Santos Shrugs Off New Challenge From Democrat Who Once Beat Him

  • 9 months ago
Santos Shrugs Off New Challenge From Democrat Who Once Beat Him.
On Tuesday morning, New York Democrat Tom Suozzi, a former congressman, made it official: He’s running for the House seat currently filled by scandalized Rep. George Santos (R-NY). In an announcement posted to social media, Suozzi cited the “absurdity” of Santos’ continued presence on Capitol Hill.

“Today, I’m filing a committee to run for Congress in November 2024. The Madness in Washington, DC, and the absurdity of George Santos remaining in Congress is obvious to everyone,” Suozzi said.

Suozzi is a high profile opponent. Santos’ seat is the product of redistricting maps that took effect last year, but it includes much of the district Suozzi represented for three terms. Suozzi previously beat Santos in the old district in 2020. That race was Santos’ first. However, in text messages to TPM, Santos brushed off his once-and-future rival and suggested Suozzi will not be able to emerge from the crowded field of Democrats who are eyeing the seat amid the legal drama and scandals that have consumed Santos since he was elected late last year.

“He won’t clear his primary,” Santos said of Suozzi.

Suozzi, who has said he will discuss the race further after local elections next month, declined to comment on this story.

Asked to elaborate, Santos cited the unsuccessful gubernatorial bid Suozzi mounted last year. In that race, Suozzi was defeated by the current governor, Democrat Kathy Hochul, by over 50 points.

“He pissed off every New York Democrat by running against Kathy and smearing her,” Santos said of Suozzi.

Santos also pointed out that Suozzi lost to Hochul in the Long Island county where much of his district is located.

The 2022 gubernatorial race came after longtime Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo resigned amid his own series of scandals. Suozzi’s decision to enter that race meant vacating his House seat – a move that paved the way for Santos.

Santos’ success — and the lack of scrutiny his candidacy received – was enabled, in part, by the fact that last year was an unusual one in New York politics. Along with Cuomo’s shock resignation, there was a court fight over the House district lines that saw them announced effectively in the middle of the cycle. The shifting lines scrambled the candidates on Long Island and contributed to a favorable climate for Republicans. While Hochul won the race thanks to support from the overwhelmingly Democratic residents of New York City, she performed poorly in the Long Island suburbs and Republicans won a slew of races there.

Amid all of the chaos and without an incumbent, Santos and his campaign did not receive much scrutiny. Local papers had pointed out some of the issues with Santos’ candidacy, but the fact that he had lied about his resume, had ties to an alleged pyramid scheme, and had campaign finance reports studded with irregularities did not garner widespread attention until after he
