• last year


00:00 Ema, Vito, Ema, Vito, Egi, and the mission is done!
00:05 That's beautiful! Now, it's Nova's turn!
00:09 Let's continue!
00:11 Drink Ema Vito Energy Drink! Express your energy to do activities!
00:16 Choose the perfect Indo Food Sambal for you!
00:19 Indo Food Sambal, Spicy!
00:22 Indo Food Sambal, Extra Spicy!
00:26 Indo Food Sambal, Super Spicy!
00:29 Indo Food Sambal, Spicy!
00:31 We are...
00:33 Indeed...
00:34 Different!
00:35 But if you want to drink coffee...
00:36 Kapal Api One!
00:37 The quality of taste is guaranteed from number one, Kapal Api!
00:40 You can adjust the sugar yourself!
00:43 Kapal Api One, clear, better!
00:46 Moving forward in the world!
00:49 Antangin is believed to be the official sponsor of Grissini Racing MotoGP 2023!
00:56 If it's windy, I drink Antangin!
00:59 WSWS, 12 winds!
01:01 Coffee together is a cafe!
01:04 Anytime, anywhere!
01:09 Nescafe, this is my cafe!
01:17 If you're in a hurry, you can disturb your activity with Vix Inhaler!
01:25 Vix Inhaler, lifelong life, anytime, anywhere!
01:30 Okay, let's go back to our guest stars!
01:39 After the love story, you got threatened because of social media postings?
01:44 Actually, it's not a threat.
01:46 - You got scolded? - No, I'm a good person.
01:49 But after I posted it, there were a lot of comments and photos of people with power.
01:58 - So, it's not a threat. - I'm a good person.
02:02 Christian, have you ever been threatened while doing your job?
02:08 There are many threats.
02:11 If I want to kill someone, I won't.
02:13 But I've been threatened or asked to delete my recording.
02:21 - And it's often. - Often?
02:23 Because I'm a bit of a cover for the news.
02:25 - Did you delete your recording? - No, I didn't.
02:30 - Thank God. - It's safe.
02:32 As a law student, what's your major?
02:37 - Technical. - Technical.
02:40 What's your opinion about the court?
02:43 - You're talking about this again. - I remember.
02:46 The court has decided.
02:51 We can share our opinions to social media.
02:57 Jessica said she wants to take a test again.
03:00 So, the court decision will be the same or different?
03:03 Let's follow her.
03:05 If you want to cover it again, I'll follow you.
03:07 - Please tag me. - So Jessica can know.
03:10 As a technical student, I hope you'll get a good result.
03:14 - Stay healthy. - We have to know the technique.
03:17 - What's that? - Explore.
03:19 - Everything has a technique. - We're technical students.
03:21 Thank you, Christian. Thank you, Clarissa.
03:24 Thank you for sharing your story.
03:26 See you again on "Cara Uduh".
03:35 Indonesia and law, which has been discussed for years,
03:39 cases that make people doubt the justice in this beloved country.
03:46 Two viral cases are Jessica Wongso and Baradae.
03:50 Re-released through a documentary titled "Ice Cold Phonies",
03:53 Jessica's 20 years of life is now in doubt.
03:57 Support for Jessica is in line with what Baradae had received.
04:01 Are the two suspects behind the iron curtain
04:05 just a black sheep for a viral case?
04:08 Together with public support, this is the story of Baradae and Jessica Wongso in Insert Facts.
04:13 Baradae Eliezer is sentenced to 1.5 years in prison,
04:25 while Jessica Wongso is sentenced to 20 years.
04:28 So, who are the two successful people who attract public sympathy?
04:33 Jessica Kumala Wongso is the suspect in the case of cyanide coffee
04:36 that killed Wayan Mirna Salihin on January 6, 2016.
04:41 Jessica is the only suspect in the case.
04:44 Born in Jakarta on October 9, 1988,
04:48 Jessica graduated from high school in 2008.
04:51 After graduating, the woman continued her education
04:54 at the Billy Blue College Sydney in Australia.
04:57 Jessica's major is graphic design.
05:00 Seven years as an Australian citizen,
05:02 Jessica did not get a job until she finally returned to the water.
05:06 Jessica and Mirna both studied at the same university,
05:10 but the daughter of Eddie Salihin immediately returned to the water after graduating.
05:14 The two met again on December 12, 2015 in Indonesia.
05:18 On January 6, the reunion was again held,
05:21 which ended in the death of Mirna Salihin.
05:24 Baradae
05:28 Meanwhile, Baradae is the main figure involved in the shooting case that killed Brigadier Joshua.
05:34 He is suspected to be a figure who poisons weapons and attracts thieves to Brigadier J.
05:40 Apart from the case involving him,
05:42 Baradae or Richard is a member of the Bayangkara 2 police force or the Tam Tama group.
05:48 He was born in Manado, North Slavic on May 14, 1998.
05:53 Richard joined the Polri Professional and Security Division in November 2021.
05:58 From here, he was later assigned to be Aju and Ferdi Sambo,
06:02 who at that time served as the head of the Polri Pro-Pam Division.
06:05 In addition to the case that now imprisons him in prison,
06:08 Richard was also removed from his post on August 22, 2023.
06:12 Together with 33 other police officers, Richard was transferred to the Polri headquarters.
06:19 Jessica Wongso
06:23 With a status of a fugitive, she was sentenced to prison,
06:30 but Jessica Wongso and Baradae actually got a lot of public sympathy.
06:34 Support for both came from various parties,
06:37 the lower class, middle class, and upper class all said one thing,
06:40 and were sure that the two fugitives were not guilty.
06:44 Jessica, sympathy was so strong after the appearance of the documentary "Ice Cold"
06:48 on social media, even in the Maya world.
06:51 Not a little bit that she dared to say that the woman who was full of education in Australia was not guilty.
06:58 Jessica is not guilty.
07:00 Jessica is in the wrong place and time.
07:05 In my opinion, she was trapped.
07:07 Just a viewer, but there are many signs of questioning.
07:11 Support for Jessica just flowed like that.
07:16 The same thing happened to Richard Eliezer,
07:19 a few organizers who were present and gave support for one of the suspects
07:23 who caused the death of Brigadier Joshua.
07:25 Not ordinary support, these fans also strengthen their love by making Richard's face chaotic.
07:32 From the beginning, Richard was punished.
07:37 Until he was punished, I don't agree.
07:41 He is free, but he is more evil.
07:44 He can be punished.
07:46 Don't be free because he is evil.
07:49 But the lowest, the lowest.
07:53 If I say the lowest, maybe.
07:55 I ask the judge to be free because Mr. Iwan Asen has spoken,
07:59 Mr. Otman has spoken, there are people who admit that he is not a perpetrator.
08:03 If the perpetrator is an individual, but he is above the 12th level,
08:09 18 levels, 18 levels.
08:11 He is wearing a uniform and he has a history of psychosis.
08:17 He did it between him and the judge.
08:20 So, he is not a perpetrator.
08:22 The trial process of Jessica Wongso was only four months.
08:29 But the strange thing is, this case made the authorities have to prepare a six-month warrant for her
08:34 until the trial began in June 2016.
08:38 Whereas, Myrna's death happened in January 2016.
08:42 Jessica was arrested on January 29, 2016.
08:46 And then she was arrested in a hotel in North Jakarta on Saturday, January 30, 2016.
08:52 The long trial process has brought various wild speculations among the public.
08:57 But what can be done?
08:59 In the end, Jessica was still found guilty and sentenced to 20 years in prison.
09:04 Yes, thank you, Your Honor.
09:08 I do not accept this decision because in my opinion it is very unfair and very biased.
09:14 As for my next attitude, I will fully surrender to the judge.
09:19 Thank you, Your Honor.
09:20 And if because of this judge's decision, it is very unfair and biased, and it is very, very unlawful,
09:28 and I see a death penalty in this trial,
09:36 then I firmly state that I am against it.
09:44 Unlike what Jessica experienced, Mr. A admitted his mistake in the seven-month trial.
09:51 In the trial, Mr. A, who was known from the beginning to pull the curtain on the Joshua Brigadier,
09:56 openly admitted his mistake and apologized after shooting Brigadier J.
10:01 I know I was wrong, but I can also explain why I did it.
10:12 I was only told by Mr. Sambo.
10:16 At that time, I did not ...
10:19 Even now, I feel that if it can be reversed,
10:23 if time can be turned back, maybe my wish is not like this.
10:31 In the trial, Mr. A clearly got a lot of support from the beginning.
10:38 The smile on his face when the fans entered the courtroom
10:43 depicted how much the people loved Mr. A at that time.
10:46 He also seemed calm when he was in front of the judge.
10:49 When he was wrong, he admitted his mistake while giving a sad expression.
10:53 And when he met his fans, he did not forget to smile with a gesture of sympathy.
11:07 This moment was seen when Richard entered the courtroom.
11:11 Dozens of Richard fans, who were dominated by these adult women,
11:16 immediately called Richard's name.
11:18 In addition to calling his name with a joke,
11:21 they also said the word of inviting Richard to Lampung for a meal.
11:26 They even wanted to kidnap Richard to be taken home to the village.
11:33 This view is clearly far different from what Jessica experienced at the beginning of the trial.
11:37 Almost without a supporter, she only has a legal authority
11:41 who is faithful to accompany her to the end.
11:43 But either without or with a supporter, Jessica's attitude is always the same.
11:48 Calm, without expression, her face is always flat when she is charged with various charges.
11:53 Even when she was sentenced to 20 years, it seems that she can still smile at the media.
11:59 [The trial continues]
12:01 Yes.
12:08 We will limit the court to 17 o'clock.
12:15 Two people are different from one similar case, but not the same.
12:21 That's the life that Jessica Wongso and her fans are struggling with.
12:25 One admits her mistake, while the other chooses to hide and be self-absorbed,
12:30 not to poison Mirna.
12:31 Who is actually wrong in this case?
12:34 The public can evaluate it themselves.
12:37 These are two cases of crimes that have the same public attention.
12:44 Both during the trial, and if we look at the hot cases,
12:49 Jessica Mirna's case was given a bonus,
12:52 where there were many new facts and opinions.
12:58 Once again, we also pay tribute to the Indonesian people for the bismillah,
13:02 which is a legal fact and only an opinion,
13:06 because in the end, this case can spread everywhere.
13:09 That's right.
13:10 One thing we often forget is that in these two cases,
13:13 there is a family that lost their loved one.
13:16 It takes a long time to recover from the wound,
13:19 to be able to continue their lives,
13:22 and don't let what we discuss or comment on hurt them.
13:27 Empathy must be here too.
13:30 Next, we will present a lot of other information on Insert Today,
13:33 with me, Indra Herlambang.
13:35 And I'm Indra Letrino.
13:36 Next, we continue to Insert News Highlight.
13:39 This was also a hot topic yesterday,
13:41 where Jadi Sembaku was accused of doing a one-off performance
13:45 in front of several artists,
13:47 where she promised to work, but in the end, she was not paid.
13:51 So, the suspicion of fraud and blackmailing finally dragged Jadi Sembaku
13:56 to fulfill the call from Polres Tangsel to be given clarification there.
14:01 Jadi herself admitted that she did not do it,
14:04 although on the other hand, many of the performers
14:06 feel that they have not been paid for their work.
14:09 Okay, even there will be a return report from Jadi Sembaku
14:12 because she feels her name is in danger.
14:14 There are also other news that we present,
14:16 but one more time, stay with us on Insert Today.
14:19 [Music]
14:26 [Music]
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15:01 [Music]
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16:56 [Music]
17:02 Clear Barrel, Tomy's anti-shampoo with the best technology
17:06 with 10 times the strength of super vitamin
17:09 brush off wet and dry Tomy
17:12 Don't worry, Tomy will come again
17:14 Clear Barrel, prove it now
17:16 Arlo, what's wrong?
17:18 The doctor said it's not suitable for cow milk
17:20 My son too
17:21 Try it, SGM Explore Isoprosoy
17:24 New, the right nutrition for cow milk
17:27 Small dose, optimal body
17:29 SGM Explore Isoprosoy
17:31 Yeah, where's the room?
17:33 Just point it out
17:35 Only Teh Pucuk Harum from Pucuk Teh Pilihan
17:38 Keep your spirit up to face the challenge
17:42 Make your day more exciting
17:45 Teh Pucuk Harum
17:46 Hi, Leodra
17:47 Hi, Kalpa
17:48 You're so thin
17:51 The chocolate is thick
17:53 The coconut sprinkle is savory
17:55 That's right, coconut chocolate becomes one
17:58 It's delicious, as delicious as that
18:00 Kalpa, let's have an Energen cereal breakfast
18:03 I'll make it, I want vanilla
18:05 I want chocolate
18:07 Energen, the number one cereal in Indonesia
18:09 Made from Australian wheat
18:11 Nutritious and oily
18:13 This is delicious
18:14 It's delicious
18:15 I used to think mineral water is the same
18:19 But it turns out mineral water is different
18:21 It's hot outside
18:22 After drinking mineral water, it tastes smooth
18:24 Not good
18:26 Yes, like sweet and sour
18:29 Le Mineral is different
18:31 Each drop contains balanced essential minerals
18:35 Which is important for the body
18:37 And also makes the water taste fresher
18:39 It's refreshing
18:41 It makes the body lighter
18:43 Le Mineral, the protection of minerals
18:46 Gentlejen now has a sachet
18:48 Buy three for one free
18:50 Your hands are still soft
18:51 The clothes are also soft
18:53 The scent is also long-lasting
18:55 No need to smell the softness anymore
18:58 Gentlejen, growth-reducing soap
19:00 Welcome, please
19:02 Is there a time for headaches?
19:06 Panadol Extra, quickly relieve headaches and anxiety
19:11 Panadol Extra, quickly relieve headaches
19:14 Can be drunk before eating
19:22 Taste the softness of chocolate combined with the goodness of milk
19:27 Catbury Dairy Milk, taste the softness of goodness
19:31 Kopiko Extra Besar
19:33 The coffee is better
19:38 It's delicious
19:41 It's endless
19:44 Kopiko
19:45 Are you sure you've washed your face?
19:48 Use the number one water mist from Garnier
19:51 With a mistle like a magnet
19:53 99% makeup, even dirt that is not visible
19:56 Is transparent
19:57 Still soft without feeling attracted
19:59 Use the water mist from Garnier
20:01 My steps never stop
20:03 Because it's refreshing
20:04 Give Veeja Perfume Beauty Body Wash
20:06 New with rose water and argan oil
20:09 Care and soften my skin when I take a bath
20:12 Give Veeja Perfume Beauty Body Wash
20:13 Rose water and new argan oil
20:15 Wingscare
20:16 Oh my God, I'm hungry
20:19 Aha, just Romomalkis Abon
20:22 Extra abon, extra abon, extra energy
20:27 Romomalkis, taste a lot, get ready again
20:29 Now fill in three more
20:31 Coffee with a cafe
20:34 Anytime
20:36 Anywhere
20:39 Nescafe
20:45 This is my cafe
20:46 I always choose Eskim Explore
20:48 Because only with Iron Sea
20:50 My child's support grows maximally
20:53 Let me be
20:55 Come, I'm here
20:57 Wow, cool
20:59 Eskim Explore
21:16 Not only separated from the entertainment stage
21:18 Yadi Sembako's comedian was also in serious trouble
21:21 Where he is suspected of being involved in a fraud and darkening case
21:24 In the cycle of cases that are rampant
21:26 Yadi Sembako will also hide
21:28 Signed and embarrassed to appear in public
21:31 To clarify
21:33 Finally, as long as Yadi seems to be hiding
21:36 Oh, Yadi Sembako wants to appear
21:39 Immediately called the South Tangran Police Department
21:42 [Music]
21:45 [Music]
21:48 [Music]
21:51 [Music]
21:54 [Music]
21:57 [Music]
22:00 [Music]
22:03 [Music]
22:06 He was greeted by a full call of the police
22:08 He came alone, not accompanied by an interviewer
22:11 Of course with a number of evidence
22:13 To answer questions that will be asked during the inspection process
22:17 [Music]
22:20 [Music]
22:23 How is the preparation
22:25 Just prepare
22:27 The investigator asked what
22:31 I answer
22:32 So if necessary, I will prepare
22:36 Just prepare
22:39 So that the investigation is completed
22:42 So everything is already there
22:44 And if possible, the investigation is completed
22:48 I will prepare again
22:50 Today accompanied by the law enforcement or the police?
22:53 The law enforcement today is not operating
22:56 Not working
22:57 [Music]
23:00 Yadi was reported to the South Tangran Police Department
23:03 By Muhammad Aldri Permana
23:05 An IO who was invited to work with Yadi Sembako and Gus Anom
23:08 In his report, the IO said he only received an empty check from Yadi Sembako
23:13 [Music]
23:19 Reda Gunjing, an enemy with the princess Loli
23:22 Nikita Mirzani makes it again
23:24 The luxury house is sold to Crazy Rich
23:28 From Makassar or the gold queen Mira Hayati
23:31 [Music]
23:32 Hello, God bless
23:35 Yesterday we bought a car
23:37 Now we buy a house
23:39 And the house that wants to be bought is the house of Nikita Mirzani
23:42 How is the deal?
23:44 Deal?
23:45 Yeah
23:46 How much is the house?
23:48 We have a contract
23:49 Already
23:50 Can I mention it?
23:51 Yes
23:52 This is above 11 million
23:53 Above 11 billion
23:55 [Laughs]
23:57 Almost 12 billion, God
23:59 Yes
24:00 So don't be like this, I like to buy
24:04 For you, Haji
24:06 And actually I want to find a house in Jakarta
24:09 And it happens to be invited here
24:12 And I like it, let's just buy it
24:15 But this house is delicious
24:17 So many comments from the chat
24:19 This is delicious
24:20 Let's just buy it, wrap it
24:22 Insha Allah
24:25 [Laughs]
24:29 We immediately DP
24:32 [Music]
24:35 Suddenly this news excited the public
24:37 Complete with a variety of speculation
24:39 Is it true that Nikita needs money
24:41 So willing to sell the house built from hard work
24:45 When various rumors are spreading on social media
24:48 Nikita Mirzani opened her mouth
24:50 Resolutely refused to sell her luxurious house
24:52 What's more surprising
24:54 Mira Hayati's confession to buy Nikita Mirzani's house
24:57 It's just a setting for the need for behind-the-scenes content
25:01 [Music]
25:05 My house is not bought by anyone
25:07 It's just content
25:09 I just want to be contented
25:11 Usually I don't want to, because I appreciate people
25:13 I want to be contented
25:15 Don't ask him
25:17 Why did he say that
25:19 Want to buy a house
25:21 Don't ask me
25:22 If I don't appreciate people now
25:25 [Music]
25:30 When the shooting offer was almost approaching
25:32 Comedian Bedu who seems to be just a business model from the shooting
25:36 Reported economic crisis
25:38 In order to cover the needs of life
25:40 Bedu was reported to be on loan
25:42 In this condition, Bedu who seems to have no permanent income
25:45 Selling a house in order to cover the loan
25:48 Suddenly the public was excited
25:50 But Bedu opened his mouth
25:52 He said he was happy to sell his house
25:55 [Music]
25:58 There are many problems
26:00 Secondly, the number of children has increased
26:04 The room is not enough
26:06 The one who was alone was three people
26:08 Yes, one is Maila, three years old
26:10 She doesn't have a room yet
26:11 She has to sleep in the garage
26:13 Sleep in the garage
26:15 So because of the lack of a room
26:17 So you want to buy a bigger house
26:20 Yes, not big
26:22 The important thing is that all the children are in the same room
26:25 In the same room
26:26 [Music]
26:28 In order to pay the loan
26:29 But not specifically mentioned on the online loan
26:33 Another reason why children who are more mature
26:36 Need a private room
26:37 At this point, Bedu was surprised to see the news of the free sale of a house
26:41 In order to pay the loan online
26:43 Because this can make a lesson for all of us
26:46 Be wise in using money for everyday needs
26:50 Don't do things that are reckless or harm yourself
26:54 [Music]
27:01 It's viral
27:02 The couple of the British royal family
27:04 David and Victoria Beckham
27:06 Will be in a documentary film
27:07 Both of them are known for their class A lifestyle
27:10 Victoria also became a fan of the Hawa people in their wear or just their luxurious lifestyle
27:15 David is known to admire Victoria
27:17 Even gave her about 15 engagement rings
27:20 With a total of 160 billion rupiah or even more
27:23 [Music]
27:25 Not a little bit of the royal family
27:26 Finally, it's back to one of the decorations
27:28 A ring of engagement that has just been used by Victoria
27:31 At the fashion show in July 2018
27:35 There is also a ring with the most expensive value
27:38 Which was used by the wife of the Beckham
27:40 In 2005
27:41 With 17 carats per large-sized eye
27:44 Worth 2 million pounds or about 36 billion rupiah
27:48 [Music]
27:58 Rafi Ahmad is back to make the world tremble
28:01 Entertainment for the followers
28:03 With an action by one of his friends, Ivan Gudawan
28:07 Seen in one of the stories of Rafi's personal time
28:10 He is eating with Ivan and his Miss Grand International team
28:13 One of them is the winner of Miss Grand Indonesia 2023
28:17 Patricia Wilcrete
28:19 Who now represents Indonesia in the beauty pageant in Vietnam
28:22 Known as Royal
28:23 Ivan also asked Rafi to vote for the Indonesian representative
28:27 Not a burden
28:28 US$ 2,000 successfully launched
28:31 About 31 million rupiah
28:33 [Music]
28:36 We are about to vote for her
28:38 [Music]
28:42 Thank you Rafi Ahmad
28:44 Girls, give a round of applause for Rafi Ahmad
28:47 Girls
28:48 Oh my God, Indonesia will definitely win this
28:51 [Applause]
28:54 Who wants to donate their credit card again?
28:56 Let's vote for Ritasha
28:58 Hey, hurry up, the credit card is added
29:01 [Music]
29:05 US$ 2,000, cool for Rafi Ahmad
29:08 Also for Victoria Beckham and David Beckham
29:10 Have 15 rings, if you wear it together, it's 5 on the leg
29:14 That's him, nominal
29:16 [Laughter]
29:18 Like a hand of a god
29:20 Yes, yes, yes, this is definitely a fresh wind
29:25 For Indonesian pageant lovers
29:26 Where Rafi Ahmad also supports our representative who is fighting in Miss Grand International
29:31 Anyway, we pray that Indonesia can come back
29:34 That's right
29:35 Next, what also made the whole country excited
29:39 Was when Adam Suseno made Instagram
29:41 We want to ask directly through Rian Ibram
29:44 Is there any condition when posting on Instagram?
29:49 Okay, this is about holding the account of Adam himself or Indra too
29:53 We will see it right away
29:54 Here, press it
29:55 Okay, ladies and gentlemen, now we will meet with the couple
29:58 Who seems to be very compact
30:00 If you sell it, don't sell it, don't insert it too
30:02 Okay, this is the couple, husband and wife
30:04 We know their compactness is often seen by the fans
30:10 When are you getting married?
30:11 Yes, I'm waiting for you to be ready
30:12 Okay, this is the couple who is always compact
30:14 On social media there is Mrs. Idoldar Artis and also Adam Suseno
30:17 Hello
30:18 Hello
30:19 Adam just has Instagram
30:20 What's your Instagram account, Adam?
30:22 Adam.Suseno
30:25 Mr. Adam Suseno
30:27 I remember he has Instagram
30:29 His followers are 12,000, just a few days, please follow
30:32 I want to ask you, Mrs. Adam has Instagram, who is the founder?
30:36 My idea
30:38 Why?
30:39 Because there are many requests from netizens and fans of Adam
30:43 He already has fans
30:45 So many
30:47 How many fans?
30:49 Many, as many as Lucien
30:52 If Mrs. has FBI, if Adam?
30:54 FBI
30:55 Adam's heavy fans
30:58 If you make content, do you have to ask for approval from Mrs. Idoldar Artis?
31:05 Yes, you have to ask for permission first
31:07 If you don't agree, you can't upload
31:11 For viewers at home, you can see that Adam's Instagram has a lot of photos of Mrs. Idoldar Artis
31:18 Why don't you have your own photo?
31:19 That's the agreement, we have to be together
31:22 Because he already has a wife, so we have to be together
31:25 There are many artists who have wives, but if you post it on Instagram, it's okay
31:29 I don't care, my husband is being bullied
31:32 What do you want to say to your followers so they don't hate you?
31:38 Thank you for being a heavy fan of Adam
31:41 But you have to know that Adam is my husband
31:46 What do you want to say to your fans?
31:49 From now on, you don't have to DM, just chat with me
31:52 Thank you
31:55 You're smart, Adam
31:59 I'm afraid that your account will be taken down
32:03 Don't do that
32:04 If we ask for approval to upload content to the client, Adam will be the wife
32:11 That's right, his wife is Adam's main client
32:14 We'll leave the news from Adam
32:16 Because next, there will be Sultan's children who will be together in a celebration of Sultan's children's birthday
32:22 We're curious to see what kind of gifts will be given
32:28 Stay tuned on Insert Today
32:33 [music]
32:40 [advertisement]
33:00 [advertisement]
33:15 Hey, where are you from?
33:17 From Rapatau, Sis
33:19 You're lying, you just ate squid, right?
33:23 With sauce, right?
33:24 That's why, guys, after eating, kiss first
33:27 Kiss, the smell is fragrant after eating
33:30 Want a free vacation?
33:32 It's time for Fresh Tee Fresh Break
33:34 Get the chance to win vacation and thousands of other gifts
33:37 Buy Fresh Tee with the variant mask cover
33:40 Scan QR and enter the code behind the bottle cap
33:43 Hurry to join before it runs out
33:45 This, that
33:46 Shampoo that fights against itchy armpits or shampoo that fights against stiff hair
33:50 I want both
33:51 Complete package, new
33:53 Anti-itch shampoo with pro-vitamin
33:55 Fight against itchy armpits and stiff hair
33:58 Complete package
34:00 LactoGro, the only milk with L-reuterine
34:05 Enriched with omega 3 and 6
34:07 Support for smart and active brains
34:10 LactoGro, the amazing thing in the small starts from the inside
34:15 [music]
34:18 Glowing, bright spot
34:23 Healthy skin all day
34:26 Fragrant skin all the time
34:28 Glowing, point, point
34:31 Moisturize
34:33 Just swipe, get it right away
34:36 Glowing, point, point
34:39 Scarlett, always glow on the go
34:41 Available at your favorite store
34:44 Hi, I'm Riel
34:46 In the middle of my crazy activity, my body condition remains stable
34:49 I always drink Indomilk Stereo
34:51 The benefits are real
34:53 Indomilk Stereo, the milk is real, the honey is real, the taste is real
34:57 Indomilk Stereo, the benefits are real
35:00 Bing Bing Share Eats One Hub Challenge
35:02 Put it in your mouth in one bite
35:04 Say Bing Bing Share Eats
35:06 [inaudible]
35:07 [laughter]
35:08 [inaudible]
35:10 The chocolate and caramel melt in your mouth
35:13 Bing Bing Share Eats, the taste is as exciting as that
35:15 I always choose SGM Explore
35:17 Because the only one with Iron C
35:19 Supporting my child to grow to the maximum
35:22 Hmm, let me do it
35:24 Come, I'll tie it here
35:26 Wow, cool
35:28 SGM Explore
35:30 Aqua believes in the miracle of nature
35:33 So we don't use a single straw
35:36 Our straw is sanitized together before being filled again
35:40 Aqua 100% pure
35:45 I want noodles
35:47 Relax, there are oven noodles
35:49 A healthier choice
35:51 The product is in the oven, not fried
35:53 The noodles are chewy, the taste is better
35:56 Hmm, delicious
35:58 The oven noodles are healthy, delicious
36:00 To get the best water source
36:03 Lemineral does hundreds of explorations
36:05 Each drop contains balanced essential minerals
36:08 Important for the body
36:10 Always new gallons and free of BPA
36:12 This is the commitment of Lemineral
36:15 Soklin Lantai, now with a new formula
36:18 Optimal protection kills 99% of germs
36:22 Dry quickly, shiny clean, long-lasting fragrance
36:26 Soklin Lantai, clean and protected, long-lasting fragrance
36:29 Bingscare
36:30 Every house has its own family taste
36:33 That warms the house
36:35 Always serving delicious
36:38 Perfect family taste with Masako
36:41 With special broth
36:43 For the deliciousness to come
36:46 Indonesian family taste
36:52 Masako family taste
36:54 We already used the whitening, but why is her dress whiter?
37:08 Oh, whitening
37:09 We use Fanny Swipe
37:11 Forget the whitening
37:12 Use Fanny Swipe every time you wash
37:14 With Crystal White innovation
37:16 The stain is gone
37:18 Extra white dress
37:21 Really white
37:23 Cool, the stain is gone, really white
37:27 Forget the whitening, choose Fanny Swipe
37:30 The great thing about Bebelag is the rich phosgos that is clean
37:33 Support good skin and triple A with higher DHA
37:37 Stimulation of the creative mind of the child
37:40 Both help grow a big heart
37:43 Bebelag, all the great things
37:45 Wrong face cleaning causes skin barrier problems
37:49 Clean with Wardah Agnidor Misteller Water
37:51 With 3 powerful actions
37:53 Clean skin, effective in reducing acne
37:56 Wardah Misteller Water
37:57 Cleaning expert, protect skin barrier
38:00 Be Top Player
38:02 Follow the top VR rewards promo from Top Coffee
38:05 Every time you buy a pack of Top Coffee at Alphamart or Indemaret
38:08 You get a unique code, registration and unique code input
38:11 Give away the gift code
38:12 The gift collection is at the top of the top with Top Coffee
38:15 For my heart, I want the best drinking water
38:19 To get the best water source
38:22 Lemineral does hundreds of explorations
38:25 Each drop contains balanced essential minerals
38:30 Important for the body and also makes the water taste fresher
38:34 Moreover, the gallon is always new, the lid is airtight and free of BPA
38:39 This is the commitment of Lemineral for the safety and health of the family
38:45 Coffee with coffee, anytime, anywhere
38:53 This is my cafe, I always choose Esgame Explore
39:02 Because only with Iron Sea, my children's support grows to the maximum
39:07 Let me do it, come here
39:12 Wow, cool! Esgame Explore
39:15 Let's have a cereal energy breakfast
39:17 I want to make it, I want vanilla
39:19 I want chocolate
39:21 Energy, the number one cereal in Indonesia
39:23 Made from Australian wheat, nutritious and refreshing
39:27 This is delicious!
39:28 Delicious!
39:30 The best coffee in the world
39:33 Ready?
39:44 Eee!
39:45 One more time
40:07 Yeah!
40:09 Happy news from the family of Baim Wong and Pauline Verhoeven
40:20 Located on 9th October, their second child, Kenzo Eldrago Wong
40:24 Celebrates his second birthday
40:26 A summer party held at a limited mall in Jakarta
40:29 Displayed with blue-tinted ceiling
40:31 Baim Paula and their second child look so compact and cool
40:35 A funny moment happened when Kenzo, who celebrates his birthday
40:38 Asked for a piece of cake before a guest arrived
40:42 Baby shark cake, Dik
40:44 Do you want it?
40:45 Yes, later, okay?
40:46 Wait for your friends to gather, okay?
40:48 Yes
40:49 That's his weapon
40:52 Soon after, Kenzo's friends also started to come
41:00 The one that caught the attention was the Sultan's children
41:03 Who came to this party
41:05 With blue dress code, Arsy and Arsya
41:08 Who came with Shanti
41:10 But the funniest thing is the cute look
41:13 Which this time only came with Rian
41:16 Besides that, there were also the children of the celebrity
41:18 Like Erumi, Irisbella's son
41:21 Galah Sky, Irwansyah's son
41:23 Titi Kamal's children, Aristya, Ayodewi and many more
41:28 Have you been there?
41:30 Yes, I have
41:31 Oh, yes, dear
41:32 Arsy, Arsya, let's play
41:34 Where's your mother?
41:36 She's in the toilet
41:37 In the toilet? Let's play, dear
41:39 Let's play, it's fun
41:40 It's so fun today, right?
41:42 It's so fun
41:43 Yes
41:44 Let's eat first
41:45 Let's take a picture first
41:46 I want to take a picture with you
41:48 I want to take a picture with you
41:49 Mom, mom, come here
41:50 Mom, mom, come here
41:51 I want to take a picture with you
41:53 Let's take a picture
41:54 Let's take a picture
41:56 [Music]
41:58 [Music]
42:01 [Music]
42:03 [Music]
42:05 [Music]
42:07 [Music]
42:09 [Music]
42:11 [Music]
42:13 [Music]
42:15 [Music]
42:17 [Music]
42:22 He's alone
42:23 He's alone
42:24 He's strong, he can lift himself
42:26 It's okay
42:29 I'm confused
42:30 What if there's no Bungcis?
42:32 Come here, dear
42:33 The event is later
42:34 We'll go to the classroom first
42:36 Bye, bye
42:38 Bye
42:40 [Music]
42:43 [Music]
42:46 [Music]
42:51 [Music]
42:53 [Music]
42:56 The scenery is so beautiful
42:58 It's obvious that the students are busy with their world
43:02 Meanwhile, their parents have their own group
43:05 The group wears blue outfit
43:07 They dance and play all kinds of games
43:10 From fun to play with marbles, soccer, plane and many more
43:16 Unfortunately, Raihan, Raffi and Amina can't be here
43:21 Because they're in the recovery phase
43:23 [Music]
43:26 [Music]
43:29 Show me the ball
43:31 [Music]
43:37 It's okay
43:38 [Music]
43:39 It's okay
43:40 [Music]
43:41 It's okay
43:42 [Music]
44:01 Thank you, Karam
44:03 [Music]
44:09 But, from all the moments of the camera,
44:13 The most touching moment for Vivi Aishy is the moment when Gala Sky, the son of the head of the house, Vanessa Angel, hugged Kenzo
44:21 Like this
44:22 [Music]
44:24 One more time
44:25 [Music]
44:27 One more time, dear
44:28 [Music]
44:30 One more time, dear
44:31 [Music]
44:33 [Music]
44:34 [Music]
44:35 [Music]
44:36 [Music]
44:37 [Music]
44:39 I'm so happy
44:41 I'm so happy
44:43 But at the same time, I'm sad
44:44 Why?
44:45 I imagined that if their salary is combined, my salary will be bigger
44:49 It's monthly, guys
44:50 We're still waiting
44:53 We're still waiting to be born as a Sultan's child
44:56 It's okay
44:57 But maybe I'm wrongly focused, Cipung is not here
45:00 Where is Cipung?
45:01 She said she's in bed
45:02 She's sick
45:03 She's sick, yesterday
45:04 It's okay
45:05 It's okay
45:06 Kenzo is happy
45:07 And I think the wives are happy too
45:09 Because the children just run around in the field
45:11 Go home, tired, sleep
45:13 That's why they're happy
45:14 Not just sometimes
45:15 Okay, the next news is from Ola Ramlan
45:18 I have experienced failure in building a house
45:21 Even twice
45:22 But I believe there is true love
45:25 Yes, because there are many people who approach
45:27 But yesterday it was like a rumor
45:29 That the one who approached Ola Ramlan was a man who could be said to be very mature
45:34 But Ola Ramlan is also very selective
45:37 So I think he still enjoys being single
45:40 Let's see what the criteria are
45:42 Actually, this is the question
45:44 To the woman whose heart is repeatedly broken
45:50 Can love grow there again?
45:52 Can love not bring the wound that ends the separation?
45:55 On the path of love, Ola Ramlan is full of hope for love
46:00 Love sometimes never fades
46:02 Twice building a marriage
46:04 Twice Ola sank into the abyss
46:07 But the fire of love never extinguished
46:09 Instead, Ola still opens the space for love to grow
46:13 Maybe for Ola, love will not bring wounds
46:16 If love is with the right person
46:18 So, does Ola believe that the real love is out there?
46:23 Maybe later, if we meet
46:25 Now, I have to believe
46:27 Because sometimes what we believe is a prayer
46:29 So hopefully there is a true love
46:31 Since her love journey with Aufar Hutapea Kandas in the court
46:37 The question is when Ola will be in love again
46:40 Continue to take a vacation out there
46:42 But on the other hand, Ola also doesn't want to choose a partner quickly
46:46 So what kind of love is Ola wanting in determining her partner?
46:51 I know what my value is
46:53 That's what I mean
46:54 I know how I am towards men
46:57 So if I'm close to a man or anyone
47:02 I have to know if this man deserves my value
47:05 I need to be loved, to be loved
47:07 The heart is happy
47:12 With being loved, being cared for
47:17 How to say it
47:19 It's really hard to get
47:21 Yes, love should give peace and tranquility
47:25 He doesn't change his house, the most peaceful and comfortable place
47:28 But the question is
47:30 Is it true that Ola hasn't found the house yet?
47:33 To some men who are close to her
47:35 I, Mel, the one who is close to me
47:39 He shows me his car, he shows me his watch
47:44 Because he thinks you have to be a mentor with that
47:46 Yes, I don't need that guys
47:48 I don't need that
47:50 What I need is the real you
47:54 The one who is close to me is there
47:56 But the one I want is not there yet
47:58 Selection, oh this one maybe
48:00 I want this one, competition
48:03 No, let's just go for it
48:06 Enjoy the moment
48:09 It can be said that two failed marriages
48:11 Make Ola very selective in choosing a partner
48:14 Besides not wanting to fall back into the same failure
48:17 At least Ola learned a lot from the previous two marriages
48:21 And if she has found the right one
48:23 Will Ola be able to win her love?
48:26 My first marriage learning has become a learning
48:30 That's why I never fight with Ola
48:32 Wow, that's a shock
48:35 But as time goes by, I don't know how
48:39 I don't know, I mean I don't have the strength at the end
48:43 I don't want to tell what happened
48:47 But what's clear is that I'm back to my introversion
48:51 Maybe I'm not patient enough
48:53 I don't know yet, but if I love her sincerely
48:56 I will get chemistry
48:58 Ola and her story never end
49:02 At the age of 43, she still believes that there is true love for her
49:07 That's why it's a must
49:09 These three daughters still maintain their beauty
49:12 With their workout routine
49:14 One of the workouts that Ola is enjoying is running
49:19 Running is actually an easy workout
49:21 But it's actually a workout that I have to fight against myself
49:24 Because I've been training for a long time
49:28 I've been running for a long time
49:32 But I still want to run more
49:38 That's why I have to fight against myself
49:40 I'm only 3-4 months old
49:43 So I'm not that good yet
49:45 I still run 10 km
49:48 My target is to run half marathon, 21 km
49:51 But I always have a problem with my small legs
49:54 My ankles are small, and my lower legs are small too
49:58 So I always have a problem with my legs
50:01 I always have a problem with my legs
50:04 So I always have a problem with my legs
50:06 So it's not easy to run 21 km
50:10 I can run 1 km once a week
50:12 But I usually run 2-3 times a week
50:17 So I combine it with gym
50:19 Ola's workout routine is very intense
50:25 Running, gym, running
50:26 So if you think about it, men are just a few numbers
50:29 Just run
50:30 What do you mean?
50:32 I mean, if you say you believe in true love
50:35 You have to believe
50:36 The problem of when you meet, someone has already determined
50:39 You're so smart
50:40 Just be patient
50:41 That's it
50:42 That's the important thing
50:43 The last theme
50:44 I agree
50:45 Nirsah, next we will present the news from Ritwan Kamil
50:48 He must have a deep longing for Ariel
50:54 Who passed away in May 2022
50:58 And it turns out that Kang Emil admitted that he had a desire to return to the Ara River
51:03 Okay, because if we think about it
51:05 If we are in Kang Emil's position
51:07 If we hear the Ara River, it seems like there is a trauma
51:10 But here, Ritwan Kamil visited the Ara River again
51:14 To pray for his soul
51:17 We will be back soon
51:19 Don't go anywhere, stay tuned on Interset TV
51:22 [Music]
51:30 I'm hungry
51:31 I'm hungry
51:32 [Music]
51:35 Tired
51:36 Tired
51:37 Drink Talak Lino
51:38 The Puyang chili formula that has been perfected
51:40 100% herbal
51:42 Drink after activities and before going to bed
51:44 Smooth blood circulation, maximum rest
51:47 I believe Talak Lino
51:48 President Ajah drinks jamu
51:50 Let's have an Energen cereal breakfast
51:52 I want jamu
51:53 I want vanilla
51:54 I want chocolate
51:55 Energen, the number one cereal in Indonesia
51:58 Made from Australian wheat
52:00 Nutritious and nutritious
52:02 I'm hungry
52:03 I'm hungry
52:04 I used to think all mineral water was the same
52:07 It turns out that mineral milk is different
52:09 It's really hot outside
52:11 After drinking mineral milk, the taste is really smooth
52:13 Not hot
52:15 Yes, like a sweet aroma
52:18 Mineral milk is really different
52:20 Each drop contains balanced essential minerals
52:24 Which is important for the body
52:25 And also makes the water taste fresher
52:28 Wow, it's refreshing
52:30 Make the body lighter
52:32 Mineral milk, the protection of minerals
52:35 I always like the smell of hair
52:38 Enjoy the morning sun
52:40 It's the most fun to explore the beauty of my city
52:45 But I'm afraid my hair will be red and oily
52:48 New, Sunsilk Black Shine Active Infusion
52:50 With urang aring, oil, collagen and vitamin C
52:54 Hair nutrition
52:55 Make it 5 times stronger
52:57 Stay healthy and black
52:59 Make us all shiny
53:01 Whatever our hair type
53:03 New Sunsilk Black Shine
53:05 Is it protected?
53:06 Since it was one year old
53:08 Keep protecting its exploration with Denkao
53:14 With more content, more price
53:18 [Music]
53:19 Now, fried chicken is practical and delicious
53:22 Just use one spice, it's enough
53:24 My favorite, right?
53:26 Yes, because roiko is made from chicken boiled for a long time
53:28 Like a mixture of spices, it immediately absorbs perfectly
53:31 Fried chicken is my favorite
53:33 Fried chicken is enough
53:35 Are you sure after washing your face, it's clean?
53:37 Use this water hose number one from Garnier
53:39 With a nozzle like a magnet
53:41 99% makeup, even dirt that doesn't look
53:44 It's not clear, still soft and not feel attracted
53:47 Use this water hose from Garnier
53:49 [Music]
53:50 The taste of takoyaki is crisp, salty and sweet
53:55 Sprinkle with sushi
53:57 The taste is really noble
53:59 Indomie Ramen Series
54:02 The authentic taste is good
54:04 Want a free vacation?
54:06 It's time for Freshly Fresh Break
54:08 Get the chance to win vacation and thousands of other prizes
54:11 Buy the premium version of the golden cover
54:14 Scan QR code and enter the code behind the bottle
54:17 Hurry to join before it runs out
54:19 Dolce Vita Rose exclusive fragrance
54:22 Only available at So Clean Liquid Perfume Collection
54:25 With three times perfume boost
54:27 Enjoy the sensation of washing in the fragrance
54:30 Clean and refreshing
54:32 Dolce Vita Rose fragrance
54:34 Intense absorption, binding in the serum
54:36 Exude your luxurious aura
54:39 [Music]
54:41 So Clean Liquid Perfume Collection
54:46 Clean in the touch of luxurious fragrance
54:49 Wingscare
54:50 The weather makes it easy to get sick
54:52 Be grateful
54:53 Every day is soft
54:55 Be grateful
54:56 Give milk 7 korma
54:57 The goodness of sterile milk and korma
54:59 Be one
55:00 Give sterile milk 7 korma
55:02 God willing, double the benefits
55:05 Hey, where are you from?
55:07 From Rapat Ausis, Ma'am
55:09 Liar! You ate squid, right?
55:12 With sauce, right?
55:13 That's why, guys
55:14 After eating, kiss first
55:16 Kiss
55:17 Fragrant after eating
55:19 Sister
55:21 Good, right?
55:24 For whom?
55:25 There's for Mrs. Uro
55:27 Drink milk first
55:28 Great, Bebelak
55:29 Contains false ghosts that are allergic
55:31 And triple A with higher aloe dha
55:33 Support good entertainment
55:35 Creative mind and big heart
55:38 Happy birthday
55:40 I don't have a birthday
55:42 Why do you have to wait for your birthday?
55:44 You can give a present anytime
55:47 Bebelak, the beginning of all wonders
55:49 Every house has its own family flavor
55:53 That warms the house
55:55 That always serves delight
55:58 Perfect family flavor with Masako
56:01 With special broth
56:03 For the delight that is expected
56:05 Masako's family flavor
56:07 Indonesian family flavor
56:12 Masako's family flavor
56:14 Just fill your stomach, it's empty again
56:22 A little bit hungry
56:24 Just ate, but still hungry
56:27 A little bit hungry
56:28 Sarigandum
56:29 With white rice and chocolate cream
56:31 Make you full longer
56:32 Sarigandum
56:33 As delicious as it is full
56:35 Move, join Sprite Cheat The Hit promo
56:39 Win Vespa and other cheat prizes
56:42 Look, it's easy
56:45 Winners are announced every week
56:47 Join, just move
56:50 This is a week, Dad
56:55 Stop working first
56:56 Hi Dad, everyone, let's have fun
56:59 For my heart, I want the best drinking water
57:08 To get the best water source
57:11 Lemineral does hundreds of explorations
57:14 Each drop contains balanced essential minerals
57:19 Important for the body
57:20 And also makes the water taste fresher
57:23 More than that, the gallon is always new
57:26 Airtight lid and free of BPA
57:29 This is Lemineral's commitment
57:31 For the safety and health of the family
57:34 New from Wardah UV Shield Airy Smooth
57:37 With Skin Boost DNA technology
57:39 Developed by Skin Expert in France
57:41 Protect skin barrier directly to skin DNA level
57:44 Skin is healthier and brighter
57:46 Wardah UV Shield defends skin barrier to DNA level
57:49 I believe in the miracle of nature
57:52 So we don't use a gallon once
57:55 Our gallon is sanitized together
57:58 Before refilling
58:00 100% pure aqua
58:04 Where is it?
58:06 Just point it
58:08 Only Teh Pucuk Harum from Teh Pilihan
58:11 Keep your spirit up to face the challenge
58:16 Make your day more exciting
58:18 Teh Pucuk Harum
58:20 May 2012
58:22 As you may remember
58:28 In May 2012
58:30 We lost an MRO or RU member
58:33 Who was a refugee in Are River
58:35 And maybe if we go to Are River
58:37 It makes us nervous
58:38 And maybe we imagine as parents
58:40 It's a bit difficult to go back there
58:44 But unlike Emil
58:46 Who decided to go back to Are River
58:49 Not for a specific purpose
58:51 But to pray for his child
58:54 And he uploaded the video
58:57 With the caption
58:59 We were touched by it
59:01 Sad and mixed with all the feelings
59:03 When we saw it
59:05 We always pray for the deceased
59:07 May God bless him
59:09 And also for Emil and his family
59:11 May God bless them
59:12 Amen
59:13 And this news is our recommendation
59:15 Today we are back again
59:16 In Inside Story
59:17 At 6.30pm on TNT TransTV
59:19 Join us
59:21 In the time that keeps spinning
59:25 The pain because of the sorrow
59:27 And the loss of the loved one
59:29 Is not easy to be relieved
59:31 There are always memories and sadness left
59:33 Including for the love of Camil and his wife
59:36 Atalia Peraratia
59:38 More than a year after the first child
59:40 Emeril Han Mumtaz
59:41 Drowned and died
59:42 Left the world in a state of chaos
59:44 At Are River
59:45 In May 2022
59:47 Switzerland
59:48 Returned to the Are River