• last year


00:00 The war vehicles in Ayuso Raya often collude with the Sangsomi's conspiracy with Dinar Kendi
00:05 Report to the police, conduct an investigation and present a number of witnesses
00:09 What is the story of Ayuso Raya's heart? Does he feel his love is betrayed?
00:13 What is the story of Dinar Kendi's clarification about the love triangle?
00:17 Which makes him attached to the stigma of the perpetrator
00:19 What is the story of the scandal behind the viral of the hijackers who were hijacked on the online field?
00:28 What is the story of the hijacker's hijackers?
00:30 What is the story of the buyer's confession who was forced to use hijackers
00:34 even though he was imagined to be a health problem because of economic conditions and poverty?
00:38 What is the story of the phenomenon of poverty period that is growing in the world?
00:42 What is the story of women who do not have access to menstruation products?
00:46 What is the story of education and sanitation?
00:48 Another viral story comes from Mr. Baron, a street vendor
00:53 who wrapped himself in a jacket full of rice and black glasses
00:57 What is the story of Mr. Baron who became a new idol of women because of his ugly appearance?
01:02 From time to time, the story of the Bollywood industry seems to be dead
01:10 Reviving nostalgia, what is the story of the film industry, songs, and the iconic police shop of India?
01:16 Inspector Vijay, viewers, this is Insert Investigation
01:21 What is the story of the hijacker's hijackers?
01:26 The threat made me more like a child
01:32 because he said I might not be able to get children
01:37 even though I am a victim of their exploitation
01:43 But I mean, I'm tired of being told that this is actually a man's behavior
01:49 From yesterday, I was chasing him
01:53 "What's my name? You explain it to me, you're the one who thinks, you're the one who chases me"
01:59 Exposing the suspicion of an illegal relationship between her husband and Dinar Candy,
02:05 Ayusoraya was in a war-like situation
02:07 Dinar Candy was sometimes seen as the third person
02:10 who broke the harmony between Ayusoraya's wife and her co-affection
02:13 as an entrepreneur from Jambi
02:15 Not just a matter of a broken heart
02:18 but also a love story involving a model and a disc jockey
02:21 which led to the police
02:23 Reporting the alleged affair, Ayusoraya was investigated by the Jambi Police Station
02:27 Along with the law enforcement, Ayusoraya brought evidence
02:30 and also presented three witnesses
02:32 who confirmed that he was not just jealous of a blind pig
02:36 Then, as if Dinar Candy was the one who was the one who made him a suspect,
02:41 the real man was caught red-handed and was ready to face the law in the next day
02:45 [Music]
02:49 Tete, regarding the current issue,
02:52 how do you clarify about the issue?
02:56 Especially since you have been considered negative by the netizens and many people
03:01 How is it?
03:02 Well, for me, for clarification, I can't really explain it now
03:07 because I'm still waiting for the family there to clarify
03:11 because this is a family issue, I'm just a bit torn
03:16 Regarding the report from our client,
03:18 we will then hand it over to the folder's side to solve this problem
03:25 How many people were investigated?
03:28 For now, we have three witnesses
03:32 I was reported, but it wasn't just me, it was him too
03:35 I said, "Please, don't worry"
03:37 If there is a call, I will come, I won't avoid it
03:41 because I don't like to be a problem for a long time
03:45 If there is a call, I will come
03:48 Maybe Dinar Candy was only involved in the family's polemic,
03:54 Ayo Soraya and Ko Apex?
03:55 Or was there a lie behind the love triangle story
03:58 that went on for a long time until it was ruled by the law?
04:01 To answer, Dinar Candy revealed his initial acquaintance with the businessman from Jambi
04:06 But when they met, Dinar Candy said
04:08 they only got close for a month
04:11 In this short time, Dinar Candy was constantly chased by the businessman
04:16 that Ko Apex never gave up on approaching and trying to win his heart
04:19 was revealed to Dinar Candy
04:21 I knew Ko Apex and we went out together
04:26 I said if I didn't get caught, I mean I had no relationship
04:31 It was a lie, there was a photo
04:34 I never lied from the beginning
04:36 but they said, "Didn't you cross-check if he had a wife or not?"
04:41 We've known each other for a month
04:43 Maybe with this case, we've known each other for two months
04:46 I mean, I asked him, "Do you have a girlfriend?"
04:52 We've known each other for a month, he was just getting close
04:56 I had to make sure first
04:58 I wanted to see first
04:59 He always video called me 24 hours
05:02 What was his first impression of me?
05:04 He knew me for a long time
05:10 He invited me to one of the clubs in Jambi
05:15 But it turned out that he invited Ko Apex
05:21 and he paid for the show
05:24 He paid for all the hotel facilities and the plane
05:29 When there was a relationship between them
05:35 Ko Apex's confession came closer
05:37 Did Dinar Candy open up?
05:40 Or did Dinar not get confused with Ko Apex's status as a husband who still has a wife?
05:44 In this frame, the debate is getting more and more intense
05:48 Dinar Candy admitted that she didn't know at all
05:50 if the businessman had a husband status
05:53 Meanwhile, Ayo Soraya judged Dinar Candy's accusation
05:56 as just a way to subdue public stigma out there
06:00 If the woman said she didn't know
06:05 that Ko Apex had a wife
06:08 I don't think that's the right reason
06:12 Because on TikTok, there are pictures of our family
06:16 pictures of children and there are pictures of me too
06:19 On WhatsApp, there are pictures of my children too
06:23 There are pictures of his family
06:25 I never checked
06:27 I can do a live on social media for games for 8 hours
06:32 8 hours, at least 4 hours
06:35 We can do a live for battles with foreigners for 4 hours
06:39 And when someone won us with a show
06:43 I was tired of it, I never cross-checked
06:46 Dinar Candy's opinion with Ayo Soraya
06:52 was controversial when it came to the love triangle
06:55 Dinar Candy was called by Ayo Soraya
06:57 because Ko Apex had a wife
06:59 because this person had sent a message to the artist's social media
07:03 and introduced herself as Ko Apex's wife
07:06 But why didn't Dinar Candy cover it up?
07:09 Instead, she blocked Ayo Soraya's social media account
07:12 I once DMed her using my personal account
07:19 I said, "Hello, I'm Ko Apex's wife"
07:21 But unfortunately, she didn't cover it up, she blocked it
07:25 I don't know what she meant
07:27 Maybe she was embarrassed or something, I don't know
07:30 I mean, I've been hit on, I've been DMed
07:34 But I didn't know what was going on
07:37 Instead of asking back, I asked her boyfriend
07:41 I asked Ko Apex
07:43 "Do you have a wife?"
07:44 I pressed her, because she didn't want to answer
07:46 I pressed her, "Do you have a wife?"
07:48 I said, "Yes, I want to have a wife"
07:50 I said, "Yes, I want to have a wife"
07:52 Ayo Soraya's message on social media was not denied by Dinar Candy
07:58 But Dinar Candy chose to clarify to Ko Apex instead of Ayo Soraya
08:03 Because for Dinar, it's better to end the relationship
08:06 when it's about people's suffering
08:08 Dinar Candy admitted that she never asked to be married
08:11 And so did the accusation of the actor that made her mad
08:14 Meanwhile, in a different place, Ayo Soraya actually caused a story
08:18 that her husband admitted that he married Dinar Candy
08:22 But is it true that there's a pure relationship between Dinar and the businessman?
08:26 Or is this still a mere pretense?
08:28 And what's even more painful
08:34 When we went back to my husband's court
08:37 He admitted everything
08:39 He said, "Yes, I'm married to him"
08:44 I'm married to him
08:46 I'm okay with being married
08:50 I'm okay with being unmarried
08:52 But I mean, I want to clarify my name
08:55 What's the situation like
08:57 And here, Dinar is accused of chasing after me
09:00 Since when?
09:02 I just want to explain that the world of stage is hard
09:05 The world of stage is hard
09:06 I've always wanted to be an actress
09:08 Since the club, the hotel that approached me
09:12 It never happened to me
09:14 For example, in people's minds
09:16 I might be said that I'm weird to be given money
09:21 I never accept that
09:23 He once wanted to transfer money to my account
09:25 I said, "I don't want to"
09:27 Because we didn't know each other well
09:30 I'm afraid of what kind of money
09:32 He said, "Just pay it"
09:34 I said, "I don't want to"
09:35 I was in Singapore
09:36 I was in Singapore
09:37 I said, "I'll transfer it to your account"
09:40 He said, "No, no, no, no need"
09:42 To solve the love triangle that has been involved in Dinar Kendi
09:46 The police is now investigating
09:48 Meanwhile, Ayu Soraya herself seems to be worried about the future
09:52 She once proposed to Tancerai
09:54 This choice was taken back
09:56 When Dinar Kendi wants to calm down in the holy land
09:58 And perform the umrah prayer in November
10:01 Maybe Ayu Soraya hopes her neighbor can still be saved
10:04 Or is she afraid because there is a threat from her husband?
10:09 If the threat makes me more like a child
10:16 Because he said, "I probably can't have children"
10:21 Even though I'm a victim here
10:24 Victim of their seduction
10:27 Here is still a problem
10:28 Since when has it been taken away?
10:31 Since this was reported
10:33 Why is this?
10:35 Because there may be a desire to reunite the house
10:39 This may be fixed again
10:41 So that Mrs. Ayu chose to remove the threat
10:45 Actually, if you look at it
10:49 That's my video
10:51 Uploaded on social media
10:52 What do you think?
10:53 Is it clear?
10:54 I mean, the proof is clear
10:56 But I want to see first
10:58 How far is this going?
11:00 Just go first
11:02 I mean, I don't want
11:04 I don't want to act weird
11:08 Farther
11:09 I'm like, "I'm going to calm down"
11:13 I bought a ticket to go to umrah with my parents
11:16 Stuck from the clutches of Damadinar Kendi
11:20 Who is suspected to be the third person in Ayu Soraya's house
11:23 Like what viral story about the hijackers
11:27 Which is sold
11:28 What is actually the danger that lurks for women's health?
11:31 When the unqualified wrapping is sold
11:34 Is this controversy related to the poverty period?
11:37 A situation where women do not have access to menstruation products
11:40 And adequate facilities for menstruation hygiene management
11:44 Which is a global issue but still taboo in the country itself
11:48 Watch the investigation team's interview in a moment
11:58 I will help you to return your safety
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15:51 Welcome to Bercanda Berita Kocak
15:53 For you
15:54 Special appearance of Boris Bokir and Indra Jegel
15:56 On television
15:58 Weather in Surabaya
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18:33 Many Oknum freely sell
18:54 Give menstruation products or reject wrappers
18:58 Which is no longer fit to use
19:01 Still keep on selling
19:04 So how will the government solve it?
19:10 What is the complete story?
19:12 Stay tuned on Insert Investigation
19:15 Mayadeh's world is excited with the promotion of one of the netizens
19:22 Which distributes a screen capture containing reject wrappers
19:25 Which is priced at a horizontal price on the online market
19:27 There, the price is between Rp 16,000 to Rp 25,000
19:32 A price that is much lower than the price of products passed the quality control test
19:36 For a total of 100 pieces
19:38 Dangerous?
19:40 Sure
19:41 But ironically, there are still irresponsible hands
19:44 Selling reject wrappers
19:46 Even more, there are buyers who for various reasons
19:50 Then choose this product used every time menstruation
19:53 And when passing the rejection wrapper track
19:55 Insert Investigation team met with one of the buyers
19:58 Who admitted to using reject wrappers for the past three months
20:02 The reason is heard
20:04 But this is a terrible reality in this country
20:06 Where a little bit of women are unable to buy wrappers in a usable condition
20:10 Between a new wrapper with a higher price
20:12 Or reject wrappers to be able to buy rice
20:15 Becoming a choice of a pair of scissors
20:19 It's been about three months
20:21 Why do you want to buy and use reject wrappers?
20:27 Because of the cost
20:29 The new one is more expensive
20:32 The reject one is a bit cheap
20:35 And the money is for other needs
20:37 For example, to buy rice and others
20:40 Why?
20:41 I'm afraid, what if I have to?
20:45 It's not good for health
20:48 There are people who are careful
20:51 For the disease here
20:54 If you can pay for it, it's okay
20:58 But the fear is that it will be exploited
21:01 And it will be a burden to the family
21:05 It's very dangerous for health
21:08 Especially if it's used for hours
21:11 And I think if someone buys it
21:14 How can someone buy a wrapper like that?
21:18 On the one hand, reject wrappers have certainly caused side effects
21:23 The lightest, perhaps just uncomfortable
21:26 Or sharp resistance
21:28 But from the health side, there are many things to worry about
21:31 Many indications that make the wrapper product does not pass the quality control test
21:36 Either from the material or more frightening from chemical elements
21:40 Which can cause various health disturbances for female reproduction
21:43 Even have a long impact and can spread everywhere
21:47 The health effects that may arise from this reject wrapper
21:51 Maybe irritation, continued infection
21:55 Or maybe allergic reaction from the wrapper
21:58 Because of the chemicals used
22:00 And certainly the possibility of discomfort in the female reproduction
22:04 Not to mention the quality problem
22:06 For example, not absorbing perfectly
22:08 So it becomes a leak
22:10 If it's used on the outside
22:12 It certainly gives discomfort to the women who use this reject wrapper
22:17 Usually there are defects from the factory
22:20 So there may be a color mistake
22:22 Or there may be a printing error
22:24 But most of it is also because there is a chemical element that is too advantageous in the wrapper
22:30 For example, like the dioxin element
22:34 This is actually a bit dangerous
22:36 Not just a bit, but quite dangerous for women
22:39 So it can cause unwanted symptoms
22:42 For example, it can cause a tingling feeling, a hot feeling in the female area
22:48 It can even cause infection
22:50 And with the sale of reject wrappers on the online market
22:55 The story of poverty or menstruation poverty also changed
22:59 Poverty period is a condition where women lack or have difficulty accessing
23:04 Related to menstruation products, facilities, education
23:07 And other combinations about menstruation management itself
23:11 In big cities, understanding of the coming period of the month is already unfamiliar to the public
23:16 But how about in the corners of the country, also in various parts of the world
23:20 Where the phenomenon of the poverty period has become a global issue and is talked about a lot
23:24 In a study, it is said that the poverty period is even experienced by about 500 million women around the world
23:31 The situation in Indonesia is also because in America or in Europe it happens
23:39 So in Indonesia it also happens
23:41 We just can't give numbers
23:47 But in qualitative studies it does happen
23:55 For some people, maybe wrappers are luxurious goods that are not sold
24:01 So you have to buy wrappers at a low price
24:05 The reaction that is caused can vary
24:08 From discomfort to irritation or tingling of energy from existing materials
24:13 Or maybe because it's expired
24:15 It is known that the economy is one of the factors
24:21 Because other factors include lack of understanding of menstruation
24:29 And how to deal with it together when someone is menstruating
24:43 The poverty period which is also a problem in Indonesia itself is sometimes considered taboo to be discussed
24:49 When it is taboo, then a myth arises
24:52 Which is increasingly alienating women from the understanding of the problem of women
24:56 In fact, this involves health
24:59 In some countries, for example, the issue of the poverty period is taken seriously
25:03 Through programs that address this issue
25:05 Such as the Askes program for menstruation products for free without having to issue a spacer
25:11 Then how about in this country?
25:14 So this is actually education
25:21 Education on reproductive health must be comprehensive
25:27 And these taboos are actually no longer there
25:31 Because if there is a taboo, there is a myth
25:35 Well, if it's a myth, it can be wrong
25:39 They help to cooperate with doctors all over Indonesia
25:44 To provide a deeper education about this problem
25:51 Even to the corners
25:53 Maybe if we live in Jakarta, this kind of education can be easily obtained
25:58 But we don't know about those in the rural areas
26:01 Maybe they don't have enough education about things like this
26:05 It's very important for the government to take action
26:09 Things like this should be taken care of
26:12 Especially for people who don't have enough attention
26:16 Not just a spacer that needs
26:18 Maybe things that the government doesn't know about
26:21 Must also be taken care of
26:22 It's really important
26:23 It must be, there must be a government intervention
26:26 Especially if it's like policies
26:28 What can be sold online
26:31 Must be helped by the government so that there are no more victims
26:34 I think it's an awareness that must be spread
26:38 The problem was about the cover
26:44 From the rumour of the rejection of the cover sold online
26:49 To the issue of poverty in this country
26:52 In addition to the story, there is also the rumour of the seller, Ms. Sob Perlente
26:55 Covering herself with a netiz bandage
26:57 To the table, the rice, the glasses, the sunglasses
27:00 Even the shoes that shine every time selling meatballs
27:03 So how can a tenor named Bang Baron
27:06 Collect various expensive clothes
27:09 To run the business with a few profits
27:12 What is the identity of Bang Baron
27:14 The seller of meatballs who became an idol among women
27:17 Wait for the story in Instant Investigation
27:20 In a moment
27:21 [Music]
27:30 [Music]
27:35 [Music]
27:37 To face various conditions every day
27:40 [Music]
27:43 Make sure the purity that accompanies you
27:45 [Music]
27:48 Bare Brand, feel the purity
27:50 [Music]
27:52 The crispness of Kwa Cirebo
27:54 Comes from the best sunflower seeds
27:56 [Music]
27:57 Kwa Cirebo makes everyday more fun
28:01 Kwa Cirebo, just crack it
28:03 Kwa Cirebo
28:05 Galon Le Mineral 100% Free of PPA
28:08 Safe for children and family
28:10 The characteristic of the free gallon of PPA is clear and transparent
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28:16 Galon Le Mineral
28:18 For the health of the family
28:20 Just fill your stomach, empty again
28:22 Tiki Tiki, hungry
28:24 Just ate, but still hungry
28:27 Tiki Tiki, hungry
28:28 Sari Gandum
28:29 With white rice and chocolate cream
28:31 Make you full longer
28:32 Sari Gandum
28:33 As delicious as it is
28:35 Drink Ensure Go
28:36 With HMB and protein
28:38 Support strength and help maintain body strength
28:41 So that life is more quality
28:42 Drink twice a day
28:44 Bare Endure Go
28:46 With delicious wheat flavor
28:48 Try now
28:51 TransTV always accompanied by a series of eye-opening news
28:56 The world has a lot of extraordinary stories
29:00 The elements of Indonesian culture in a Hollywood movie
29:03 From the unique to the interesting
29:05 Everything will expand the chakra and knowledge of all of us
29:10 Dunia Punya Cerita
29:12 Now available every Monday to Friday at half past eight
29:15 And Saturday and Sunday at eight o'clock at TransTV
29:20 Oh, I want to eat outside
29:23 Can't shop either
29:25 Just cook
29:26 What to cook, mom?
29:28 Just wake up
29:30 Only with Bango touch
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29:45 Hmm, how?
29:47 Add more, mom
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29:56 Sprinkled with sepushi
29:58 The pleasure is really great
30:00 Indomie Ramen Series
30:03 The authentic pleasure
30:04 Bang Zaku
30:05 The weather makes it easy to get sick
30:08 Be grateful
30:09 Every day is soft
30:10 Be grateful
30:11 Give milk
30:12 Seven dates
30:13 The goodness of sterile milk and dates
30:15 Become one
30:16 Sterile milk
30:17 Seven dates
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30:43 Oh, white
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30:46 Forget the whiter
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30:57 Cool, the stain is gone, really white
31:01 Forget the whiter
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31:04 Take a bath with soap only, the dirt is still there
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32:05 Dreambox Indonesia
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32:10 With Dreambox Indonesia Weekend
32:12 What's the answer?
32:15 Food
32:16 Correct
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32:28 Dreambox Indonesia
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34:24 Galon Le Mineral, for the health of the family
34:27 So cool, fresh and cool
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34:48 On the side of the road or in the restaurant
34:52 It's not difficult to find a meatball seller
34:54 But there's something unusual about this figure
34:57 Not from the side of the menu offered
34:59 But how he wrapped himself
35:01 And created a flashy image through his appearance
35:04 Like an office worker
35:06 Using a full-size suit with shiny black shoes and shoes
35:09 This man with the name Bang Baron
35:11 Also wears black glasses as an accessory when doing business
35:15 Viral on the Maya channel
35:17 This is Sugiho, the father of four children
35:19 Who daily does business with a different appearance
35:22 Becoming an idol, not only for mothers
35:24 But every customer from fathers to children
35:26 The appearance of Bang Baron's wife is really eye-catching
35:29 Even though he wrapped himself in a classy outfit
35:32 But the price of the meatball offered is affordable
35:34 There is no special price tag
35:36 Elementary school children can even enjoy Bang Baron's meatball
35:39 According to the money in their pocket
35:41 So I want to try the meatball
35:45 But let's see
35:47 Good afternoon, brother
35:49 Brother, who sells meatball?
35:51 Oh, I'm Bang Baron
35:53 Oh, brother
35:54 Yes
35:55 Why is this so cool, brother?
35:56 So that mothers can see that Bang Baron is always cool
36:00 Right?
36:01 The seller is always special
36:04 So I want to be more popular everywhere
36:07 So you want to be a mother's idol?
36:08 Yes, I want to be a mother's idol
36:10 All children are idols
36:12 Children
36:14 All of them
36:15 All of them
36:18 It's just funny
36:20 We see that the cool person is a wet cloth
36:25 With a costume like that
36:28 And the meatball is also delicious
36:31 The taste, the soup, the seasoning
36:34 Behind the hustle and bustle
36:37 In a simple, poor place
36:40 Bang Baron has to work in the hot weather
36:42 Daily wearing a suit when he makes meatball bowls for every customer
36:46 But sweat does not make him feel light
36:49 This way he can attract customers
36:52 Make him an idol among the customers who keep coming
36:56 Especially when Bang Baron doesn't play about appearance
36:59 Accessories like black glasses
37:01 Until a gold-colored watch
37:02 Overwhelming the appearance of a 45-year-old man
37:06 Another thing that makes the customer crazy
37:08 Is how Bang Baron entertains customers with various humorous jokes
37:13 The price is not affordable
37:19 For children
37:22 For adults, it's affordable
37:24 Most of the students are humorous
37:29 When they meet people, they say, "Where are you going?"
37:32 "I'm going to visit you"
37:34 He's a friendly person
37:37 I'm not a fan of him
37:39 He's like a street vendor
37:42 He's a street vendor
37:46 Have you ever seen a meatball vendor like Bang Baron?
37:49 No, only him
37:51 With a cheap price for meatball
37:53 And a few advantages
37:55 How can Bang Baron make a persona as a street vendor
37:59 With a watch that is certainly not cheap
38:01 This week, the story that is probably not much in the world of Halayak
38:05 In the shop where it is sold, there are at least three watches
38:08 But the number is even more
38:11 Including the shoes that are worn every time
38:13 This collection is owned by Bang Baron from the customers
38:16 Some give glasses
38:18 Some give shoes
38:20 Some even offer a watch in a unique way
38:23 I haven't worn it yet
38:25 I usually wear shoes, not a watch
38:29 So people here see me neat
38:32 Like glasses
38:34 I thank you for giving me glasses
38:36 And a watch, a meatball, and shoes
38:40 I thank you
38:42 Thank God, people here are very kind
38:45 Taste, taste must be maintained
38:47 Appearance must be maintained
38:50 If the appearance is like this, if it doesn't taste good
38:52 No one will come to the meatball shop
38:56 No, the person is cool, but the meatball is not good
38:59 No one will come to the meatball shop
39:01 If I cook, I have to be taken care of
39:05 So the customer who bought it, the woman ate it in the morning
39:08 This is here again
39:10 Just a year of selling meatballs
39:12 The name of Bang Baron has been around the world
39:14 Before selling in Subaru
39:16 Bang Baron initially pushed the meatball market
39:18 And the selling around the area
39:20 At that time, Bang Baron was already on the ground
39:22 With a table and shoes
39:24 The clothes are so neat, even though it hasn't used a watch at all
39:27 From there, the story of Bang Baron continues to spread
39:30 Now viral and has many loyal customers
39:32 Bang Baron almost gave up on the first week of selling meatballs
39:35 Not profit, he actually got lucky
39:38 But the patience of the heart and the push of his wife
39:41 Bang Baron never gave up
39:43 I feel so sad, my wife cried and wanted to go home
39:49 Right, my wife
39:51 I want to cry and go home
39:54 There is no meatball sales, fortunately
39:57 But Alhamdulillah, now even though a little, but blessed
40:05 It's been a week, so let's just try to continue
40:10 Because the store just opened
40:12 We have to be more enthusiastic
40:15 Maybe it's better to go there
40:19 He said, my wife said, okay, follow
40:23 A few weeks later, Bang Baron meatball was viral
40:28 In Gapura, in front of SD07
40:31 The ladies said, everyone has arrived
40:34 Alhamdulillah, because it's viral
40:37 I don't know, maybe because the ladies took a picture, took a selfie
40:41 Bang Baron took a picture
40:44 The men asked for a picture
40:47 Bang Baron took a picture
40:49 I introduce my neighbor, a meatball seller who is viral
40:53 Alhamdulillah, I'm happy
40:56 The unusual way Bang Baron sells meatballs
40:59 Disappointed the presence of many customers
41:01 But before the meatball seller was surprised, Soe Mai Ping was also excited
41:05 With the owner who has a business in the city
41:07 But slowly, the business closed one by one
41:10 Until he chose to sell around again
41:12 With the attribute of Soe Mai Ping, until the place and the bike are in the same color
41:16 The owner Soe Mai Ping Seriono returned to the side of the road
41:19 Losing billions of rupiahs, the owner Soe Mai Ping caused the reason behind the decline in business
41:26 How many bikes do you have?
41:28 I have a lot of them, but they are all in a bad condition
41:31 Why?
41:32 Because I don't have a wife
41:35 What do you mean?
41:36 I don't have a wife
41:38 So you're not married?
41:40 No, I'm not married
41:41 Leaving the business with the way of attracting customers
41:46 In the sky of this country's entertainment
41:48 Repeatedly colored the stories of India with the Bollywood industry
41:52 Enchanting various genres, from ordinary people to famous stars
41:56 Like the story behind the Indian film star
41:59 Which is considered the best Bollywood film predicate in history
42:02 Which also has a lot of names like Shah Rukh Khan, Amitabh Bachchan, Gajol
42:07 Until many more names that are stuck in the memory of Bollywood fans until now
42:11 The full story will be inserted in the investigation in a moment
42:16 The truth behind the Bollywood film predicate
42:21 Joking, the news is for you
42:24 The crispness of Kuchirebo comes from the best sunflower seeds
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42:55 Kuchirebo
42:57 [Music]
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47:43 [Music]
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47:56 Ladies, the new formula of dishwasher economy is no match
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48:39 [Music]
48:42 Not tasty?
48:44 Yes, like the sweet aroma
48:47 Lime is different
48:49 Each drop contains balanced essential minerals
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48:56 Lime
48:57 [Music]
49:02 [Music]
49:09 [Music]
49:26 [Music]
49:33 Bollywood world is one of the entertainment for Indonesian people
49:39 From drama, songs, actors and actresses
49:43 Time flies, even in the middle of Korean culture
49:48 There are still many fans
49:50 Also remembered actors and actresses such as Shahrukh Khan, Amita Bachan and Salman Khan
49:56 And the drama Kuch Kuch Hotahir and one iconic character, Inspector Vijay
50:03 [Music]
50:07 From time to time, the entertainment sky in Indonesia continues to be colored by various stories from Bollywood there
50:12 The arrival of the film, the charm of the actors, the magical melody of the song really legendary
50:17 Reviving the nostalgia of Bollywood fans in Indonesia
50:20 A film that has been around for half a century, continues to live in the past
50:24 Even surpassing the generation today
50:26 Is the film Kuch Kuch Hotahir, which was released 25 years ago on October 16, 2023
50:32 The film starring Shahrukh Khan and Kajol has repeatedly captured the heart of Bollywood in Indonesia
50:37 But there was never a word of boredom that slipped out of their mouths
50:41 The romantic story of Rahul, Anjali and Tina in a dramatic and emotional drama
50:46 Also amused fans when they saw the character of Kajol, which has not changed after 25 years
50:51 In the age of social media, Kajol's portrait of Anjali Muda
50:56 [Music]
51:00 [Music]
51:27 The greatness of the legendary film Kuch Kuch Hotahir also amuses fans of music
51:31 Through the series of hits that are still played and sung by many people until now
51:35 Entering the list of most popular songs, Indian songs like there is no death
51:40 Balad and upbeat songs combined with the dance of the stars become a characteristic that is still remembered until now
51:45 From the phenomenal Kuch Kuch Hotahir to the Koymil style that invites people to dance
51:50 [Music]
52:19 [Music]
52:32 [Music]
52:44 Legendary and nostalgic, the screen of Indian films also has a great impact through the film Mohapatin
52:50 Released in 2000, this romantic musical drama film is starred by famous names
52:55 Like Amitabh Bachan, Shah Rukh Khan to Aishwarya Rai
52:59 [Music]
53:01 Your future is in your imagination
53:03 As long as you are here, Gurukul is your world
53:07 If any student is caught breaking the tradition and discipline here
53:11 If caught, he will be thrown out of here at the same time
53:14 And remember that once you are thrown out of here, then ...
53:18 And like the film Kuch Kuch Hotahir, the song in the film Mohapatin is stuck in the hearts of many people
53:24 Bollywood fans or not, at least they have heard or even enjoyed these songs
53:29 One of them is the song Humko Humise Choralo
53:32 [Music]
53:50 The anima of Indonesian people towards Bollywood films is not limited in the past
53:54 By decorating the screen, other films have also managed to get a special place in the hearts of Bollywood fans
54:00 Such as the film Kabikushi Kabigam, which also features Shah Rukh Khan and Kajol as its main characters
54:06 [Music]
54:08 Let's try
54:09 Koi Milgaya
54:10 Koi Milgaya, Kuch Kuch Hotahir
54:12 Oh my God
54:13 Hmm, what about me?
54:16 There are many, but I forgot
54:18 Yes
54:19 The acting, running on the tree
54:23 What else?
54:24 Romantic
54:25 Romantic, okay
54:27 More to the dance, the drama, and the clothes
54:33 The clothes are chic
54:34 The dress is also, the sunshade
54:36 [Music]
54:37 About Indian films, not only the songs and films are legendary
54:41 There are also phenomenal roles, played by many famous stars
54:45 When mentioning Indian films and police figures in it, many people immediately mention Inspector Vijay
54:51 Because in every film there must be a police figure with this name
54:54 When writing history, he came up with the name Amitabh Bachchan
54:57 Who first played this role in the film Zanjir in 1973
55:02 Appeared as a heroic character, a fighter and a martial artist
55:05 This character also came into being due to criticism against the Indian government at that time
55:09 The role of Inspector Vijay, even caught the Indian police as one of the figures in their world
55:14 Who inspired the real world
55:17 [Music]
55:19 [Speaking in foreign language]
55:22 [Speaking in foreign language]
55:25 [Speaking in foreign language]
55:28 [Speaking in foreign language]
55:33 [Speaking in foreign language]
55:35 [Speaking in foreign language]
55:37 [Music]
55:42 Besides Amitabh Bachchan, Inspector Vijay's role has been played by many names
55:46 There is Anil Kapoor, who played the role of a smart police officer
55:50 But not a little bit, Inspector Vijay was also portrayed by the role of Sombrono
55:53 Who is very late in handling the problem
55:56 [Music]
55:59 Why?
56:00 Why?
56:01 Because even after wearing the uniform of the police, you are still a criminal
56:05 [Music]
56:06 I don't know
56:07 I only know that I have joined the police to relieve the suffering of those poor people
56:12 And even after that, I can't wipe their tears
56:14 Have you become a policeman?
56:15 Is it that our bribe is running low?
56:19 Our bribe is running low
56:21 A little bit...
56:22 Inspector
56:23 Yes?
56:24 There are pictures of the signs of the jungle on the pallet
56:27 Khan
56:28 Yes?
56:29 Can you see anything here?
56:30 [Music]
56:32 And the Indian passion for Bollywood in Indonesia even changed the lives of a number of people
56:36 Do you still remember the action of Lipsync Norman Kamaru along with the song "Caya Caya"?
56:40 This is the path that really changed the course of his life
56:43 Viral at the time, he was invited to the funeral in his hometown
56:46 Then he was involved in a direct controversy until he drowned in the Pantas Kantisan
56:50 [Music]
56:53 [Music]
57:18 Is there anything that changed their lives?
57:20 Or is it just a hobby of the people who just enjoy the songs from Bollywood?
57:23 For example, Ayu Ting Ting's video
57:25 Known as one of the big celebrities of Bollywood
57:28 Many collections are based in India
57:30 Ayu Ting Ting also uses music to cover a number of Indian songs with her unique voice
57:35 [Music]
57:37 [Music]
57:47 [Music]
57:58 Wow, Ayu Ting Ting
58:00 [Music]
58:20 [Music]
58:47 [Music]
59:12 [Music]
59:21 [Music]
59:34 [Music]
59:48 [Music]