• last year


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02:21 Our questions to you are from The Health team of Porista Beresmeden
02:31 and from the elder of the child, the gunman,
02:38 the Statue of Liberty chairman!
02:42 In Indonesia, locals are suffering from economic downturn and want to rebuild their lives.
02:50 In New York, the citizens are being hit by a flood.
02:56 The roads are flooded and the rain is getting worse.
03:01 On Friday, September 29, 2023, people are running around.
03:06 They are panicking, even though they have been hit by heavy rain several times.
03:13 Oh my God!
03:18 In a short time, the New York government announced an emergency.
03:38 Some terminals in Laguardia Airport are closed.
03:42 The damage and total casualties are still being calculated.
03:45 The water is still not drained in some areas.
03:48 Well, that's New York, United States.
03:54 I'm grateful that Indonesia is safe.
03:57 But, there was a fire in Indonesia.
04:01 So, again, this is a wake-up call for us to be more careful
04:06 with what nature says.
04:09 Yes, and maybe it's a different season.
04:11 This is like a warning, because we are facing a drought season.
04:14 And soon, it will be rainy season.
04:18 So, maybe our government can be reminded again
04:21 what it was like yesterday, the flood.
04:23 So, it's starting to be a warning, don't wait for the flood.
04:25 So, New York can be flooded, but Jakarta is not too bad.
04:30 And the most green road today, it's very beautiful.
04:35 Welcome back to Insert Story with me, Opah J. Ju.
04:39 And I'm Veronica Twins, your host for this week.
04:44 Okay, so, tonight, we're going to talk about a mysterious topic.
04:48 Do you agree?
04:49 I agree.
04:50 I think the aura of the show is mysterious.
04:53 What kind of aura is this?
04:54 Yes, we're talking about the accident at the exit toll of Bawen.
04:59 You may have heard about it.
05:01 It happened on September 23rd, and it was a very lucky accident.
05:06 If we look at the date, it was in 2020,
05:10 and it happened in 2021, and even in 2023.
05:13 And it's not a joke, there were 4 cars and 20 motorcycles.
05:18 Yes, it happened because it was at the exit toll,
05:20 so there were motorcycles.
05:22 There were many suspicions,
05:24 whether the brakes were broken, or the driver was sleepy.
05:26 But this can be attributed to the supernatural story.
05:30 We, Indonesian netizens, if we can't explain something,
05:33 we will be confused with mysterious things that can't be explained.
05:37 Because there is a red thread that is quite unique,
05:41 where the driver of this truck,
05:44 who was in the accident, was named Agus,
05:47 and he always watched the truck.
05:49 And they both looked like a woman's shadow.
05:53 Is your beautiful woman still a mystery?
05:56 Let's see what it's like. Here it is for you.
05:58 Here's the story.
05:59 Now I'm at the exit toll of Bawen,
06:02 which is so shocking,
06:04 when the accident happened,
06:07 a Tronton truck that ate three victims,
06:11 and 27 injured victims,
06:13 on Saturday, September 23.
06:17 Behind me is the PKP, the scene,
06:21 where many victims were eaten by the Remblong.
06:27 The death accident that happened on September 23,
06:30 caused a mystery that caused a stir.
06:33 What actually happened at the exit toll of Bawen, Semarang, Central Java?
06:37 The accident of a large-capacity Tronton truck,
06:39 is suspected to be unable to control the speed of the vehicle due to the Remblong,
06:42 causing dozens of vehicles to be damaged and eat victims.
06:54 These are the moments of the death accident at the red light at the exit toll of Bawen,
06:58 which went fast due to the low road position.
07:01 As a result, 4 cars and 20 motorcycles were hit by the truck,
07:05 killing 4 victims and dozens of injured people.
07:08 However, in this death accident,
07:10 a mystery was left that was clearly recorded,
07:12 through the surveillance of the CCTV of the red light at the exit toll of Bawen,
07:15 where there was a woman wearing a hijab,
07:18 suddenly appeared in front of the Tronton truck,
07:20 just like an accident.
07:23 [Truck engine noise]
07:31 I don't know where the woman came from,
07:34 suddenly appeared mysteriously,
07:37 standing upright, walking around in front of the truck,
07:40 while looking at the vehicle that was far away due to the Remblong.
07:42 The woman didn't seem to be hit by the accident and even a little wound,
07:46 so she could still walk upright.
07:48 So who is the woman?
07:51 Is she one of the survivors of the death accident?
07:54 [Truck engine noise]
07:55 I think she is a survivor of the motorcycle accident.
08:00 She was standing upright, maybe she was looking for her friend's motorcycle.
08:05 If it's a mysterious woman, I don't think so.
08:09 I think there are many people like that.
08:12 Did you see the woman when the accident happened?
08:15 I didn't see her, I saw her in the accident.
08:18 You mean on social media, you didn't see her?
08:23 I didn't focus on it, I looked up.
08:27 [Truck engine noise]
08:31 Are you surprised or confused when you saw the video?
08:34 Did the public see if she was a mysterious figure?
08:37 I saw it myself, there was a woman.
08:42 But she was a survivor, thank God.
08:47 [Truck engine noise]
08:50 Exit Tol Bawen does contain various mysterious stories that surround the area.
08:55 This death accident was not the first time it happened there.
08:58 In addition to the past few years, there have also been accidents with similar cases, namely the Remblanc.
09:04 Sikit, a citizen and eyewitness who witnessed the accident directly on Saturday,
09:10 said that the driver did not control the road.
09:13 Because he thinks that if the driver often goes through the road,
09:16 he will turn the steering wheel to the right or left if he experiences something that is not in order in his vehicle.
09:21 How could the driver not control the road?
09:28 Maybe the car is not worthy, I think.
09:35 If the brakes are not in place, it must be left or right.
09:41 He also asked, "What's going on here?"
09:45 The driver was asked, he didn't know the road, so he was surprised and just passed by.
09:52 Usually, people who know the road always turn the steering wheel to the right or left.
09:58 Indeed, in every place and road, there must be a mysterious story that has become a legend.
10:05 So did the exit Tol Bawen, according to a spiritual practitioner,
10:09 Bah Bojo, said that if there was an accident at the exit door of this Tol Bawen,
10:13 it is not impossible if there is a factor X that causes an accident vehicle.
10:18 Bah Bojo even has a prediction that something big will happen before the accident.
10:24 Is that true?
10:26 People there, around there, a person from Semarang, I personally,
10:32 and coincidentally, yesterday on Saturday, I had been observing for about 15 minutes.
10:41 15 minutes of the accident, but I had already passed,
10:47 I had already reached the Tuntang bridge at that time.
10:51 I got the news, I went back to the scene.
10:58 But I had a prediction before Bawen.
11:05 Before Bawen, I had a prediction because I was from there.
11:10 There will be something big.
11:14 Really surprising. Believe it or not, the people there still believe that
11:24 if something big happens, there is an indication of the following X factor.
11:29 Not everyone knows that the exit of Tol Bawen is a road,
11:33 where drivers must be in full concentration condition
11:36 and must have a horn if they want to pass the road.
11:39 It is known that there are three points of the area that have an indication of an accident
11:43 by comparing the external factor.
11:48 There are three points of Semarang that are prone to accidents.
11:53 And there must be an X factor, in my opinion.
11:57 Like what happened in Merakmati, we changed it to Merak Rejo.
12:07 It happens very often, even once every three months.
12:12 There is an accident, there are victims.
12:15 Then it goes up again, up again at the hill of Bawen.
12:23 At the hill of Bawen, after the textile factory, it goes up a little,
12:29 then it goes up again, and then it starts to go down.
12:34 Until the accident that happened on Saturday.
12:39 It is very prone.
12:43 The obvious factor that I have mentioned is the road.
12:51 The road.
12:54 It is a matter of caution and full concentration,
12:57 whoever uses that road.
13:01 And also, in Javanese, it is called "klakson".
13:10 Therefore, in addition to the problem of the Remblong vehicle,
13:13 Mr. Bojo also said that the driver was not in a full concentration condition when driving.
13:19 I saw yesterday, the driver could not concentrate.
13:29 That was before the Bawen intersection.
13:34 The position is already far away.
13:36 It is far away, he can't.
13:40 And it has been controlled, for me, by the factor of the road.
13:45 The danger of death that eats victims at the exit of the Bawen tollway
13:50 holds a dark mystery that needs to be investigated.
13:53 So, how is the family's condition when they find out that one of the victims is his family?
13:58 All will be revealed in the Insert Story tomorrow.
14:04 So, is there a factor X or Y?
14:08 So you can decide.
14:10 But once again, don't let anything be associated with mystical things.
14:14 Because behind it, there must be a reason why it happened.
14:17 Maybe he was sleepy, or it must be fixed in the infrastructure.
14:21 So, please focus on that.
14:22 I agree.
14:23 Well, if there is good news, we move on to Devano.
14:27 Here, the one who shares happiness and also fortune on his birthday.
14:31 At a young age, at 21 years old, people are usually egoistic.
14:35 If it's his birthday, he wants to ask for A, B, and celebrate it with a big party.
14:40 But he's not like that.
14:42 Okay, he decided to share, or rather, to share shoes to the children who are in school in Bawen.
14:48 So, for those who are curious, maybe there are some pairs of shoes collected by Devano.
14:53 We'll be back when we're still at Insert Story.
14:56 [Music]
15:03 [Music]
15:09 As a mother, I always give optimal protection.
15:13 Nutrilion Royal, higher than Phosgos DHA and Omega, prepares mothers to be winners.
15:19 Winner is Nutrilion Royal, supplied for winning.
15:23 [Music]
15:37 [Music]
15:53 In order to get the best water source, Lemineral does hundreds of explorations.
15:58 Each drop contains balanced essential minerals that are important for the body,
16:03 and the gallon is always new and free of BPA. This is the commitment of Lemineral.
16:08 I want noodles, please.
16:10 Don't worry, there's Oven Noodles, healthier choice.
16:14 The product is in the oven, not fried.
16:16 The noodles are chewy, the taste is better.
16:20 Hmm, delicious.
16:22 Oven Noodles, healthy, delicious again.
16:24 [Music]
16:36 Choose two, free one.
16:37 Coffee, coffee expert.
16:38 Traveler, healthy.
16:41 In this fun week, Dr. Miko Saputra and Dr. Adit Nuitama will explore the nature of Batu City, Malang, East Java.
16:49 Starting from mind-drafting, following the process of making tempeh, to tasting Malang's special spicy noodles.
16:56 And of course, they will also share useful health information.
17:02 Dr. Traveler, Sunday, October 1st, at 9.30 am on TransTV.
17:08 As a mother, I always provide optimal protection.
17:13 Nutrilion Royal, higher than Phosgos DHA and Omega, mother's support prepares her to be a winner.
17:19 Winner is Nutrilion Royal, supplies for winning.
17:23 Gentle Gen, now there's a sachet, buy three, get one free.
17:27 Hands are still soft, the clothes are also soft, the fragrance also lasts a long time.
17:32 No need to smell the fragrance of the softener again.
17:35 Gentle Gen, growth-reducing pad.
17:38 The latest broadcast on TransTV.
17:40 I'm being invited, you make my family embarrassed.
17:45 Give me one chance.
17:47 This is the struggle of lovers, fighting for true love.
17:51 Now I want to return it.
17:52 Filled with unusual challenges.
17:54 I really love you.
17:56 Even though we have mistakes, but we are determined to fix it when there is a way.
17:59 New program, Balikan, starting from October 1st, every Sunday at 4 pm on TransTV.
18:09 Mother, why?
18:11 Sweet and sour Indofood, now there is an economical package of 2000 rupiah.
18:15 You can cook anything, but still save.
18:19 Sweet and sour Indofood, economical package only 2000 rupiah.
18:23 Choose the right Indofood chili for you.
18:26 Indofood spicy chili.
18:29 Indofood extra spicy chili.
18:32 Indofood spicy chili, awesome.
18:35 Indofood spicy chili, fun version.
18:38 I want noodles.
18:40 Calm down, there is an oven noodles, healthier choice.
18:44 The product is in the oven, not fried.
18:46 The noodles are chewy, the taste is better.
18:50 Delicious.
18:52 In the oven, healthy, delicious again.
18:54 Maria Bareng Mega 2023 is here with the winners.
18:57 Mega invited the winners to Hong Kong and Macau.
19:01 I was really surprised, because I have never won in my life.
19:06 I was surprised, because I have never won in my life.
19:09 I can have a holiday together, feel like a honeymoon again.
19:12 So save at Mega Bank, get prizes around the world.
19:16 Free to choose the destination, only Mega Bank can make you smile.
19:21 Thank you, biscuit number 1 for number 1.
19:27 Coconut rum, the coconut taste is real.
19:30 Delicious.
19:33 Coconut rum, biscuit number 1 for number 1.
19:38 So soft.
19:41 Use Sayang2inward, cool detergent in your hand, then soften.
19:45 Make easy clothes ironed.
19:47 Sayang2inward detergent.
19:49 You need to give love.
19:53 Many unique things around us that invite curiosity.
19:59 Hello viewers, we meet again at Asal Usil with John Martin.
20:03 But don't worry, all your curiosity will be answered by John Martin.
20:08 Do you have a lift? / Yes.
20:10 Because this is on TV, I will call you later.
20:13 Interesting and informative, make everyone be inspired.
20:16 Asal Usil, on Insert Siang, every Monday to Friday at 11 o'clock on TransTV.
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21:39 [Music]
21:46 [Advertisement]
21:49 The moment of age increase must be celebrated perfectly.
21:52 Exactly on September 23, the child of the Italian bungsu, Devano Danendrat Genap, 21 years old.
21:58 Usually, the celebrity family makes a luxurious event and is eager to celebrate this anniversary.
22:03 But unlike Devano, at the age of this so-called young man, he has an adult mind.
22:09 He wants to celebrate his first birthday by giving shoes to the children in need.
22:13 This is depicted in Devano's face on the social media page.
22:16 By giving school shoes for the disabled children who are already disabled.
22:20 Do you want to make a birthday? No, no, no.
22:27 So I made a simple birthday party for the family.
22:32 He even knows that I want to cry, he just said this.
22:35 Because the money is what holds me.
22:37 Mom, can I ask for money? For what?
22:40 I want to donate my money for the children to buy shoes.
22:46 Oh, sure, I said that.
22:48 He just wants to ask for that, not to ask for it at the party.
22:51 Devano's noble heart.
22:55 Maybe this Italian bungsu feels sorry for the children from Bawian who still use school shoes.
23:02 His heart is moving to help each other at the moment of age increase.
23:05 Apparently, this kind of thought has been planted in Devano's mind since childhood.
23:09 That both parents teach simplicity in life.
23:13 I'm so happy, I'm so happy.
23:17 My son is the one who doesn't want to buy clothes.
23:25 If I go to the store, I'll go like this, his face is like a robot.
23:29 While he's buying this jacket, he's so naughty.
23:33 Alhamdulillah, my words are like that.
23:36 When I buy something, he always says this.
23:41 I'm confused, so I just change it.
23:45 He's using it together.
23:47 He really understands.
23:50 Because behind all that, his father always says,
23:55 "Dad, buy toys for Rp. 300,000 today."
24:00 "So if you want to buy toys, look at the price first."
24:03 "It's good, thank you, sir."
24:06 Every kindness given to people will definitely get unexpected returns.
24:15 Like Halil Al Dayilami, 67 years old,
24:19 got a sweet surprise that was never expected.
24:22 This is because of his dedication throughout his life,
24:24 feeding and taking care of thousands of orphans in Bahrain.
24:27 I don't know how many children have succeeded and succeeded in fulfilling their dreams in their lives.
24:31 And now, these children are getting back the kindness that Dayilami gave them when he took care of them.
24:37 These orphans deserve more and more.
24:43 I honestly don't deserve it.
24:45 I don't deserve it.
24:47 The Lord of the worlds is the one who has honored me.
24:50 I'm nothing.
24:53 Everything is from Allah.
24:55 He's the one who can't describe a person.
24:58 When you feel that people appreciate you, love you,
25:03 it's a motivation for everyone.
25:05 Thank you so much.
25:07 This surprise happened when Dayilami stopped at a red light,
25:15 which was lit by a car that was about to stop selling.
25:17 Without realizing it, the orphan who was once taken care of by the architect,
25:20 had prepared something to express his gratitude to Dayilami.
25:24 He couldn't take his eyes off the kindness that these children have given him.
25:30 Thank you.
25:53 This is for the kids.
25:56 Dayilami's family is grateful to Dayilami for his kindness.
26:00 He's grateful to the architect for his kindness.
26:03 He's grateful to the architect for his kindness.
26:06 He's grateful to the architect for his kindness.
26:09 He's grateful to the architect for his kindness.
26:12 He's grateful to the architect for his kindness.
26:15 He's grateful to the architect for his kindness.
26:18 He's grateful to the architect for his kindness.
26:21 He's grateful to the architect for his kindness.
26:25 He's grateful to the architect for his kindness.
26:28 He's grateful to the architect for his kindness.
26:31 He's grateful to the architect for his kindness.
26:34 He's grateful to the architect for his kindness.
26:37 He's grateful to the architect for his kindness.
26:40 He's grateful to the architect for his kindness.
26:43 He's grateful to the architect for his kindness.
26:46 He's grateful to the architect for his kindness.
26:49 He's grateful to the architect for his kindness.
26:52 He's grateful to the architect for his kindness.
26:55 He's grateful to the architect for his kindness.
26:58 He's grateful to the architect for his kindness.
27:01 He's grateful to the architect for his kindness.
27:04 He's grateful to the architect for his kindness.
27:07 Dayilami's dedication in taking care of the kids financially and emotionally,
27:12 bringing up the kids with devotion,
27:14 and not forgetting the struggle of the adoptive father who has taken care of him.
27:17 In return, they offer a gift to Dayilami and thank him for what he has given.
27:23 No one can compete with the power of God,
27:31 everything is based on the will of the creator.
27:34 A while ago, Luwiliang Market in Bogor, West Java,
27:37 experienced a great fire,
27:39 where all the shops in the market were burned to the ground.
27:43 However, from the black sparks from the fire,
27:46 a truly amazing sight,
27:48 one of the rooms in the market,
27:50 which is used as a place of worship,
27:52 was not burned at all.
27:54 Masya Allah!
27:57 [Music]
28:00 [Music]
28:03 From so many ashes,
28:20 which were burned,
28:22 suddenly,
28:24 there was a light that was not extinguished.
28:29 [Music]
28:32 Indeed, this is a miracle given by God to the place of worship.
28:42 The mosque was not touched by fire at all,
28:45 whereas the surrounding was burnt.
28:48 The great thing is that the mosque still has neat prayer tools,
28:51 such as the muqina that is still hanging on the wall,
28:53 and also the unburnt Quran.
28:55 This is the miracle that God has shown us as His people.
29:00 To discuss the great fire that happened in Luwiliang Market in Bogor,
29:04 about 1,615 shopkeepers had to lose their jobs to make a living.
29:09 Only a small number of shopkeepers in the market managed to save their goods.
29:13 The rest could only rely on their condition.
29:16 Hopefully, the local government can provide a solution for those affected by the fire in Luwiliang Market.
29:24 The singer Kondang Reza Artemefia has just revealed a fact that she has another child.
29:29 Not only Alia Masaid and Zahwa Rezi Masaid,
29:32 the 48-year-old woman has two adopted children who have lived with her since she was a child.
29:37 Yes, I have two more adopted children, so their older sister is four.
29:42 I have two Zahwa, Alia and her older brother.
29:45 At that time, Zahwa and Alia were with their dad.
29:48 I handed the children to Mas Aji at that time.
29:53 So far, there is no confirmation from Reza about the condition of her adopted children.
29:58 Speaking of adopted children, there is also a dispute between a mother and her adopted children in Pontianak.
30:04 In her case, the adopted child is known to be trying to control the house, land and property of her adopted mother, Siti Fatima,
30:11 the mother who has taken care of her since she was a child.
30:13 Until this case entered the court of Pontianak, which acquiesced Siti Fatima's claim to her adopted child.
30:19 The reason is that the adopted child is so brave to kick Siti out of the house, even though it is Siti's house.
30:24 And now, the 63-year-old woman forgives the adoption of her adopted child, even though she was hurt.
30:30 Really ironic.
30:32 This is very opposite to the video at the beginning,
30:39 where we can see that there is a person who is so big-hearted, so sincere,
30:44 even though he is not her real child or relative, but he wants to help an orphan.
30:49 On the contrary, the adopted child has been taken care of, but it seems like he wants to steal the property or house from a mother.
30:57 We never know, and even if we are a parent, we must be good,
31:01 or later it happens to our child, it will definitely be his responsibility.
31:05 Because there was a child who was raised well, but his character was behind what he was taught by his parents.
31:11 So, in my opinion, the task of the parents is already done, and the child can blame the parents too.
31:15 Speaking of parents, we also have news from someone named Asrul Hasan.
31:20 This is a father who has a deficiency in the hearing area,
31:24 and he managed to raise three children, even though his job is a mess.
31:30 Imagine, and one of his job is to be a parking attendant.
31:33 Yes, and if we often hear "single mother",
31:35 Asrul with his disability must raise three children alone because his wife left him.
31:42 So, single father is not an ordinary thing, especially in Indonesia.
31:47 And his mother also helped, and one of his children was also adopted to his relative's house.
31:53 And now we will see what the condition is like, we will be back again, one more time.
31:58 Only on Insert Stories, don't be shy.
32:01 [Music]
32:08 [Music]
32:13 As a mother, I always give optimal protection.
32:17 Nutrilion Royal, higher than Phosgos DHA and Omega, prepares mothers to be winners.
32:23 Winner is me, mom!
32:25 Nutrilion Royal, available for winning.
32:27 Sorry, sorry.
32:29 [Speaking Indonesian]
32:34 Drink Bodrek Blue and Batu P with three Bodrek's oki, effective in reducing blue and batu.
32:38 Bodrek Blue and Batu P, fast and effective, without addiction.
32:42 [Music]
32:44 [Speaking Indonesian]
33:02 Coconut Rum, the coconut flavor is authentic.
33:04 Hmm, delicious.
33:08 Coconut Rum, the number one biscuit for the number one mother.
33:12 That's right, I choose Coconut Rum, all like the taste.
33:16 The best for morning snack, suitable for school lunch, and relax in the afternoon.
33:22 Adds fun.
33:23 Coconut Rum, the number one biscuit for the number one family.
33:27 [Music]
33:29 Now it's Oki and Sinti's turn to challenge Rijis, what are the challenges?
33:37 Don't cheat, okay?
33:38 Bye.
33:39 Papa Ian has fun games for Oki, Sinti and Rijis.
33:42 How fun is it to play games with them?
33:45 Come on, Adit.
33:47 After a day of challenges, it's time for fun while barbecuing.
33:51 Sahabat Cantik, Sunday, October 1st, at 9 am on TransTV.
33:57 In order to get the best mineral, Le Mineral does hundreds of explorations.
34:02 Each drop contains balanced essential minerals that are important for the body.
34:07 A new gallon and free of BPA.
34:10 This is Le Mineral's commitment.
34:12 Still dizzy, how?
34:15 Use new Pentin, formula with micro-pro-vitamin that absorbs.
34:20 Stronger hair from the inside to 10 times stronger, against dizziness.
34:25 New Pentin.
34:27 [Music]
34:42 The latest broadcast on TransTV.
34:45 [Music]
34:52 This is the struggle of lovers to get their true love back.
34:56 Full of unusual challenges.
34:58 I really love you.
35:00 Even though we have mistakes, but we are sincere to fix it when there is a way.
35:04 New program, Balikan, starting October 1st, every Sunday at 4 pm on TransTV.
35:13 [Music]
35:28 [Music]
35:51 They need fresh, shower with Detol.
35:55 Fresh mint and yuzu lime, give a 5 degree sensation colder.
36:01 And protect from body odor.
36:05 Detol, protection with a 5 degree sensation colder.
36:10 [Music]
36:13 [Music]
36:17 We've used white, but why is his shirt whiter?
36:20 Oh, white.
36:22 Use Funnish White, forget the white.
36:25 Use Funnish White every time you wash.
36:27 With Crystal White innovation, the tone is gone.
36:31 Extra white shirt.
36:34 True white.
36:36 Cool, the tone is gone, true white.
36:40 Forget the white, choose Funnish White.
36:43 Hi, my baby, how are you?
36:45 Want to be the most updated girl in the world?
36:48 So, my baby, we have chosen the colors of the world.
36:51 Just follow this one Madam's journey.
36:54 Wow, so beautiful.
36:56 Everything you need is here and guaranteed to make fun and fun.
37:01 See you again at Madam Comel TransTV, bye.
37:04 Madam Comel on Incepsian Weekend, every Sunday at 11 pm on TransTV.
37:10 [Music]
37:14 [Music]
37:17 [Music]
37:43 [Music]
38:12 Adek!
38:15 Bagus ya! Buat siapa?
38:17 Ada buat bu Kuro!
38:19 Yuk minum susu dulu.
38:21 Hebatnya Bebelak!
38:23 Mengandung pos dos yang terujik linis dan triple A dengan DHA lebih tinggi.
38:26 Dukung pencernaan yang baik, akal kreatif dan hati yang besar!
38:30 Selamat ulang tahun.
38:32 Loh? Saya enggak ulang tahun?
38:34 Kenapa harus nunggu ulang tahun?
38:36 Kan kasih hadiah bisa kapan aja?
38:39 Bebelak, awal semua kehebatan!
38:42 Selain kisah dari Asro yang berjuang menjadi single father,
38:51 di sini kita ingin melihat kisah juga dari seorang,
38:54 ataupun satu pasang yang sama-sama penyakit disabilitas atau tidak bisa berbicara,
38:59 tapi dapat mengucapkan ijab kabur secara khusus dan juga dengan bahasa isyara.
39:05 Itu, ini juga menjadi salah fokus dari netizen berkata dan juga terus mendoakan yang terbaik pastinya,
39:11 langgang terus sampe mau temisakan,
39:13 tapi ini juga I think akan menjadi partner yang luar biasa sekali ya,
39:17 karena mereka juga sama-sama memiliki kelemahan yang sama dan pasti juga kelebihan yang saling bisa membantu juga.
39:22 Betul, jadi kalau misalnya mereka saja bisa berkomunikasi dengan baik,
39:26 kan menggunakan bahasa isyara tentunya kita tidak boleh menyanyiakan gitu ya,
39:29 diberikan kepada kita yang sempurna ini,
39:31 diberikan bisa berbicara, bisa mendengar, berarti kita harus lebih mendengar dan membicarakan apapun dengan pasangan kita.
39:37 Yes, kita juga punya berita tentang seorang Jennifer Natali,
39:41 yang adalah seorang ibu yang ternyata juga adalah teman truli,
39:44 tapi disini melahirkan anak yang luar biasa, puji Tuhan normal,
39:47 dan disini kita bisa melihat bagaimana kesaharian mereka,
39:50 dari seorang ibu yang berusaha mengajarkan anak bahasa isyara walaupun anaknya bisa bicara.
39:55 Baik, semuanya kita sudah sediakan dalam tanyaan yang berikut ini.
40:00 Cinta memang terkadang bisa saja memberikan warna ceria penuh canda,
40:05 seperti kisah pasangan suami istri satu ini yang berada di Malaysia.
40:09 Hakim dan Yuyu sukses memantik atensi publik,
40:12 bukan hanya yang ada di Malaysia, tapi sampai ke Indonesia.
40:15 Perihal karena lakukan pernikahan yang sungguh mengharu biru,
40:18 pasangan ini ternyata sama-sama penyandang disabilitas.
40:21 Hakim seorang tunda rungu, sedangkan Yuyu sebagai defame.
40:24 Tegas dan mantap, ini momen Hakim baca ijab kamu saat meminang Yuyu.
40:28 Saya nikahkan kamu dan kahwinkan kamu dengan Yuhul Abdul Aziz
40:38 yang telah berwakil wali bapunya kepada saya dengan mas kahwin Rp.5000 tunai.
40:43 Tidak sedikit juga yang self-focus sama jurur terjemahnya.
41:08 Ada yang mengira ibu itu adalah ibu dari salah satu pengantin.
41:11 Ada yang asal bunyi, ini adalah seorang keluarga terdekat.
41:14 Ternyata ibu ini adalah seorang jurur terjemah dari pihak penyelenggara pesta.
41:18 Aksi ibu tersebut yang berapi-api menerjemahkan hingga ada kata sah,
41:22 membuat mata semakin berkaca-kaca.
41:25 [Music]
41:50 Kisah berikut pun tak jauh berbeda antara Jennifer Napali dan suaminya.
41:54 Sama-sama penyandang tunarungu, mereka nyatanya memiliki seorang putra bernama Joshua
41:59 yang lahir dengan keadaan sempurna.
42:01 Beruntung dan bahagia, Jennifer kerap aktif di media sosial
42:04 berlihat dan memenuhi mengajarkan seorang anak bahasa isyarat.
42:07 [Music]
42:35 Dari konten-konten inilah, Jennifer dan suami beserta anaknya menjadi perhatian publik.
42:40 Mengantarkannya untuk berbincang dengan A'a Irfan Hakim,
42:43 sembari ceritakan bagaimana Joshua mengenal bahasa isyarat sejak awal.
42:47 Oke, akhirnya diajarin ke Joshua.
42:51 Joshua diajarin.
42:53 Diajarin abjad.
42:55 Menggunakan bahasa isyarat, satu kata satu kata.
43:00 Misalkan, ember.
43:03 Ember, gelas, piring, makan, minum.
43:10 Jadi diajarin satu kata satu kata.
43:12 Aku liat ikan, gitu.
43:15 Aku suka burung, gitu.
43:21 Dia selalu ngomong seperti itu.
43:23 Turang soswit apa sih pemirsa Inzar?
43:26 Kasih ibu sepanjang masa, bapak akan selalu jadi pahlawan tanpa tanda jasa.
43:30 Joshua sudah pasti berada di tangan kuda orang tua yang tepat.
43:33 Semangat terus untuk keluarga yang lainnya di luar sana.
43:36 Ini keren banget sih, Fer.
43:42 Dan kayaknya, not only for those who can't hear,
43:46 who have to learn the isyarat language,
43:48 I think we can learn the minimum basic things.
43:51 Especially the government, police, hospitals, for example.
43:56 So if one day you have to deal with someone,
43:58 or maybe a friend who's deaf,
44:00 they can use the language that's comfortable for them.
44:02 I agree.
44:03 I hope Indonesia can be more friendly to disabilities.
44:06 Because it's already a program for our SDG goals.
44:09 One of them is to make friends with disabilities more comfortable and safe in Indonesia.
44:15 It's true.
44:16 Because until now, I only know Indonesia.
44:20 So maybe learning languages, for example, other languages is also okay.
44:26 English is okay, Mandarin is okay,
44:29 maybe people nowadays prefer Korean.
44:31 But isyarat language is also important.
44:34 Because you want to be Korean or Japanese,
44:36 isyarat language is still the same.
44:38 It's very universal.
44:39 So why not we spend more time to learn isyarat language?
44:42 I agree.
44:43 And of course, we've proven it.
44:45 No matter what language, love language is different.
44:49 Between two people, love language can be more important.
44:53 Between Azril and Sarah, what is love language?
44:56 They said it's not a problem for them if they're in LDR.
44:59 They don't need physical touch.
45:01 So what is it?
45:03 Let's find out.
45:05 Azril, I think you're getting closer to Sarah.
45:11 How is it?
45:12 Closer to whom?
45:13 You look more like a cat, more serious.
45:16 We support each other.
45:17 She's going to the UK soon,
45:20 and I'm going to the UK.
45:22 I'm also going to be given a chance to speak to her.
45:27 I'm not sure if I'll be able to do that.
45:29 But will you be able to speak to Sarah in the UK?
45:32 I don't think so.
45:33 But...
45:34 Because I can't go far from Benang.
45:37 But you can go far from here.
45:38 But you said you want to be closer to Sarah.
45:42 The story from yesterday?
45:44 That was my mom's show.
45:46 She's 40 years old.
45:48 So, the show is more like my own.
45:53 So, I have meetings with my mom.
45:55 I have a decor and a dress.
45:58 So, you're in the same class, then you got married?
46:00 I'm in the education class, and I'm also in the career class.
46:04 I'm also a man, so I have to be ready.
46:08 But do you have any good intentions to continue your career?
46:12 Of course, but not now.
46:14 I have four siblings.
46:17 So, I have to be ready.
46:21 How's Sarah's situation?
46:24 How's Sarah's situation?
46:26 Because...
46:28 She's...
46:30 She's okay.
46:32 But I have to educate her.
46:35 Because she's...
46:37 Okay.
46:40 I think that's a word of affirmation.
46:42 So, you have to talk to each other, and validate each other.
46:45 That's enough for them not to hold hands.
46:48 That's right. They don't have to hold hands.
46:49 Even though there's a time difference, it's okay.
46:52 Maybe she's still young.
46:54 She's still a teenager.
46:56 If she's my age, she'll be a teenager.
46:59 She'll be a teenager.
47:01 Okay. Let's move on to the next news.
47:03 This is still a viral news.
47:05 It's a news that attracts our attention.
47:07 It's a bullying news in a high school in Cilacap.
47:13 We want to see it.
47:14 It seems like there's a new video.
47:16 And it seems like it's a video with the same perpetrator.
47:20 With different victims.
47:21 I think it's MK who did it.
47:23 Okay. Let's see what kind of video it is.
47:25 Let's watch it.
47:26 Again and again.
47:30 The bullying case that was experienced by high school students initiated by FF...
47:34 now back to the bullying video in Cilacap.
47:36 It was done by a group of students in the same place.
47:39 It seems like they didn't learn from their previous experience.
47:41 Or they didn't see the viral case and it became a discussion...
47:44 the students from the same school who did bullying to the classmate.
47:48 It's really a mental issue for the kids nowadays.
47:52 Can violence solve a problem?
47:55 Then, does the students want to be called great and strong by doing bullying?
48:00 Of course not.
48:02 People who do bullying will kill their mental and traumatize the victim...
48:06 ...which makes them not trust other people, especially their friends.
48:10 In the comments of the netizens, many of them said that they feel sorry for the bullying among the students.
48:18 Some said that if they're afraid, their siblings will be the victims.
48:22 Some also realized that the perpetrator is the same person.
48:26 Some also admitted that they saw their students who bullied their schoolmates...
48:29 ...remembering that they're still students.
48:33 After the viral video of the students who did bullying in Cilacap,
48:39 FF got an intensive treatment from the medical team in a general hospital in Manjenang, Central Java.
48:44 Because of this, FF was in a state of breathlessness and his chest felt painful.
48:49 Knowing that the condition is getting worse, the victim was referred to Margono Soekardyo Purwokerto Hospital...
48:54 get further treatment.
48:58 The family felt sorry to see their child being bullied by his schoolmates.
49:03 He had bruises on his body, as well as wounds on his left cheek and cheekbone.
49:08 After being examined, FF apparently suffered internal wounds...
49:13 ...which are a broken bone in the fifth vertebra and a natural abscess in the cervical vertebra.
49:17 Fortunately, this broken bone did not penetrate the lungs.
49:21 Now, FF's condition is getting better.
49:23 This can be seen from the victim's face when he smiled when he was approached by the police.
49:28 Although there are deep wounds, the trauma still haunts him.
49:32 This kind of bullying is not suitable for a high school student.
49:38 Moreover, the role of parents is very important to teach their children not to be like a thug.
49:44 In this very unusual case of bullying, the police of Cilacap carried out a humanitarian action last Friday...
49:50 donating some of his fortune to help FF's treatment at the hospital.
49:54 All of the Cilacap police personnel, starting from the police chief, police chief's wife, and police chief's wife...
49:59 ...have collected donations in a box that has been provided.
50:02 The collected results will be given directly to the victim's family to help with the treatment cost.
50:09 To be continued...
50:15 [music]
50:21 Hi, Indonesian family!
50:23 Meet again with "Dindia Punya Cerita".
50:26 The great BBLAK in the rich of the Fosgo's that is free of charge, supports good education, and AAA with higher AALOB.
50:34 Stimulation of creative mind, C Kecil.
50:36 Both help grow a big heart.
50:39 BBLAK, all the great things.
50:41 Pollution? Use Plosa.
50:45 Apply Plosa on the neck.
50:47 Inhale deeply.
50:50 Ah, Plosa, relieve the air pollution.
50:55 Plosa.
50:56 Betadine with Povidone Iodine.
51:00 Triple killing power, effective in killing germs, preventing infection, preventing skin damage, and without pain.
51:06 Suitable for first aid. Betadine.
51:11 And stop supporting its ability.
51:12 To get the best water source, Lemineral does hundreds of explorations.
51:17 Each drop contains balanced essential minerals that are important for the body.
51:21 Always new gallon and free of BPA.
51:24 This is the commitment of Lemineral.
51:26 [music]
51:29 It's out, sir.
51:30 Relax, ma'am. We're safe.
51:32 They have to face various extreme challenges.
51:35 Sorry, ma'am.
51:36 But, ma'am, I'm brave.
51:37 Which must drain energy, spirit, and mind.
51:40 If I can do this, you can do this.
51:42 All done to fulfill a proof as a super strong woman.
51:47 Strong woman.
51:49 Strong woman.
51:50 Come every Sunday at 11.30 on TransTV.
51:55 So lovely.
52:00 You use Sayang to Inward.
52:01 It's cool in the hand.
52:03 And soft.
52:05 Make your clothes easy to iron.
52:06 Sayang to Inward detergent.
52:07 [music]
52:12 [music]
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52:24 Head & Shoulders with new fragrance.
52:27 Suitable for first aid.
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52:31 Coconut rum. Original coconut flavor.
52:34 Hmm.
52:36 Delicious.
52:37 Coconut rum.
52:38 Biscuit number one for number one mother.
52:42 That's right. I choose coconut rum.
52:44 All like the taste.
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52:53 Coconut rum. Biscuit number one for family number one.
52:57 [music]
52:59 [music]
53:01 You study and apply the Quran in daily life with three brothers.
53:07 There is Oki Setiana Dewi who is the oldest.
53:11 Ria Ricis who can make you laugh.
53:14 And Cindy Putri who is the most informative.
53:16 [music]
53:20 Sahabat Cantik every Sunday at 9 am on TransTV.
53:27 [music]
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54:24 [music]
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54:59 [music]
55:04 [music]
55:11 [music]
55:17 [music]
55:20 [music]
55:26 [music]
55:41 [music]
55:56 [music]
56:07 [music]
56:11 [music]
56:26 [music]
56:55 [music]
56:58 [music]
57:04 As a closing news, we come from KSANG and also Erina who are being mocked by netizens.
57:09 Because her mind wants to delay the talk of the wedding.
57:12 We'll see later what's the opinion.
57:14 Yes, hopefully there will be a Royal Baby soon.
57:16 But unfortunately, we both have to say goodbye.
57:18 See you again tomorrow morning at 6.30 am only on TransTV.
57:22 Welcome back to our channel.
57:25 Mocking and also mocking.
57:29 Maybe that's what's depicted from the 10 months of KSANG's and Erina's marriage.
57:34 Their life is full of colors.
57:37 Various details are stored from this couple.
57:39 Even a few months ago, there was an issue if Erina Gudono is pregnant with her first child.
57:44 But this is actually avoided by Erina who is behind if she refuses to have a talk.
57:50 Not without reason, the opinion that Erina has has a meaning.
57:54 Solve everything before having a child.
57:57 I'm still preparing for my second year of high school.
58:01 So I'm still learning for that.
58:03 Maybe short term goals, KSANG and I have some targets that we want to achieve before we have a child.
58:10 Okay.
58:11 I'm in the near future.
58:12 Amen.
58:13 So before, we are still in a better condition if we are still together.
58:17 We don't have to go around the world.
58:20 Because we don't have a child yet.
58:21 We don't have to think about it if we want to wear a hijab.
58:23 But after having a child, there will be adjustments.
58:25 So my short term goals are to finish what I have to finish before having a child.
58:32 However, the decision to refuse to have a talk was actually rejected by the family.
58:39 Because they are not grateful for what they have got so far.
58:42 Moreover, as the daughter-in-law of the President of the Republic of Indonesia,
58:45 she should have got more services when she has a child.
58:49 Several comments were also posted by netizens who heard Erina's decision.
58:53 Don't refuse to get married, sis.
58:55 You will be rejected.
58:57 It's okay to get married while you're in college.
58:59 Don't like to say "refuse".
59:01 You will be rejected for a long time.
59:02 Like Saskia Sungkar said.
59:04 You should get married as long as you are given.
59:07 Don't refuse even though it's their right.
59:10 Not only to refuse to have a talk was Erina's decision.
59:14 After getting married to Kaesang Pangarep,
59:16 Erina decided to stop working and focus on following every activities that Kaesang did.
59:21 After getting married, I still do that.
59:25 But I have to compromise about the time and the energy.
59:32 I have to share a lot of time for housework.
59:36 I have to compromise my time for Kaesang's activities.
59:40 Actually, it's okay.
59:41 But after I got married, I resigned.
59:43 I resigned because it's hard to share my time.