'We're dealing with murderers': 'They took children into Gaza & we're supposed to be humanitarian?'

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00:00 Well, it's not officially a day of mourning in Israel, but people have been coming together
00:04 to hold memorial services for the victims of the Hamas attack to mark the one-month
00:09 anniversary.
00:10 Israelis also held a minute of standing silence, which took place without a siren, unlike on
00:15 Holocaust Remembrance Day and Memorial Day.
00:19 In Parliament, too, some committees also paused their sessions to mark the occasion with a
00:24 moment of silence.
00:25 As the war rages on, it's been an agonising wait for the families of more than 240 people
00:33 who are still being held hostage by Hamas.
00:36 The Israeli Prime Minister has again vowed there will be no ceasefire in Gaza until all
00:40 of those people are freed.
00:42 For more, we're joined now by a member of one of those families who are desperately
00:47 awaiting news.
00:48 Four members of Danny Angal's family are being held captive after being captured by Hamas
00:54 on the morning of October 7th.
00:56 Thank you so much for being with us on the programme.
00:59 Danny, it's obviously a very difficult time for you.
01:03 Take us back, if you can, to that morning.
01:06 What exactly happened to your brother and his family and how did you learn of their
01:10 fate?
01:11 My brother and his family were living in the Kibbutz Niro'oz, that is a very peaceful
01:19 Kibbutz, very like a small village.
01:24 And on that Saturday morning, like when we start hearing the alarms and we usually on
01:37 the WhatsApp, I called my brother, I wrote to him, is everything is OK?
01:41 And he replied that they are in the safe room.
01:46 That was in like something like seven in the morning.
01:50 An hour later, when I started seeing on television that Hamas terrorist murderers are going into
01:58 Israel.
02:01 So I tried again to wrote him, but he didn't reply.
02:03 So I wrote his wife and she says that she replied on WhatsApp that they are in the safe
02:09 room.
02:11 And practically, that's the last thing that I heard from them.
02:16 But I know later that a friend talked with him something like nine o'clock in the morning
02:24 and his wife, Karina, my brother's wife, told him that Ronen was with a weapon and he went
02:33 outside and she started, she said that she thinks that they are coming into the house
02:43 and the line went down.
02:47 And that's the last thing that we we know of them.
02:52 And the other thing that by the Israeli government, they told us they are kidnapped and they are
02:59 in Gaza.
03:00 That's what we know.
03:01 They are more than a month that we don't know nothing.
03:08 Yuval is 11 years old.
03:10 Mika is 18 years old.
03:15 I can't understand what can happen, what makes somebody come into somebody's house and take
03:25 them to captivity.
03:28 Small children?
03:29 I think that the world has to know that we are dealing with murderers, that now it's
03:36 Israel, next it's Europe.
03:38 I don't think that people, I know that I can't understand how they get into, how can anybody
03:48 can do something like this?
03:50 I can understand war, so soldier against soldiers, but to come into a house to take a small children,
03:59 what is this?
04:00 I can't understand.
04:01 I'm very worried to my family.
04:05 I understand that now it's a war, but I hope that somebody in the world will start understanding
04:14 what we are dealing with and help us and put all the pressure that we can to bring them
04:21 back home.
04:23 Because it's, I don't know what else to say.
04:29 And Danny, what kind of support, you've said that the military has been in contact with
04:33 you.
04:34 What kind of support have you been receiving from the government, if any?
04:39 Whatever can be, look, we don't need a lot of help, just information that nobody can
04:48 give us because the Hamas don't, it's not a human, you are talking about make a human,
04:57 I don't know the word, to make humanitarian things for the Hamas, but then they don't
05:03 do the minimum for us, so why should we do something that is, you can call it humanitarian?
05:15 Do we have people inside Gaza that we don't know if they're alive, they're okay, they
05:19 are taken care of?
05:22 But the world want from us to bring into us water and food and medicine.
05:29 Why should we?
05:30 Why should we do this?
05:32 If somebody can tell me, why should we now not eliminate Gaza?
05:40 What they are doing for us?
05:43 They took children, three years, nine month-year-old babies and took them into Gaza and then, we're
05:53 supposed to be humanitarian?
05:55 It's also a difficult situation for civilians in Gaza, Danny.
06:00 Are you in touch with other families?
06:06 Are you receiving support from the government yourself, your family?
06:12 I'm getting the support that I need and we are, all the families are, we are united and
06:18 we are trying to get information, but it's not in our hands really, because we can always
06:25 talk on the media and we want to, first of all, we want our families back.
06:31 First of all, no discussion, no nothing.
06:35 If you don't, if they don't bring them back, nothing.
06:39 Only war, only bombs and only soldiers that going into Gaza and searching room and house
06:46 by house and killing everybody until we find our family.
06:51 They came into the houses.
06:55 They went house by house.
06:57 Just an hour ago, I received photographs of my family's house.
07:04 They stood outside the window and they shut the windows down.
07:10 And my family was in the house.
07:14 You can imagine that?
07:15 Somebody can imagine that they will come into Gaza house and do things like this?
07:22 Danny, can I just ask, are you concerned about how your family will be doing?
07:26 The fact that this aerial bombardment is continuing in Gaza.
07:30 Are you concerned for their safety, just in terms of how the government, the Israeli government
07:37 is responding to this crisis?
07:41 I think that the Hamas, the Hamas murderers and killers understand that if they want to
07:49 see another day, they have to protect the captives with all that they can.
07:57 So I think that the Hamas took all our families and put them in the bunkers that they had
08:04 a long time to build, because Israel is a very humanitarian country, and let them for
08:11 a lot of years to build their underground houses.
08:17 So I think that they are safe.
08:23 What member of our families that got into Gaza and they didn't kill them or murder them
08:29 on the way, when they got to Gaza, they must have put them in a safe place where they are
08:35 living so they will kept safe.
08:38 So the Israelis are doing the right thing.
08:40 We have to bomb Gaza until all the Hamas murderers will come out of the holes like rats and with
08:51 a white flag.
08:53 And if not, they will kill one by one.
08:56 That's what my country should do.
08:58 And after they kill them, I think that they'll find all our hostages alive and safe up, down
09:05 underground.
09:06 The Hamas is now living.
09:10 Danny, thank you so much for your time on the programme.
09:15 We wish you and your family the very best and we do hope that you receive news from
09:19 your brother and his family very soon.
09:22 Thank you so much for your time on the programme.
09:25 That's Danny Angle, who is awaiting news of his brother, his brother's wife and their
09:31 two children.
