• 2 years ago
(Adnkronos) - “L'impatto delle tecnologie e soprattutto di tutto ciò che ruota attorno al transumanesimo sta modificando sensibilmente il volto della nostra società a partire dall'automazione, disboscamento degli umani, quindi disoccupazione tecnologica arrivando in particolare a un vero e proprio sconvolgimento soprattutto sulle nuove generazioni”. A dirlo la giornalista e scrittrice Enrica Perucchietti, in occasione dell’incontro "Il futuro è artificiale? - L'uomo sotto attacco: dalla carne sintetica alla vita in provetta", svoltosi a Brescia sabato 4 novembre.


00:00 What is the impact of technology on the transhumanism?
00:03 The impact of technology and everything that revolves around the transhumanism
00:09 is changing the face of our society, starting from automation,
00:15 the deforestation of humans, the technological unemployment,
00:18 and in particular, a real upheaval, especially on the new generations,
00:26 the impact that new technologies have on the younger ones.
00:30 It is no coincidence that since the UK, with the summit on technology,
00:35 and the Biden executive order in the United States,
00:38 governments are trying to limit and regulate the application of artificial intelligence
00:44 to avoid the dystopian derivatives that have been somehow prevented
00:50 by many writers and by most of the science fiction cinema.
00:55 These derivatives also apply to predictive algorithms, predictive policing,
01:00 facial recognition, and all of these are the antithesis of a social credit system.
01:06 On the one hand, we need more education, because a fetishism for innovation
01:11 and a dependence on technological devices has been created,
01:15 creating mental problems and increasing psychiatric disorders,
01:22 especially on the new generations. For example, let's think of the phenomenon of the "Ki-Ki-Mori",
01:26 those kids who now live practically barricaded in their homes without ever going out.
01:30 On the other hand, we need to regulate and standardize, in my opinion,
01:34 not only artificial intelligence, but the political use of these technologies
01:39 to prevent the reintroduction of eugenics, for example,
01:44 in the field of regenerative medicine and biotechnologies.
01:49 On the other hand, the explosion of these technologies, as I said before,
01:53 can pave the way to a narrow liberticide and therefore to greater control
01:59 and above all to greater technological surveillance,
02:03 because we are moving from the panoptic system to a super-panoptic digital-electronic system,
02:08 where we are all in fact more and more tracked, monitored and controlled.
