Instant noodles: Warning about popular snack after spate of children burnt

  • 9 months ago
#Instantnoodles #Warning #popularsnack
Health authorities issued a warning to parents after an increase in the number of children with boiled burns from instant noodles. According to Westmead Children's Hospital experts in Sydney, about 10 children were treated last month. The hospital said most common injuries were burned to thighs or genital area caused by accidentally pouring boiling fluid while carrying container or eating from his lap. Approximately 10 children were treated for burns after pouring noodles Children who just started walking were wounded after pulling a noodle container from a kitchen counter or table. Burns Unit Chw President Dr Toray Lawrence, the spilled instantaneous noodles causing a severe burning may last less than a second, he said. "The boiling water in the hot noodles containers can take an hour to cool down to a safe temperature after cooking," he said. "This means that accidents, such as pouring hot water from instant noodles, can cause long -term injuries and lifelong scar for children. "It is important to remember hot food and drink that may be a good temperature for an adult, it can cause an important burning to a child. "Children's skin is relatively thinner than adults, and even a small amount of hot liquid can cause deeper, more comprehensive and more severe burns." Dr Lawrence said that it is important to closely control children while consuming hot food and drinks.
