WATCH! Sonny Dykes Speaks To The Media Following The West Virginia Loss

  • last year
TCU head coach Sonny Dykes spoke with the media following the 24-21 loss against West Virginia
00:03 >> We're gonna start with an opening statement from Coach Dyches.
00:06 >> Well, disappointed tonight.
00:11 Very disappointed.
00:13 Gotta give West Virginia credit, man.
00:15 They played really hard, played tough, just like we thought they would.
00:18 Just like we told our players all week, they would.
00:21 They just did a good job against us when they made plays when they needed to,
00:28 and we didn't.
00:31 And we got beat, and we deserve to get beat.
00:34 We didn't do a very good job getting our guys ready to play.
00:40 It's twice this year we've had opportunities at the end of the game to
00:44 be able to put a drive together and kick a field goal, score a touchdown, and
00:49 win the game.
00:50 And it's two times we haven't been able to do it.
00:56 And that's not what we're accustomed to.
01:02 So what last year's team did is they figured out ways to make plays there and
01:07 drove it down at the end of games and score touchdowns and
01:11 kick field goals and extended the game.
01:14 We just couldn't get it done.
01:15 And we kicked two bad field goals.
01:18 I don't think that, I think both the kicks were low.
01:22 I think we just kicked it into the back of our guys pretty much.
01:29 Just really disappointed.
01:31 Shouldn't lose a game like that.
01:36 It's just, like I said, inexcusable, and we gotta do better.
01:43 >> You guys were moving the ball pretty well in the first half,
01:46 did not see any changes in the second.
01:47 What do you think kind of the, I guess, the reason was?
01:49 >> You know what, I don't know.
01:50 That's gonna have to go look at it and see.
01:52 I mean, I watched the same thing you guys did.
01:54 I don't have any explanation for that.
01:55 How do you have 318 yards at halftime and have 100 in the second half?
02:00 I mean, I have no explanation for that.
02:01 Shouldn't happen, you know what I mean?
02:06 We went the third quarter, that's as bad offense as I've ever seen since I've been
02:11 coaching really, in the third quarter.
02:13 We just, I don't know if we made a first down, maybe one.
02:19 We had some issues up front protecting.
02:21 We didn't run the ball very well, couldn't pass, couldn't run block.
02:25 Tried to throw it, couldn't pass to attack.
02:28 I think our quarterback got a little rattled.
02:33 When we did protect, I think he left the pocket.
02:37 And when he tried to stay in the pocket, we didn't protect.
02:39 It was just not a, wasn't good.
02:42 We're gonna have to get a lot better, told those guys tonight.
02:45 We better do a better job of coaching and
02:49 playing a rule in another game.
02:52 >> How bad did it hurt not having Brandon out there on offense line?
02:58 >> I can't say right now.
02:59 I mean, obviously we didn't play well.
03:01 I don't know.
03:05 We didn't play well.
03:05 >> Did the offensive line struggle as a back of the chair or
03:09 try to play home wise?
03:11 >> Yeah, very much so.
03:12 I mean, like I said, we can't run the ball and you gotta be able to throw it.
03:15 And the problem was we couldn't throw it.
03:17 And when we tried to throw a quick game, we didn't read it right.
03:21 I mean, it was just a snowball.
03:24 We've been able to run the football this year,
03:27 especially the second half of football games.
03:30 And there were times in the fourth quarter we ran it better.
03:34 But the problem with us was first down the whole game.
03:38 I mean, we were second and ten every single drive.
03:44 Seemed like the second half or the second and 11 or second and 12.
03:47 We just couldn't overcome it.
03:48 We're gonna have to get better across the board.
03:55 I gotta do a better job of coaching.
03:59 Like I said, this is really disappointing performance.
04:06 >> Did you guys expect Eric Reed to use his legs?
04:09 >> Yeah, that's what he does.
04:10 That's kind of who he is.
04:12 I thought he really played gutsy football.
04:14 I thought their team played gutsy.
04:16 I thought they just played harder than we did, outplayed us.
04:18 Played with more confidence than we did.
04:22 I thought he did a good job.
04:24 He's a tough kid and played tough tonight and my hat's off to him.
04:30 >> Are you guys worried at all about Bruton's confidence right now?
04:35 >> I mean, I don't know.
04:36 We'd have to see.
04:36 I mean, we weren't very good.
04:38 It's been something that we've been pretty good at.
04:44 And again, looking back, I wish we would have kicked him.
04:48 I wish we would have gone for it.
04:49 We just have a lot of confidence in our kicker.
04:55 >> Is there a lack of leadership that changed from last year?
05:02 >> I don't know.
05:03 I don't know.
05:03 It's just, that's a good question.
05:05 We have been very slow to kind of put it together.
05:13 We look good at times in flashes.
05:19 We just haven't consistently been able to do anything and maintain things.
05:23 And it's kind of been the same thing all year.
05:27 We have a fourth and a foot, we can't get it.
05:31 We take a sack or get an intentional grounding.
05:38 I still don't understand why it was intentional grounding.
05:41 But we get an intentional grounding call and then put this out in field goal range.
05:45 We try a long field goal, we miss it.
05:46 Then we couldn't, like I said, then we couldn't kick a field goal at all after
05:52 that, so I don't know.
05:57 We got a long way to go.
05:58 We gotta get a lot better.
05:59 We will.
06:00 We'll go back to work tomorrow and try to figure out what we can do to fix it.
06:04 And we gotta do better.
06:06 I mean, right now we just lack any kind of consistency offensively.
06:11 I thought defensively the guys played really hard.
06:13 I thought we played well enough to win.
06:14 The fourth down, the goal line stand down there was huge.
06:17 When you play that bad in the second half on offense and
06:20 you still have a chance to win the game, it's a real credit to your defense.
06:22 I thought the defense played really, really hard.
06:25 Played well.
06:27 West Virginia had field position the whole third quarter.
06:33 We just battled the field position because we couldn't get anything going on
06:36 offense and it seemed like we were putting out of our own end zone.
06:38 The whole third quarter, like I said,
06:44 just an avalanche of bad things that happened.
06:48 >> Coach, what was the exclamation you got on Dom's?
06:51 >> I don't know, they said, I don't know.
06:54 I haven't coached in 30 years, I've never seen that.
06:56 I've never seen a call twice in a game.
06:59 I've never seen a tension around a call when there's no pressure on a quarterback.
07:04 I don't know.
07:06 >> We'll go to more questions.
07:08 >> I guess specifically with Max,
07:11 you kind of rallied around him last year, losing him.
07:14 Did that kind of leave a void between the two?
07:16 >> Well, I think we're still learning.
07:18 I mean, I think we've got a lot of new faces, a lot of moving parts.
07:21 My hope was that it would have come together better.
07:25 Like I said, it's looked really good at times.
07:27 We took the open drop right down the field and we looked really good.
07:32 And then I don't know how that same team can look like we looked in the third
07:35 quarter, I just don't know how that's possible.
07:38 And so there's just a lack of consistency right now.
07:41 And we gotta coach better,
07:44 our guys have gotta do a better job of being consistent.
07:48 Like I said, that was bad.
07:51 >> Final question.
07:55 >> Did you check on Joe Jordano's job tonight as a front attendant?
08:00 >> Not good, yeah, not good.
08:02 Fumbled a couple of punts and we had some issues back there.
08:07 Again, some things that we've got to kind of reassess that and get better.
08:11 >> Thanks, coach.
08:13 >> Thank you.
08:13 (gulping)
