• 2 years ago
Finishing the Tree Planting, Perennial Planting & Pathway_Patio Update!


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01:22 - Hey guys, how's it going?
01:38 So today is kind of a continuation from yesterday.
01:42 Paul and Erin have been out working on planting the trees
01:46 that we didn't get planted yesterday
01:47 from our load that we got done at the garden center.
01:49 Are you struggling there?
01:50 - A little bit.
01:51 - This is the, oh, the B&B inside of the peat pot.
01:54 Yeah.
01:56 And I bet this one's super, super heavy.
01:58 - Yeah, I'm not able to really lift it,
02:00 so I'm just trying to rip it off.
02:01 - Sure.
02:01 So the four that we had left out here
02:03 were the four heaviest, the two Austrian pines,
02:05 the sweet gum and the parocha.
02:07 And this is the last one, right?
02:08 You're almost done.
02:09 - No, I totally skipped the tree over there.
02:11 I don't know why.
02:11 - Oh, you did?
02:12 Funny.
02:13 So we'll come back here after they're done
02:14 and take a look at the whole thing finished,
02:16 but I am gonna go work on some of those new perennials.
02:19 I'd really like to get the Veronica in the ground.
02:21 There's Paul right behind me.
02:22 He's got some compost.
02:23 And possibly the blue limber pine
02:26 that we picked up yesterday as well.
02:28 And it is gorgeous out today.
02:30 I mean, you can see what we're dealing with.
02:31 It's like sun on and off, but what's the temp right now?
02:36 Let's look.
02:36 62, 62 with a high of 71 today.
02:40 I mean, you can't get more perfect than that for planting.
02:42 Also, Pedro and his guys are here
02:44 finishing up the polymeric sand
02:46 in between the stones by the pond.
02:48 So we can take a look at that
02:50 when we're all done planting today.
02:51 Woo, as well.
02:53 Really bumpy right here.
02:54 Look at these.
02:55 Aren't they gorgeous?
02:56 So I went over the varieties yesterday.
02:58 This is the pink potion and this is the purple illusion.
03:02 I'm gonna save a few of these back for a different project,
03:05 but I'd like to get the bulk of them planted today.
03:08 I will show you where I have the pink potion
03:11 in another part of our garden.
03:12 And it's looking beautiful at the moment.
03:14 It's already been sheared back once
03:16 and it's coming back for its second bloom right now.
03:19 And so I can show you what it looks like, you know,
03:20 a year down the road instead of just out of its containers.
03:23 But anyway, let's grab some of these and get going.
03:26 (wind whooshing)
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03:31 the wind whooshing)
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04:09 All right, guys, I've got the Veronica,
04:10 I've got the blue limber pine,
04:12 but I wanted to show you the pink potion
04:14 that's already in the garden.
04:16 Now there are 13 of them in this drift right here,
04:20 which I think is what I've got back here.
04:22 I just did a rough count
04:23 and I think there are 13 of that variety.
04:25 So we'll be able to make a nice large drift
04:27 somewhere with these.
04:28 Now I think that these look so extra good
04:31 because of the pollinators flying all around them.
04:35 When I see that, it just makes me so happy.
04:38 There are honeybees just everywhere right now.
04:41 And so, like I said, this is their second flush of bloom
04:44 and they are creating more.
04:45 So you can see a whole bunch more bloom spikes
04:47 and we've got another good, I would say month,
04:50 left before we start getting pretty cold
04:53 and they'll stop producing quite as much
04:56 and they'll start kind of dwindling,
04:57 but we get to enjoy them for a big part of our season.
05:00 Now around them, we have the saffron finch supertunias
05:02 looking exceptional.
05:04 Oh my goodness.
05:06 That's actually a beautiful pairing, the Veronica,
05:08 with that kind of lemony yellow.
05:11 Isn't that pretty?
05:12 There's the blue fortune agostachy right there.
05:15 We've got pufferfish hydrangeas.
05:18 There's some iris, which I love that grassy texture there.
05:20 Some hardy geraniums.
05:22 There's some autumn joysetum over there.
05:23 They're just a beautiful, beautiful plant.
05:27 Really tough to get it wrong with this one, honestly.
05:29 Just give them full sun, consistent water,
05:31 and they're happy plants.
05:33 I really love this bed from this view in particular.
05:36 It's really filling in beautifully.
05:38 Isn't that funny how you kind of get like a specific angle
05:41 that you like something the best,
05:42 but, and it changes, you know, throughout the season
05:44 as things kind of go in and out,
05:46 but like this autumn joy looks awesome.
05:48 Love that grassy island in there.
05:51 Then you can see the pink spiky blooms.
05:53 It just all looking really good.
05:54 And those pufferfish are gonna get big enough
05:56 to fill in this space too.
05:58 Like there'll be a nice larger size shrub right in here.
06:01 Not large, but you know, larger than all of these.
06:03 So we're gonna find a couple of spaces
06:05 much like this one right here to pop all of these Veronica,
06:08 and then a space that can accommodate this evergreen
06:10 because it tops at 15 feet wide, I think.
06:13 Yeah, 25 by 15, extra blue limber pine.
06:16 I just love that so much.
06:17 Okay, so we'll get them planted, then we'll take a look.
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08:28 All right, well, I got everything in the ground
08:43 and so did Paul and Erin, it's looking so great.
08:46 I ended up out here because this is where I spread
08:48 all of the extra dirt that I dig out of the ground.
08:50 You probably see that I dig my hole
08:52 and put some of the dirt in the plant container
08:54 and that way it kind of eliminates a bunch of mess.
08:56 And that's why I use a shovel at this point of the year,
08:59 at least this year, over an auger.
09:02 Unless I'm planting a ton of something,
09:05 it's a lot less messy just to use a shovel
09:07 and our mulch is looking really good right now
09:09 and I don't wanna mess it up.
09:10 So the next time I use an auger will probably be
09:12 when I get ready to plant bulbs.
09:14 But anyway, there's the soil right there,
09:17 just kind of spread it out-ish.
09:20 And here are the rest of the trees that Paul and Erin
09:22 got in today.
09:23 So this Austrian pine right here looks so good.
09:27 Look at how pretty that is.
09:30 And you'll notice everything has been planted high,
09:33 some more than others.
09:36 The one, the last one, it looks like it's a real high.
09:39 I don't know, but you guys know we run our drip line
09:42 right here across the soil surface
09:43 and then we're gonna bring in a bunch of compost anyway
09:46 to cover over the top of all of this powder.
09:48 So it's going to raise the soil level
09:50 and that's kind of what Erin is trying to avoid
09:52 having an issue where we have to be really careful
09:55 around the trees.
09:56 So if we plant them high,
09:58 one, it will help water drainage away from the,
10:00 you know, trunk of the plant,
10:02 but also it'll allow us the ability just to come in
10:05 and cover how we need to cover
10:06 and not worry about burying the plants too deep.
10:08 So anyway, this is one that went in as well today,
10:11 the Parocha, Vanessa Parocha,
10:13 grows 28 by 14, amazing fall color.
10:16 This one, the Austrian, what did it say?
10:19 Like 25 feet wide, 20 to 25 feet wide.
10:22 It can grow like 60-ish feet tall.
10:24 I think that's what the tag said, they get enormous.
10:26 Here's the Warblesden.
10:28 I don't even know if I'm saying that right,
10:29 but sweet gum tree.
10:31 It's got a really unique look to it, I think.
10:34 The leaves are really cool.
10:35 And then the last one that went in today
10:39 is the Austrian up in the corner,
10:40 which I won't walk all the way there,
10:42 but it's just starting to look so fun
10:45 with these different varieties of trees out here.
10:47 And it's gotten a little bit breezy out here.
10:49 Feels really nice.
10:51 Let's head to the South Garden for the next stuff,
10:53 next plants.
10:54 Okay, as we come down this rock pathway
11:03 and turn to our left, you'll see the pine tree.
11:08 Look at that right there.
11:09 Kind of masking that hose link, at least from this angle.
11:12 And this is the angle we, you know,
11:14 drive up to the cut flower garden, like this.
11:16 So I felt like this was a really good spot to put that pine.
11:20 So again, 25 feet tall, 15 feet wide.
11:22 So it will fill in this section pretty nicely.
11:26 And then our Spring Grove Arborvitae
11:27 will be a nice kind of compliment to it.
11:30 They'll get similar-ish in height, this one,
11:34 and similar-ish in spread as well.
11:36 It'll be interesting to see how they both do.
11:39 And then I went ahead in
11:40 with the Purple Illusion Veronica right here.
11:44 And how many did I have?
11:45 Eight of those.
11:46 I held five back for another project,
11:48 but planted those right around the base
11:50 of the new dervella called Kodiak Fresh,
11:52 which is already starting to put on its fall color.
11:55 But this only gets two to three feet tall and wide.
11:58 So that'll take up that space
11:59 and maybe even like kind of touch the Veronica in front.
12:02 I think that'll be really pretty.
12:04 Really happy with this little spot.
12:06 So I actually had 15 of the Pink Potion Veronica.
12:08 Five of them ended up out here and 10 on the west side.
12:11 I always kind of like to start backed up
12:12 so you can get a feel for the space.
12:13 But as you walk down this rock pathway,
12:16 you can see the five Veronica tucked in right there.
12:19 We just recently planted these Denim and Lace Russian Sage.
12:22 So I think it's gonna be a really pretty pairing
12:25 to have the purple with a little bit of pink
12:27 and we'll start a drift of something else right in here.
12:31 Maybe something like a grassy texture.
12:33 I'm not sure, but anyway,
12:35 I think they look pretty right there.
12:38 (truck engine roaring)
12:40 Okay, so as we enter in this area,
12:43 walk down the brick pathway,
12:46 you can see the Pink Potion tucked in right beneath
12:49 the Caryopteris right here.
12:51 So yeah, two, four, six, eight, 10 of them right here.
12:54 It's so pretty.
12:56 Oh, that pink too with that blue.
12:59 Gorgeous, we have some Anik, Anik Roses,
13:02 Anik Roses.
13:04 Anyway, lots of pink in this area,
13:06 but you know we're sticking with pink, purple,
13:08 white, and then some chartreuse,
13:10 and it really is filling in.
13:11 Now there are some spots like right here,
13:14 right here, see that little pocket?
13:18 Right in here.
13:20 And a couple more, hold on.
13:24 Right here and right here.
13:27 That I've saved for Iris.
13:28 I have some already in here,
13:30 but I want to amp up the amount that I have,
13:32 and I like that great big, bold, strappy texture.
13:35 See how when you look at this space right here,
13:37 it's mostly green foliage,
13:39 but there's a lot of different textures going on,
13:41 and seeing that bold, grassy Iris texture there,
13:44 I think is really nice.
13:46 So I want to keep repeating that throughout.
13:48 So that's what's gonna go.
13:49 You don't have the Iris there, here, here,
13:52 and so on and so forth.
13:53 So anyway, the only other spots I have
13:56 in this whole flower bed,
13:57 like there's this little section right up front.
14:00 We'll find something real pretty to put right here.
14:02 And I think that's it.
14:04 I focused more on this garden last year.
14:07 I've really done hardly anything in this space this year
14:09 in terms of planting.
14:10 We've done maintenance, you know,
14:11 trimming up elderberries and things like that,
14:13 but not a whole lot of planting this season.
14:16 Okay, now we get to go look at the pathway.
14:19 Pedro and his guys already left.
14:20 He did pull over here when I was just finishing up planting.
14:22 He said it looks really good.
14:24 He was one bag short on the sand,
14:26 so he's got to go grab another one and finish it
14:28 probably the day after tomorrow.
14:29 But he said it's awesome, so looking forward to it.
14:32 Oh my goodness, you guys.
14:35 Oh, it looks so pretty.
14:37 I wanted to start on this side
14:38 because I know that they started here this morning,
14:40 so I'm guessing that side
14:41 is the one they haven't finished yet.
14:43 But it looks gorgeous.
14:46 I wanted a sand that did not contrast the rocks too much
14:50 because I want the rocks to shine,
14:52 and I don't really want to notice the cracks between,
14:55 you know, or the veining between the rocks.
14:57 I wanted to notice the rocks, and you certainly can,
15:00 or certainly do, rather.
15:01 Oh, oh, I'm just so thrilled with this.
15:03 Look at how gorgeous.
15:05 And now that this part's done,
15:07 we can come in and remulch all of this
15:10 and kind of tidy up the edges,
15:12 fill in all of this right here,
15:14 make it look all neat again.
15:16 Look at how pretty.
15:19 Now, he did wait on this area too,
15:22 which we'll probably fill in
15:22 just so that we can remember where the conduit was for,
15:27 whatever, I don't know.
15:28 Aaron had a conduit put under there
15:29 in case we wanted to electric or whatever.
15:32 So it's under this stone,
15:34 and they'll probably fill in with the sand
15:36 and give us some extra so that
15:37 if we ever have to pop that out,
15:38 we can replace the rock and redo the sand right there.
15:41 But, oh, I just want to stand up here and look at it.
15:46 So, so pretty.
15:48 Oh my goodness.
15:51 Water's looking good too.
15:53 Look at the fish in there.
15:55 Look at that.
15:56 I did get in the pond a couple of days ago,
15:59 and I cleaned up the plants again.
16:02 There's one over here, that green one,
16:03 that just wants to spread everywhere.
16:05 So I'm pretty, trying to be pretty diligent
16:07 about keeping that one cut back.
16:09 And then the lily, of course, spreads everywhere as well.
16:11 Tried to clean off the tops of the leaves,
16:13 but you guys, our water is so hard.
16:15 That's just kind of how it is.
16:17 Trying to see if I can find the shark.
16:20 I see all the koi.
16:21 Oh, there's a couple.
16:23 I see all six of the koi.
16:24 Okay.
16:25 Now where's the shark?
16:27 Always toward the bottom.
16:28 That fish totally matches the color of all the rocks too.
16:32 Anyway, look at this.
16:35 Oh, well, we'll get a good idea again,
16:40 kind of a before and after shot here.
16:42 We've got the before with the gaps
16:44 and the after without the gaps.
16:48 Oh my gosh.
16:50 I love it so much.
16:51 Wow.
16:52 They've just done a beautiful job.
16:53 And you guys, that is going to do it for today's projects.
16:55 Really happy with the progress.
16:57 Super happy with the trees out in the new property
16:59 because that just feels like,
17:01 I don't know, you always thank yourself
17:02 for getting those trees and evergreens in
17:04 because the sooner you do that,
17:05 the quicker they'll grow and fill in
17:07 and it'll feel like more like your space.
17:08 And then this here,
17:09 I wouldn't change a single thing about it.
17:11 Not the whole area.
17:12 I love the whole pond, the area around it,
17:14 the patio, everything, the pathways.
17:17 It's just amazing how much it has transformed
17:19 this space back here.
17:20 And this is coming from somebody who struggled
17:23 wanting to get rid of those boxwoods back here
17:26 because they were the nicest boxwoods probably
17:27 on our property.
17:29 And they had been here for a long time,
17:31 but the whole space, it was kind of boring
17:34 and it was tidy and everything,
17:35 but we had no reason to come back here.
17:37 And we've used this space more since the end of July
17:40 when the pond was initially completed.
17:41 Then we used it the prior six years of living here.
17:44 I mean, we just came back here
17:45 because we had to do maintenance
17:47 or we had to do this or that,
17:48 not because we really wanted to use this space.
17:50 And Greg from Aquascape,
17:51 you know, who put this pond in for us,
17:54 he said, "It's gonna transform your whole space
17:57 "and you're gonna find yourself
17:58 "wanting just to spend time out here.
17:59 "This is where you're gonna wanna be."
18:00 And he was right.
18:01 We're out here every single night.
18:03 I love it.
18:04 So much fun.
18:05 Anyway, thank you guys so much for watching this video.
18:08 I hope you're having a great day
18:09 and we will see you in the next one.
