Rare Metals: The Car Show in Hollywood’s Backyard

  • last year
Once a year
00:00 (car engine revving)
00:02 I used to come up here ages ago
00:04 and go jogging around this lake.
00:06 Kind of got some history.
00:07 I started shooting cars up here.
00:10 And you're like, cars, lake.
00:13 I went and asked the ranger.
00:15 I said, "Hey, you know,
00:16 "do you mind if we do a car show here?"
00:18 And she says, "Wow, no one's ever done that before.
00:21 "That's a great idea.
00:21 "My husband and I have hot rods.
00:23 "Let's do a show here."
00:25 And that was five years ago.
00:27 (upbeat music)
00:30 You know this guy?
00:39 - Evan. - Evan.
00:40 - I know Evan.
00:41 - I know him through Instagram.
00:42 - He's responsible for this whole thing.
00:44 - It's my fault.
00:45 The show is first come, first served.
00:50 The most expensive car in the world
00:51 and you register late, well, you're late.
00:54 And so there's no preference.
00:57 If you love your car, that's all that matters.
00:59 And if you think it's special, bring it.
01:02 Anyone can come.
01:02 - I'm a blacksmith by trade.
01:10 I used to call it the Mad Hammer.
01:11 I just try to incorporate what I do into my car.
01:14 This is the car that's in the history books,
01:17 the famous Model T.
01:19 The car that started everything.
01:21 I'm getting a little bit upset with it
01:23 because it's starting to lose that new car smell.
01:26 (ticking)
01:28 - The car was built completely in Italy.
01:30 It wasn't built in England like you'd expect.
01:32 We found it in Brussels, Belgium and had it shipped over.
01:35 They built about 200 of them and there's maybe 60 left.
01:38 - Half the fun is walking around
01:42 and you never know what you're gonna see.
01:44 - Evan, that's what you're gonna see.
01:47 And this is my 1991 Nissan Figaro.
01:49 The car was designed by Nissan to be a retro car.
01:53 So they made it on purpose to look like
01:56 maybe it was a late 50s or early 60s
01:59 Italian or British sports car.
02:01 - By trade, I'm a car photographer.
02:06 So I shoot cars.
02:07 If you shoot cars, you love cars.
02:09 And really the idea is to give back as much
02:12 as you possibly can so that people feel something
02:15 when they come, right?
02:16 We shoot a magazine for all the cars that come.
02:20 (camera clicking)
02:23 I thought that what would be really graphic
02:26 is all these Mustangs and Shobies
02:27 lined up right here next to the lake.
02:29 I just love seeing all the people.
02:38 And maybe they'll come back here with no cars
02:40 and they'll come hiking on their own.
02:43 And then they'll tell a friend
02:44 and they'll come back next year with more people.
02:46 And it doesn't need to be huge.
02:48 I don't know how to describe it,
02:50 but it's like if you can make people happy,
02:52 then you've done your job.
02:53 It's like a dream come true in a weird way.
02:57 (camera clicking)
03:02 (water splashing)
03:05 (ice clinking)
