Grubb on Tybo Rogers, Recruiting Johnson

  • last year
00:00 On that long drive where Dylan did come out,
00:02 we saw Tybo Rodgers come into the game.
00:04 Now we've seen him down on the goal line against Oregon,
00:06 and now late in the fourth quarter against USC, too.
00:09 What has he shown you just to feel confident
00:11 to put him in those spots?
00:13 Yeah, he's been more reliable.
00:15 He's still got some,
00:17 definitely some room to grow in that regard,
00:18 but I think the number one piece,
00:21 nobody's questioning Tybo's physical ability
00:24 or what he can do with the ball in his hand.
00:25 He's special that way.
00:27 His pass protection and just reliability
00:30 on knowing the system are the two things
00:32 he's continuing to improve on.
00:34 He's still got a lot of room to grow in that regard.
00:37 You saw Mike score on quarterback sneak down on the goal line.
00:42 Tybo was supposed to be tight to the line.
00:44 He wasn't, so there's still little things like that
00:46 that he knows he has to improve on,
00:48 and he's getting better, but it's great.
00:50 He's out there making a difference on special teams.
00:53 He's making plays on offense, and he's growing every week.
00:57 Dylan, am I remembering right
00:58 when he was coming out of the portal,
01:00 it kind of took a late extra push
01:02 from you guys to get him here?
01:04 It did.
01:06 Did you have to go back there?
01:07 Did, yeah.
01:09 There was a couple different trips to Mississippi,
01:10 so, yeah, we went down there and saw him again,
01:13 and there was, truth be told,
01:17 there was a little bit of indecision
01:18 with what was going on with me personally,
01:21 and so I think that that hurt a little bit at the time,
01:24 and once we got that all cleared up,
01:26 it was really good, and me and Coach Marks
01:28 went back down to Greenville
01:30 and saw him and his family again,
01:31 and everything was good after that.