• il y a 2 ans
La chanteuse québécoise Charlotte Cardin met le feu au studio 104, tandis que la comédienne Anne Depétrini vient nous parler de son spectacle mêlant quête de bonheur et thérapie par le rire.

Retrouvez le Grand dimanche soir sur le site de France Inter : https://www.radiofrance.fr/franceinter/podcasts/par-jupiter


00:00:00 de Pantene.
00:00:01 En public et en direct depuis 1904, vous allez vivre le grand dimanche soir.
00:00:08 Parce que c'est notre projet !
00:00:11 Deux heures de rire, d'émotion et de musique avec...
00:00:17 Juliette Arnaud !
00:00:19 Guillaume Maurice !
00:00:22 Émélie Pompée !
00:00:26 Chewbacca !
00:00:29 Constance !
00:00:30 Camille Lechlac !
00:00:35 Isabelle Sorant !
00:00:38 Viédré !
00:00:42 Et la reine de la satire politique, la quête de la rigolade,
00:00:47 celle qui est guée pour fin du dimanche après-midi,
00:00:50 Charline Vanhoenacker !
00:00:53 Le grand dimanche soir sur France Inter.
00:01:03 Bonsoir la France Inter !
00:01:09 Bon, vu l'actualité du week-end,
00:01:13 c'est pas plus mal qu'on se retrouve le dimanche soir pour se détendre un petit peu, non ?
00:01:17 Elle est étrange cette journée où on fête l'arrivée d'un nouveau journal.
00:01:22 On dit longue vie à la tribune dimanche,
00:01:24 avec à la une toute la violence et l'horreur qui nous pètent à la gueule.
00:01:27 Après, si on attend un moment de répit pour créer un journal,
00:01:31 y'a pas beaucoup de créneaux dispo.
00:01:33 C'est-à-dire entre l'Ukraine, l'Afghanistan, l'Iran, la Syrie, le Haut-Karabakh et les punaises Delis.
00:01:39 Alors bonne chance à tous les humoristes de France Inter pour cette semaine,
00:01:43 et toutes celles à venir.
00:01:45 J'avoue que sur le dossier Israël-Palestine, j'aspirais pas à être la première d'entre nous.
00:01:51 Alors vous inquiétez pas, on va continuer à se marrer,
00:01:53 mais là, à cette heure-ci, je fais office de transition,
00:01:55 je suis un petit peu le pédiluve entre la guerre et la rigolade,
00:01:59 qui doit continuer, malgré tout, on en a besoin.
00:02:02 Revenons-en alors au journal La Tribune Dimanche,
00:02:05 dont l'édito nous explique la ligne éditoriale, ce sera la nuance.
00:02:09 C'est ambitieux quand tu démarres avec la guerre entre Israël et le Ramas,
00:02:14 surtout en France, un pays où le débat est tellement calme, tellement apaisé.
00:02:20 Enfin bref, bienvenue à La Tribune Dimanche,
00:02:22 enfin un titre de presse qui n'a pas été racheté par un milliardaire,
00:02:26 parce qu'il a carrément été lancé par un milliardaire.
00:02:30 Je rappelle que sans les ultra-riches, il n'y a plus de médias en France.
00:02:35 Merci aux milliardaires de faire vivre la démocratie.
00:02:39 Et oui, une chance que ces gens-là aient choisi la presse comme loisir,
00:02:42 ils étaient moins utiles quand leur passion c'était le golf.
00:02:45 Alors si des jeunes nous écoutent,
00:02:48 non, vos parents ne vous mentent pas quand ils disent qu'avant,
00:02:50 les journaux étaient créés par des journalistes.
00:02:52 Alors ici, le milliardaire en question, c'est Rodolphe Saadé,
00:02:55 le patron de la CMACGM, transporteur de containers.
00:02:59 Grâce à la crise du Covid, il a gagné 41 milliards en 3 ans.
00:03:04 Des super profits qui, heureusement, n'ont pas été taxés,
00:03:07 puisque c'est grâce à eux que le dimanche, on sera mieux informé.
00:03:11 C'est une sorte de ruissellement, mais par l'actu.
00:03:15 Alors à quoi ça sert d'être ultra riche si on ne peut pas être ultra influent, dans le fond ?
00:03:18 Et puis imagine tes milliardaires français, ils n'ont pas de médias.
00:03:21 Le pauvre ! Celui-là, il doit faire la Manche, il doit faire "s'il vous plaît, s'il vous plaît,
00:03:26 vous n'auriez pas une petite publication ?
00:03:28 Même un mensuel, je prends !"
00:03:30 Ça fait encore un journal de droite, mais bon, que voulez-vous, la droite achète des journaux,
00:03:34 pendant que la gauche se déchire pour alimenter leur page.
00:03:36 C'est une belle répartition du travail.
00:03:38 Alors je souhaite longue vie à la tribune dimanche,
00:03:41 longue vie et indépendance,
00:03:44 parce que bien trop souvent, la liberté de la presse s'arrête là où commence l'intérêt de l'actionnaire.
00:03:48 Merci aux auditeuristes du studio 104, vous, chez vous.
00:04:04 Écoutez, rigolade must go on, on en a bien besoin, n'est-ce pas les amis ?
00:04:08 Rigolade Ackbar même, on peut dire ?
00:04:12 J'ai bien fait de vous regarder.
00:04:14 Mauvais timing !
00:04:16 Laissez un petit peu la sidération et la réflexion faire son œuvre et après…
00:04:21 Oui, après, dans un second temps.
00:04:23 Voilà, exactement. Je propose plutôt que dans ce cas-là, on écoute un peu de musique pour se faire du bien.
00:04:28 On aime la musique live dans cette émission,
00:04:30 et notre attaché de production, Alexis Alacour, qui est très branché musique,
00:04:34 a invité une chanteuse québécoise,
00:04:37 qui a un grain de voix qui nous emballe,
00:04:41 et un ton légèrement mélancolique dans ses chansons.
00:04:44 C'est que de la douceur, chers amis et amies,
00:04:47 et une parité autour de cette table, quand même.
00:04:50 Isabelle Sorande fait son retour, Constance Ella qui est d'raie,
00:04:53 à ma gauche, il y a des mecs, voilà.
00:04:56 Je suis là !
00:04:58 Juliette, bien sûr !
00:05:00 Je vous demande d'accueillir, chez vous, dans vos oreilles, et dans cette salle, Charlotte Cardin.
00:05:05 Merci à elle d'être là, avec nous, aujourd'hui.
00:05:10 Elle va nous interpréter un extrait de son nouvel album,
00:05:14 « 99 Nights Next To You » au piano, ma chère Charlotte Cardin, c'est à vous.
00:05:21 Merci.
00:05:24 [Musique]
00:05:41 [Musique]
00:06:10 [Musique]
00:06:39 [Musique]
00:07:08 [Musique]
00:07:11 [Musique]
00:07:40 [Musique]
00:07:54 [Musique]
00:08:23 [Musique]
00:08:41 [Applaudissements]
00:08:45 Charlotte Cardin, ça fait tellement du bien.
00:08:50 « Next To You », extrait de votre album « 99 Nights ».
00:08:55 Vous êtes en tournée dans le monde entier, à Paris le 24 janvier, ce sera à l'Olympia.
00:09:01 Charlotte Cardin, vous êtes québécoise, vous chantez en anglais et un peu en français.
00:09:06 Votre album, ici, est tout en anglais.
00:09:08 Et en novembre, sortira, mi-novembre, une réédition de l'album avec quatre titres en français.
00:09:16 Est-ce que vous ne racontez pas les mêmes choses, vous n'exprimez pas les mêmes choses en français qu'en anglais?
00:09:20 Effectivement, je sens que les deux langues… j'ai vraiment grandi dans un univers très, très bilingue.
00:09:26 J'ai grandi à Montréal, alors j'ai toujours été entourée et du français et de l'anglais.
00:09:30 Mais je sens effectivement qu'il y a des parties de moi qui sont plus intimement liées au français
00:09:34 et d'autres qui sont plus intimement liées à l'anglais.
00:09:36 Et ça me permet d'exprimer un peu, de façon nuancée, toutes les facettes de ma personnalité,
00:09:42 de pouvoir écrire dans les deux langues.
00:09:45 Et de pouvoir vraiment jouer avec les deux.
00:09:46 Et quelle facette, vous le découvrirez en écoutant les chansons, bien sûr, de Charlotte Cardin.
00:09:51 On vous retrouvera en deuxième heure, chère Charlotte, pour l'adaptation d'un standard qu'on connaît tous ici,
00:09:57 je ne vous dis pas lequel, restez avec nous.
00:09:59 Merci Charlotte, on vous applaudit encore bien fort dans ce studio 104 en direct sur France Inter,
00:10:04 dans le grand Dimanche Soir, où, tandis que le monde continue de sombrer dans la guerre et l'horreur,
00:10:10 il y a des informations qui percent parfois un petit ray de lumière.
00:10:14 Alors on les a assemblées en faisceaux de bonnes nouvelles dans notre journal, avec Guillaume Meurice.
00:10:18 Les résultats sont là.
00:10:20 Pour la quatrième année consécutive, notre pays est le plus attractif de rentre.
00:10:24 C'est pour ça que je ne laisserai personne nous amener en marche arrière,
00:10:28 on ne monte aucun impôt, on ne revient pas en arrière sur le droit du travail, etc. etc.
00:10:33 Nopas Sarram.
00:10:35 Le journal des bonnes nouvelles.
00:10:36 Vive la révolution d'octobre !
00:10:38 Et on commence par l'information principale de cette édition.
00:10:42 Léo Rusch, le conseiller chargé des retraites d'Olivier Dussopt,
00:10:46 quitte son poste pour rejoindre AXA, leader historique de l'épargne retraite.
00:10:51 Bonne nouvelle pour lui donc, il connaît bien le sujet, il a savaté le système de répartition
00:10:55 et hop, il va se faire de la thune dans le privé.
00:10:57 Oui, il a cédé à la tentation, il a craqué.
00:11:00 Non, Charline.
00:11:01 Personne n'a craqué.
00:11:03 Oh, allez, qu'est-ce qui vous prend ? Vous ne criez pas, là ?
00:11:05 Non, mais enfin, Charline, non.
00:11:07 Ben d'habitude, quand vous dites ça, vous criez, puis c'est insupportable.
00:11:10 Mais vous vous en prie, ça va, Charline, c'est bon.
00:11:12 Ah, vous êtes en train de craquer, là.
00:11:14 Non, vous voyez bien qu'il y a ce qui craque, ici.
00:11:16 Personne n'a craqué.
00:11:17 Alors, pardon.
00:11:20 On commence ce journal par l'annonce, cette semaine, de la mort de Jean-Pierre Elkabache.
00:11:24 Hein ? Vous mettez cette info dans le journal des Bonnes Nouvelles ? Vous êtes fou ou quoi ?
00:11:28 Non, bien sûr, c'est triste. Bien sûr.
00:11:30 L'action Brossard et Luyre a perdu 12 points à la Bourse de Paris.
00:11:33 Mais ça laisse la place à de jeunes interviewers.
00:11:36 Peut-être qu'on verra davantage Alain Duhamel ou Arlette Chabot.
00:11:39 Oui, et ça, c'est chouette.
00:11:40 Autre bonne nouvelle, Patrick Sébastien a déclaré…
00:11:43 Oui, donc non, ce n'est pas forcément une bonne nouvelle.
00:11:46 Ah, vous avez déjà entendu une citation de Patrick Sébastien qui ne soit pas une bonne nouvelle ?
00:11:49 Continuez, je vous en prie.
00:11:51 Alors, il a déclaré, je cite, "ça me dérange quand les humoristes femmes font de l'humour en parlant de leurs règles".
00:11:58 Bon, oui, il a raison.
00:12:00 Non, mais il faut qu'il fasse comme moi, moi, je m'en tamponne.
00:12:03 Non, alors, oh ! Ça, c'est une blague sur les règles, Charline.
00:12:06 Non, non, non, pas d'applaudissements là-dessus.
00:12:08 Arrêtez !
00:12:09 Mais non !
00:12:11 Mais non, mais si Patrick écoute, il ne va pas aimer ça.
00:12:14 Bruno Le Maire veut que Renaissance parle avec ses tripes et un peu moins avec sa tête.
00:12:20 Très bonne nouvelle, mais nous, on aimerait qu'il arrête de penser comme un renflement brun dilaté, plutôt, si c'est possible.
00:12:25 Autre bonne nouvelle ?
00:12:27 Oui, la députée de Paris, Sofia Chikirou, est vraiment de gauche.
00:12:29 Ah bon ?
00:12:31 Oui, j'ai regardé Complément d'Enquête sur ses méthodes et elle n'a rien à envier à Paul Pott, c'est du beau boulot.
00:12:36 Non, non, non, vous exagérez, parce que quand même, Paul Pott, c'est un tyran sanguinaire.
00:12:39 On a dit pas de blague sur les règles ! Stop ! C'est pénible, Charline.
00:12:44 Bon, bonne nouvelle, le Mont-Blanc a perdu plus de 2 mètres en 2 ans.
00:12:48 Et en quoi c'est une bonne nouvelle, ça ?
00:12:50 Ben, c'est moins long pour arriver au sommet.
00:12:52 Et ça ne vous inquiète pas le réchauffement climatique ?
00:12:55 Si, ben, il faut partir tôt, sinon après, vers 14h, il fait trop chaud pour faire l'ascension.
00:12:59 Non, mais il vous arrive quoi, là ?
00:13:01 Désolé, parce que j'écoute trop le débat dans la matinale en ce moment.
00:13:04 Les européennes, ils invitent au moins un climato-sceptique. Je crois que je suis contaminé.
00:13:07 Le Mont-Blanc reste malgré tout le deuxième plus haut sommet d'Europe.
00:13:10 Deuxième ? Comment ça, le deuxième ?
00:13:12 Ben oui, il se classe juste en dessous de l'égo d'Emmanuel Macron.
00:13:15 Ah oui, exact.
00:13:17 Gérald Darmanin a affirmé que les biens sont aussi importants que les personnes.
00:13:24 Oui, alors ça, c'est aussi une bonne nouvelle, en effet.
00:13:27 Ah bon ?
00:13:30 Uniquement parlant, pour Gérald Darmanin, un punching ball, ça équivaut à lui.
00:13:34 Non, Guillaume, non, non, pas de violence.
00:13:37 Mais c'est lui qui a dit "les biens et les personnes".
00:13:39 Non, non, la violence, on laisse ça aux faibles. On vaut mieux que ça. On ne mélange pas les torchons et les serviettes.
00:13:44 Allez, encore une blague sur les règles, là !
00:13:46 Arrêtez, hein, vous le faites exprès.
00:13:49 Oh, c'est pénible. On va conclure ce journal avec notre renvoyé spécial, Emeric Lomprey.
00:13:53 Emeric, le début de saison n'a pas été facile pour cette séquence, mais on va y arriver. Où est-ce que vous êtes, Emeric ?
00:14:03 Écoutez, je suis actuellement en direct de Versailles.
00:14:06 Versailles ? Mais pourquoi faire, Emeric ?
00:14:09 Pour vous parler de Charles III.
00:14:11 Quoi ?
00:14:14 Charles III est né le 14 novembre 1948 au palais de Buckingham. Il est le roi de l'Union et de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande, du Nord, que de 14 autres États souverains.
00:14:24 Appelé aussi royaume du Commonwealth.
00:14:27 Ah, c'est dur à dire, cette merde.
00:14:30 Appelé, appelé, appelé.
00:14:33 Attendez, attendez, vous faites quoi, Emeric, là ?
00:14:36 Je suis venu vous parler de la venue de Charles III, le roi d'Angleterre.
00:14:39 Mais c'était il y a 15 jours, Emeric. Ça fait du tout dans l'actu, ça.
00:14:43 Ah, parce qu'il faut que ce soit dans l'actu ?
00:14:45 Mais enfin, oui !
00:14:47 Putain, c'est compliqué, votre truc, là.
00:14:49 C'est pas possible, on n'y arrivera jamais.
00:14:51 Mais, Emeric, il faut bien que vous compreniez, c'est un rôle d'envoyé spécial d'actualité.
00:14:54 Du coup, mon sujet sur la visite du pape, j'annule ?
00:14:57 Bah, oui, oui, oui.
00:14:59 Et le truc sur Sarkozy, mise en examen ?
00:15:01 Ah, bah non, ça, c'est bon, ça.
00:15:03 Quoi ? Mais c'était il y a longtemps.
00:15:05 Non, mais c'est toujours dans l'actualité, ça. Vous pouvez faire votre... Tous les jours, tous les jours, ce sera dans l'actu.
00:15:09 C'est compliqué, votre truc.
00:15:12 On va retenter la semaine prochaine, j'y crois de plus en plus.
00:15:13 Oui, moi aussi. Allez.
00:15:15 Merci, Bill, merci, Emeric.
00:15:18 Et le prochain point sur la formation, avec le journal de la rédaction, ce sera à 19h,
00:15:23 journal qui durera un petit peu plus longtemps, évidemment.
00:15:26 Juliette Arnault, on vous retrouve au rayon classique,
00:15:29 cette fois avec un roman de la science-fiction sous forme épistolaire.
00:15:34 Mais quel fait de notre temps vous a poussé à vous pencher sur cette oeuvre, tiens ?
00:15:41 Eh ben, c'est une start-up neurotechnologique qui s'appelle Neuralink,
00:15:45 qui appartient à Elon Musk et qui a reçu le feu vert d'une administration américaine appelée la FDA
00:15:51 pour effectuer ses essais sur des humains.
00:15:54 Des essais cliniques d'implants cérébraux.
00:15:57 OK, deux choses tout de suite.
00:15:59 Alors, la FDA, c'est l'administration qui a autorisé l'oxycontine, l'antidouleur,
00:16:04 soi-disant sans effet addictif, résultat des centaines de milliers d'overdoses aux Etats-Unis.
00:16:10 Fait numéro deux, ils ont avant ça fait des essais sur des animaux,
00:16:14 sauf que diverses sources évoquent au moins douze primates morts ou euthanasiés
00:16:19 après avoir souffert de diverses complications, diarrhées sanglantes,
00:16:22 paralysie partielle, œdème cérébrale, découlant des procédures d'implant.
00:16:26 Résultat des deux points précédents, état de fatigue avancé de votre servante
00:16:30 et recherche dans la littérature d'une lumière.
00:16:34 À moi les livres, la terre m'abandonne, et elle est là dans ce roman
00:16:38 dont je vais vous parler, "Des fleurs pour Algernon" de Daniel Keyes,
00:16:41 et qui date de 1966. L'histoire, c'est celle de Charlie Gordon,
00:16:45 qui est un jeune homme retardé mental, on disait comme ça en 1966,
00:16:49 et une équipe scientifique lui propose d'être le cobaye d'une expérience scientifique
00:16:53 pour devenir intelligent, pour accroître son intelligence grâce à une opération chirurgicale.
00:16:59 Comme une souris l'a fait avant lui, une petite souris blanche,
00:17:02 dite de laboratoire, qui s'appelle Algernon.
00:17:06 Algernon résout des problèmes de labyrinthe devant lesquels Charlie,
00:17:08 à 32 ans, ne peut rien. Malgré son retard intellectuel,
00:17:12 Charlie veut apprendre. Charlie est ok pour être le premier cobaye,
00:17:16 comme la petite souris blanche, douce comme du coton,
00:17:19 aux yeux noirs et roses sur les bords.
00:17:22 Charlie Gordon est ok pour, comme les médecins le lui disent,
00:17:27 et je les cite, "faire quelque chose de grand pour la science,
00:17:30 et en devenir célèbre". Charlie, puisque c'est lui qui raconte son histoire,
00:17:35 avec ses mots à lui, précise tout de même,
00:17:37 "je ne tiens pas tellement à être célèbre, je veux simplement devenir intelligent
00:17:41 comme les autres, de manière à avoir des tas d'amis qui m'aiment bien".
00:17:45 Oh, Charlie Mamine !
00:17:47 Comme l'expérience semble réussir, l'intelligence, le savoir lui venant,
00:17:51 son orthographe, sa syntaxe, sa conscience de lui, du monde s'accroissent.
00:17:54 Sauf que sa croissance mentale est plus rapide que sa croissance émotionnelle.
00:17:59 Alors l'ancien Charlie hante la mémoire de plus en plus puissante du nouveau Charlie.
00:18:04 La mémoire d'un enfant pas aimé, d'un enfant abandonné, d'un enfant moqué, d'un enfant harcelé.
00:18:08 Et ensuite, si vous le lisez, préparez vos mouchoirs, et puis, qui sait,
00:18:13 après ça, peut-être vous aussi, vous penserez à mettre des fleurs pour Algernon et pour Charlie.
00:18:18 Merci, bisous, merci.
00:18:20 Et à présent, cette œuvre va être adaptée entre vos oreilles,
00:18:30 dans une pièce radiophonique qui va nous transporter dans un des laboratoires d'Elon Musk,
00:18:35 Elon Musk incarné par Guillaume.
00:18:37 Il y a aussi la scientifique, jouée par Isabelle Sorante en blouse blanche,
00:18:43 et imaginez deux cobayes humains qui ont visiblement été opérés,
00:18:47 puisqu'ils arborent un bandage autour de la tête.
00:18:49 Ce sera Juliette et Emerick, avec la participation amicale d'une voix bien connue de France Inter.
00:18:58 Il est dans ce monde où plus rien ne semble inconnu, un endroit hautement sécurisé, parfaitement secret,
00:19:05 les laboratoires d'Elon Musk.
00:19:08 Une expérience sur deux cobayes humains vient d'avoir lieu.
00:19:12 On a tenté d'accroître leur intelligence à coup d'un plan sérénement.
00:19:23 Docteur, avez-vous vu la photo de Mark Zuckerberg avec un œil au beurre noir ?
00:19:27 500 000 likes, il faut que je fasse mieux !
00:19:29 Prenez mon téléphone, filmez-moi et je me coupe le bras pendant ce temps-là.
00:19:32 Elon, si on se concentrait plutôt sur nos premiers tests d'implant cérébraux.
00:19:36 D'accord. Dis donc, ils ont bien muté nos singes implantés.
00:19:40 Ce ne sont pas les singes, ils sont tous morts.
00:19:43 Eux, ce sont nos jeunes cobayes français.
00:19:46 Il s'agit de Juliette Arnaud et Emerick Lombré.
00:19:50 OK, d'accord. Alors, comment vous vous sentez avec ces nouveaux implants ?
00:19:53 Je ne sais pas, j'ai un peu faim.
00:19:55 Arrête de toujours vouloir bouffer !
00:19:57 Ah ah ! Je me ferais bien une raclette tellement j'ai faim !
00:20:02 Oui, comme l'écrivait Victor Hugo dans Les Misérables.
00:20:06 Ceux qui ont faim ont droit.
00:20:09 Vous ne voulez pas arrêter avec les voyelles, là ?
00:20:13 Ils ont la dalle, on va leur donner à bouffer et puis voilà.
00:20:15 Merci, bisous, merci.
00:20:18 Attendez, je vais faire un test.
00:20:20 Juliette, ça va les cheveux ?
00:20:23 Silence, ça pousse.
00:20:25 Emerick, que pensez-vous du dernier roman de Virgine Dépente ?
00:20:30 Je l'ai dévoré.
00:20:32 Enfin, Elon, vous ne comprenez pas ce qui s'est passé.
00:20:34 Non, tout va bien, qu'est-ce qui se passe ?
00:20:36 Est-ce que ça va bien ? J'ai rien entendu !
00:20:39 Je ris à mes propres vannes.
00:20:42 Nous avons inversé les deux implants d'Emerick et de Juliette.
00:20:47 Oh shit, on s'est peut-être un petit peu précipité, là.
00:20:49 Sérieusement ? C'est tout ce que vous avez à dire ? On s'est un peu précipité ?
00:20:53 C'est ça la réalité, Elon. On a peut-être agi beaucoup avant de réfléchir peu.
00:21:00 Ouais, comme font souvent les hommes.
00:21:02 Attendez une minute, une fulgurance vient de me traverser.
00:21:07 Si Emerick, c'est moi, ça veut dire que je suis Emerick.
00:21:11 Mais comme je suis Juliette aussi, ça veut dire que je suis moi.
00:21:16 Et comme je suis Emerick, ça veut dire que je suis Emerick, putain !
00:21:19 Qu'est-ce qu'on peut faire avec eux ? Incohérents, instables et encore plus limités qu'avant.
00:21:25 Je sais, on les envoie sur Europe.
00:21:28 Allez !
00:21:30 Merci, Juliette Arnault, son équipe, sa troupe et merci à Rebecca Manzoni, bien sûr,
00:21:41 qui nous a prêté sa jolie voix off pendant ce temps guiédrée.
00:21:45 Et Constance était comme deux enfants qui regardent une jolie histoire.
00:21:48 Ça vous a plu ?
00:21:50 Oui, c'était super, on attend la suite.
00:21:52 Et bien la suite, ce sera dimanche prochain avec une autre œuvre.
00:21:55 Car ici, c'est au tour de Chewbacca qui a une mission, lui, c'est de composer la playlist de notre émission.
00:22:01 Vous savez, c'est une playlist de titres engagés, de chansons aux messages politiques.
00:22:06 Et comme c'est déjà le sixième Grand Dimanche Soir, voici le sixième titre de cette playlist extrait.
00:22:12 (Musique)
00:22:18 J'ai entendu le mot "war", Chewbacca, vous nous expliquez le texte et le sous-texte, quel message ici ?
00:22:26 Eh bien on va faire ça. Vous savez, la musique c'est aussi du business, ça, ça ne va pas étonner grand monde.
00:22:31 Alors, si on prend ce titre "War", il a été en fait créé par les Tom Payshon en 1970, chanson pacifiste, anti-guerre.
00:22:40 Et Barry Gordy, le patron du label Motown, refuse aux Tom Payshon de sortir "War" en single.
00:22:45 Il n'a pas du tout envie que son groupe fétiche et tout terrain se retrouve au milieu d'un scandale anti-américain.
00:22:52 Gordy ne veut pas se couper d'un public blanc aisé et de droite qui achète ses albums.
00:22:58 Alors la contestation contre la Garde du Vietnam c'est bien, mais en douceur.
00:23:01 Mais voilà, c'est un très bon capitaliste.
00:23:04 Alors il se dit quand même, vu le succès, qu'il y a là de quoi remplir le tiroir caisse.
00:23:09 Alors pour ne prendre aucun risque, il confie ce titre à un second couteau, Edwin Starr,
00:23:14 un gars dont il pourra se débarrasser facilement si ça tourne vinaigre.
00:23:19 Alors Starr, avec une conviction incroyable, enregistre ce titre en une seule prise.
00:23:24 Alors que la jeunesse américaine manifeste en fait pour l'arrêt des hostilités,
00:23:28 et démontre jour après jour l'inutilité du conflit, "War" devient une caisse de résonance.
00:23:33 Mais comme il n'est pas connu, tout va bien pour Gordy.
00:23:36 Il cite dans la chanson, Starr dit "Cette guerre ne sert absolument à rien, ne profite à personne,
00:23:42 sauf à quelques entrepreneurs, hautement dit, des profiteurs du complexe militaro-industriel américain."
00:23:48 Et dans cette chanson, il chante aussi "Dès qu'à tombe d'une génération",
00:23:53 parce que quelques années auparavant, en 1966, l'Amérique découvre le projet des 100 000.
00:23:59 Un truc tout à fait officiel.
00:24:02 Ils vont recruter à 100 000 personnes, les plus pauvres, les plus défavorisées,
00:24:06 en échange de leur engagement à manier le fusil, une promotion sociale,
00:24:10 une éducation, des diplômes, et peut-être un peu de pognon quand ils rentreront.
00:24:14 Mais inutile de vous dire que les novices étaient les premiers à mourir.
00:24:18 Alors si ça vous rappelle les méthodes de guerre froide Sadka,
00:24:22 et des méthodes de recrutement de Poutine pour la guerre en Ukraine,
00:24:26 et bien c'est normal. Allez, envoie François !
00:24:30 "What is good for nothing?"
00:24:34 "What is good for nothing?"
00:24:37 "What is good for nothing?"
00:24:41 "What is good for nothing?"
00:24:45 "What is good for nothing?"
00:24:49 "What is good for nothing?"
00:24:53 "What is good for nothing?"
00:24:57 "What is good for nothing?"
00:25:02 "What is good for nothing?"
00:25:05 "What is good for nothing?"
00:25:09 "What is good for nothing?"
00:25:13 "What is good for nothing?"
00:25:17 "What is good for nothing?"
00:25:21 "What is good for nothing?"
00:25:25 "What is good for nothing?"
00:25:30 "What is good for nothing?"
00:25:33 "What is good for nothing?"
00:25:37 "What is good for nothing?"
00:25:41 "What is good for nothing?"
00:25:45 "What is good for nothing?"
00:25:49 "What is good for nothing?"
00:25:53 "What is good for nothing?"
00:25:58 "What is good for nothing?"
00:26:01 "What is good for nothing?"
00:26:05 "What is good for nothing?"
00:26:09 "What is good for nothing?"
00:26:13 "What is good for nothing?"
00:26:17 "What is good for nothing?"
00:26:21 "What is good for nothing?"
00:26:26 "What is good for nothing?"
00:26:29 "What is good for nothing?"
00:26:33 "What is good for nothing?"
00:26:37 "What is good for nothing?"
00:26:41 "What is good for nothing?"
00:26:45 "What is good for nothing?"
00:26:49 "What is good for nothing?"
00:26:54 "What is good for nothing?"
00:26:57 "What is good for nothing?"
00:27:01 "What is good for nothing?"
00:27:05 "What is good for nothing?"
00:27:09 "What is good for nothing?"
00:27:13 "What is good for nothing?"
00:27:17 "What is good for nothing?"
00:27:22 "What is good for nothing?"
00:27:25 "What is good for nothing?"
00:27:29 "What is good for nothing?"
00:27:33 "What is good for nothing?"
00:27:37 "What is good for nothing?"
00:27:41 "What is good for nothing?"
00:27:45 - So, that was "War and Winstar".
00:27:48 As a holiday homework, you have to listen to the version of "Tempestion",
00:27:51 the one of Bruce Willis, "Froakie Goes to Hollywood".
00:27:54 There are about twenty of them, you'll find the choice.
00:27:57 - It will lengthen the playlist of Master Joub.
00:28:00 Thank you very much, Joubaka.
00:28:02 - There are also the "Forbans".
00:28:04 - Really?
00:28:06 We talked about engaged music, since we're talking about engagement,
00:28:09 Djamil Lechlag, are you also engaged?
00:28:12 - Yes, a gala in Clermont-Ferrand,
00:28:15 my native region,
00:28:18 a gala for Morocco following the earthquake.
00:28:21 It makes me laugh.
00:28:24 It's at the cooperative room of May,
00:28:27 with incredible artists.
00:28:30 There will be Mazine, Jean-Jean, Elodie Arnoux, myself.
00:28:33 - And it will be on Thursday, October 19th.
00:28:36 - Yes, very important.
00:28:39 - I'm using this, if I can help you.
00:28:42 Thursday, October 19th at 8pm,
00:28:45 all the benefits will be given to the victims of the earthquake in Morocco.
00:28:48 The link to the ticket will be on the page of our show,
00:28:51 "Le Grand Dimanche Soir", France Inter.fr,
00:28:54 just visit it.
00:28:57 On Sunday, we have a young boost of humor,
00:29:00 but because of the news, the newspapers of the editorial office don't last long,
00:29:03 our show is slightly shortened.
00:29:06 We will move on,
00:29:09 because there are a lot of people in this crowd.
00:29:12 We heard Isabelle Sorante, we will hear her again.
00:29:15 We heard Fernand Douille, did you like Fernand Douille, Isabelle?
00:29:18 - I loved it.
00:29:21 - And the rest, it's not so long ago,
00:29:24 it was a young boost of humor, she still is.
00:29:27 - Yes, I'm a young flower.
00:29:30 - Yes, it's Constance.
00:29:34 - Ah, why not?
00:29:37 Here is death pointing to the end of its path.
00:29:40 And it's true, I have so much pain to believe.
00:29:43 Sorry.
00:29:46 It was a slightly big-wiggled entry,
00:29:49 but I'm warming up for October 10th,
00:29:52 for the World Day for the Death Penalty.
00:29:55 Sensitive subject, like a nipple during the monthly coquelicots,
00:29:58 I tell myself that at worst, I'll die.
00:30:01 - It's death pointing to the end of its path.
00:30:04 Little facetious spirit, here you are again,
00:30:07 I missed you so much, obviously I came back
00:30:10 to write a chronicle that kills.
00:30:13 Death of laughter.
00:30:16 And what is your position on the death penalty, Constance?
00:30:19 - Well, I would say to start with that I'm seated,
00:30:22 and I think I understand that death is a source of pain,
00:30:25 but that life is worth it.
00:30:28 - Oh, you're so funny,
00:30:31 let's say that for me, who is dyslexic,
00:30:34 these two words, death and pain, are mixed up,
00:30:37 and carry me in the journey of a thousand meanings.
00:30:40 Hang your belts!
00:30:43 Without life, no death, without death, no life,
00:30:46 and if the path of life is dead,
00:30:49 we won't bother to build this closet that we'll make with my Michel.
00:30:52 Shut up, Monique, shut up, Monique, don't talk to me about this tone, Michel.
00:30:55 - Hey, Constance, you're off the mark, you're a pain!
00:30:58 Living to death kills, but living mildly too,
00:31:01 so what do we do? We live to the fullest, or we're just like kiwis.
00:31:04 When we get close to death, because of the immense pain
00:31:07 of carrying life towards death,
00:31:10 but that life wins, and we realize how much,
00:31:13 it could hurt the living, who stay when we die,
00:31:16 because the dead, once they're dead, well, they don't care, they're dead.
00:31:19 Thanks to this awareness, we go from the death penalty
00:31:22 to the joy of life. So, it's better to be alive
00:31:25 when we're alive, and it's very short, like the life of Michel.
00:31:28 Shut up, Monique, don't talk to me about this tone, Michel.
00:31:31 When you're dead, it's dead to be alive,
00:31:34 and that's long, like the life of Julien.
00:31:37 Thanks, Monique, you're welcome, Julien.
00:31:40 Hey, I'm listening to you, huh?
00:31:43 To death, death, to death, death, yes!
00:31:46 And therefore, we must try to live without suffering,
00:31:49 without pain, without great cost of living.
00:31:52 Yes, but nothing to do with Uncle Francis, drunk to death,
00:31:55 at the water of life. No, nothing to do with it.
00:31:58 So, life would be a fair balance between the awareness of our pain to live
00:32:01 towards our death, our lucid understanding of...
00:32:04 Ah, why? I'm in a mental bag.
00:32:07 It's so annoying. Help me, this chronicle hurts me a lot,
00:32:10 psychologically.
00:32:13 Anyway, subject matter, Constance, the death penalty,
00:32:16 is a plan to make them understand that we shouldn't kill people.
00:32:19 Yes, well, it's complicated, we're not going to get into the rat-or-rat-hole.
00:32:22 So, to close this debate, let's not forget that death is an invention
00:32:25 of living people.
00:32:28 And if you didn't like my chronicle, tell yourself that there is no
00:32:31 man-dead. Bim!
00:32:34 Hey, it was Constance! Thanks, dear Constinecte.
00:32:37 It's not getting any better, and in fact,
00:32:40 I'm reassured, you haven't changed.
00:32:43 I'm glad to see Guy Hedré, who's about to give birth.
00:32:46 I hope so.
00:32:49 Are you going on maternity leave after this show?
00:32:52 I'm going to put a stop to it.
00:32:55 We'll see you again at the beginning of next season.
00:32:58 At the beginning of 2024.
00:33:01 But the tour continues, there are still two dates, and you're going to make sure of it.
00:33:04 Oh yes, Montpellier, Toulouse, next week, normally I'll be there.
00:33:07 I'll try not to lose my breath in the meantime.
00:33:10 First chronicle of the season for the Culture team,
00:33:13 here, in alternation with Clara Dupont-Monnaud, who's talking about books,
00:33:16 Léa Héliaveyron, who's talking about language,
00:33:19 and here's Isabelle Sorande, who's talking about both,
00:33:22 since your chronicles are focused this season on writing techniques,
00:33:25 my dear Isabelle.
00:33:28 Yes, "Kill your darlings".
00:33:31 The novelists, the writers, the authors who listen to us have all heard this
00:33:34 one day or another in a writing studio or in a creative writing class.
00:33:37 "Kill your darlings".
00:33:40 A phrase that often your teacher won't translate,
00:33:43 because some English expressions, when you want to translate them precisely,
00:33:46 seem so cruel in French that you'd rather say them in their native language.
00:33:49 "Kill your darlings", it could translate as "kill those you love",
00:33:52 "murder your lovers", "kill your children" too,
00:33:55 in short, "a murder call".
00:33:58 So what is a murder call?
00:34:01 A writing advice.
00:34:04 You present it with a certain fear,
00:34:07 "Kill your darlings", it means first of all,
00:34:10 don't be complacent with yourself when you write.
00:34:13 Privilege the dramaturgy, privilege the whole.
00:34:16 If a scene is beautiful, if the sentences ring,
00:34:19 and if despite everything, this scene doesn't arrive at the right moment,
00:34:22 if it has nothing to do with it, and on top of that, it goes on and on and on,
00:34:25 it might be worth cutting.
00:34:28 And that's why we talk about murder,
00:34:31 because when we write a novel, a poem,
00:34:34 and even a three-minute story,
00:34:37 cutting can make us cry tears of blood.
00:34:40 Yes, Juliette, tears of blood.
00:34:43 But keep this rule in mind, the plot, the panorama, the magic,
00:34:46 the magic is the whole.
00:34:49 So who said "kill your darlings"?
00:34:52 - Would you like an idea? - Did George say it?
00:34:55 No, we often hear that it's William Faulkner,
00:34:58 but it's neither George nor William Faulkner.
00:35:01 It comes from an English novelist, born in the 19th century,
00:35:04 you'll be happy to learn it,
00:35:07 his name is Arthur Killer-Coach.
00:35:10 Killer, without a "k", with a "q".
00:35:13 This man was also a literary critic and a professor in Cambridge,
00:35:16 and so his advice to killers has gone through the years.
00:35:19 It was taken up by Master Stephen King,
00:35:22 who said, I quote, "kill your darlings, kill your darlings,
00:35:25 even if it breaks your little heart,
00:35:28 egocentric writer, kill your darlings."
00:35:31 But sometimes, spare them.
00:35:34 Because you'll suddenly hear the guttural cry
00:35:37 of a supplicatory sentence that we let live.
00:35:40 And maybe this sentence,
00:35:43 you have to listen to it, especially if it's strange,
00:35:46 especially if you wrote it in a state of drunkenness,
00:35:49 or of trance, or in a second state,
00:35:52 maybe you have to spare them.
00:35:55 The paragraphs to be deleted, the tunnels, the lengths,
00:35:58 are often beautiful passages, but in the end,
00:36:01 they're quite predictable, a bit like the trailer for a movie.
00:36:04 What you shouldn't kill are the weird ideas.
00:36:07 If they have nothing to do with your story,
00:36:10 it's because they're the seeds of a new universe.
00:36:13 So you have to keep them preciously for the next novel, or the next chronicle.
00:36:16 So, kill your darlings, if they're normal,
00:36:19 but spare the mutants, the monsters,
00:36:22 the creatures, the abnormal sentences that come from the depths,
00:36:25 because they're the vanguard of your mind,
00:36:28 the heroes of the next legends.
00:36:31 That was today's writing advice to teach you how to kill your darlings.
00:36:34 Thank you.
00:36:37 Thank you, Isabelle, and we'll all start
00:36:40 "Kill our darlings" tonight.
00:36:43 And now, it's time to join Charline in her perch.
00:36:46 Yes, because from where you're listening to us,
00:36:49 the Citizens' Convention will be heard by you,
00:36:52 and the 800 people in this studio are your representatives,
00:36:55 and they'll vote at the end of this debate, which I have the honor of presiding.
00:36:58 [Music]
00:37:01 [Music]
00:37:04 [Music]
00:37:07 The General States of Information,
00:37:10 wished by the President of the Republic, opened on Tuesday.
00:37:13 It will last nine months, during which citizens and actors
00:37:16 of journalism will make proposals.
00:37:19 I suggest you contribute to them.
00:37:22 First, according to you, are networks a threat to the quality of information?
00:37:25 Well, no, I don't think so,
00:37:28 and I even advise everyone to get informed on Twitter.
00:37:31 Wait, no, the information is rarely reliable on networks, anyway.
00:37:34 Yeah, but it allows me to triple my income.
00:37:37 Do you work for Twitter?
00:37:40 No, I'm a psychiatrist.
00:37:43 Apparently, you're also a saleswoman.
00:37:46 So, in other words, how can we ensure citizens' information is reliable?
00:37:49 Well, you have to do like me, I only consult serious information sites.
00:37:52 For example?
00:37:55 Well, for example, there's chaosresistance.org, the Gazette du Nouvel Ordre Mondial,
00:37:58 Adreno-Cro-Manar-Chine, etc.
00:38:01 No, no, no, no, it's not reliable at all.
00:38:04 Well, I was sure you'd say that, you're a puppet of the government.
00:38:07 Anyway, I was warned!
00:38:10 I was warned!
00:38:13 I was warned!
00:38:16 If I were here, I'd be surrounded by reptilian Freemasons.
00:38:19 Do you think media concentration is a problem?
00:38:22 Not at all.
00:38:25 Why?
00:38:28 Because nothing prevents us from reading several sources of information.
00:38:31 Yes, so as not to get caught in a cognitive bubble, right?
00:38:34 So, if I want to learn about the dangers of immigration, I watch CNews.
00:38:37 So, if I want to know more about the plague of leftism, I read Valeurs Actuelles.
00:38:40 Ouch, ouch, ouch.
00:38:43 On the other hand, if I want to be informed about the Ayatollahs of Ecology, I take the JDD.
00:38:46 Yes, yes, okay, we understand, thank you.
00:38:49 I'm going to call on an intervener here who's going to blow up your cognitive bubble, okay?
00:38:52 Here's Jamile Lechlague.
00:38:55 Thank you, thank you.
00:38:58 Yeah, the Gazette du Nouvel Ordre Mondial,
00:39:01 thank you.
00:39:04 Yeah, guys, it's incredible.
00:39:07 People don't trust the media anymore.
00:39:10 You surprise me. Look at this show.
00:39:13 Do you want to trust them? Seriously?
00:39:16 This gang of vegan leftists is so much like a ZAD.
00:39:19 And they, they're not the worst in the media.
00:39:22 Do you know Pascal Pro?
00:39:25 So he, he's journalistic ethics, deontology,
00:39:28 Pascal, he's a flexible gymnast,
00:39:31 contortionist, matrix,
00:39:34 what? The Ipines of the I?
00:39:37 Maybe it's because of immigration, but anyway,
00:39:40 I'm asking the question! Yeah, Pascal, but maybe it's
00:39:43 a question of son of... Yeah, I'm censoring myself!
00:39:46 Yeah, I'm censoring myself! And by the way,
00:39:49 do you know how he meets the sources on CNews?
00:39:52 Well, they talk to each other, that's it.
00:39:55 So, Elizabeth Lévy, what's your
00:39:58 analysis on the big replacement?
00:40:01 (imitates a robot)
00:40:04 Jacques Danièèèès!
00:40:07 (applause)
00:40:10 There you go! Thank you, thank you. So you confirm.
00:40:13 And in terms of rigor, it's not Mediapart.
00:40:16 By the way, Mediapart, I love it.
00:40:19 Great job, bravo, nothing to say.
00:40:22 There you go, that's said. Inshallah, you don't do
00:40:25 any investigation on me. Reveal! The humorist,
00:40:28 Djamil Lechlac, Detiendré, Detiendré,
00:40:31 Detiendré, a hidden fortune of 600 euros
00:40:34 on a bookshop Offshore in Monnussau,
00:40:37 damn it! No, but yeah,
00:40:40 I struggled, I struggled on Detiendré,
00:40:43 damn it! Damn it, the debates in the media
00:40:46 were better before. Do you remember the show
00:40:49 "Les mots de vérité"? Well, there were only lies,
00:40:52 but they were quality exchanges, you know,
00:40:55 they were there. But, well, we will never be able to reach
00:40:58 the criteria of convergence. The recession is at +3.
00:41:01 Well, we didn't understand anything, but we felt
00:41:04 the level. Whereas now, too many programs,
00:41:07 they invite anyone, it's the Pinder circus.
00:41:10 The other day, on a political show,
00:41:13 they invited Vincent Lagaffe, damn it!
00:41:16 So, Vincent, what do you think of immigration?
00:41:19 Zobida, zobida,
00:41:22 zobida, bim, bim!
00:41:25 Yeah, go fuck yourself! No, but it's true that...
00:41:28 No, but yeah, but that's for all the zobidas.
00:41:31 I didn't forget! I never forget!
00:41:34 No, but seriously, there are too many media at the moment.
00:41:37 So, I have a proposal. There is the month
00:41:40 without alcohol. It will even understand me!
00:41:43 There is the month without tobacco. I propose
00:41:46 the month without media. Can you imagine?
00:41:49 You will have to talk to your spouse.
00:41:52 Hello, madam, do you live here too?
00:41:55 Ah, well, we're married, ok, cool! And this little one,
00:41:58 he's my son, I guess. What's your name,
00:42:01 my big one? Kouakoube. Well, it's original, it's original.
00:42:04 And people will also talk to each other
00:42:07 in the street. It will be the real living together.
00:42:10 What are you wearing, madam? Ah, an Islamic veil.
00:42:13 That's great. Can I try? Oh, but what do I see
00:42:16 in the distance? A migrant. Hello, young Sudanese.
00:42:19 Can I shake your hand? There, hoping
00:42:22 there is no fucking lyceum. So, thank you for
00:42:25 listening to me, friends, what a great show.
00:42:28 Thank you, Djamil Leschlag, for your
00:42:31 contribution to this citizen's convention. So, the ideal would be
00:42:34 to be able to make strong proposals to legitimize
00:42:37 the use of the street. And I'm not a journalist.
00:42:40 Yeah, we have to ban the micro-street. What's the
00:42:43 relationship? Well, people think that the one
00:42:46 who makes the micro-street is a journalist,
00:42:49 and that discredits the whole profession. And who are you
00:42:52 referring to? Guillaume Meurisse! Ah, well, no,
00:42:55 we stop right away with that. No, no. Null.
00:42:58 Especially since 82% of French people think they are
00:43:01 over-informed. What do we say to that? Well, we should
00:43:04 stop. Do you think of anything in particular?
00:43:07 The chronicle of Emmerich Lomprey. Well, that's enough, kids.
00:43:10 Come on, give yourselves a kiss, we don't talk about it anymore.
00:43:13 Today, 20% of 18-24-year-olds are informed on TikTok.
00:43:16 Is there a youngster among us? Yes, over there.
00:43:19 So, to inform you, what do you use?
00:43:22 KwaKuBe! Ah! Ah!
00:43:25 OK, I should have said it differently.
00:43:28 So, the truth is that I'm too tired.
00:43:31 It's Sunday, and I feel like I'm in class.
00:43:34 Yes, me too, being in front of kids.
00:43:37 Do you feel that the media are mainly opinion-based?
00:43:40 Not at all. I'm a subscriber to a single newspaper
00:43:43 that guarantees me 100% objective information.
00:43:46 Very good. Which one? "Modes et Travaux".
00:43:49 Wait, because if it's your only source, you're
00:43:52 skipping the news, aren't you? Well, no, I don't think so.
00:43:55 For example, what do you think of Emmanuel Macron? Who?
00:43:58 Well, that's the sign that it's time to conclude.
00:44:01 We're going to decide on the proposal of Mr. Lechlac,
00:44:04 for or against the establishment of a month without media.
00:44:07 [Alarm clock]
00:44:10 Session suspension. I'll let you decide, and we'll
00:44:13 resume at the end of the "Information" newscast at 7 p.m.
00:44:16 [Alarm clock]
00:44:19 Thank you, Eric Delvaux, and thank you for
00:44:22 informing us all weekend.
00:44:25 Thank you very much, Eric.
00:44:28 The audience of the "Information" newscast is applauding you.
00:44:31 And the editorial board.
00:44:34 And here, the Citizens' Convention will end in a moment.
00:44:37 It's time to vote on the bill announced before 7 p.m.
00:44:40 I remind you, for or against the establishment of a month
00:44:43 without media. So, by applause, who is for?
00:44:46 [Applause]
00:44:49 Really?
00:44:52 By applause, who is against?
00:44:55 [Applause]
00:44:58 Ah, yes.
00:45:01 In addition, my vote counts twice. This proposal is rejected.
00:45:04 [Music]
00:45:07 The big Sunday night continues until 8 p.m.
00:45:10 With Juliette Arnault, Guillaume Meurisse,
00:45:13 Emerick Lontrè, Isabelle Sorante,
00:45:16 Constance, Joubacar,
00:45:19 Jamil Lechlague, and Guédret.
00:45:22 And our guest, of course,
00:45:25 we discovered her during the beautiful hours of Canal+,
00:45:28 then at the cinema, and at the same time we find her on TV
00:45:31 currently in "Quotidien", on TMC.
00:45:34 She goes up on stage for the first time,
00:45:37 at your home, in your living room, in your car, and here in this room.
00:45:40 She is here, she is coming, Anne de Pétrini.
00:45:43 [Applause]
00:45:46 Sunday night, Charline Vanhoenacker.
00:45:49 Welcome Anne de Pétrini.
00:45:52 Thank you.
00:45:55 So, this stage is adapted from the autobiographical story
00:45:58 you published in 2021,
00:46:01 entitled "La Quête", in brackets,
00:46:04 or possibly a much better title.
00:46:07 Because it was not my title.
00:46:10 When, Anne de Pétrini, did you hear the call of the stage?
00:46:13 What did the stage say?
00:46:16 "Hi Anne, come to me!"
00:46:19 It was actually proposed to me.
00:46:22 My producer came to see me and proposed me to adapt this book on stage.
00:46:25 I wanted to go on stage, but I did not know what to say.
00:46:28 So I said to myself, "Oh, well, it could match."
00:46:31 But you had not seen, while writing this book, that it could be adapted?
00:46:34 No, not that, no.
00:46:37 At Canal+, and at television in general,
00:46:40 it happens in public.
00:46:43 Was that a first step or nothing to do with it?
00:46:46 Maybe.
00:46:49 TV is really very different, because you do not see people watching you.
00:46:52 Even if it's a public.
00:46:55 It's a bit abstract.
00:46:58 It's a fake audience, it's a bit like us.
00:47:01 [Laughter]
00:47:04 It's an audience that we do not feed,
00:47:07 that comes to watch the poor.
00:47:10 It has nothing to do with it.
00:47:13 The contact is completely different.
00:47:16 It's your first solo stage, but not the first time you do theater.
00:47:19 Yes, but with other people, yes.
00:47:22 It's on the dot, on Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m.,
00:47:25 Alex Lutz.
00:47:28 Writing a novel is an exercise of loneliness.
00:47:31 Being alone on stage is to overcome loneliness.
00:47:34 Your father, who is not exactly a joyeux de rire,
00:47:37 and Natasha Kampusch,
00:47:40 who come back at regular intervals.
00:47:43 Can we talk about these two?
00:47:46 She really is on stage?
00:47:49 She evokes it.
00:47:52 I was wondering if we could talk about the conductor's thread.
00:47:55 Like escaping from what we are meant to do.
00:47:58 You see things you have not even seen.
00:48:01 I'm a psychiatrist.
00:48:04 I want to lie down.
00:48:07 Yes, yes, probably.
00:48:10 Natasha Kampusch, yes.
00:48:13 You would rather say yes.
00:48:16 There are too many yes to be honest.
00:48:19 Compared to cinema,
00:48:22 you have done at least three times.
00:48:25 It's a job every time.
00:48:28 It's a team effort.
00:48:31 Being alone,
00:48:34 because when you are on stage,
00:48:37 you are alone,
00:48:40 is it the pleasure of lightness
00:48:43 or is there a huge hole in the idea of being alone?
00:48:46 There are both.
00:48:49 Being alone suits me very well.
00:48:52 I like it a lot.
00:48:55 I'm used to it.
00:48:58 I often need to be alone.
00:49:01 That being said,
00:49:04 I miss the real from time to time.
00:49:07 This team thing,
00:49:10 like Love Story, all together.
00:49:13 It's really your reference in terms of realization.
00:49:16 It's my reference.
00:49:19 I understand.
00:49:22 It's the Proust's Love Story.
00:49:25 You don't remember that you remember it.
00:49:28 Guillaume then?
00:49:31 Love Story 1, it's legendary.
00:49:34 We kiss Kenza.
00:49:37 We'll do a special Love Story 1.
00:49:40 You say that life is a sum of adventures.
00:49:43 The song that closes the show is a Rolling Stones song
00:49:46 "She's like a rainbow".
00:49:49 It's a song that's about her.
00:49:52 Is it a way to claim the right at your age,
00:49:55 which is very good.
00:49:58 I think it's great.
00:50:01 We looked at it, it's a good age.
00:50:04 Is it the right to claim an identity
00:50:07 like a mix that is infinite,
00:50:10 like a deliberate absence of homogeneity?
00:50:13 Say yes.
00:50:16 Yes, yes.
00:50:19 A patchwork.
00:50:22 I'm all women, like Whitney Houston.
00:50:25 Let's go on the L5.
00:50:28 I love this show.
00:50:31 The show is learning.
00:50:34 She was skilled.
00:50:37 It's a Rolling Stones song,
00:50:40 which is also the ad.
00:50:43 It's a shame.
00:50:46 Juliette is very intellectual.
00:50:49 She laughed a lot.
00:50:52 I like that.
00:50:55 Do you hear the audience's reactions?
00:50:58 I feel it.
00:51:01 I came to see the show.
00:51:04 We're all ready.
00:51:07 I like that.
00:51:10 I don't like when there's no one.
00:51:13 I like to be surrounded.
00:51:16 I don't look them in the eye.
00:51:19 Is there a tour planned?
00:51:22 Yes, there are dates that fall.
00:51:25 You'll discover.
00:51:28 On the other side of the periphery.
00:51:31 I have great respect for France.
00:51:34 You said you were going to do a tour
00:51:37 in the periphery.
00:51:40 Anne Depetrilli in the territory of France.
00:51:43 She's not only on TMC.
00:51:46 We'll explore places with singing names.
00:51:49 Friday, Saturday at 8 p.m.
00:51:52 Alex Lutz on stage.
00:51:55 And in several French countries.
00:51:58 He also travels a lot.
00:52:01 He's a very good singer.
00:52:04 He's from Navarre.
00:52:07 He's from Lille-Dieu.
00:52:10 He went by boat at 8 a.m.
00:52:13 He even went by harbor.
00:52:16 Guillaume Meurice.
00:52:19 Yes!
00:52:22 I'm going to talk about the star.
00:52:25 Edouard Philippe.
00:52:28 The favorite French politician.
00:52:31 I'm going to talk about the star.
00:52:34 I'm going to talk about the star.
00:52:37 I'm going to talk about the star.
00:52:40 I'm going to talk about the star.
00:52:43 I'm going to talk about the star.
00:52:46 I'm going to talk about the star.
00:52:49 I'm going to talk about the star.
00:52:52 I'm going to talk about the star.
00:52:55 I'm going to talk about the star.
00:52:58 I'm going to talk about the star.
00:53:01 I'm going to talk about the star.
00:53:04 I'm going to talk about the star.
00:53:07 I'm going to talk about the star.
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01:11:25 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:11:28 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:11:31 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:11:34 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:11:37 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:11:40 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:11:43 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:11:46 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:11:49 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:11:52 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:11:55 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:11:58 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:12:01 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:12:04 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:12:07 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:12:10 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:12:13 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:12:16 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:12:19 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:12:22 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:12:25 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:12:28 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:12:31 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:12:34 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:12:37 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:12:40 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:12:43 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:12:46 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:12:49 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:12:52 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:12:55 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:12:58 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:13:01 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:13:04 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:13:07 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:13:10 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:13:13 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:13:16 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:13:19 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:13:22 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:13:25 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:13:28 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:13:31 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:13:34 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:13:37 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:13:40 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:13:43 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:13:46 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:13:49 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:13:52 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:13:55 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:13:58 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:14:01 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:14:04 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:14:07 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:14:10 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:14:13 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:14:16 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:14:19 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:14:22 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:14:25 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:14:28 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:14:31 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:14:34 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:14:37 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:14:40 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:14:43 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:14:46 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:14:49 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:14:52 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:14:55 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:14:58 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:15:01 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:15:04 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:15:07 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:15:10 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:15:13 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:15:16 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:15:19 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:15:22 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:15:25 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:15:28 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:15:31 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:15:34 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:15:37 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:15:40 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:15:43 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:15:46 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:15:49 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:15:52 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:15:55 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:15:58 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:16:01 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:16:04 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:16:07 I'm going to talk about the star.
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01:16:13 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:16:16 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:16:19 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:16:22 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:16:25 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:16:28 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:16:31 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:16:34 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:16:37 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:16:40 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:16:43 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:16:46 I'm going to talk about the star.
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01:16:52 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:16:55 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:16:58 I'm going to talk about the star.
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01:17:04 I'm going to talk about the star.
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01:17:22 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:17:25 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:17:28 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:17:31 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:17:34 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:17:37 I'm going to talk about the star.
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01:17:46 I'm going to talk about the star.
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01:17:52 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:17:55 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:17:58 I'm going to talk about the star.
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01:18:04 I'm going to talk about the star.
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01:18:22 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:18:25 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:18:28 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:18:31 I'm going to talk about the star.
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01:18:37 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:18:40 I'm going to talk about the star.
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01:18:49 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:18:52 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:18:55 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:18:58 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:19:01 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:19:04 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:19:07 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:19:10 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:19:13 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:19:16 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:19:19 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:19:22 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:19:25 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:19:28 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:19:31 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:19:34 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:19:37 I'm going to talk about the star.
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01:19:43 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:19:46 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:19:49 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:19:52 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:19:55 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:19:58 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:20:01 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:20:04 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:20:07 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:20:10 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:20:13 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:20:16 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:20:19 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:20:22 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:20:25 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:20:28 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:20:31 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:20:34 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:20:37 I'm going to talk about the star.
01:20:40 I'm going to talk about the star.
