First accessible hot air balloon experience takes off

  • last year
The first fully accessible hot air balloon experience in New South Wales has taken to the skies above the Hunter Valley. Ballooning is a popular tourist attraction in the region now the amazing views can be taken in by those with diverse mobility needs.


00:00 A very foggy morning didn't delay the launch of NSW's first fully accessible hot air ballooning
00:07 experience here in the Hunter Valley.
00:10 Now hot air ballooning is huge in this region, particularly in the wine growing areas where
00:14 you can see vineyards like this one behind me from the skies and it's an absolutely incredible
00:19 view up there.
00:21 So the local council here, Cessnock City Council and the State Government partnered with a
00:26 local tourism provider to basically kit out a hot air ballooning basket with accessibility
00:32 features so ease of access into the basket, particular types of seats, harnesses as well
00:38 that are a particular type to allow people with disabilities to modify them to what they
00:43 need to be able to enjoy this incredible experience that is offered here in the Hunter to anyone
00:50 that wants to be a part of it.
00:52 One gentleman that was on board was Vietnam veteran David Lebrock, he has a spinal injury
00:57 and he said it was incredible to see his home region from a whole new view.
01:03 I think it's great that Blue Naloft and Evictus and the NSW Government allowed this to happen
01:10 because there's a lot of people in my situation that would dearly like to do this sort of
01:20 thing and now if I can do it, anybody can do it.
01:27 Also on board was the NSW Parliamentary Secretary for Disability Inclusion, Liesl Tesch.
01:33 She said that it's really important for these experiences to be offered to anyone that wants
01:38 to take part but also that they're not so obviously for people with a disability.
01:43 She said there's nothing like the feeling where you just feel like you're sticking out
01:47 like a sore thumb.
01:48 So she said she was really appreciative when she arrived this morning that it looked like
01:52 any other hot air ballooning basket and that she was able to experience it alongside other
01:56 tourists and friends of hers that were on board for the ride.
02:01 For Mr Lebrock and his caring staff who you also saw before, he said that this is one
02:05 of those life changing moments for him to be able to experience something completely
02:10 new and completely incredible in his home region was something that he will remember
02:15 forever.
