Highest Respect || Acharya Prashant

  • last year
00:00 Don't settle for something ordinary, mediocre, commonplace, traditional, petty, no.
00:06 Love is the highest respect you can offer to anything.
00:10 So figure out the highest and fall in love with it.
00:14 That highest obviously need not necessarily be a person.
00:18 It could be a person if it has to be, or it could be anything, a cause, a mission.
00:25 See what is valuable and exceed it because there is something more important than that.
00:30 And keep rising, keep rising.
00:33 It just happens that when you come upon the really lovable, then body and all do not remain too much of a concern.
00:42 You say, fine, a little bit of compromise can be made to begin with.
00:48 And then a day might come when you might say, even the ultimate sacrifice is all right.
