also will continue our efforts for the empowerment of women and young people to strengthen
11:59 their participation in public life, in decision-making.
12:02 We are also working on being successful in our transition to a green economy and blue
12:10 economy, strengthening digital transformation while providing social protection for all
12:20 our citizens and to ensure a fair distribution of the fruits of economic growth.
12:29 And during this very important period, Tunisia will basically -- well, it will count on its
12:36 own resources, of course.
12:38 At the same time, we call on our partners to work together constructively as part of
12:44 our process of reform and modernization, and to support our efforts in that economic recovery,
12:54 based on the link between our common interests and common destinies, as well as based on
13:00 a -- our economic -- on our intelligent political assessment.
13:07 Mr. President, Tunisia intends to also support the process of revitalization underway in
13:13 our organization.
13:15 In that context, Tunisia has effectively taken part in implementing the Secretary General's
13:22 report, our common program, and we hope that the summit of the future will be an opportunity
13:26 to reiterate the engagement of everyone to our common principles to build a secure and
13:34 lasting future for humankind.
13:37 This also reflects our vision to create a new global order that is more balanced, where
13:44 there's no hierarchy among states.
13:46 Because the more there's an absence of justice, the more poverty increases, the more terrorism
13:54 worsens.
13:58 We need a new vision, a global vision, on issues of security and peace, which is -- which
14:04 takes into account the root causes of instability and the trends towards violence and war.
14:13 Mr. President, the continuation of the historical justice and suffering imposed on the Palestinian
14:20 people for over seven decades of occupation and its entourage of oppression and atrocities
14:29 -- this is unacceptable on a legal and a moral level.
14:34 On a human level, it's unacceptable.
14:38 The same goes for the silence of the international community, even while the occupation authorities
14:47 are intent on disregarding international law and its principles and continue to carry out
14:57 their policy of aggression and settlement building.
15:01 It is for this reason that we once again call on the Security Council and the international
15:10 community to assume its responsibility to force the occupation authorities to respect
15:19 international law in order to achieve a just and peaceful solution based on agreed legal
15:27 principles that will put an end to the suffering and occupation of the Palestinian people,
15:33 and it will allow it to recover their legitimate rights, to create an independent, sovereign
15:43 state that is contiguous geographically and borders the 4th of June, 1967, with Jerusalem
15:52 as its capital.
15:54 We also call for Palestine to be a fully-fledged member of the United Nations.
16:01 Now, as far as our immediate neighborhood, Tunisia reiterates its commitment to provide
16:12 all possible assistance to our Libyan neighbors to help them overcome its differences and
16:19 achieve a political agreement based on inter-Libyan dialogue with the help of the United Nations
16:26 to preserve the unity and sovereignty of Libya.
16:31 We reiterate our rejection of any military solutions and any form of interference into
16:38 the internal affairs of Libya, whether this interference is direct or indirect.
16:45 Now, along the same lines, we are in favor of seeing a convergence of UN and international
16:52 efforts to achieve a political solution both in Syria and Yemen to put an end to the sufferings
16:58 of these two brethren nations and to bring peace and security to them to preserve their
17:05 sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity.
17:10 It also calls on cessation - an end of the escalation in Sudan and to focus on dialogue
17:18 to try to overcome this crisis.
17:20 We call on the international community and the United Nations to help Africa to rid itself
17:25 of crises, constant crises for which this continent is only marginally responsible.
17:36 We reiterate the need to endow a moral dimension both on economic efforts by taking into account
17:45 the interests of African countries.
17:47 In conclusion, Mr. President, allow me to remind us that we are at a crossroads.
18:01 Given the scale of the risks and challenges that are unprecedented, that affect everyone
18:10 and that threaten our world and threaten our future generations, the choices we make which
18:19 should be based on long-term vision and our engagement to our humanity, based on our belief
18:27 in our common destiny and our attachment to the UN Charter, to the principle of solidarity
18:32 and cooperation and responsibility, these decisions will play a decisive role to endow
18:39 the multilateral system with credibility.
18:41 Thank you.
18:42 (Applause.)
18:43 I thank the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Migration and Tunisians Abroad of Tunisia.
19:01 I now give the floor to Her Excellency Thoris Holbrunn-Reykjavik-Giladottir, Minister for
19:07 Foreign Affairs of Iceland.
19:09 We were listening to the statements of Nabil Amar, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Tunisia.
19:17 He stated that the world is facing growing crises and conflicts and hence, learning from
19:22 more effective measures and cooperation on a common basis of shared responsibility.
19:27 In addition, he pointed out that there should be more reforms on financial and economic
19:31 systems in order to overcome current difficulties and pave the way for future generations.
19:38 Breaking news coming up, stay tuned.
19:39 (Music.)
19:45 (dramatic music)
