Write Your Way to Your Subconscious | Dandapani

  • last year
Dandapani reveals how writing your thoughts gets you one step closer to your subconscious.


00:00 If you ever find that you have unresolved emotional experiences sitting in your subconscious
00:04 consuming tremendous amount of energy, take a piece of paper and write down the problem
00:09 on it.
00:10 Every experience has emotion attached to it.
00:13 Tesla says if you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy,
00:17 frequency and vibration.
00:19 Everything is made up of energy and it's vibrating at a certain frequency.
00:22 If I have an experience, it has emotion attached to it, it's vibrating in my subconscious mind.
00:29 My goal is I can't do anything about the experience because it's already happened, but what I
00:34 can do to help myself is to remove the emotion that's attached to experience.
00:40 So I take a piece of paper, I write down the problem.
00:43 As I write down the problem, something really interesting happens.
00:47 That experience moves from my subconscious mind to my conscious mind because I'm reliving
00:51 it.
00:52 The interesting thing that happens is the energy, the emotion actually comes out of
00:55 the experience, flows through my hands into the piece of paper.
00:59 Now I crumble the piece of paper and I burn it in a fire.
01:02 It could be a garbage can, a fireplace, it doesn't really matter.
01:05 Does the fire destroy the emotion?
01:07 No, because you can't destroy energy.
01:10 But what it actually does is transform the emotion in the paper into heat, flame, ash,
01:15 smoke and a whole bunch of different things.
01:18 How many times should you write?
01:20 Well, depending on the emotion.
01:21 If it's an intense experience, you might have to write about it three or four times.
01:25 If it's not so intense, maybe once or twice.
01:28 I remember the first time I ever shared this exercise was with a group of entrepreneurs
01:33 in Perth actually about five years ago.
01:36 And one of them said to me, looked down the panel, I realized that experiences have emotion
01:40 attached to them.
01:41 And I realized as well when you relive it or you're writing about it, it goes from your
01:46 subconscious mind to your conscious mind.
01:49 But this whole concept that emotion comes out of the experience, flows through your
01:53 hands into the piece of paper, I find it really hard to believe.
01:56 I find it that it's a little bit too spiritual.
01:58 I said, fair enough.
01:59 So I asked him, do you have kids?
02:00 He says, yeah, I have a couple of kids, a four year old and six year old.
02:04 I said, on Father's Day, on your birthday, do they ever make you cards?
02:07 They said, they do that all the time.
02:08 I said, how does it look?
02:09 They go, well, it doesn't look that great.
02:11 It's made by a four year old.
02:12 Let me ask you this way, if you saw it in the store, would you pay money for it?
02:15 And they go like, no, no way.
02:17 But do you keep it?
02:18 He says, yeah, I keep every single one.
02:20 And I asked him why?
02:21 He says, it's so full of love.
02:22 I said, wait a minute, you're telling me your kids know monk magic?
02:27 Because two minutes ago, I told you about putting emotion in a piece of paper and you
02:30 looked at me like I was a crazy person.
02:32 And now your four year old son knows how to do this, right?
02:36 Because he's taken a piece of paper, put his emotion in it, a piece of paper that you don't
02:40 want, a cardboard that you didn't want, put his emotion in it, and now he's given it to
02:43 you and you hold it.
02:46 So you can actually transfer energy from you, emotion from inside of you, into another matter.
02:51 How many of you have kids and have one of those not so attractive drawings at home?
02:55 Do you keep them?
02:56 Why?
02:57 You'd never be able to sell it to anybody.
02:59 Nobody would want to buy it, right?
03:01 You keep it because they're so full of love.
03:03 It's full of emotion, right?
03:05 So you can move emotion out of you so that the energy cannot be created or destroyed,
03:10 but it can be transferred or transformed from one thing to another.
03:14 Take a piece of paper, write it down, and then burn it in an ordinary fire.
03:21 [Music]