• last year


00:00 [Music]
00:29 Riding today has developed into a sport that can be easily mastered by anyone with a desire to learn.
00:36 Yeah, nothing to it.
00:38 First, test the prevailing winds by means of the windsock.
00:42 Then choose the proper terrain and make sure the takeoff is clear of all obstacles, particularly trees and telephone poles.
00:49 [Laughter]
00:51 [Music]
01:00 Turn into the wind, wind up, test your equipment and take off!
01:05 [Music]
01:14 Faster, faster!
01:16 More speed! More speed!
01:19 [Music]
01:22 Uh-huh, we did not attain sufficient altitude.
01:25 Gosh!
01:27 [Music]
01:30 Now, the towing method.
01:32 With a rope attached to the nose, the glider should be pulled rapidly along until it has attained the necessary speed to carry it into the air, somewhat in the manner of flying a kite.
01:42 [Music]
01:45 [Laughter]
01:47 [Music]
01:55 Oh, hi, hi, over a tree will flow.
02:03 [Gurgling]
02:07 Don't let minor mishaps dampen your spirit.
02:12 Keep cool and try more speed.
02:18 Now, launching the glider by mechanical means.
02:22 Greater speed can be attained by this method.
02:26 However, the system can become involved.
02:30 [Music]
02:35 Hey, come back here! Wait for me!
02:38 Should an unforeseen emergency arise, never allow the craft to get out of hand.
02:43 Whatever happens, don't give up the ship.
02:46 [Music]
03:00 This method having proved somewhat unsuccessful, let us scan the book for a better method.
03:08 The catapult is one of the most ingenious and scientific devices used in aerodynamics to project the craft with the speed of a bullet into the stratosphere.
03:18 [Music]
03:21 [Gurgling]
03:23 Oh, oh, fly high, yep, we'll fly high.
03:32 I'm brave, but I'm careful.
03:38 To open parachute, jump, count to ten, and pull the string.
03:42 Okay, count to ten and pull string. Yeah!
03:48 Count to ten, pull string.
03:56 [Coughing]
03:59 [Splash]
04:04 I made it, I made it!
04:07 Yes, the catapult has the advantage of gaining altitude immediately.
04:12 [Music]
04:32 I'm glad this came up.
04:35 Now don't forget to count ten and pull a string.
04:41 One, two, three, four, uh, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Yeah!
04:57 [Clearing throat]
04:59 We will take up how to land at a later date.
05:03 [Whistling]
05:07 Fly in the sky like the birds.
05:12 [Coughing]
05:13 Fly.
05:15 [Music]
05:23 Well, here we go again.
05:26 And now, the spell that only birds can know.
05:30 The sky above, the earth below.
05:33 [Singing]
05:47 Birds.
05:48 [Music]
05:56 Hmm. Something wrong here.
05:59 [Music]
06:06 [Screaming]
06:09 [Squeaking]
06:19 [Music]
06:27 [Roaring]
06:30 [Splash]
06:34 [Clearing throat]
06:35 Should any of the foregoing methods fail, through some unforeseen quirk of fate, then use your own ideas.
06:43 For after all, launching a glider is really very easy.
06:47 Just remember these simple, fundamental facts.
06:51 One, the initial impetus. Two, the low and high aspect ratio.
06:57 Three, control of equilibrium. Four, theory of convection currents.
07:03 Five, the principles of abstract aerostatics, and so forth, and so on, etc., etc.
07:11 [Music]
07:23 Truly, you can't keep a good man down.
07:27 [Thunder]
07:33 [Splash]
07:35 [Singing]
07:41 Come on now, everybody, sing!
07:44 [Singing]
07:53 [Music]
08:00 [Silence]
08:03 [Music]
08:31 [Music]
08:36 The average man is born with an inborn urge to gamble.
08:40 Take the case of Mr. G.G. Gief.
08:43 Gief was never too busy to enjoy risking his hard-earned dough on the chance of making an easy buck.
08:49 Football pool, George? You bet!
08:52 He was a soft touch for the latest gambling pads of the moment.
08:55 Chain ladder? Chinese galoppity? Join a pyramid club? Irish swipe stakes?
09:00 Hey, George, match you for lunch.
09:02 Okay, Joe.
09:03 Gee, I won again. Thanks, George.
09:07 [Music]
09:08 At every turn, Mr. G.G. met with opportunities to gamble.
09:12 And lose change always burned a hole in his pocket.
09:15 [Music]
09:19 He was a pushover for a one-armed bantam.
09:22 [Music]
09:24 [Coughing]
09:26 [Music]
09:50 However, the average gambling man is not easily discouraged.
09:54 He feels his persistence will be rewarded.
09:57 And that opportunity awaits just around the corner.
10:00 [Music]
10:06 [Indistinct chatter]
10:19 [Indistinct chatter]
10:30 Mr. G.G. knows that when Lady Luck gives him the sign and the dice are hot...
10:34 [Coughing]
10:36 Then is the time to back it up with the old sign.
10:39 [Indistinct chatter]
10:51 Oh, hum. Easy come, easy go.
10:55 [Whistle]
10:56 Taxi!
10:58 [Tire screech]
10:59 [Music]
11:00 Mr. G.G. is nobody's fool.
11:02 Therefore, his winnings are always deposited in sound business investments.
11:06 [Bell ringing]
11:07 There they go.
11:08 [Music]
11:29 Occasionally, Gief's investments fail to pay off.
11:32 But in spite of these financial fluctuations, the average man is a good loser.
11:37 How you doing, George?
11:39 Swell, Al. Just swell.
11:41 [Music]
11:43 Oh, fudge!
11:45 Of all the gambling games, there was none Mr. Gief enjoyed as much as the cozy atmosphere...
11:51 and the congenial company of a friendly game of poker.
11:54 Hi, you fellas.
11:56 Hi. Hello.
11:58 Ah, put up or shut up.
12:01 After a friendly greetings over, George Gief analyzes his opponent's hands by closely studying their subtle facial expressions.
12:09 Of course, this strategy is a complete flop if the players happen to be wearing their poker faces.
12:15 The player must be alert and quick to take advantage of every unseen opportunity.
12:21 One must keep his eyes peeled even in a friendly game.
12:25 [Gasp]
12:27 Play waxes hot.
12:29 Raise. Raise again.
12:31 I raise you. I call.
12:33 The game becomes tense.
12:34 Cards. Two.
12:35 Give me five. I'm pat.
12:37 The stakes are high.
12:38 Raise. Up.
12:41 Call. You're light.
12:44 I bump you.
12:45 But Mr. Gief's enjoying every minute of it.
12:48 Raise you. Up four.
12:50 Four and three more.
12:51 Raise. Up another.
12:53 [Sigh]
12:55 Take it and bump two blues.
12:56 I call. I call.
12:58 What you got?
12:59 Nothing.
13:00 Me too.
13:01 Me too. Me too.
13:02 A pair of deuces? I thought you were bluffing.
13:05 Break 'em in, George.
13:07 Thanks, fellas.
13:09 Lucky George Gief, the winner.
13:12 Oh my gosh. It's getting late. Cash me in. I gotta go.
13:16 [Sigh]
13:18 Hey, George. What's the idea?
13:21 [Mumbling]
13:23 George Gief, tonight is your lucky night.
13:26 Now, if your luck rolls out, you can sneak in without waking the little woman.
13:35 The coast's clear.
13:39 Easy does it.
13:43 One false move and...
13:46 [Groaning]
13:48 George!
13:49 What do you mean coming home at this hour?
13:51 Take that.
13:52 What a manly thing.
13:53 Sick friend fooling. You've been gambling, that's what.
13:57 I work and save and you just throw your money away.
14:00 Think of all the bills we owe.
14:03 Why, George, honey, you won.
14:07 Uh-huh. Took the boys to the cleaners.
14:10 Oh, how nice.
14:12 Now I can get that cute hat, new dress, shoes, paper the hall, new stove, fur coat.
14:18 Take a trip.
14:20 Wow. Easy come, easy go.
14:26 [Music]
14:35 [Music]
14:41 [Music]
14:49 [Music]
14:57 [Music]
15:05 [Music]
15:13 [Music]
15:23 [Music]
15:33 [Music]
15:43 [Music]
15:53 [Music]
16:03 [Music]
16:13 [Music]
16:23 [Music]
16:33 [Music]
16:43 [Music]
16:53 [Music]
17:03 [Music]
17:13 [Music]
17:23 [Music]
17:33 [Music]
17:43 [Music]
17:53 [Music]
18:03 [Music]
18:13 [Music]
18:23 [Music]
18:28 Hmm, not bad.
18:30 [Music]
18:37 [Music]
18:42 [Music]
18:51 Are you feeling better, miss?
18:53 [Music]
18:57 [Music]
19:07 [Music]
19:17 [Music]
19:27 [Music]
19:37 [Music]
19:47 [Music]
19:57 [Music]
20:07 [Music]
20:29 Something wrong here.
20:31 [Music]
20:41 [Music]
20:56 [Music]
21:01 [Music]
21:06 [Music]
21:11 [Music]
21:16 [Music]
21:21 [Music]
21:26 [Music]
21:31 [Music]
21:36 [Music]
21:41 [Music]
21:46 [Music]
21:56 [Music]
22:06 [Music]
22:09 [Music]
22:36 [Music]
22:45 Well, good afternoon ladies and gentlemen.
22:48 This is your sportscaster bringing today's match to you to the courtesy of the BBB and BBB ball company,
22:55 which we will see in use today on this magnificently kept court,
22:59 whose grassy lawn lies outspread before my very eyes.
23:02 Ah yes, we anticipate quite a gathering who will not pass up the opportunity to witness a thrilling contest with...
23:09 [Buzzer]
23:12 Oh well, everyone to his own taste.
23:15 Now I see our crowd is beginning to gather.
23:18 [Music]
23:22 [Music]
23:25 [Music]
23:26 Oh, ouch!
23:27 Ah yes, they are really packing them in.
23:30 And now, now yes, now I see the contestants coming out onto the field.
23:35 Ah, such confidence and poise these boys display.
23:39 [Music]
23:48 Magnificent specimens of finely trained...
23:51 [Music]
23:56 And they are ready to play!
23:58 [Music]
24:00 Big Ben has won the spin and will serve first.
24:02 [Music]
24:06 This fellow is known to have one of the most dynamic, devastating serves in tennis.
24:11 [Music]
24:15 And there's the service!
24:17 It's a high...
24:19 ...lateral over the net.
24:20 And an easy return, and a hard drive, and a soft smash, and a terrific recovery to the backcourt!
24:26 And an easy lob, and a tremendous backhand, and a lob, and a smash, and a lob.
24:33 These boys play two entirely different types of tennis.
24:37 Little Joe choosing the soft, placement, headier, steadier, or defensive game.
24:42 And Big Ben preferring the hard driving, offensive, smashing, smashing, harassing game.
24:49 Well, there's the first game to Little Joe.
24:52 Oh, thanks.
24:53 [Music]
25:00 Now Little Joe serves.
25:02 [Music]
25:14 Aha! Big Ben broke through Little Joe's service.
25:17 [Applause]
25:18 Fast and furious, the pace increases. Five-thirty, thirty-thirty, forty-thirty, forty-forty.
25:23 Hammer and tongs as both boys are brushing the net.
25:26 [Music]
25:38 [Sound of a glass breaking]
25:42 [Cheering]
25:47 Hey, what's the score?
25:50 Well, that evens it off. Now this set should really be a humdinger.
25:55 [Music]
25:58 Joe serves, Ben returns, Joe returns, Ben returns, Joe returns, Ben returns.
26:03 To forty-five, a deep center, a far corner, smash, a backhand, volley, game, lob, lob, drive, deuce, five, ten, fifteen, twenty, thirty.
26:10 Such power, such grace, such rhythm, such spirit.
26:14 Forty-five, forty-thirty, up and add, deuce, out, deuce, Big Joe and Little Ben are both brushing the net.
26:20 This is thrilling.
26:22 Such nerve, such dash, such poetry of motion.
26:26 [Music]
26:28 Oh!
26:30 Now the pressure is really on, both players dashing with reckless abandon,
26:34 hither and thither, throwing caution to the winds.
26:36 And now look, Little Joe is changing to a two-handed Australian grip.
26:38 He winds up and he...
26:40 Yad, what a smash!
26:42 Supposedly viewed as...
26:44 In slow motion.
26:48 [Music]
26:59 [Laughter]
27:01 [Music]
27:28 Oh!
27:31 [Music]
27:36 Oh!
27:38 Let's get back to the game.
27:40 It looks from here like Big Ben is forging into the lead.
27:42 No, it's Little Joe.
27:43 No, Big Ben.
27:44 No, Little Joe.
27:45 No, it's Little Ben.
27:46 No, it's Big Joe.
27:47 Forty-thirty, thirty-five, forty-twenty, forty-four, forty-fifty, fifty-four, fifty-five, two-thirty, two-thirty, it's getting late.
27:52 Now deuce, backward, here we go.
27:53 That's forty-thirty, thirty-five, forty-twenty.
27:56 Point, game, match, set, tournament.
27:59 And the champ...
28:01 Hmm?
28:03 Say, who won?
28:06 I just...
28:07 Ah, just as I thought.
28:08 What did I tell you?
28:09 I knew he could do it.
28:11 Condition always tells.
28:13 And now to the champion, the spoils.
28:17 A just and true reward for the victor.
28:19 Oh!
28:22 And the loser?
28:24 Well, ethics and good sportsmanship demand that he shrug off his feelings of utter disappointment and smile in spite of himself.
28:38 Yes, the champion's a real sport.
28:53 Good sports to the bitter end.
28:56 [music]
29:10 [music]
