Danny Shaw: The vast majority of the world opposes the blockade

  • last year
In view of the recent vote at the United Nations against the U.S. blockade of Cuba, teleSUR interviewed Danny Shaw, international analyst, exclusively. teleSUR
00:00 Earlier today we were following live the plenary session at the UN in which 187 countries have
00:06 voted in favor of the lifting of the US embargo of Cuba against only two votes and one abstention.
00:13 And now we welcome political analyst Danny Cho, who is joining us to further analyze
00:18 what happened today at the UN headquarters.
00:20 Danny, it's a pleasure to welcome you to From the South.
00:24 What are for you the implications of yet another vote in favor of the lifting of the US embargo?
00:29 Good morning, Belen from Los Angeles.
00:34 It's truly sad that year after year the member countries of the United Nations speak for
00:40 the world's people, speak for the oppressed countries, the exploited countries, the misnamed
00:45 third world countries.
00:46 And the vast majority of the world's people are completely against this economic and military
00:51 suffocating blockade of the Cuban people.
00:53 It's been in effect for six years now, just as the same masses of people across the world
00:58 are against Israeli and US aggression against the Palestinian people.
01:02 But we see once again, Belen, that the United Nations is a joke.
01:06 The United Nations is a plaything in the hands of the Western imperial powers so that they
01:11 have a camouflage or a fig leaf to pretend that they care about the world's people from
01:15 Cuba to Palestine to Haiti, when in fact they don't.
01:18 And they've never stopped any of these aggressive imperialist wars against the countries that
01:23 I've mentioned.
01:25 Now Danny, you were just saying year after year the international community boasts to
01:30 lift this embargo.
01:32 The UN itself has issued reports stating that the coercive measures imposed by the US on
01:37 Cuba do not abide by the rule of law.
01:40 However, up to now the embargo has not ceased to condition the Cuban population.
01:45 Today we witnessed an overwhelming support of the international community to the Cuban
01:50 cause.
01:51 Is there reason to believe we might be at a political turning point?
01:55 We have a stronger G77 group, an expanding BRICS group demanding a multipolar world.
02:00 How are you reading this scene?
02:02 There's no question that multipolarity is on the rise, but it's a difficult transition.
02:11 These are difficult birth pains because the birth pains right now are happening over the
02:19 blood and bones of 1.1 million children in Gaza, China, and Russia, in the Bolivarian
02:26 camp.
02:27 Diplomatically, they're putting up a lot of resistance.
02:30 We hear Gustavo Petro, and the Bolivians and countries around the world boycotting the
02:35 Zionist entity.
02:36 But it's not enough.
02:37 How do we save life?
02:39 And the Cuban people feel this, and people across South America and Africa and the Middle
02:43 East, there's a natural kinship with the people of Gaza and with the Palestinian people.
02:48 But right now, the enemy, the imperialist enemy, the Zionist enemy, is very strong.
02:53 They control the informational war.
02:55 They control the economic war.
02:57 In this massive bombardment, this encirclement, this siege of Gaza, how are the Palestinian
03:04 people going to live?
03:05 So across the world, from Cuba to northern Nigeria to Palestine, how can we sleep when
03:11 watching a holocaust of our beautiful Palestinian sisters and brothers and children?
03:18 Exactly.
03:19 And of course, the voting today also shows the connection between the U.S. embargo and
03:24 this international scene.
03:27 Only U.S. and Israel were the countries who voted against the resolution.
03:34 As the U.S. continues to back the massacre of the Palestinian people in Gaza, despite
03:39 the outcry of the international community, also the only country who abstained from the
03:44 vote was Ukraine, another country with its own political and military ties with the U.S.
03:50 In the current political scene, how do you understand the U.S. embargo on Cuba in the
03:55 light of this political scene?
03:57 And why does the U.S. insist on maintaining it?
04:01 The siege of Cuba, the siege of Venezuela, the siege of Nicaragua, the siege of Russia,
04:07 the siege of China, the siege of Vietnam, the siege of Palestine, it's all interconnected.
04:12 And if we go back and we study El Doctor Ernesto Che Guevara, and we study some of the great
04:18 ideologues of tricontinentalism and the unity of oppressed people, we see that a victory
04:24 for the Palestinians is a victory for the Cubans, a victory for the Angolans is a victory
04:27 for the Portuguese working class.
04:30 So the only way we can confront this axis of genocide, the United States and Israel
04:35 and Zionism, this is an axis of genocide.
04:38 With 2.4 million Palestinian lives hanging in the balance, this can only be met by the
04:45 unification of the world's people into an axis of life, an axis of unity, pan-Arabism,
04:51 pan-Caribbeanism, pan-Muslim unity.
04:55 It's only the world's people that can stop this Holocaust.
04:58 The Zionists in the U.S. are not going to stop it, because the U.S. is looking to force
05:02 Iran, Hezbollah, and the axis of resistance, indigenous to the Middle East, into a war
05:08 so that they have a medium and informational justification, bombs away over Tehran, bombs
05:14 away over Beirut.
05:16 And the countries of the region want peace, but Zionism in the U.S., the axis of genocide,
05:21 want more war.
05:25 The political scene that you're describing is clear.
05:28 We will continue to further analyze this scenario.
05:31 I thank you, Danny Cho, political analyst, for joining us today.
