• last year


00:00 Maybe we got lost in translation
00:02 Maybe I asked for too much
00:04 And maybe this thing was a masterpiece
00:07 'Til you tore it all up
00:09 Running scared, I was there
00:11 I remember it
00:13 Don't come if you're free
00:16 But I can't
00:18 Not only Andini who is a bitch
00:21 During the relationship with Asmara
00:23 RT also seems to take the role as a man who is attentive
00:26 Like the general dating style
00:28 Andini and Sang Kekasi often hang out together
00:31 RT's attitude seems to be obedient when invited to make TikTok content
00:34 So obedient, RT was once told to go out early in the morning
00:39 Just to meet Andini
00:41 I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you
00:47 Oh no, I'm confused
00:51 Until today, this time
00:56 I'm still waiting for you
00:59 I know that I said it but
01:02 I've got to let me go
01:05 You're the one who's bad to me
01:09 I just want to confess to the sea
01:13 And sink under the sea to dry
01:17 We're like a couple
01:19 Put your finger down if you still hold on even if you're hurt
01:23 Put your finger down if you always obey your partner's words
01:27 And the last one, put your finger down if you believe he's the only one for you
01:32 Put your finger down if you're the one who's in a relationship first if you're angry
01:37 Put your finger down if you feel he loves you the most
01:41 Put your finger down if you feel he's already the one you dream of
01:51 But unfortunately, the murder that killed Dini was so sad
01:57 How come Dini, who was so loved, loved and always made her lover sad
02:03 Was actually tortured by KJ
02:06 And what was the most devastating was Andini was taken to the hospital
02:10 When there was only a little hope for her life
02:17 The fact is Andini was taken to Orchard apartment
02:25 And the condition there was worse, she couldn't breathe
02:30 And then Andini was taken to the hospital
02:34 What if they were dating and they got there
02:37 Will the girl also tolerate him when he's being violent
02:44 I think he should be cut off
02:47 When he's being rude, he should be cut off
02:51 Dini and KJ were often in a fight
02:55 So Dini was often being brutally beaten
02:58 And before they died, they were involved in a fight at nightclub
03:01 Until Dini was lying on the parking lot in a weak condition
03:09 Between R and Dini's brother, they came to Blegol KTV
03:16 There were only small disputes according to the information
03:22 But at Blegol KTV, there was a trial
03:27 Or a heavy trial against this brother
03:29 And it was proven that this brother was hanged in the basement
03:34 Basement of Landmark Mall
03:37 And when he was hanged, his brother was almost left by his friends
03:44 So this brother came to Blegol with his friends
03:47 With the intention or the intention to leave this brother
03:53 Because in the right arm of this brother, there was a tire mark
03:57 A tire mark, even that in my opinion is very inhuman if you look at it
04:03 I was a little shocked because a couple
04:07 If they are physically and physically violent, it can't be tolerated
04:12 Especially when they have committed suicide
04:16 It's really not normal
04:19 Love with a smell of a cat doesn't bring happiness
04:25 But it brings misery
04:27 Because of excessive love, the beloved one becomes the most deadly enemy
04:32 Is this the irony behind excessive love?
04:34 Or is it love that exceeds the limit of consciousness?
04:37 It's true that the police haven't determined who the real perpetrator is in this murder
04:43 But the beloved one has been under investigation since yesterday
04:46 So is it possible that RT became a suspect?
04:50 This is still an intensive investigation, behind several witnesses
04:55 And it is possible that later, from the evidence we have collected
05:00 The witnesses are included, so we can leave it as a suspect
05:04 But we are waiting for the autopsy results and the investigation results
05:07 For the victim's girlfriend, will she be investigated?
05:10 Yes
05:11 Will the victim's girlfriend be investigated?
05:12 It has been asked for clarification
05:14 At that time, together with the victim, they took her to the hospital
05:18 In my opinion, the punishment should be death
05:20 A very unfortunate incident, of course, the perpetrator
05:27 We also hope that the perpetrator out there, if they experience a toxic relationship
05:32 Especially if we see that our partner has a red flag
05:35 Some examples or words, verbally or non-verbally
05:39 This can usually be felt directly by us as a partner
05:44 And don't forget that when we have friends, we can also talk
05:48 Either through WhatsApp, so there is proof
05:51 That our partner also committed violent acts verbally and non-verbally
05:56 So if we have to, especially women, we have to be careful
06:00 Don't try to be a hero in the afternoon, later she will change
06:03 Later, in 3 years, she will change, no, immediately decide
06:06 Take a stance on what to do
06:07 Because an incident like this can't be helped anymore
06:10 It has happened and now we can only see and pity this incident
06:15 And of course, we both here continue to pray for Dini's departure
06:20 Hopefully the perpetrator will be immediately taken to court
06:23 And get justice
06:26 And we hope that the family left will be given patience and patience in difficult times like now
06:33 Welcome, we are live from Studio 12 Insert TransTV
06:36 This is Insert Today with Seryan Ibram
06:38 And I'm Astrid Tia, as usual, we will tell you the news about celebrities from around the world
06:42 And also the news that is viral
06:45 Viral, we can finally
06:47 Viral, yes, okay
06:49 Next, we have some stories that we have included in Insert News Highlight
06:53 One of them is the happy news from Putri Ariandi
06:56 Why?
06:57 She just won the 4th place in a competition in the world
07:01 Congratulations
07:02 Congratulations to our class president, Mr. Sandiaga Uno
07:07 It's really cool, finally her dream to continue her studies at the Juilliard School
07:12 This is a music school in New York, it can be realized
07:16 And we also see some information from a sportswoman
07:20 She said that now, sportswoman, she is single, she doesn't have a partner
07:25 But if she is looking for a partner, she can buy a car
07:29 She can
07:30 She can
07:31 She is not looking for a partner, she can buy a house
07:33 She has a lot of houses
07:34 She is looking for a partner who can appreciate, at least, the price of a car, a house, and also the price of a bag
07:39 And the price of a diamond
07:40 What is the news about celebrities?
07:42 Stay tuned on Insert Today
07:46 Insert Today
07:49 I am strong woman
07:55 Insert Today
07:57 It's sweet
08:06 Use this
08:07 It's sweet, right?
08:09 Like you, the sweetness doesn't make you diabetes
08:12 Maslim's Prophecy
08:13 In order to get the best water source, LEMineral does hundreds of explorations
08:18 Each drop contains balanced essential minerals that are important for the body
08:23 A new gallon and free of BPA
08:26 This is the commitment of LEMineral
08:28 To face various everyday conditions
08:33 Make sure the purity that accompanies you
08:41 Bear Brand, feel the purity
08:43 Tired
08:45 Drink Talak Lino, the Puyang chili formula that has been 100% perfected herbal
08:50 Drink after activities and before going to bed
08:53 Smooth blood circulation, maximum rest
08:55 I believe Talak Lino, President Aja Minum Jamu
08:58 The great thing about Bebelak is that it is enriched with a phosgos that is clinical-friendly
09:02 Support good digestion and triple A with higher DHA
09:05 Stimulate the creative mind of the child
09:08 Both help build a strong heart
09:11 Bebelak, all the great things
09:13 This, that, shampoo that fights the itch of the armpit or shampoo that fights the hair
09:18 I want both
09:19 Complete package, new shampoo for armpit with pro-vitamin
09:24 Fight the itch of the armpit and hair
09:26 Complete
09:27 Fragrant clothes using Motto Parfum Boost
09:31 The fragrance makes you feel good
09:36 With Parfum Boost technology, make clothes 10 times more fragrant, fresh all day
09:42 Motto Parfum Boost
09:43 I don't want to eat outside
09:46 Can't shop either
09:48 Just cook
09:49 What do you cook, Puyang?
09:51 Just wake up
09:53 Only with a good touch, made from natural ingredients and quality ingredients
10:03 Make simple dishes more special
10:08 Hmm, how?
10:10 It's getting better, Mom
10:11 Because the taste never lies
10:13 Choose the right milk
10:15 Vidoran Smart, healthier choice
10:17 Low sugar, immune up formula, high DHA
10:20 Smart mother's choice
10:21 Active, smart, optimal growth support
10:25 Vidoran's child is ready to be strong and smart
10:28 Are you sure you've washed your face?
10:31 Use Garnier's number one water mist
10:33 With a missile like a magnet
10:35 99% makeup, even dirt that is not visible, is transparent
10:39 Stay soft without feeling attracted
10:41 Use Garnier's water mist
10:43 Yeah, where's the space?
10:45 Just point it
10:47 Only the fragrant tip from the chosen tip
10:50 Keep your spirit up to face the challenge
10:54 Make your day more exciting
10:57 Fragrant tip
10:58 I want noodles
11:00 Calm down, there's oven noodles
11:02 Healthier choice
11:04 The product is in the oven, not fried
11:06 The noodles are chewy, the taste is better
11:09 Delicious
11:11 Oven noodles are healthy
11:12 And delicious
11:13 For my heart, I want the best drinking water
11:17 To get the best water source
11:20 Lemineral does hundreds of explorations
11:25 Each drop contains balanced essential minerals
11:28 That are important for the body
11:29 And also make the water taste fresher
11:32 Moreover, the gallon is always new
11:35 The lid is airtight and free of BPA
11:37 This is the Lemineral commitment
11:40 For the safety and health of the family
11:43 Mom's birthday is coming up
11:45 Just cook for mom
11:46 Here, let me help
11:47 Fortunately, there is a dad and a Komodo uncle
11:50 I can cook mom's favorite food
11:53 Homemade Masako
11:55 Homemade Masako
11:57 Each house has its own family flavor
12:01 That warms the house
12:03 That always serves delicious
12:06 Perfect family flavor with Masako
12:09 With special broth
12:11 For the deliciousness that awaits
12:14 Indonesian family flavor
12:20 Masako family flavor
12:22 Masako family flavor
12:23 We already used the white one
12:34 But why is the shirt white?
12:36 Oh, the white one
12:37 We use Funnish White
12:39 Forget the white one
12:40 Use Funnish White every time you wash
12:42 With the innovation of Crystal White
12:44 The stain is gone
12:46 Extra white shirt
12:49 White underwear
12:52 Cool!
12:53 The stain is gone
12:54 Extra white shirt
12:55 Forget the white one
12:57 Choose Funnish White
12:58 Where there is strength, there is kindness
13:07 Support them with the kindness of milk and biscuits
13:11 Good strength from the inside
13:13 Arlo, what's wrong?
13:14 The doctor said it's not suitable for cow milk
13:17 My son too
13:18 Try SGM Explore Isoprosoy
13:21 New, the right nutrition for cow milk
13:24 Support small children with optimal body
13:26 SGM Explore Isoprosoy
13:28 Taste the softness of chocolate combined with the kindness of milk
13:39 Catbury Dairy Milk
13:41 Taste the softness of kindness
13:45 To face various conditions every day
13:48 Make sure the purity accompanies you
13:53 BareBread, taste the purity
13:58 Wardah Perfect Bright Micellar Water
14:00 With booster serum, 4 times bread berries, rich in vitamins
14:04 4 times brighter, clean your face
14:07 Comfortable to use many times
14:09 Wardah Perfect Bright Micellar Water
14:11 Very bright, ready to glow
14:13 Hot, hot, make you move
14:16 Only Walsh that makes you smile
14:19 Ice cream Walsh
14:22 Everyone becomes happy
14:24 Let's share the deliciousness of Walsh
14:26 Walsh, Walsh, make everyone happy
14:28 Meet my girlfriend and her grandma
14:30 Can you cook?
14:33 Let's cook
14:34 Cook?
14:35 Like this
14:36 Ketchup Seda, thick and savory
14:38 Make the taste unrivaled
14:40 More delicious, right?
14:41 Always use Ketchup Seda and Mixfood
14:43 We're back on Instartoday
14:55 As I promised earlier
14:57 We have some news that we've compiled in Instart News Highlights
15:00 One of them is about Olah Ramlan
15:03 Who seems to be enjoying his solitude with his family and friends
15:08 But behind that, he feels empty
15:11 He needs a companion who will share his story
15:14 Not sharing his wealth, because he already has a lot of wealth
15:17 Don't count the wealth to Olah Ramlan
15:20 What else does Olah Ramlan need?
15:22 What kind of companion does he need?
15:24 We can see that he's into sports
15:27 He's into all kinds of sports
15:29 He even runs a lot
15:31 His body is getting fresher
15:33 What else does he need?
15:35 But when it comes to finding a companion
15:37 He's not looking for someone who has wealth
15:39 Someone who can buy a car
15:40 Someone who can at least appreciate him
15:42 Olah Ramlan, if you're looking for a man who can play football
15:45 I'm going back
15:46 A man who can talk to people
15:48 I'm going forward
15:49 Because you're already there
15:51 But we'll talk about Olah Ramlan later
15:53 But before that, we have a story from Ryan Zeng
15:55 He said he was sick at home because of high fever
15:58 I'm following his Instagram
16:02 I saw that even though he's sick, he's still in good health
16:05 But we still pray for him to get well soon
16:09 So he can come back soon
16:11 But from what I see, he's smiling now
16:16 He's back to his normal activities
16:18 He's happy
16:20 If Cipung is sad or crying
16:24 Rafathar will be there to protect her
16:27 No one can touch Cipung
16:29 Cipung can't cry
16:31 Everything is given to Cipung
16:33 Rafathar is there to accompany his sister to love
16:36 All of that in this episode
16:38 Be patient, Olah
16:39 See you later
16:40 He's a famous online netizen
16:45 He's taken care of by Ryan Zeng Malik Ahmad alias Cipung
16:49 He's a sickly kid
16:51 He's a worry for many netizens
16:53 He's a year old kid
16:55 He's suffering from high fever
16:57 He has to take care of himself
16:59 We shared some moments on social media
17:01 When Ryan Zeng's left hand was infected
17:03 His face that usually smiles on social media
17:06 Is now weak and weak
17:08 As a result, Ryan Zeng's sadness is attracting public attention
17:12 Many people are praying for him to get well soon
17:15 What do you say?
17:16 Thank you
17:18 I hope you get well soon
17:20 Yes
17:22 Say thank you to everyone
17:24 Thank you
17:26 How do you say thank you?
17:27 Thank you
17:28 Do you want to help Papa Api?
17:33 Yes
17:34 Where's Papa Api?
17:36 Try to call him
17:38 Try to call him
17:41 Papa Api
17:42 I don't want to
17:43 Who do you want to call?
17:45 I don't want to
17:47 Ryan Zeng's voice is weak and weak
17:51 His body is still energetic
17:52 But his illness has taken away all his happiness
17:56 But behind the illness Ryan Zeng has
17:58 His brother, Rafathar
18:00 Is also a person that cannot be ignored
18:03 The attitude of Rafathar who is always beside his brother
18:06 Makes the public seem to be moved
18:08 At least, in some of the posts on social media
18:11 Rafathar is always there and accompanies Ryan Zeng who is sick
18:15 Rafathar's attitude is mature
18:17 Back then, when Ryan Zeng was just born
18:20 Rafathar often expressed his jealousy towards his brother
18:23 All the good things that Ryan Zeng received
18:25 Were always commented by Rafathar
18:26 But back then, now
18:28 It's not jealousy that fills his heart
18:30 But a brother's love for his younger brother
18:33 That is being betrayed
18:34 Just look at a video that has been circulating on social media
18:37 A video of a lady who can turn Rafathar's mood
18:40 Into a bad mood
18:42 When Rafathar is in a bad mood
18:44 When he smiles because of cheating
18:46 [Music]
19:14 Rafathar's jealousy disappears
19:17 When his younger brother is shaking his hand
19:19 His smile is immediately exposed
19:21 And Netizen is also made to be angry
19:23 With the way Rafathar treats his brother
19:25 In another occasion, Rafathar's attitude as a brother
19:28 Is also depicted in a video
19:30 When he carries his younger brother who wants to go up to the stage
19:33 To meet his father
19:34 [Music]
19:56 Rafathar's sweet attitude
19:58 Made the internet go down
20:00 At least, seeing Rayanza
20:02 With the status of an online netizen's mistress
20:04 As well as being loved by his brother
20:07 Clearly is a sight
20:09 That can change someone's mood
20:11 Video after video of the brother's friendship
20:13 It rarely makes his family smile
20:16 When watching it
20:17 Not only Rafathar who can express his love for his younger brother
20:20 Rayanza is the same
20:22 In one of the circulating videos
20:23 When Rafathar cried
20:25 Rayanza seemed to show an angry expression
20:28 To Rafi Ahmad's father
20:30 His sweet attitude is like someone who is angry
20:32 Because his brother is disturbed and made to cry
20:35 [Music]
20:44 At the age of November, which is only two years
20:46 Rayanza already knows who he should love in his life
20:50 Rayanza's love for his brother
20:52 Is clearly revealed because Rafathar also shares a similar feeling
20:55 Two brothers who love each other
20:57 Is an interesting sight
20:59 That can change someone's day
21:01 [Music]
21:06 Rayanza, dear, you recover quickly
21:09 And also Rafathar is healthy
21:11 The weather is confusing
21:13 So we have to boost a lot of vitamins
21:16 Drink a lot and don't always go out
21:18 Because the air is not clear
21:20 Right, I hope the viewers at home
21:22 Always given physical and mental health
21:25 Even the affiliates out there
21:27 Feel mentally affected
21:29 When they know that the TikTok Shop feature
21:31 Currently can no longer be used
21:33 This is related to the Minister of Trade Regulation
21:37 Which was revised to number 50 in 2020
21:40 Where social media is used only for promotion
21:43 But can't be used for transactions
21:46 Therefore, the government closed the TikTok Shop feature in Indonesia
21:49 Which in the end, the investment
21:51 There are many affiliates who have to lose their jobs
21:56 Among them, we will present
21:58 There is an interview with a very handsome host, Mirza
22:00 Oh, who is it?
22:01 It's true, with two affiliates
22:03 One of them is Mrs. Mus, Musdalifah
22:05 And there is also a Louis
22:07 Where he also received an omset of 40 billion
22:10 In one day at the TikTok Shop
22:12 So yesterday they all cried
22:14 On the last Thursday, they had to be live
22:17 What is the full story?
22:18 This is for you
22:19 Who is the handsome host?
22:20 Hi, viewers of Insert Today
22:22 This time I am with two women who are very extraordinary
22:25 If viewers often see on TikTok Shop
22:28 These two great women often live there
22:31 And also sell goods
22:33 And we are also sure that of course
22:34 One of the viewers of Insert Today
22:36 Someone has checked out
22:38 Shopping when they live stream
22:40 There is Musdalifah, Mrs. Mus, how are you, Mrs. Mus?
22:42 Alhamdulillah healthy
22:44 And next to it, there is Mommy Louis Scarlett
22:48 We know the sales are very extraordinary
22:50 Can be said as one of the top affiliates
22:53 At TikTok Shop, right?
22:55 How are you?
22:56 Fine
22:57 Finally, the investment for TikTok Shop
22:59 It must be closed in Indonesia
23:01 If from Mrs. Louis herself, how do you feel?
23:05 Honestly, there is also sadness
23:07 But it's better to be grateful
23:09 Because I have been running TikTok Shop
23:11 For two and a half years
23:13 Yes, like life
23:15 The wheels are up
23:16 There are also down, keep spinning
23:18 So for me, I am grateful
23:20 Take the wisdom
23:21 In a lifetime, the highest turnover
23:23 This is talking about turnover
23:24 How much did you get for Louis?
23:26 For me, the turnover can't be covered anymore, right?
23:29 Because it was actually broken the record
23:31 Southeast Asia, 45 billion per day
23:34 45 billion viewers
23:37 Why did you finally decide
23:38 Okay, I want to go down to TikTok Shop at that time?
23:41 Because I like it
23:42 First I saw it first
23:43 Because I just like it
23:44 Oh, like this, like this
23:46 I try, I try
23:47 It turns out, it's in my soul
23:50 Because I am a trader
23:51 I always enjoy the life of TikTok
23:54 How is it?
23:55 TikTok is like my life
23:57 This is really not about making money anymore
24:00 This is my life
24:02 This is half of my soul
24:04 So I love my job
24:06 We are also sure that the government is preparing something
24:08 Of course, including social media platforms
24:11 Which are inundated in Indonesia
24:12 Of course, it will also comply with the regulations here
24:14 Okay, for Louis
24:16 What do you want to say to the government?
24:18 I am sure the Indonesian government
24:21 Taking this decision
24:23 It must have considered the previous things very wisely
24:28 And I hope this decision
24:31 By TikTok Shop Indonesia
24:33 There will be a decision soon
24:35 Finally, how?
24:37 Because we are waiting for
24:38 From Affiliator, Seller, MCN and all
24:41 The consumers
24:43 Those who like to shop
24:45 This is something big, right?
24:47 I always pray
24:49 Maybe this is the best
24:51 Because the best is
24:52 Because shopping is always online
24:55 Not offline anymore
24:56 Online, online
24:57 Hopefully, this government
24:59 What?
25:00 The best decision like this
25:02 Let's just wait for his best decision
25:05 So be patient
25:06 Because we are sure
25:07 The better one will come back to Indonesia
25:10 If it's good, we will be better
25:12 We will wait
25:13 Let's wait together with Insert Today
25:15 We will be back to the studio
25:16 Please
25:18 [Music]
25:26 We will help you to return your safety
25:30 [Music]
25:38 It's sweet, right?
25:39 Use this, Ko
25:40 It's sweet, right?
25:41 Like you
25:42 The sweetness doesn't make you diabetes
25:45 Tropica Reslim
25:46 Torrabica Cappuccino
25:47 Number one in the world
25:49 The coffee beans are chosen
25:50 With milk from New Zealand
25:51 The chocolate granola is gone
25:54 But the coffee is still fresh
25:56 Perfect
25:57 Alikimood
25:58 Torrabica Cappuccino
25:59 Number one in the world
26:01 I used to think all mineral water is the same
26:04 It turns out, mineral water is different
26:06 It's hot outside
26:07 After drinking mineral water
26:08 The taste is very smooth
26:10 Not hot
26:11 Yes, like the sweet aroma
26:14 Mineral water is different
26:16 Each drop contains balanced essential minerals
26:20 Which is important for the body
26:21 And also makes the water taste fresher
26:24 Wow, it's fresh
26:26 Make the body lighter
26:28 Mineral water, the goodness of mineral water is protected
26:31 Tired
26:32 Tired
26:33 Drink Tolaclin
26:34 The Puyang chili formula has been perfected
26:36 100% herbal
26:38 Drink after activities and before going to bed
26:40 Smooth blood circulation
26:42 Maximum rest
26:43 I believe Tolaclin
26:44 President Aja Minum Camu
26:46 Huh, it's blurry
26:49 Your video is not on
26:50 My face is blurry
26:52 This calendar
26:53 Glow Lovely Facial Foam with multivitamin
26:55 Cleans dirt and freckles
26:57 Glows face instantly
26:58 Bye
27:00 I support Rainer for fast, focus, flexible
27:05 So that we can create various great ideas
27:07 Now and later
27:08 I give S26 Prokel Gold
27:10 Which is formulated by Wayan's Nutrition Expert
27:12 So it's great now and later
27:14 Hey, check your hair
27:19 Always be insecure with your hair
27:21 Use Rejoice 3 in 1
27:23 Hair becomes soft, fragrant, and nourished
27:26 Free from insecurity all day
27:28 By Dramarambut
27:29 New Rejoice 3 in 1
27:31 Hi, today I want to share tips to keep your hands soft
27:35 Hands can be dry because you often wash dishes
27:38 Try Sunlight Extra Soft New
27:39 With No Moisturizer, inspired by Skincare
27:42 Lessen the effect of fatigue
27:43 Keep your hands soft
27:44 Sunlight Extra Soft New
27:46 The creamy, salty, and sweet taste of takoyaki
27:52 Sprinkled with sushi
27:54 The pleasure is really great
27:56 Indomie Damin Series
27:58 The authentic pleasure
28:00 Bang Zagut
28:01 Clear Better
28:03 Anti-dandruff shampoo with the best technology
28:06 With 10 times super vitamin strength
28:08 Wash your hands after you finish wet and dry indomie
28:11 No need to worry about indomie coming again
28:13 Clean Better
28:15 Prove it now
28:16 My steps never stop because of its freshness
28:19 Give Fija Perfume Beauty Body Wash New
28:21 With Rose Water and Argan Oil
28:23 Care and soften my skin when I take a bath
28:26 Give Fija Perfume Beauty Body Wash
28:28 Rose Water and Argan Oil New
28:30 Clean Better
28:31 Every house has its own family taste
28:34 Warm your home
28:36 Always serve delicious food
28:39 Perfect the family taste with Masako
28:42 With special broth
28:44 For the delicious food you've been waiting for
28:47 Indonesian Family Taste
28:53 Masako Family Taste
28:55 Welcome, please come in
29:02 Huh?
29:03 Is there a time for a headache?
29:06 Panadol Extra
29:08 Quickly relieve headache and anxiety
29:11 Panadol Extra
29:12 Quickly relieve headache and can be taken before meals
29:15 This is Minggu, dad
29:20 Stop working
29:22 Hi, everyone, let's have fun
29:24 Wow, wow, wow, Oreo
29:27 Wow, wow, wow, Oreo
29:30 Oreo
29:31 Sis
29:33 Good, who is it for?
29:37 It's for my mom
29:39 Let's drink milk first
29:40 Great, baby luck
29:41 Contains Phosgos that is high in glycine
29:43 And AAA with higher DHA
29:45 Support good ennui, creative mind and big heart
29:49 Happy birthday
29:51 Huh? I don't have a birthday?
29:53 Why should you wait for a birthday?
29:55 You can give a gift anytime
29:58 Great
29:59 Baby luck, the beginning of all wonders
30:01 For my heart, I want the best drinking water
30:05 To get the best water source
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32:14 Let's go
32:15 [Music]
32:23 Back again on ZONTODAY
32:25 As usual, we've said
32:27 If we go to some British places, we've arranged a visit to the island
32:30 Because there's a story from Allah Ramlan
32:33 You know, we've been told this many times
32:35 Don't repeat it
32:37 We've explained
32:38 Is Allah looking for a companion?
32:40 Yes
32:41 And we'll also see the information from Jessica Kumala Wongso
32:44 We know that on Netflix
32:46 There's a documentary film called Ice Cold
32:51 Telling the story of the 2016
32:54 Until the end
32:55 Pro/Contra assumption from Indonesian people
32:58 About this case
33:00 Revealed again
33:02 And there's even a statement from Oto Hasibuan
33:05 Who's the legal authority of Jessica Kumala Wongso
33:08 He said the reason why Jessica didn't propose the marriage
33:11 Because until now, she feels innocent
33:14 Okay, let's see the full news
33:16 This is It's a News Highlight
33:18 Around one hour later
33:22 A documentary film about Copy Sianida and Jessica Wongso
33:26 Is again in the air
33:28 An interesting case that has been going on for 20 years
33:30 Jessica Wongso was sentenced for 7 years
33:34 And now, the public who used to judge
33:37 Her as the murderer of Mirna Salihin and Copy Sianida
33:41 Now, they're calling her innocent
33:43 A reaction that's been going on since the end of the Ice Cold, Murder, Covey and Jessica Wongso
33:49 And the public's voice has been revealed by Oto Hasibuan
33:52 During the trial 7 years ago
33:55 The belief that Jessica is innocent
33:57 Is still not shaken
33:59 And still held by Oto
34:00 Until now
34:03 99.9% of the time, I say Jessica is innocent
34:09 Still?
34:10 Why did I say 99.9%?
34:12 Because God knows
34:14 Yes, that's right
34:15 Because who knows, there are factors that we don't know
34:17 Yes, but 99.9% of the time, I say Jessica is innocent
34:22 If 99.9% of the time Jessica is innocent
34:26 Then I can conclude that 0.01% of the time is a conspiracy to blame her
34:32 Just say it?
34:34 Just say it
34:35 Just say it
34:36 Just say it like that
34:37 Just say it
34:38 Oto's firm commitment that Jessica is innocent
34:43 And Jessica is just like that
34:45 20 years in prison
34:47 Doesn't shake the principle and belief
34:49 That she's innocent
34:51 Doesn't kill her own close friend
34:53 Oto's persuasion to ask for a pardon from the president
34:56 With the condition that Jessica admits her guilt
34:58 Is firm
35:00 3 years ago, I talked to Jessica
35:02 With all my heart, I said
35:07 I only did it because I felt sorry for her
35:09 Even though I didn't agree
35:11 But I asked her
35:14 Jessica
35:16 If only I could convince the president or other authorities
35:22 To do what you want
35:24 So you can be released by going to the immigration
35:29 Do you want to?
35:31 Then she asked me
35:33 What is the condition if you're released?
35:35 The condition is that you have to admit and ask for a pardon from the president
35:41 She said
35:43 I'm sorry
35:44 I don't want to ask for a pardon
35:47 I don't want to admit an act that I've never done
35:52 I have to apologize
35:56 I'm sorry
35:58 5 days ago or 3 days ago
36:00 I was talking to Jessica
36:02 Because I thought you were still in prison
36:05 You didn't know how it feels
36:07 After 7 years
36:08 Who knows you've changed because you're suffering in prison
36:12 I asked Jessica
36:14 Jessica, I asked her twice
36:17 Do you want to?
36:19 Don't ask me questions
36:21 Let me be in prison for 10 years
36:24 Or even my whole life
36:25 If you ask me to admit an act that I've never done
36:30 That I've never done?
36:31 That I've never done
36:32 The confession of Oto will make Jessica wonder
36:39 Is it true that there's a conspiracy behind the murder of Mirna Salihin?
36:43 Or was Jessica intentionally framed?
36:45 Behind the confusion
36:47 The voice of the public who believe Jessica is guilty
36:50 That Jessica is guilty by referring to Jessica's expression during the trial
36:53 Was interrupted again
36:55 Jessica intentionally showed her anger
36:58 Even though she was upset
37:00 With the excuse that Jessica's face was like that during the trial
37:05 Crying or not
37:06 She was sad
37:07 How do you explain that?
37:08 So that's a trick
37:10 As a lawyer, I know
37:12 That's why I asked
37:14 You can make a drama if the judge said you can only cry
37:17 You can, right?
37:19 But Jessica said
37:20 I don't want to make any tricks in this case
37:23 I have to confirm that I'm not guilty
37:26 So I have to be confident
37:28 But after the trial
37:31 She was always crying
37:33 Okay
37:34 The one that wasn't on camera
37:35 She didn't want to be on camera
37:36 And second
37:37 She said
37:38 I can't cry
37:40 Because if I cry, my mother will be in pain
37:43 She will definitely cry
37:44 And on the other hand, she said
37:45 Don't come to my mother
37:47 Because my mother will definitely cry
37:48 If I see my mother crying
37:50 I will definitely collapse
37:51 She said
37:52 So their relationship was very good
37:54 Between mother and son
37:55 Maybe there is a certain person who intentionally trapped Jessica
38:01 Why was the body of Mirna that was supposed to be buried
38:03 Suddenly brought to the police station
38:05 And said that Mirna was poisoned
38:07 Actually, this body has been here for three days
38:11 Mirna's body
38:13 And it's about to be buried
38:16 Suddenly, Krishnamurti
38:18 The director of the time, Dipold
38:21 Krishnamurti came
38:23 He said
38:24 I saw it on Netflix
38:26 Your son died of poisoning
38:30 Your son died of poisoning
38:34 Even though he had never been autopsied
38:37 Never taken a sample
38:39 My question
38:40 Where is the basis
38:43 And what is the reason
38:44 Krishnamurti said your son was poisoned
38:48 Then
38:49 Three days later
38:51 After the body was buried
38:54 Then Krishnamurti came
38:56 To be autopsied
38:58 He took a sample
39:00 Three days later
39:01 Found 0.2 cyanide
39:04 My question
39:05 Is it possible
39:07 There is no cyanide
39:10 70 days before
39:12 Three days later, it was there
39:14 It's impossible from nothing
39:17 From nothing to exist
39:18 Unless
39:19 Of course there is something
39:21 Apart from the death of Mirna in the tragedy of cyanide
39:28 What is the motive behind the production of the film
39:30 Ice Cold, Murder, Kavy and Jessica Wong So actually
39:33 Maybe this was deliberately raised to reveal the truth that has been kept secret all this time
39:38 Or are there voices that have never appeared before
39:41 Now have a place
39:43 After consulting with Jessica
39:47 Jessica asked
39:48 What is good, uncle
39:50 Do I want it or not
39:52 I said
39:53 You can't think good or bad
39:55 Tell me what is really
39:57 I'm not making up here
40:00 Tell me what is really
40:02 Finally with all the risks
40:04 Yes, I want it
40:05 Finally it happened
40:07 Then asked
40:10 We thought this movie was not a documentary
40:13 Business movie
40:14 There are players
40:17 Then there is no money
40:19 They said this is a journalist
40:22 This movie is a journalist's work
40:25 So there is no one penny
40:28 No one can be paid
40:30 So let Jessica
40:32 Let me
40:33 Let anyone who is here can't get paid
40:39 The public voice that confirms Jessica is not guilty
40:42 Mirna's revenge is that Sandi is guilty of speaking up
40:45 Through a protest on social media
40:47 Sandi revealed that seeing the reality cannot be concluded
40:50 From just watching a documentary film
40:52 Which lasts about an hour
40:55 Sandi will invite the public to see the truth that was revealed
40:58 Throughout the trial process of the Sianidah co-op
41:01 Not just the conclusion is not based on the film Ice Cold, Murder, Kavy and Jessica Wong So
41:07 Not only that, Sandi also posted a photo of her childhood with the singer Mirna Salihin
41:12 Is this a longing or is this to attract public sympathy?
41:16 I don't know
41:17 The group of the Pandawara Environment Cleanup Care Group
41:25 Revealed the condition of the Lodji beach, the dirty land
41:28 The government to the people are disgusted
41:31 The fact that the Pandawara group revealed
41:33 The equipment with the people move quickly to clean the Lodji beach
41:37 And directly from Sukabumi, Insert Today team recorded the action of cleaning the people
41:41 Which has been going on since October 5th yesterday
41:44 Alhamdulillah, today is the third day we clean the beach
41:48 And this morning we had about 600 people present on this beach
41:54 Including our team from Pandawara
41:57 Today is the fourth day and tomorrow we will work together to clean the beach
42:03 How much has the cleaning been so far?
42:06 If we look at the percentage of our target
42:09 Which has been from the beginning of the fourth day
42:12 We are chasing the target of 70% of the total
42:15 Today, about 30-40% of the total
42:21 In fact, not only the people, the Pandawara group also joined hands to clean the beach
42:27 Behind it, the action of cleaning the beach by the Sukabumi team
42:30 In fact, they don't want to be excluded from the Pandawara group
42:33 This incident, the Pandawara group intends to clean the beach on October 8th tomorrow
42:37 However, the team has stolen the start
42:40 Apart from that, the action of cleaning the beach is actually attracting the attention of many parties
42:44 Including a content creator from Jakarta
42:46 Personally, I think the content is just for fun
42:50 Because we came a little while ago
42:52 I just made one content for the kids or followers
42:57 That tomorrow at Sukabumi, there is a party
42:59 Which is held in Jakarta or maybe in Bandung
43:02 You can come, I'm from Jakarta, I want to come
43:04 But my friends don't want to come
43:06 So my friends come, I'm like this, the trash is in our hands
43:09 Or I'm in their hands, so they get it right away
43:11 And then bring the trash
43:13 But what's more surprising, the action of cleaning the beach by the Lodji team
43:16 Scattered other portraits
43:17 On behalf of environmental love
43:19 One family is also involved in the action of cleaning the beach by the Lodji team
43:23 In addition to the consent of the government apparatus
43:26 There are also families who have been involved in cleaning the beach by the Lodji team
43:31 Such as
43:32 This one
43:33 This is David
43:34 David
43:35 Yes
43:36 And
43:37 Usually, he is here
43:41 We came to clean the beach
43:43 Although we can't do much
43:45 But the personal mission of our family is to encourage children
43:48 To pay more attention to social care
43:51 Hopefully in the future they will have a better life
43:54 Our hope is that Sukabumi will be a problem for us
43:57 As long as there is a future
43:59 And the news, the split between the Pandawara Group and Pemkap
44:05 After the people of Sukabumi have reached a peace
44:07 This is completed through the involvement of the Pandawara Group in the action of cleaning with Pemkap and the people of Sukabumi
44:13 Which is still ongoing until today
44:15 We will help you to return your safety
44:32 The people of Sukabumi
44:34 Sweet, right?
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44:42 Like you
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47:02 Sister
47:04 Good, for whom?
47:08 For my teacher
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47:22 I don't have a birthday
47:24 Why should I wait for a birthday?
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47:32 This is Adit from Bandung
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47:43 I'm busy, hurry up, there are still many prizes
47:46 I believe in the miracle of nature
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48:31 Lime Mineral
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48:40 SGM Explore Double Perfume
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48:47 Wingscare must be done tonight
48:48 And the work is started
48:50 Drink Mamma Vito Energy Drink if necessary
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48:56 They pick up the middle material
48:58 Emma hides, immediately becomes a Vito
49:00 Emma, Vito, Emma, Vito, Eddy
49:04 And the mission is done
49:06 That's beautiful
49:08 Now it's Nova's turn
49:09 Let's continue
49:12 Drink Mamma Vito Energy Drink
49:13 Express your energy to run activities
49:16 Arlo, what's wrong?
49:18 The doctor said it's not suitable for cow milk
49:20 My child too
49:22 Try SGM Explore Isoprosoy
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49:29 SGM Explore Isoprosoy
49:32 Where there is strength, there is kindness
49:40 Support them with the kindness of milk and biscuits
49:44 Good strength from inside
49:47 Great from BB Lug, enriched with phosgoth that is rich in lins
49:50 Support good digestion and triple A with higher DHA
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49:56 Both help grow a big heart
49:59 BB Lug, all the great products
50:02 Finally, I can sell
50:04 Eh, why is it like tree skin?
50:07 So it's not like tree skin
50:09 Use Emerald Lovely Natural Intense Moisturizing every day
50:12 With honey, avocado oil, vitamin E and B5
50:16 Wow
50:18 Make the skin moist and soft
50:21 WB Protection protects the skin from the sun
50:24 From tree skin to soft skin
50:26 Extra soft for your skin
50:28 Emerald Lovely Natural Intense Moisturizing, new
50:31 Wow, there's a new one, the skin is so smooth
50:36 This brightening cream, besides making the skin more moist
50:41 Voice Luminous White Brightening Cream, new
50:44 With new formula, 8 times hyaluronic acid
50:47 8 times more moist and brightening
50:51 SPF upgrade 36, D4+, maximum protection
50:55 Recommended for normal skin, no irritation
50:58 Voice Luminous White Brightening Cream, love my voice skin
51:02 We're back again on Insert Today
51:10 This time we're going to see the performance of Arcy
51:14 We know that his performance is not a joke
51:16 He even won 8 medals and 14 awards
51:19 He was invited to the international level in the United States
51:22 For the voice drawing
51:23 It's amazing, at the age of 8, he has a lot of achievements
51:27 Yes, he has started singing at the age of 4
51:31 And now, it turns out that he already has a vision for his future
51:36 What is it?
51:37 Arcy is not only a school kid, but he also has to take piano lessons, dance lessons, singing lessons
51:42 And other things, so it's a debate between Arcy and his son
51:44 Because Arcy wants to bring his kids to school, to be with his friends
51:48 There must be a time for that
51:50 We believe that they will do their best for their daughter
51:53 This will be the last information this afternoon
51:55 Thank you for watching Insert Today
51:57 Later on, Insert Story will air at 18.30 only on TransTV
52:01 Choose us together
52:03 See you
52:05 Let's bring your heart
52:07 And I'm gonna bring it with me
52:09 And I'm running, I'm running, I'm running
52:16 But don't you remember
52:21 Remember me
52:24 Don't you remember
52:32 Remember me
52:35 Don't you remember
52:40 That was the spectacular performance of Putri Ashanti and Anang Hermansyah, Arcy
52:47 The success of singing the song "Don't You Remember"
52:50 Which is considered difficult and requires good breathing techniques
52:53 Arcy with his talent managed to get a lot of sweet compliments from the netizens
52:57 Many people said that the expression of the 8-year-old boy's face is similar to his father's
53:03 How did Arcy react when he found out about this?
53:07 Arcy is not Arcy, he is similar to his mother
53:12 So he looks like his mother
53:17 But people said he sings like his father
53:19 But no, Arcy is Arcy
53:22 Arcy is not like his father, not like his mother
53:24 Arcy is Arcy
53:25 He has a different vocal type from the two of us
53:28 And he has been singing since he was 4 years old
53:33 He started to have a song, so he is different from us
53:36 Time after time, Arcy is now going to have a lot of fans
53:42 Because of his charming voice
53:44 But who would have thought that at such a young age
53:48 Arcy has been busy with activities such as piano lessons, dancing, and vocal training
53:53 Before he was busy at school
53:55 This made Arcy rarely sing in public
53:58 And he felt like a loser when he had to sing again
54:03 I found my love
54:08 I hope you are here
54:18 In front of me
54:22 He is a bit grumpy because he has not been singing
54:30 How is your vocal training?
54:32 I took a break from TV
54:35 If you don't have a break, it's hard
54:38 It's hard now
54:39 I'm so tired
54:41 I'm in the third grade
54:44 I mean, he has been at school from 7 to 2
54:48 I didn't take him to sing for 6 months
54:52 I mean, I focused on school
54:54 But when he sang, he was so nervous
54:58 Now he is...
55:00 Arcy, you have to be good at singing, playing the piano, and making content
55:06 You have to be good at making songs
55:08 But it's hard to make songs
55:10 I'll teach you
55:12 Arcy, you have to change it
55:18 Change, change
55:20 Then, press
55:24 Press this
55:26 (Arcy's singing)
55:37 Not only his father trained him, Arcy also has a vocal teacher who always teaches him until he is trained like this
55:48 Thanks to the support from his family and people around him, his family's daughter, Hermansyah, won 8 medals and 14 awards at a singing competition in the United States last year
56:00 I didn't know there was such a thing
56:04 But there is, Arcy won again at the age of 5 to 10
56:09 I'm so proud
56:12 It's a pride because it affects the nation
56:16 Indonesia can compete with other countries
56:19 There are 70 countries and hundreds of participants
56:23 There are 500 participants
56:24 Yes, and 500 of them made it to the semifinals
56:27 All of them made it to the semifinals
56:29 They all made it, thank God
56:30 I didn't expect that he would get this part
56:34 Because there are dozens of children
56:36 And the Philippines has a good voice
56:38 The USA has a good voice
56:40 Everything is good
56:42 Everything is good, but I think he is so cool
56:44 But thank God he won
57:05 Hello, good afternoon, we will present you with some interesting and exciting information for the next 30 minutes
57:12 With me, Tiffany Raitama, on CNN Indonesia News Update
57:15 The long summer makes some regions in Indonesia experiencing a clean water crisis
57:29 There are people who are determined to sell their jewelry to buy clean water
57:35 Some are forced to drink from banana tree trunks
57:38 Because they can't afford to buy water from the water tank
57:43 The continuous rain and the water crisis
57:50 Made the students and teachers of Mohammadiah Tonggalan Elementary School, Klaten, Central Java
57:54 Offer their prayers in the rain
57:56 650 students and 50 teachers are praying
58:01 Besides praying and asking for rain
58:03 Hundreds of students and teachers also collect donations
58:06 Or clean water donation
58:08 To help the affected communities
58:11 The donation is worth 8 million rupiah
58:14 The donation will be distributed by the school in cooperation with the BPPD
58:22 It is recorded that more than 4,000 families in 5 districts in Klaten are experiencing a water crisis
58:27 One of them is in Tumpukan village, Karangdoa district
58:30 The water of the people's wells is drying
58:33 While the water source is still there is not suitable for consumption because it contains lime
58:38 To meet their daily needs
58:41 They rely on clean water assistance or buy clean water from traders
58:46 Some people are forced to sell their jewelry and rice
58:50 To meet their daily needs
58:53 Every day the people need clean water around 5 jirigan
58:57 Where every 25 liter jirigan is bought for 3,000 rupiah
59:02 Sometimes we sell rice
59:06 Gold
59:08 We sell gold
59:10 We sell gold
59:13 How many grams?
59:15 2 grams
59:17 2 grams?
59:20 If the traders are reluctant to sell jewelry
59:26 It's different with Yosef Rizal
59:28 Residents of Dusun Klotong, Bura Bekor village, Sika NTT district
59:32 Yosef was forced to cut the banana tree to get water suitable for consumption
59:38 He got the water from the hole in the base of the banana tree
59:42 This was done because Yosef could not afford to buy water from the car
59:48 *BOOM*