Episod 336 My #QuranTime 2.0 Selasa 14 November 2023 Surah Al-Nisa' (4: 119-121) Halaman 97

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Episod 336 My #QuranTime 2.0 Selasa 14 November 2023 Surah Al-Nisa' (4: 119-121) Halaman 97

Antara perkara penting yang dapat kita ambil dari Surah Al-Nisa' ayat 119-121 halaman 97 ini adalah:
* Penyesatan syaitan dan ancaman bagi yang menjadikannya sebagai wali (119)
* Perjanjian syaitan dan tipu dayanya serta balasan bagi pengikutnya (120-121)

Tindakan yang boleh dilaksanakan daripada ayat 119-121 halaman 97:
* Bersifat ihsan terhadap binatang dan sesama makhluk Allah (119)
* Tidak ubah hukum dan ketetapan Allah mengikut hawa nafsu (119)
* Melindungi diri daripada bahaya musuh syaitan (120)

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My #QuranTime
World #QuranHour
00:00 [Music]
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01:31 [Prayer]
01:43 Ladies and gentlemen, may Allah bless you.
01:45 We meet again in My Quran Time.
01:47 Quran Salat Imfa' for today.
01:49 We would like to see what guidance Allah SWT has given us.
01:55 We always ask Allah SWT in the 17th of Sahabah, with the prayer of "Ihdinasira talmustaqim".
02:02 Today, we will learn three more verses from Surah An-Nisa,
02:06 verses 119 to 121, with Al-Fadhil Ustaz, Tammidi Abdur Rahman.
02:11 How are you, Ustaz?
02:12 Alhamdulillah, Al-Fadhil Saffas. How are you?
02:14 I'm fine, Alhamdulillah.
02:15 Alhamdulillah, Saffas.
02:16 We have the joy of being with the people of Tajumalim today.
02:18 Oh, SubhanAllah.
02:19 Alhamdulillah.
02:20 We are back to the ferak.
02:22 The ferak.
02:25 We are back to the ferak.
02:26 We would like to say welcome to the Muslims of Masjid Al-Hidayah, Behrang, Tajumalim.
02:37 Welcome, Assalamualaikum.
02:39 How are you?
02:40 How are you all?
02:41 Alhamdulillah.
02:43 Alhamdulillah, Saffas.
02:45 Do you come here often or just to eat?
02:48 Not often, because I want to go to my mother's house.
02:52 But if I have the chance, maybe.
02:54 If I have the power, I will go.
02:56 Alhamdulillah, we will start the session with the followers of Istiqamah,
03:00 who are in the studio, who are at home.
03:03 We ask Allah to give us the knowledge of wisdom,
03:05 with the prayer, "Subhanakallah, ilmalana illa ma'allamtana innaka antala 'alimul hakim rabbi zidni ilma."
03:14 We will see the summary of the three verses today.
03:17 The first verse is the 119th,
03:19 "The investigation of Satan and his threats to those who make him a close friend or a guardian."
03:25 Then, the following verses are the 120th to the 121st,
03:28 "The agreement of Satan and his deception and his retribution to those who follow him."
03:35 Let's read together the verses 119 to 121 in the leadership of Al-Fadl Ustaz,
03:40 Tirmidzi Abdurrahman.
03:41 Please.
03:42 Thank you, Saffas.
03:43 In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
03:45 May the peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be upon you.
03:47 All praise is due to Allah.
03:48 And peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah,
03:50 and upon his family and companions.
03:52 And peace and blessings be upon the Master of Muhammad,
03:54 and upon the family of the Master of Muhammad.
03:56 Good news, ladies and gentlemen,
03:58 the companions of the Qur'an,
03:59 the companions of the Qur'an Time,
04:01 may Allah Almighty bless them.
04:03 Hopefully, they are always with Allah Almighty
04:07 and are blessed with forgiveness by Allah Almighty.
04:11 So, inshallah, today we will be together in the last part of page 97,
04:19 verses 119, 120, and 121.
04:24 So, for this start, let's start reading together using the recitation of
04:31 Murad al-Hijaz, inshallah.
04:34 What is Taranu?
04:36 What is it?
04:38 Hijaz.
04:39 Hijaz, inshallah.
04:41 Ladies and gentlemen, at home, online, or wherever,
04:45 ladies and gentlemen, let's start in the studio.
04:47 Let's start with verses 119 to 121.
04:53 I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan.
04:59 In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
05:10 And I will surely mislead them, and I will surely cause them to be in distress,
05:17 and I will surely command them,
05:21 so that they will surely make you taste the punishment of the beasts.
05:34 And I will surely command them, so that they will surely cause you to taste the punishment of the beasts.
05:45 And I will surely command them,
05:52 and I will surely command them, so that they will surely change the creation of Allah.
06:08 And whoever takes Satan as a protector instead of Allah, then he has certainly lost a clear loss.
06:31 He promises them and grants them, and Satan promises them nothing but deception.
06:54 Those will have their abode in Hell, and they will find no escape from it.
07:23 Allah Almighty has spoken the truth.
07:33 I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan.
07:34 Let's continue reading from verses 119 to 121.
07:38 Alhamdulillah, thank you.
07:39 We are reading together and hopefully Allah will grant us a reward for each letter we read.
07:46 And more than that, when we read Shaddah, the two letters of how much Allah loves us,
07:53 He gives us rewards for each letter we read.
07:56 It's not the same as reading a newspaper, where we read it and we get rewards.
07:59 Moreover, if we read the slander on Facebook, etc.,
08:03 sometimes it can lead to sin if we read and believe, and then we spread the slander.
08:11 So, with the Quran that we are reading, we want to get blessings, we want to understand its content.
08:18 In the verse 119, it connects to the promise of Satan.
08:23 In the previous verse, verse 118, Satan states,
08:28 "I will surely take from your servants, that is, a portion to be my follower, that is, to Satan."
08:42 How does Satan's operandis to tempt the people of man, in the verse 119 that I read a while ago,
08:50 "I will surely make them doubt."
08:57 The word "Dhal" that we read every day, "Wa la dhalin" is actually a temptation from Satan.
09:04 What does "Dhal" mean?
09:05 It means to make them doubt the truth.
09:07 He will cast a whisper in our hearts.
09:10 He says, "No need to read the Quran every day. You've read it yesterday."
09:14 For example, or he casts a whisper saying, "We are Malay, we are not Arab.
09:23 We don't need to learn the Quran, we don't need to understand it, or I am not a master."
09:28 So, the wrong things are cast by whom? By Satan.
09:34 And Allah says about Satan, with the word "Lam" there, "Wa la"
09:39 "Lam" is a pressure. It means that they will really tempt man.
09:47 First, to make man doubt the truth.
09:50 Whatever the truth is, he will try to cover it up, for example,
09:53 cover it up or give a teaching that is contrary to the truth.
09:59 Second, if someone has been cast out,
10:03 "Wa la'umanniyannahum" which means, Satan will make us yearn.
10:10 He says, "Let's go to the hereafter, to heaven."
10:13 But he still does sins.
10:14 And he doesn't feel that he wants us.
10:17 When Allah says this, it means that if I, to you, feel like,
10:23 "We want to go to heaven, we want to go to the hereafter, I am sure."
10:26 But what is the willingness to go there,
10:29 or there are deeds that are sins, that are still being done.
10:34 That means that it has been disturbed or has been campaigned by Satan.
10:40 Satan will make a campaign to make us yearn,
10:44 which is a waste.
10:46 If he is dreaming, it is different.
10:48 "Yearn" is the word "Wa la'umanniyannahum",
10:51 one of the things we have learned before,
10:53 the Jews, they yearn that they will enter heaven safely,
10:57 and they yearn, they understand the scripture,
11:00 but they don't know.
11:02 They don't learn, if you ask, "This is in the Torah,
11:05 this is what Allah says in a certain chapter."
11:09 They don't know, they just guess.
11:11 And this is not only for the Jews,
11:14 but it is also a lesson for us, the Muslims,
11:17 that they say, "I understand, I read Surah Yasin."
11:22 What is the content of the 83 verses?
11:24 "I don't know."
11:25 When we say "I don't know", it means that they are dreaming that they understand,
11:28 they yearn to understand, and they yearn to follow Allah,
11:32 but they don't study and take the time to learn it.
11:37 And they say, "I follow the words of Allah,"
11:39 but they don't even know what Allah says in Surah Yasin,
11:42 in Surah Al-Baqarah, Surah An-Nisa.
11:45 So, we are grateful to Allah SWT.
11:47 Allah guides us to be together in the My Quran Time program,
11:51 or other programs.
11:52 And we will see again how Satan tempts the people.
11:57 We will take a short break.
11:58 We will be back after this with My Quran Time, Quran Salat and Infa'ah.
12:01 God willing.
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15:38 As-salamu alaykum, we are back with My Quran Time, Quran Salat and Infa'ah.
15:41 Today, we will go through three verses, verses 119 to 121.
15:45 And verse 119, for example, tells us how Satan's temptation
15:49 which is already in the verse 118,
15:52 "I will surely take from your servants."
15:57 This is a great temptation, actually.
16:00 And when Allah uses the word "Lam",
16:04 "Wa la'udhillan nahum", actually "Lam" and "Nun".
16:09 "Lam" has a "shaddah", "Dalala".
16:12 But "Nun" is a "shaddah",
16:14 which means that this is a strong temptation from Satan.
16:19 Because when we talk about this, the "Pelanduk" usually forgets the "Perangkap",
16:23 but the "Perangkap" does not forget the "Pelanduk".
16:26 So what is the "Perangkap" from Satan?
16:28 In verse 119, we can see that first, he tries to hide, tries to mislead the truth.
16:34 He tries to say that a deed is true,
16:38 even though it is not based on the Quran and Sunnah.
16:41 That is the first.
16:42 The second, when there is no truth, he is just making up stories.
16:46 He is hoping that he will be saved, he will enter heaven,
16:49 even though he does not believe in the truth.
16:54 When he is misled, he feels that it is okay.
16:57 He is still Muslim, he is still doing good,
17:03 even though he does not believe in the truth.
17:08 And the third thing, "Wa la'a murannahum".
17:12 This is the third, he will order the people.
17:18 If he has misled the truth, he has made up stories,
17:21 he is hoping that he will enter heaven,
17:24 then at that time, what happens is that Satan is in control.
17:27 He can control the people, so he can say, "Okay, you do this, do that."
17:31 What is being ordered by Satan to the people,
17:34 the people are being forced to obey him,
17:37 "Okay, do this, do that."
17:39 Let's read verse 119 again,
17:41 to know what is happening in history,
17:44 and it is happening in this time,
17:46 for us to pray for ourselves, our families, our communities,
17:49 to be protected from the great temptation of Satan.
17:53 Let's read verse 119 together, Al-Fatihah.
17:55 Thank you, Al-Fatihah.
17:56 Ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen,
17:58 dear brothers and sisters,
18:00 once again, we want to repeat the reading of verse 119.
18:04 Be careful with the words that we want to read.
18:09 "Wa la'a udhillannahum".
18:11 There are many words in the word "sabdu".
18:13 "Wa la'a umanniyannahum".
18:15 We will also see in the surah Tajweed,
18:18 but we want to read first, verse 119.
18:21 Let's read together.
18:23 I seek refuge in Allah from Satan, the accursed.
18:27 "Wa la'a udhillannahum".
18:31 "Wa la'a umanniyannahum".
18:36 "Wa la'amurannahum".
18:39 "Fa la'yubattikunna azaaha al-ad'aami".
18:47 "Wa la'amurannahum".
18:52 "Wa la'amurannahum".
18:58 "Fa la'yubayyirunna khalka Allah".
19:07 "Wa man yad takhid ash-shaytaan waliyan min dooni Allah".
19:26 "Wa man yad takhid ash-shaytaan waliyan min dooni Allah".
19:40 "Fa qad hasira khusraana mubeena".
19:48 "Fadakallahu l-lawi".
19:56 I seek refuge in Allah from Satan, the accursed.
19:58 In verse 119, when Satan has already cast doubt,
20:02 cast doubtfulness of truth into the human being,
20:05 then he will create wrong thoughts,
20:09 wrong dreams,
20:10 until he feels that he is on the truth,
20:13 sin, wrong things, he feels okay,
20:16 because he will go to heaven too,
20:18 because I am already Muslim.
20:20 That thing is continued with what?
20:22 "Wa la'amurannahum".
20:24 Then Satan is in control.
20:26 He can order this human being,
20:29 "Fadayubattikunna",
20:31 which is to cut the ears of animals.
20:34 Looks like cutting the ears of animals, right?
20:36 But in the old times,
20:37 it was for the cow or the camel,
20:41 he cut the ears of the animals,
20:42 and he said, "This cannot be disturbed anymore.
20:44 This is a holy animal,
20:46 and it cannot be eaten."
20:48 He forbids the lawful,
20:49 and forbids the lawful.
20:51 This is their activity,
20:53 and we feel that,
20:54 "What are they doing this?"
20:56 But when Satan is in control,
20:58 he can do whatever he wants,
21:00 right or left,
21:01 whatever Satan orders,
21:02 he will deliver,
21:03 forbidding the lawful.
21:06 And the second one,
21:07 "Wa la'amurannahum".
21:09 So when Allah repeats twice,
21:10 "Wa la'amurannahum",
21:12 in the first part,
21:13 to the animals,
21:14 and in the second part,
21:15 to the "Falayugairunna",
21:19 it is difficult to say, right?
21:21 Then,
21:22 they will definitely change
21:24 to the "Khalqallah".
21:26 In the creation of Allah,
21:27 there are two types,
21:28 "Zahir" and "Batin".
21:30 "Zahir" in the creation of Allah,
21:32 in a simple way,
21:33 Ibn Abbas said,
21:34 "Khalqallah" is the religion of Allah.
21:36 In the physical,
21:37 which is,
21:38 he changes to what?
21:39 In the animal,
21:40 he gives tattoos,
21:42 sometimes he puts a picture of a tiger,
21:44 sometimes he puts it on his face,
21:46 he puts a picture of Satan,
21:48 he puts it with three,
21:49 three, what?
21:50 Three, weird, right?
21:51 I see a lot of things,
21:52 if you live abroad,
21:53 in Malaysia,
21:54 it's already started,
21:55 he lives here,
21:56 here, and so on.
21:57 So he changes from the physical,
21:58 tattoos,
21:59 if the woman,
22:00 he removes her "kening",
22:01 he wants to make her beautiful,
22:02 then he paints it back,
22:03 he wants "kening" too, right?
22:04 Or what else?
22:05 He rips the teeth,
22:06 gives the teeth,
22:07 makes it beautiful, right?
22:08 Or what else did he change?
22:09 What else did he change?
22:10 A lot of things, right?
22:11 This,
22:12 why did they change?
22:13 They want to be beautiful,
22:14 because he said that
22:15 God's creation is not beautiful.
22:17 Why did it become like this?
22:18 Because in the beginning,
22:19 it was already misguided,
22:20 he said,
22:21 actually,
22:22 it's okay, right?
22:23 So,
22:24 that's why he became an industry,
22:25 now,
22:26 to change there,
22:27 change here,
22:28 except if there's a reason,
22:29 because of health,
22:30 it's okay,
22:31 but sometimes,
22:32 it's not because of health,
22:33 he puts a thread in it,
22:34 botox,
22:35 all that,
22:36 that's actually,
22:37 a temptation from who?
22:38 From the devil.
22:39 The devil will indeed
22:40 tell humans to change
22:41 in a physical way.
22:43 And this inner thing,
22:45 when the devil said that
22:48 the inner thing is the inner,
22:49 for example,
22:50 this faith is replaced with
22:51 the infidelity,
22:52 the badness,
22:53 the evil,
22:54 that will be directed
22:55 by the devil,
22:56 and humans can't let it go.
22:58 When he has given the devil
23:00 the chance to
23:01 to make the wrong
23:03 even though
23:04 it's in their hands.
23:05 That's why the arrangement of
23:06 this verse 119,
23:07 it's in stages,
23:08 the arrangement in the Quran
23:11 is not randomly arranged,
23:13 but it makes us know,
23:15 oh, if this person is brave enough
23:17 to be stubborn,
23:20 he must have been given
23:22 false hope,
23:24 that is,
23:25 I want to be beautiful,
23:26 at 55,
23:27 I still don't want to be a virgin,
23:28 he feels he wants to live
23:29 as long as he can,
23:30 but apparently,
23:31 he feels that
23:32 it's okay,
23:33 even though I'm Muslim,
23:34 I want to enter heaven,
23:35 but it's a little bit expensive,
23:37 the money is more,
23:38 for example.
23:39 So,
23:40 at the end, Allah says,
23:41 whoever takes the devil
23:43 as his friend,
23:44 other than Allah,
23:45 "Faqada khusira khusra nammu bina"
23:48 This is a loss
23:50 that is very, very excessive,
23:52 the money is spent,
23:53 sometimes,
23:54 when you are a virgin,
23:55 your face doesn't become beautiful,
23:57 it becomes like an alien.
23:59 So, these things
24:00 we need to pay attention to.
24:02 And more than that,
24:03 in verse 120,
24:04 we will read it shortly later,
24:06 in the third block,
24:08 but we will first look at
24:09 the word of choice
24:10 from this session.
24:12 The word is,
24:14 "Falayubatikuna'a zanal-anaam"
24:18 The word that started
24:19 from the word "batakka",
24:21 "cutting",
24:22 it was only mentioned once
24:23 in the Quran,
24:24 in Surah An-Nisa verse 119,
24:25 to tell that
24:26 this thing is indeed rare,
24:28 why is it done like this,
24:30 but if it has been followed by the devil,
24:32 he will do anything
24:34 that is strange,
24:36 sometimes,
24:37 he will tear it,
24:39 or put it on his nose,
24:41 or he will cut it,
24:44 the pointy part,
24:45 if one is okay,
24:46 it is a decoration,
24:47 but if he puts a lot,
24:48 then it will be hung on something else,
24:50 so that the ear will be
24:51 protruding downwards.
24:53 These things,
24:54 actually, we feel like it is strange,
24:55 but actually,
24:56 it is a temptation from the devil.
24:58 He really likes
25:00 us humans to do like this,
25:02 he said that
25:03 what is there is not beautiful enough,
25:05 some people have an operation,
25:06 the lips of the person who has it,
25:08 he wants to make it big,
25:09 why?
25:10 Because he feels that
25:11 it is more tempting for his husband,
25:13 his husband is also,
25:14 right?
25:15 Why?
25:16 Because his husband still
25:17 appreciates
25:19 the original event
25:21 that was created by Allah SWT,
25:23 do not allow to our family,
25:25 excess money,
25:26 do not change,
25:27 why?
25:28 Because we know that
25:29 this is from the devil.
25:31 We take a break for a while,
25:32 if you are still here,
25:33 Baikurahantime,
25:34 Quran Salat wa-Tubah
25:35 Quran Salat wa-Tubah
26:01 Quran Salat wa-Tubah
26:21 Quran Salat wa-Tubah
26:41 Quran Salat wa-Tubah
27:07 Quran Salat wa-Tubah
27:29 Quran Salat wa-Tubah
27:49 Quran Salat wa-Tubah
28:12 Quran Salat wa-Tubah
28:33 Quran Salat wa-Tubah
28:55 Quran Salat wa-Tubah
29:15 Quran Salat wa-Tubah
29:35 Quran Salat wa-Tubah
29:59 Quran Salat wa-Tubah
30:23 Quran Salat wa-Tubah
30:43 Quran Salat wa-Tubah
31:11 Quran Salat wa-Tubah
31:25 Quran Salat wa-Tubah
31:31 Quran Salat wa-Tubah
31:36 Quran Salat wa-Tubah
31:58 Quran Salat wa-Tubah
32:20 Quran Salat wa-Tubah
32:48 Quran Salat wa-Tubah
32:58 Quran Salat wa-Tubah
33:08 Quran Salat wa-Tubah
33:18 Quran Salat wa-Tubah
33:28 Quran Salat wa-Tubah
33:55 Alhamdulillah
33:57 Next, we find another one
33:59 The same "Wa laa muran"
34:03 And the fifth
34:05 Which is in the word
34:07 "Fa la yu ghayrunna"
34:11 Try
34:12 "Fa la yu ghayrunna"
34:16 Keep the letter "Ra"
34:17 One letter "Ra"
34:19 One letter "Ghain"
34:21 Right? You have to keep
34:22 "Gha"
34:23 "Gha"
34:24 "Gha"
34:25 "Gha"
34:26 "Dhi"
34:27 "Dhi"
34:28 "Ghu"
34:29 "Ghu"
34:30 "Ra"
34:31 "Ra"
34:32 "Dhi"
34:33 "Dhi"
34:34 "Ru"
34:35 That's "Ra"
34:36 Right?
34:37 "Ra"
34:38 Try "Ra"
34:39 "Ra"
34:40 How about "Gha"
34:41 "Gha"
34:42 Downward
34:43 "Dhi"
34:44 Forward
34:45 "Ghu"
34:46 "Ra"
34:47 Upward
34:48 "Ra"
34:49 Forward
34:50 "Dhi"
34:51 Forward
34:52 One more time
34:53 "Ra"
34:54 Upward
34:55 "Ra"
34:56 Downward
34:57 "Dhi"
34:58 Upward
34:59 "Ra"
35:00 "Ra"
35:01 Ah, it's a practice
35:02 It's a practice
35:03 Okay
35:04 "Fa la yu ghayrunna"
35:07 Try
35:08 "Fa la yu ghayrunna"
35:12 Good
35:13 "Ru"
35:14 Forward
35:15 Or forward
35:16 Or forward
35:17 "Fa la yu ghayrunna"
35:20 Try
35:21 "Fa la yu ghayrunna"
35:24 The last one
35:25 "Khalqallah"
35:30 Try
35:31 "Khalqallah"
35:35 Don't make a thin sound
35:36 Or make a thin sound on "Kha"
35:39 Sometimes
35:40 "Fa la yu ghayrunna khalqallah"
35:44 It's too thin
35:46 Right?
35:47 "Khalqa"
35:48 Try
35:49 "Khalqa"
35:53 "Khalqi"
35:56 "Khalqu"
35:59 "Khalqa"
36:01 Try to change "Kha"
36:03 How is it?
36:04 "Khal"
36:05 Try
36:06 One, two, three
36:07 "Khalqa"
36:09 Try
36:10 One, two, three
36:11 "Khalqa"
36:12 Ah, it's different, right?
36:13 It's the same
36:14 If "Khaf"
36:15 If we read it out loud
36:16 For example
36:17 "Khalqa"
36:18 "Fa la yu ghayrunna khalqallah"
36:23 "Khalqallah"
36:24 It's a bit like this
36:26 It's a bit like this
36:27 It's a bit like this
36:29 Okay, one more time
36:30 "Khalqallah"
36:34 Try
36:35 "Khalqallah"
36:39 MashaAllah, Allah bless you
36:40 Okay, that's a little about the recitation of the Tajweed and the Kalimah
36:45 Let's try to memorize
36:47 The verses of the 119th verse
36:48 How many kalimah?
36:49 MashaAllah, let's try
36:50 "A'udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem"
36:51 Pay attention
36:52 "Wa la'udhillannahum wa la'umanniyannahum wa la'amurannahum fa la yubattikunna aadhanal an'aam"
37:15 Let's try first, one, two, three
37:17 "Wa la'udhillannahum wa la'umanniyannahum wa la'amurannahum fa la yubattikunna aadhanal an'aam"
37:38 It's long
37:40 Sometimes, it's true that it's long
37:42 But sometimes we read it fast
37:43 Today we read it slow
37:44 "Wa la'udhillannahum wa la'umanniyannahum wa la'amurannahum"
37:48 We read it fast
37:49 Today we read it slow
37:50 It's okay, it's because of our practice
37:52 One more time
37:53 "Wa la'udhillannahum wa la'umanniyannahum wa la'amurannahum"
38:05 Three times first, one, two, three
38:07 "Wa la'udhillannahum wa la'umanniyannahum wa la'amurannahum"
38:32 One, two, three
38:33 "Wa la'udhillannahum wa la'umanniyannahum wa la'amurannahum"
38:45 Can you remember the three?
38:46 "Wa la'udhillannahum wa la'umanniyannahum wa la'amurannahum"
38:54 Can you?
38:55 InshaAllah, you can't
38:56 Don't just say "yuhum hum hum"
38:58 Try to read it all
39:00 Try to read it all together
39:01 "Wa la'udhillannahum wa la'umanniyannahum wa la'amurannahum"
39:07 Three times, okay?
39:08 Try not to look at the Quran
39:09 One, two, start
39:11 "Wa la'udhillannahum wa la'umanniyannahum wa la'amurannahum"
39:23 Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, MashaAllah
39:26 Alhamdulillah, I got "yuhum hum hum"
39:30 It's a bit weird, I want to remember
39:33 "Wa la'udhillannahum wa la'umanniyannahum wa la'amurannahum"
39:37 It means that helping or we know the meaning is very important
39:42 "Dol" before, right?
39:45 Then "wa la'umanniyannahum"
39:47 Then "wa la'amurannahum"
39:49 That's one of the ways for us to memorize
39:52 First, we have to repeat it many times
39:54 And there must be an element of understanding to help the meaning that we want
39:58 We have mentioned the verse, what's next?
40:00 So, InshaAllah, hopefully we can repeat it many times
40:03 Hopefully Allah will make it easier, InshaAllah
40:05 And where are we going?
40:06 We want to take a break when we come back after this
40:09 In the next two verses
40:10 Of course, in "Mine Quran Time" Quran Salaat
40:13 InshaAllah
40:15 "And make it for Us two evidences"
40:22 "O Lord of the worlds"
40:33 "In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful"
40:42 "In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful"
41:00 "Abraham will be blessed indeed"
41:08 "With silken robes and rivers to feed"
41:12 "Resting in the grandest of homes"
41:16 "Drinking this udder sasabila"
41:36 "From him is the glory"
41:41 "And the bounty of his recitation"
41:47 This hadith is categorized as a false hadith
41:51 Because it has the characteristics of a false hadith
41:54 Which is a brief practice
41:56 Which means one practice
41:57 But its meaning is like the meaning of the reward of Prophet Ibrahim
42:00 MashaAllah, that's how it is
42:02 So, this Ustaz Usaini, on the 8th night of Terawih prayer
42:06 He received the reward of Prophet Ibrahim
42:08 What's interesting is that I have this book
42:10 MashaAllah
42:11 I have this book, it says "The First Night of the Reward of Prophet Ibrahim"
42:15 But we didn't study it much in the past
42:17 So, we know about the hadith which is viral but not authentic
42:21 We take it as an example
42:23 That's right
42:24 This is very important, we learn about the study of this hadith
42:28 Maybe before this, there were many hadiths which we are used to hearing in the society
42:33 But we are worried that these hadiths are not authentic
42:37 And one of the characteristics of a false hadith
42:41 As mentioned in the previous slide
42:43 Is a very big violation of a practice
42:48 [Arabic]
43:13 We are in Qur'an Time, Qur'an Salat Infaq
43:16 Today, we read together verses 119 to 121
43:20 And we have read and tried to memorize the first verse
43:23 The first one is "Wa la-udin lan nahum"
43:26 Then, followed by "Wa la-umaniyan nahum"
43:29 Which is "Given a vision"
43:32 "Wishes of the jinn"
43:34 I don't know if it's a jinn or not
43:35 But it's a wrong wish
43:37 And it's continued with "Wa la-amuran nahum"
43:41 Which means that a person can be controlled by the devil
43:44 When he is being influenced by the wrong wishes and wrong thoughts in his life
43:52 And these three things are what we need to be careful
43:54 And when Allah said that the practice of the devil
43:57 The truth is told in verse 120
44:00 Is it right or wrong?
44:03 And where does it lead?
44:05 Verse 120 to 121
44:07 We read together with Al-Fatihh Usaftan Rizi
44:09 Ladies and gentlemen
44:11 Dear brothers and sisters of the companions of the Quran
44:13 We want to read two verses which are at the end of page 97
44:16 Let's try verse 120 and 121 with Murad Tal Ras
44:22 I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan
44:26 He promises them and grants them their wishes
44:32 And the devil promises them nothing but delusions
44:40 Those will have their abode in Hell
44:50 Those will have their abode in Hell
44:58 And they will find no refuge therein
45:05 Allah Almighty has spoken the truth
45:13 After the great verse 120
45:15 Allah said "Ya'iduhum wa yu'manihim"
45:17 That is, the devil will make promises
45:21 And will grant them nothing but delusions
45:26 So this is how the verse 119 states
45:29 They will make mistakes
45:32 They will plant false dreams
45:35 And will make people do something that is haram
45:38 That is against the law of Allah Almighty
45:41 Allah used in this verse 119
45:43 In the words "Udil lan nahum"
45:45 That is, every devil is responsible for doing these three things
45:51 And after that Allah said
45:53 These devils will continue to make promises
45:57 For example, "Don't spend"
45:59 Because if you spend, you won't be able to buy things
46:02 Because you have less money
46:04 What else did he promise?
46:06 "Don't spend because it will make you poor"
46:10 This is what the devil promised
46:14 That is what he wants
46:16 "Please be poor, please live long"
46:19 But if you want to change your penis
46:23 So it becomes hard, for example
46:25 "It's okay, spend up to 30,000 or 40,000"
46:28 "Don't be poor"
46:30 "Please give yourself glory"
46:34 Those are the temptations from the promises of the devil
46:38 And then he will give dreams
46:41 "If I become beautiful, my husband will like it"
46:45 Or "More customers will come"
46:48 Strange things are given by the devil
46:51 And Allah said
46:52 "Wa ma ya'iduhumu sh-shaytan"
46:54 "Not the promise of the devil"
46:55 All of this is a scam
46:57 All of this is a deception
46:59 But for those who don't realize
47:01 He is scammed every day
47:03 And this is done seriously by the devil
47:06 Because if someone asks
47:08 How can I avoid this
47:10 We have already learned in verse 116
47:12 Which is Istighfar
47:14 Every day after the Fajr prayer
47:16 We have to do Istighfar
47:17 We are instructed to do Istighfar
47:19 Because when we do Istighfar
47:21 By truly repenting to Allah
47:23 Then this devil is not able to misguide
47:26 Or has been mistaken
47:27 We have been mistaken
47:28 We will be brought back to the path of Allah's guidance
47:32 Subhanahu wa ta'ala
47:33 If we don't do Istighfar
47:35 "Ulaika ma'uwa hum jahannam"
47:38 The devil will bring all of this
47:40 To a place called Jahannam
47:42 Jahannam is like a lion's hell
47:45 It is just waiting
47:46 It has its prey
47:47 And whoever follows the devil in this world
47:50 Hell has already seen
47:52 From hell
47:53 Who will enter here
47:56 But we don't realize
47:57 The trap
47:58 It doesn't forget the swindler
48:00 But the swindler always forgets a little
48:02 Because we feel like
48:03 We don't see the trap
48:06 But the devil wants to bring
48:08 The most dangerous trap
48:09 Called Jahannam
48:10 "Wa la yajidu na'an ha mahusah"
48:15 Can't run
48:16 Can't run from this place
48:18 Some say
48:19 We can skip for a while
48:22 Can run for a while
48:23 Because
48:24 Maybe there is a way
48:26 Allah is the forgiver
48:28 But when it has reached
48:30 To Jahannam
48:32 If someone steals Allah
48:34 That is the important point
48:35 If he has stolen Allah
48:37 Allah says
48:38 If his life
48:39 Stole Allah
48:40 Allah will not forgive
48:41 But if in this life
48:43 He realizes
48:44 I stole Allah
48:45 I committed a sin
48:46 I will return again
48:48 Then that person
48:50 Will return to heaven
48:52 Allah subaha wa ta'ala
48:54 This is an offer from Allah
48:57 Reminder from Allah
48:58 For us to take care of our lives
49:00 So that we don't
49:02 Get trapped by the devil
49:04 Which leads to our resolution
49:06 Today
49:07 Which is
49:08 To be kind to animals
49:12 And to Allah subaha wa ta'ala
49:14 Because if we are not kind
49:17 Or we are cruel
49:19 Actually, being cruel to animals
49:22 Is also a form of
49:25 Envy from the devil
49:27 The first
49:28 The second
49:29 Not to change Allah's law
49:31 According to the desires of the soul
49:32 The law is
49:33 Physically
49:34 Not to get a tattoo
49:36 Not to change it
49:37 To get a tan
49:38 Or to get a rare tooth
49:40 Some people want rare teeth
49:41 Some people want that
49:42 If it is a modality
49:44 It is allowed
49:45 But if it is just for beauty
49:48 It is not allowed
49:50 Because that is
49:51 According to the desires of the soul
49:52 The third
49:53 To protect oneself from the dangers of the devil's enemies
49:56 And when we know for sure
49:58 How the devil tempts us
50:00 We know that
50:02 The way to protect ourselves
50:04 Our family
50:05 Is to always ask for forgiveness
50:07 To return to Allah
50:08 One way is to return to Allah's blessings
50:11 Which is Al-Quran
50:13 We ask Allah subaha wa ta'ala
50:15 To protect us, our family
50:17 From the devil's traps
50:18 At all times
50:19 With satan
50:20 Thank you Fatah Salfaz
50:21 [Arabic]
50:36 [Arabic]
50:59 [Arabic]
51:27 [Arabic]
51:38 May Allah bless you
51:39 May Allah bless you too
51:40 Hopefully we are protected from the deceit of the devil
51:44 Verse 120
51:45 As one thing that we need
51:47 That we may want to read again
51:49 Because one of the important things about this promise
51:52 Sometimes when the devil promises
51:54 That is in our hearts
51:56 That we ask for forgiveness
51:58 Our time management is also scammed
52:00 He goes to clean the house
52:02 If the sofa, the pillow
52:05 Can't even be changed
52:06 The plate has to be placed according to the level
52:09 He takes 2-3 hours to clean the house
52:11 But to clean the faith
52:13 To help other people
52:15 He says
52:16 Even 10 minutes is too long
52:18 To help people, to go shopping
52:20 To visit relatives
52:22 Among the things that are scammed by this devil
52:24 Don't close the Surah Al-Rahim
52:26 Because later you have to go back to your village
52:28 You have to spend money too
52:29 So together we read this verse 120
52:31 So that we don't get deceived by the devil
52:36 Thank you, Abdul Salafaz
52:38 I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed devil
52:40 (Reciting)
53:01 (Reciting)
53:13 I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed devil
53:14 This verse 120 is an important value
53:16 So that the family and our community
53:18 Are not deceived
53:19 And this is what we want to do
53:21 In Tabung Gerakan Al-Quran
53:22 As a platform for you to contribute
53:24 Because this contribution is one of the ways
53:26 For us to keep the promise of God
53:29 Not the promise from the devil
53:31 And moreover, we should all
53:33 Control our awareness program
53:35 How the devil deceives our way of life
53:38 How he manages our children's time
53:40 So that they are not disturbed
53:44 Or controlled by the devil
53:47 So that they make changes
53:49 In their physical and religious life
53:52 Not just because they are allowed
53:56 To be deceived by the devil
53:59 In their daily life
54:01 So we will continue together
54:03 How the following verses explain
54:05 That we are guided by Allah SWT
54:08 See you again in My Quran Time
54:09 Quran Salat Imfah
54:11 Quran Salat Imfah
54:19 Quran Salat Imfah
54:48 Quran Salat Imfah
54:52 Quran Salat Imfah
55:07 Quran Salat Imfah
