• last year


10:15 I'm just playing around
10:17 So I'm honored to be able to buy a car
10:24 And how about the old?
10:29 Young and old live alone
10:31 Charlie, who focuses on the world of music, has a number of guitar collections with a fantastic price
10:36 Yes, let's just go to the studio first
10:41 Besides the bedroom, if anyone sleeps here, they sleep here
10:46 But besides that, this is also the studio where I work
10:49 Music, I work on music, I work on songs
10:52 Well, here's the acoustic
10:59 This is electric, electric, there are many electric
11:03 Acoustic, there's another one here
11:06 There's another one in here, there's another acoustic, because here, I don't want to leave anything, it's full
11:11 I love it
11:13 Rich and rich, clearly become the dream of many people
11:19 The young musician's prayer lives on the adventure received from his father, who was once a musician in the entertainment world
11:26 Riztu always prioritizes manners in music, so does Rizwan
11:30 This is still just singing people's songs, Rizwan hopes to create his own songs in the future
11:36 I really want to have my own work, if in a short time
11:41 My own work, which is the notes and other things are the result of my own creation
11:45 That's the closest thing, I really want to have an album, 10 songs, and the result of my own work is really happy
11:52 Every time we meet, we must remember the skill, relationship, attitude
11:57 Because I live alone here, without my parents
12:01 So, for a month or two, my father always asks about the relationship
12:07 How's your relationship? Is it getting better?
12:09 Then, the skill, is it getting better? Attitude
12:11 Of course, how are you? How are people?
12:16 My father always advises and we always share about it
12:24 Rizwan and Riztu, both of them are the children who will be the new idols for JNC
12:40 Both of them are talented in the music world, and both of them are the children of famous celebrities
12:46 It seems that there is no burden if the parents are celebrities
12:50 Both of them are handsome, beautiful, talented, successful, talented, and also the children of celebrities
12:59 But, this is also asked by the netizens, whether they are using the current situation or they can be counted in this entertainment world
13:11 But, what I salute is that this fruit fell not far from the tree, it fell down and it's really similar
13:19 I agree with you
13:21 As usual, in Insert Today, we will accompany you with the information about celebrities and everything that is viral
13:30 And this time, I'm Jess Lim
13:32 I'm Dwi Wandika, and this time, there is nothing less viral
13:35 Because, when we see, there are father and son, both of them are successful
13:40 And I'm sure, from zero to hero
13:42 Starting from something that has a career, until it becomes something big
13:46 And it's the same as what celebrities and their assistants feel
13:50 Because we see how successful the celebrities are, and finally, it's also affected by the celebrities' assistants
13:57 And we are talking about Sen Sen and also Merry
13:59 As we know, Merry has been working with the Rafi Ahmad family for almost 20 years
14:04 Sen Sen has been working for 7 years
14:07 And both of them have a house
14:10 Both of them are building a house that is priced at M-M
14:14 Merry's house is priced at 3 M-M
14:16 It was bought by Sultan Andarrah
14:20 All of them are included with the complete contents
14:23 And also for Sen Sen, the price of the house is 2.7 M-M
14:28 They said that they are going to build a swimming pool
14:33 They are not inferior to the house of the housekeeper
14:35 But anyway, they must have worked hard and their dedication is also on the top
14:42 Which finally makes them happy
14:44 And we will also see how they feel
14:47 Stay tuned on Insert Today!
14:49 We'll be right back
14:50 We'll be right back
14:51 [Music]
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19:50 Aldi, why didn't you go to school?
19:53 Are you sick?
19:54 Yes, now the child is easily sick.
19:56 The child is not easily sick, but the tumor becomes stronger and more dangerous.
20:01 Uhhh...
20:02 Regular soap is not enough to fight it.
20:06 Huh?
20:07 Bath with Lifebuoy new multivitamin.
20:10 100% stronger, effective against dangerous tumors.
20:13 Bath with multivitamin?
20:15 Just use Lifebuoy.
20:16 Lifebuoy with multivitamin.
20:19 I want noodles.
20:20 Please.
20:21 Calm down, there is an oven noodle.
20:22 A healthier choice.
20:24 The product is in the oven, not fried.
20:26 The noodles are chewy, the taste is better.
20:30 Delicious.
20:32 Oven noodles are healthy.
20:33 Delicious again.
20:34 Aqua believes in wisdom and natural miracles.
20:38 Aqua comes from the chosen mountains, not a place that is easily contaminated.
20:43 Aqua is filtered by layers of rock protection without the use of artificial process.
20:48 Aqua contains natural minerals without the addition of dangerous substances.
20:53 So that the aqua feels cold without being cooled.
20:58 Explain if the water is aqua?
21:01 Aqua 100% pure.
21:04 Extra large coffee.
21:06 This is the best coffee.
21:12 Hmm, delicious.
21:14 It's over, it's over, it's over.
21:17 Coffee Go.
21:18 Wrong face cleaning causes skin barrier problems.
21:22 Clean with Wardah Agniderm Mistellar Water.
21:25 With 3 powerful actions, clean skin, effective in reducing acne.
21:29 Wardah Mistellar Water.
21:31 Cleaning expert, protect your skin barrier.
21:34 [Music]
21:43 Who believes that hard work will not betray the results?
21:49 Because duo assistant Sultan Andara is what has proven it to the audience.
21:53 Barry and Sen Sen, years working under the auspices of Rafi Ahmad and Nagita Slovina.
21:58 Both are now in their fourth year building a house in the Jakarta area.
22:02 Not only hard work, the house they built was also destined to reach billions of rupiah.
22:07 At that time, both had debts that we had to pay.
22:11 Suddenly, both of us were in a hurry.
22:14 So, like, "Come on, what do you want to do again?"
22:17 "I already have a house now."
22:19 "It's better if you don't buy a house."
22:21 So, he encouraged me to have a house.
22:24 For what? Like, spend money, all kinds of things.
22:26 "Come on, Sen, hurry up."
22:27 He was also doubtful when I said that.
22:29 "Don't be late like me, Sen."
22:31 But, thank God, I was told to be late.
22:33 I was not.
22:34 Because I was really pure.
22:36 I was given a gift from Boss Rafi.
22:37 During my training, I worked with Boss Rafi.
22:40 Mary, the house she built was a pure gift from Rafi Ahmad.
22:46 Because she has been training for almost 20 years.
22:49 As far as all the needs, like furniture,
22:52 even inside, the boss was big, who shook hands to buy it.
22:57 The guidance was amazing, from the house's interior,
23:02 from all the details, like where to put the tiles.
23:08 And he even advised me,
23:11 "Come here, come here, come here."
23:13 "Whatever you need, just tell me."
23:16 "As long as I can help, I can help."
23:18 So, I said, "Thank you so much for my boss."
23:22 Unlike Sen-Sen, who has only worked for 7 years
23:26 and built the house purely from his hard work,
23:29 but still didn't want to make his assistant suffer,
23:32 Sang Sultan also helped to renovate his house.
23:36 So, the point is, Sen-Sen was helped.
23:39 I was pure from the house's boss.
23:43 But, don't say that we were given pure,
23:46 and we didn't have anything.
23:48 Like some things that I bought with my own money.
23:52 More.
23:53 Alhamdulillah, more.
23:56 So, the point is,
23:58 I was given the house by my boss,
24:00 purely from him.
24:02 Sen-Sen was helped, but I was given.
24:04 So, I knew better what I should buy,
24:08 what I shouldn't ask from my boss.
24:10 Like that.
24:11 So, I knew better.
24:13 That's how I am.
24:14 About the interior of the house,
24:17 both seemed to support each other to persuade Sang Sultan
24:20 to help to fulfill their needs.
24:22 And it seems like,
24:23 this duo of assistants didn't want only one person
24:25 to be the one who was raised.
24:27 So, when I gave the interior to Meri,
24:32 I said, "Okay."
24:34 She said, "You're boss's servant."
24:36 "Who knows, you want to pay for our interior."
24:38 Suddenly, I said,
24:40 "Boss, this house doesn't have that much of a house."
24:45 Then, I said,
24:47 "The interior is okay."
24:49 "But, it's also Meri's."
24:51 "You're boss's servant."
24:53 She only answered, "You're boss's servant."
24:54 Finally, we both said, "Okay."
24:56 "Just give me the money."
24:59 "And that's all."
25:00 And she paid for everything.
25:01 Praise God.
25:02 You're so smart.
25:03 You helped each other.
25:05 Rafi's kindness
25:07 has certainly made them the luckiest people in the world.
25:11 Not only in Sejahterakan,
25:12 Sen-Sen and Meri also realized
25:14 if all these gifts,
25:16 not only from Rafi,
25:17 but also from God,
25:19 they should be grateful.
25:21 Is it true that Meri and Sen-Sen
25:23 are planning to go to Umrah together?
25:25 If possible, we can go to Umrah together.
25:29 We have a dream to go to Umrah together.
25:31 But, we can't.
25:33 We never get to go there.
25:35 Because, when I'm on vacation, Sen-Sen works.
25:38 When Sen-Sen is on vacation, I work with Gigi.
25:40 So, we don't meet.
25:42 Even when we go to Bandung, we don't meet.
25:45 When we're on vacation, we meet.
25:47 "This is Rafi's boss. He's on vacation."
25:50 "He's with Gigi. Can you meet him?"
25:53 I'm like that.
25:54 He's also like that.
25:55 He doesn't like me.
25:56 And this is how Meri's house looks
25:59 which is said to be worth 2 billion rupiah.
26:02 This two-story house with a modern and minimalist concept
26:05 is even equipped with a smart door lock
26:07 at every door of the house.
26:09 Why is the door stylish?
26:12 Oh, yes, boss.
26:13 So, it's like...
26:15 It's like a house in Andara.
26:18 I see.
26:19 I bought this from Opic, boss.
26:21 I see.
26:22 With your friend.
26:24 After Eid, I'll go home.
26:27 It's nice. Let's see.
26:28 This is Meri's room, right?
26:29 Wow, there's a code.
26:31 There's a code.
26:33 You can't go in.
26:34 You can't go in.
26:38 No, boss. This is my room.
26:40 Oh, my God.
26:42 Wow, the room is really nice.
26:44 It's nice.
26:46 Praise be to God.
26:48 Even so,
26:50 although the house is still under construction,
26:52 the price is estimated to reach 1.7 billion rupiah.
26:56 This is Mr. Sessen's house, guys.
26:59 Mr. Sessen's house.
27:01 Let's focus on this.
27:04 Oh, it's done.
27:05 It's almost done.
27:07 Wow.
27:11 Wow, it's almost done, Sessen.
27:13 Wow.
27:20 When it's done,
27:21 don't forget to invite us.
27:23 And remember to check the pleasure they feel.
27:26 There's hard work inside.
27:28 I agree.
27:29 Dedication and loyalty are the first.
27:33 Those who work with A'Raf,
27:35 they are all loyal.
27:37 They never work for a short time, but they work for a long time.
27:40 The boss, the housekeeper,
27:42 they all work for a long time.
27:44 So, you have to be appreciated.
27:46 Being loyal and working with you is appreciated.
27:48 But, if you're loyal in love,
27:50 you have to be taken to the altar.
27:53 Like Nopek.
27:54 She said that on 9th October,
27:56 she was taken to the altar by Yulia Lorenza.
27:59 Before that,
28:01 they admitted that they often broke up.
28:04 Like the song, "B.B.B."
28:06 "B.B.B.B."
28:08 But, if we look at Nopek's experience,
28:12 in the entertainment world,
28:13 when we're an artist,
28:15 we have to find our own characteristics.
28:16 I agree.
28:17 Nopek is famous for her Javanese dialect.
28:19 She's a comedian and a comedian.
28:22 And her words are always funny.
28:24 I agree.
28:25 A comedian has to be funny.
28:28 But, is her house funny too?
28:31 It was built in Madiun.
28:32 It's a luxurious house.
28:34 Luxurious.
28:35 It's a house for a wife.
28:36 It's a hit.
28:37 Who has a luxurious house?
28:38 How?
28:39 We're the only one who hasn't.
28:40 Okay. Don't miss it.
28:41 Let's see how luxurious Nopek's house is.
28:43 Please.
28:44 After being torn apart,
28:47 the journey of Nopek, Nopek, Nopean, and Yulia Lorena
28:51 was finally completed by the marriage.
28:53 It was remembered in a breath-taking moment
28:56 on 9th October, 2023.
28:58 And, as a week to enjoy the beautiful times
29:00 as a new bride,
29:01 Nopek prepared a dream house for her beloved wife in Madiun, East Java.
29:06 The house that is still under construction
29:08 is already so magnificent.
29:10 At a glance, Nopek's dream house and her wife's house
29:13 will be on the second floor.
29:14 There are two doors,
29:15 one of which leads to the musolah.
29:17 Interestingly, even though it's standing,
29:19 this house has already experienced several changes in design.
29:23 Including the plan to move the musolah,
29:25 to make a wall to make a door
29:28 as an access to the building.
29:30 Meanwhile, in the middle of the building,
29:32 there is an empty space that was planned to be prepared as a park area.
29:36 [Music]
29:41 [Speaking in foreign language]
29:44 [Music]
29:48 [Speaking in foreign language]
30:16 [Music]
30:17 Super wide, Nopek's dream house and her wife's house
30:20 look so stunning
30:22 compared to the houses next door or in her hometown.
30:25 Most of the time, Nopek's house is one of the most luxurious.
30:28 Especially when this house stands on a land
30:31 which is surrounded by various plants.
30:33 So beautiful, the natural nuance around there
30:36 will be a beautiful view
30:38 surrounding the grandeur of their house.
30:41 [Music]
30:42 [Speaking in foreign language]
30:45 [Music]
30:47 [Speaking in foreign language]
31:11 [Music]
31:14 Since her name reached the top of popularity,
31:27 Nopek's life has changed 180 degrees.
31:30 Including when in the dream house,
31:32 there will be a swimming pool that will embrace all the luxury of their home.
31:37 [Speaking in foreign language]
31:40 [Speaking in foreign language]
31:42 [Speaking in foreign language]
31:45 [Speaking in foreign language]
31:47 [Speaking in foreign language]
31:51 [Speaking in foreign language]
31:56 [Speaking in foreign language]
31:59 [Speaking in foreign language]
32:02 [Speaking in foreign language]
32:08 [Speaking in foreign language]
32:12 [Speaking in foreign language]
32:14 [Music]
32:17 When Nopek was in a happy mood,
32:19 preparing a dream house that will be held by her beloved wife in Madiun,
32:24 a house in the capital city of Dongeng went viral.
32:27 But in a state of concern,
32:29 a two-story house with such a large size,
32:32 Conan spent a cost of up to 100 billion rupiah.
32:36 But now, the condition is really not taken care of anymore.
32:39 Although it is still standing,
32:42 but around the house, wild grass has been planted that is left alone.
32:46 You can see, this is like a palace or a castle.
32:55 We look from the outside first, guys.
33:01 The house is red.
33:04 It's true, according to what we've looked at, it's already rusty.
33:09 We see,
33:12 until the back there, there is still one house, one building with this.
33:22 Wow, it means this house is really big, right, Ka Eca?
33:26 Long and wide.
33:28 When the house was red,
33:32 we were surprised by the presence of a number of cars there.
33:35 Cars, cars, cars, left alone, so it's rusty.
33:39 There are even grass plants that are wild, so it's not taken care of.
33:42 Conan, this house has been abandoned for 20 years.
33:46 From a number of sources, this house was formerly called by a famous millionaire there.
33:50 But why was the house left abandoned just like that?
33:54 Many interpretations are opening.
33:59 There is a car that has been planted, Ka Eca.
34:02 Sedan cars have been planted.
34:05 Ka Eca, old cars, huh?
34:08 Yes.
34:09 Wow, this is amazing, guys.
34:11 But it's a pity, right?
34:13 Why is there a car parked in the garage of this luxury house?
34:19 If you look at it, the road is narrow.
34:22 Or maybe this car is stuck in the back, guys.
34:29 Ah, the big house is the same as mine.
34:48 What's the same?
34:49 Yes, no one takes care of it.
34:50 It's really dangerous if no one takes care of it.
34:54 Whether it's a person, a house, or a car, if no one takes care of it,
34:58 it will look like my partner later, Dwi Adhika.
35:01 Look.
35:02 But it's not.
35:03 You still look cool.
35:05 Right.
35:06 Very cool.
35:07 Next, many people take care of it.
35:10 Of course, Raffi Ahmad's family and Anggita Slavina's family.
35:13 Speaking of which, today, October 17th, is the anniversary of the wedding.
35:19 Wow.
35:20 Do you know what year it is?
35:22 It's quite a long time, right?
35:24 Quite a long time.
35:25 9 years.
35:27 It's amazing.
35:28 There are so many people who always show their love on their YouTube channel.
35:33 And I think there's a little bit of bad news.
35:38 But it's okay.
35:39 It's okay.
35:40 But besides that, there's also a 13-year anniversary.
35:43 There's a husband's husband.
35:45 And not only there's no formula in math, but there's also a formula in relationship.
35:48 How they can maintain their relationship without any problems.
35:52 The problem is the formula.
35:53 But how they deal with the problem.
35:56 I agree.
35:57 We'll bring the second part to you.
35:59 But we'll stop it here.
36:00 There's someone who wants to pass by.
36:02 Stay with us on...
36:03 Insert Today.
36:06 [Music]
36:13 [Music]
36:18 [Music]
36:33 [Music]
37:02 [Music]
37:03 [Music]
37:19 So, you're in a disco because of wet ketumbe?
37:21 The problem is not only on the surface.
37:23 Move on to Head & Shoulders.
37:25 Enter the fifth layer.
37:27 Defeat wet ketumbe and tickle.
37:29 Head & Shoulders.
37:31 Head & Shoulders.
37:34 Festival Jajanan Bango is back.
37:37 Bango kecap with high quality natural ingredients.
37:40 Bring up a million flavors.
37:42 Through the aroma of the delicious roasted liver of the heart.
37:45 The savory of the aceh noodles.
37:50 And the pleasure of the lady Eddie's slurping.
37:54 That stirs up the taste.
37:56 Come to the Bangku Festival in Makassar and Jakarta.
38:01 Because the taste never lies.
38:03 Choose the right milk.
38:05 Fidoran Smart.
38:06 Healthier choice.
38:07 Low sugar.
38:08 High immunity formula.
38:09 High DHA.
38:10 Smart mother's choice.
38:11 Active, smart, optimal growth.
38:15 Fidoran's child is ready to be strong and smart.
38:18 Are you sure you've washed your face?
38:20 Use the number one water slur from Garnier.
38:23 With a missile like a magnet.
38:25 99% makeup.
38:26 Even impurities that are not visible.
38:28 Clear.
38:29 Keep soft and not feel attracted.
38:31 Use the water slur from Garnier.
38:33 Hi, I'm Real.
38:34 In the middle of my crazy activity, my body condition remains stable.
38:37 I always drink Indomil Steril.
38:39 The benefits are real.
38:40 Real.
38:41 Drink Indomil Steril.
38:42 The milk is real.
38:43 The honey is real.
38:44 The deliciousness is real.
38:45 Indomil Steril.
38:46 The benefits are real.
38:47 Big Bang Chef Eats One Hub Challenge.
38:50 Put it in your mouth in one bite.
38:52 Say Big Bang Chef Eats One Hub Challenge.
38:55 One Hub Challenge.
38:58 The chocolate and caramel melt in your mouth.
39:01 Big Bang Share Eats.
39:02 It's as good as fun.
39:03 Arlo, what's wrong?
39:04 The doctor said it's not suitable for cow milk.
39:07 My child too.
39:08 Try it.
39:09 SGM Explore IsoProsoid.
39:11 New.
39:12 The right nutrition for cow milk.
39:14 Support for small children.
39:15 Optimal body.
39:16 SGM Explore IsoProsoid.
39:18 Come on, energy cereal breakfast.
39:20 I made it, Mom.
39:21 I want vanilla.
39:22 I want the brown one.
39:24 Energy.
39:25 The number one cereal in Indonesia.
39:27 Made from Australian wheat.
39:29 Nutritious and refreshing.
39:31 I want it.
39:32 I want it.
39:33 Gentle Gen now has a sachet.
39:36 Buy three, get one free.
39:38 Your hands will stay soft.
39:39 Your clothes will be soft too.
39:40 The fragrance will last long.
39:43 No need for a soft fragrance.
39:45 Gentle Gen, the growth recharging plant.
39:48 Welcome.
39:49 Please.
39:50 Is there a time for a headache?
39:54 Panadol Extra.
39:56 Reduce your headache and anxiety.
39:59 Panadol Extra.
40:00 Reduce your headache.
40:01 Drink it before you eat.
40:03 Aqua believes in wisdom and natural miracles.
40:07 Aqua comes from the chosen mountains.
40:10 Not a place that is easily contaminated.
40:12 Aqua is absorbed by layers of protective coatings.
40:15 Without any recycling process.
40:17 Aqua contains natural minerals.
40:19 Without any harmful additives.
40:24 Aqua feels cold without being cooled.
40:27 Aqua is 100% pure.
40:33 Coffee with a cafe.
40:36 Anytime.
40:38 Anywhere.
40:41 Nescafe.
40:47 This is my cafe.
40:48 Usually, pasta with a lot of pasta is not good and makes you feel sick.
40:52 Now, we use Barakat's new toothpaste.
40:54 The green tea siwak from Barakat.
40:56 It makes your teeth feel comfortable, clean and fresh.
40:59 Strong teeth.
41:00 It also changes after being brushed once.
41:02 Barakat.
41:03 Healthy teeth.
41:04 There's something new.
41:05 K-Natural White Jeju Lemon.
41:07 With Korean rice milk and Jeju lemon.
41:10 Against the fire body.
41:12 Wow, it's pretty.
41:14 By K-Natural White Jeju Lemon.
41:17 New.
41:18 I want noodles.
41:20 Please.
41:21 There's Mie Oven.
41:22 It's healthier.
41:24 The noodles are not fried.
41:26 It's chewy.
41:27 It tastes better.
41:30 Yummy.
41:32 Mie Oven is healthy and delicious.
41:34 Aldi, why didn't you go to school?
41:37 Are you sick?
41:38 Yes, now my son is easily sick.
41:41 Your son is not easily sick, but your body is stronger and more dangerous.
41:45 Ordinary soap is not enough to fight it.
41:50 Huh?
41:51 Take a bath with Lifebuoy new multivitamin.
41:54 100% stronger, effective against dangerous germs.
41:58 Take a bath with multivitamin?
41:59 Just use Lifebuoy.
42:01 Lifebuoy with multivitamin.
42:03 We are...
42:05 Indeed...
42:06 Different.
42:07 But if you like...
42:08 Kapalapi One.
42:09 Quality, taste and sure.
42:10 From number one, Kapalapi.
42:12 You can adjust the sugar yourself.
42:15 Kapalapi One.
42:16 Clear, better.
42:18 Superstar!
42:20 Left, right, up, down, inside, out.
42:24 Full Chocolate!
42:25 Superstar!
42:26 Full Chocolate!
42:27 Left, right, up, down, inside, out.
42:29 Full Chocolate!
42:30 Superstar!
42:31 Triple Chocolate!
42:32 Full Chocolate!
42:33 Aqua believes in the miracle of nature.
42:36 Therefore, we do not use a single soap.
42:39 Our soap is sanitized together before re-filled.
42:45 Aqua 100% Pure.
42:48 First, we want to wish you a happy anniversary.
42:59 Yes.
43:00 The 9th for Rafi Ahmad and Nagita Slavina.
43:03 It's today, October 17th.
43:06 What kind of prayers do you have?
43:08 If people around you want to pray for their marriage.
43:13 Maybe, they want to have a younger sibling.
43:15 Amen.
43:16 It's very refreshing.
43:17 Especially, Rafi Ahmad and Irfan Hakim are very close.
43:20 They are always together.
43:23 And you can hear it.
43:25 Irfan saw it.
43:27 He said, he felt something.
43:29 Is it a sore throat?
43:31 Or, sorry, a new heart attack?
43:34 Amen.
43:36 So, there's a new version of Cipung Wati.
43:38 Cipung with a female version.
43:40 Because, there are many fans of Cipung.
43:44 They will be waiting for Cipung Wati.
43:46 And, the anniversary is not only for Rafi and Gigi.
43:49 But, it's also for Hasty and Sang Suami.
43:51 Because, they have been married for 13 years.
43:54 Wow, that's cool.
43:56 It's a long time.
43:57 I heard that there's a formula.
43:59 If the marriage is still good,
44:03 in front of the children,
44:05 there's a formula and a strategy.
44:07 If there's a problem,
44:09 we can show it to them.
44:11 Okay, let's go.
44:12 Hello, Pemirsa Inser.
44:15 Do you know what day is today?
44:18 It's right.
44:20 Today, 17th October,
44:22 is a day and a historical moment
44:25 for Rafi Ahmad and Nagita Slavina.
44:29 Because, today is their 9th anniversary.
44:34 What's the story of this couple?
44:38 Let's wait and check it out.
44:40 What do you think about their anniversary?
44:48 It's my and Irfan Hakim's anniversary in FIAP.
44:52 Today, Rafi is sad.
44:54 Because, it's supposed to be celebrated here.
44:57 He said that Gigi is sick.
44:59 We video called him.
45:00 He said that Gigi is playing tennis.
45:02 What should we do?
45:03 I was surprised by Gigi.
45:05 I thought she came to FIAP.
45:07 She came to FIAP.
45:09 Because, I told her that she came to FIAP.
45:12 She was sleeping.
45:14 I thought she came to FIAP.
45:16 When she left,
45:18 I said that I want to play tennis.
45:20 Maybe, she will go to the studio.
45:22 She pretended to go to the studio.
45:24 I didn't come.
45:26 She was still curious.
45:30 I asked her if there's a surprise.
45:31 There's no surprise.
45:32 When she wanted to go home,
45:34 I asked her if there's a surprise.
45:35 She said, "No."
45:37 What's their anniversary like?
45:39 It's important to be healthy and happy.
45:41 That's it.
45:42 There's no surprise.
45:43 Usually, you celebrate my birthday with a gift.
45:45 I just pray for my beloved wife.
45:47 She said that if Gigi gave me a gift,
45:49 I will give her a gift.
45:51 I told her that.
45:53 It's okay.
45:54 We can celebrate our anniversary together.
45:57 We can celebrate our anniversary together.
45:59 But, what's their anniversary like?
46:02 It's going to be longer.
46:03 What's their anniversary like?
46:05 I haven't told them yet.
46:07 I haven't told them yet.
46:09 That's it.
46:11 You two are a family.
46:13 How about that?
46:14 We're a family.
46:16 We're a family.
46:17 Especially, Van Akim has a new song.
46:19 Hi, you're my son.
46:23 Van Akim wrote that song for his son.
46:25 But, we're busy.
46:27 So, we don't know the song.
46:29 When I had my birthday,
46:31 Rafi rented a private jet from Medan to Jakarta.
46:35 So, he can come to my birthday.
46:37 It's amazing.
46:39 I'm so proud of him.
46:41 Rafi has a private jet.
46:43 But, it's being repaired.
46:45 There's a little problem.
46:47 He should use a commercial plane.
46:49 I can't.
46:51 He rented a private jet to say happy birthday to me.
46:55 It's crazy.
46:57 I gave him a surprise.
46:59 I hoped my wife will be happy.
47:01 But, she's not.
47:03 It's normal.
47:05 You told me that.
47:07 You two are a family.
47:09 Do you like to tell your son how to be a good father?
47:11 We don't have time for our son.
47:13 But, we're all out for our son.
47:15 We're busy.
47:17 I don't have time.
47:19 I have time.
47:21 Rafi likes to talk to his son.
47:23 He's a good son.
47:25 He woke up at 6 AM.
47:27 He's sleepy.
47:29 But, we're sleepy.
47:31 Pray for Raihanza.
47:33 He's studying to be a cook.
47:35 Raihanza and his wife made yellow rice for me and Gigi.
47:39 How is it?
47:41 Pray for them.
47:43 Do you like to talk to your son?
47:45 No.
47:47 Is it true?
47:49 Not yet.
47:51 Thank you.
47:53 Thank you.
47:55 That's all for today.
47:59 It's a surprise for Rafi and Gigi.
48:05 We thought that it's a surprise for them.
48:09 But, it's not.
48:11 It's a surprise for Rafi.
48:13 He's been waiting for this.
48:15 It's a surprise for Gigi and Rafi.
48:17 But, they'll have a surprise at home.
48:21 It's an amazing surprise.
48:23 We'll wait for it.
48:25 That's all for today.
48:27 See you.
48:29 Thank you, Ilona.
48:33 That's a live broadcast with Rafi and Irfan.
48:37 Both of them are close.
48:39 It's normal for Irfan to know that Gigi is sleepy.
48:45 Let's pray for them.
48:47 Many people pray for them to have a younger sibling.
48:51 Amen.
48:53 Gigi is hot-tempered.
48:55 But, it's not only them.
48:57 The successful KC couple, Rafi and Irfan,
49:01 it's a viral news.
49:03 Someone offers to endorse them.
49:07 It's a nominal price of 35 million rupiah.
49:11 But, unfortunately,
49:13 the photo of the endorsement is not on social media.
49:17 Gigi has a lot of schedules.
49:21 She hasn't posted anything for 7 months.
49:23 What's the story?
49:25 Let's see.
49:27 Celebrating their anniversary,
49:31 Negita Slavina is in Guncang.
49:33 Bad news.
49:35 A social media account owned by a young woman
49:37 revealed that the 35 million rupiah she paid
49:41 to endorse her product 7 months ago
49:43 is not posted yet.
49:45 The brand owner claimed that
49:47 she didn't mention the name of Negita Slavina
49:51 as the artist she endorsed.
49:53 But, people are surprised
49:55 that she is the one.
49:57 The account owner also revealed
49:59 that the artist who has a popular child
50:01 on social media
50:03 owns a famous YouTube account.
50:05 Why is it so expensive?
50:09 Because she is the most famous artist in Indonesia.
50:11 She has a baby.
50:13 I'm so sad.
50:15 Since March until October,
50:17 there hasn't been any news about her.
50:19 I asked her, but she didn't tell me
50:21 about her schedule, schedule, and so on.
50:23 I know that they are very busy.
50:25 They have a lot of contents.
50:27 Their YouTube channel is huge.
50:29 They are the most famous and busy.
50:31 But, it's hard to spend 15 or 30 seconds.
50:35 It's a loss for me.
50:39 I'm just a social media account.
50:41 It's a big loss for me.
50:43 The loss is, first,
50:45 I have informed my distributors
50:47 and resellers that I will endorse them.
50:49 Second, if they post a 2-3 months post,
50:51 it's a good timing.
50:53 Because my products are very popular
50:55 in those months.
50:57 It can be more popular.
50:59 Third, I was asked to send the product
51:01 to their address.
51:03 I sent it.
51:05 But, I'm not sure if the product is still available.
51:07 Because it's been 7 months.
51:09 It's dangerous to endorse them.
51:11 7 months. Is my product still available?
51:13 I don't know.
51:15 Fourth, I have to change the design of my product.
51:17 If they post it in 3 months,
51:19 my product will be changed.
51:21 Surprisingly,
51:23 Nagita who is suspected of not visiting
51:25 the product posting, even though she was paid
51:27 35 million rupiah, didn't want the money to be returned.
51:29 This is what makes her more upset.
51:31 Is it true that Nagita did that?
51:35 I think I'm a good candidate.
51:37 If I endorse them,
51:39 I'll be famous.
51:41 I don't think so.
51:43 But, I'm so upset with you.
51:45 I'm so upset with this girl.
51:47 I'm so upset.
51:49 I'm so upset.
51:51 When I have money,
51:53 I want to be a millionaire.
51:55 I'll endorse her someday.
51:57 Thank God, my product is so popular.
51:59 Thank God.
52:01 I can endorse her.
52:03 I'll send 35 million rupiah to 1 Instagram star.
52:05 It'll take 15 or 30 seconds.
52:07 It's not that easy to endorse her.
52:09 There are so many requirements.
52:11 The product must be selected first.
52:13 We have to send the product knowledge.
52:15 How many seconds must be calculated?
52:17 I don't know where the problem is.
52:19 Is it in the management or the manager?
52:21 But,
52:23 the management that I endorsed,
52:25 I used the word "management" to endorse her.
52:27 They asked for a refund
52:29 to the management.
52:31 Maybe the management
52:33 is not comfortable with me
52:35 because I didn't post anything.
52:37 But, the management
52:39 is a creative team.
52:41 They can't give a refund.
52:43 They can change the brand
52:45 or the product.
52:47 But, they can't give a refund.
52:49 When the owner of the account
52:51 of Prihal Nagita didn't post
52:53 the product that has been paid 35 million rupiah
52:55 viral, the brand finally spoke.
52:57 Is it true that Nagita
52:59 hasn't received the product
53:01 that she wants?
53:03 It seems that
53:09 the relationship between Ari Keriting
53:11 and Nur Syah's mother-in-law is fading.
53:13 Even since Ari fell in love
53:15 with Indah Permatasari,
53:17 then got married in 2021,
53:19 then had a baby,
53:21 the character hasn't been accepted.
53:23 Even outside, Nur Syah
53:25 is avoiding Ari,
53:27 even doesn't consider Komika as her daughter-in-law.
53:29 She doesn't get angry,
53:31 or even wants to give a refund.
53:33 So, what's the reason behind Ari's decision
53:35 to remain silent when she was attacked by her mother-in-law?
53:37 Why I never want to clarify anything?
53:41 Because...
53:43 Because you can't
53:47 hate
53:49 or
53:51 oppose
53:53 someone you have the duty
53:55 to respect and love.
53:57 Two years ago,
53:59 Nur Syah's marriage was cancelled.
54:01 Every time Ari Keriting
54:03 tried to win Silaturahmi's heart,
54:05 or even to get close to Indah Permatasari
54:07 and her mother-in-law,
54:09 Nur Syah chose to stay away.
54:11 I don't know what made Nur Syah
54:13 open her heart to Ari.
54:15 Are you sure that
54:17 at some point,
54:19 Nur Syah can accept her as her daughter-in-law?
54:21 Aren't you disappointed
54:23 if her effort to get her mother-in-law's heart
54:25 always failed?
54:27 So, if I'm
54:29 asked to be disappointed
54:31 and
54:33 angry,
54:35 and maybe...
54:37 What is it?
54:41 Hurt by that situation,
54:43 I can't.
54:45 Because
54:47 that's not the person
54:49 who should make me hurt
54:51 and disappointed
54:53 at all.
54:55 She's the one who should
54:57 be my ground
54:59 to be devoted.
55:01 The door hasn't been opened yet.
55:03 It's okay. Maybe later.
55:05 But when, for example,
55:07 I clarify
55:09 one or another thing,
55:11 then it accumulates
55:13 the feeling of disappointment in our hearts.
55:19 So, by herself,
55:21 the door to that devotion
55:23 will be closed. And that's what I don't want.
55:25 [Music]
55:31 [Music]
55:33 [Music]
55:45 [Music]
56:01 [Music]
56:29 [Music]
56:45 [Music]
57:01 [Music]
57:13 [Music]
57:15 [Music]
57:45 [Music]
57:48 Glowing means
57:50 dot, dot,
57:52 brighten.
57:54 Healthy skin all day long.
57:56 Fragrant skin all the time.
57:58 Glowing means
58:00 dot, dot,
58:02 can moisturize.
58:04 Just search,
58:06 you'll get it.
58:08 Glowing means dot, dot,
58:10 Scarlett. Always glow on the go.
58:12 Available at your favorite store.
58:14 [Music]
58:16 [Music]
58:18 Creamy, salty, sweet takoyaki flavor.
58:20 Sprinkle with sushi.
58:22 The pleasure is truly glorious.
58:24 Indomie Ramen Series.
58:26 The authentic pleasure.
58:28 Bangsaku.
58:30 The weather makes it easy to get sick.
58:32 Be grateful.
58:34 Every day is soft. Be grateful.
58:36 Give milk 7 korma.
58:38 The goodness of sterile milk and korma
58:40 in one. Give sterile milk 7 korma.
58:42 God willing, double the benefits.
58:44 I believe in the
58:46 miracle of nature.
58:48 So we don't use
58:50 a single gallon.
58:52 Our gallons are sanitized together
58:54 before refilling.
58:56 [Music]
58:58 100% pure aqua.
59:00 Hi, Leodra.
59:02 Hi, Kalpa. You're so smooth.
59:04 The chocolate is thick.
59:06 The coconut sprinkles
59:08 are savory.
59:10 The coconut chocolate is one.
59:12 It's delicious.
59:14 Kalpa.
59:16 Hey, where are you from?
59:18 From Rapatau, Sis.
59:20 Liar.
59:22 You just ate squid, right?
59:24 With sauce, right?
59:26 That's why, guys. After eating, kiss first.
59:28 Kiss. The aroma is fragrant. After eating.
59:30 Soklin Lantai.
59:32 Now with a new formula.
59:34 Optimal protection kills 99% of germs.
59:36 Dry quickly.
59:38 Clean and shiny.
59:40 Long-lasting fragrance.
59:42 Soklin Lantai. Clean and protected.
59:44 Long-lasting fragrance.
59:46 BeBelak. Rich in phosgos
59:48 that is frugal. Support new inventions.