Is Remembrance Day - is it still important?

  • last year
Is Remembrance Day - is it still important?
00:00 important it's our history as people but you know do we mourn anyone that died 3,000 years ago
00:06 it's part of human history but as time goes on everything goes like it's sad but that's that
00:14 time that's positive time you know will pass will be forgotten just like everything else
00:20 time will pass eventually everything will be forgotten it's just the way it is.
00:26 Do you think more effort should be put into remembering Sunday? It would be nice I mean
00:31 we have to remember the brave effort that all of these men and women gave you know to protect
00:39 our freedoms but it's just a natural part of time eventually even you and I when we pass
00:46 unless we pass our knowledge on it's going to get forgotten about.
00:53 Well just to remember people passed but we're getting nearer and nearer in the future now
00:59 and there's 80s 90s soldiers are still dying and we ought to remember them as well.
01:06 It probably is waning I mean it's as I said there are more recent wars now but I think
01:16 more people are against wars and therefore they start thinking it's irrelevant to have a memorial
01:25 service every now and again but yeah I think it is probably not quite relevant you know for some people.
