柔佛马来甘榜又传闹鬼 半夜敲门声或和巫术有关?

  • last year
▌热点短视频 ▌叩叩叩…… 半夜敲门声又来了,柔佛峇株巴辖和亚依淡的马来甘榜惊传闹鬼?


主持 | @celes 美伶

#柔佛 #神秘敲门 #灵异事件 #峇株巴辖
#发射热点 #84hotspot #热点短视频


00:00 Knock, knock, knock.
00:01 The mysterious knocking sound of the door at night has returned.
00:04 After opening the door, it is empty.
00:07 In the middle of the night, who is not in a good mood and making a ghost?
00:10 Or is everything spiritual and making a ghost?
00:12 The residents of Rofo, Bajubah, and Yai Dan in Malay
00:15 have recently said that they have encountered this situation.
00:18 Welcome to Malaysia's spiritual events.
00:22 I will take you to see the strange things in Malay.
00:24 Just kidding.
00:25 In fact, it is a daily news report from Malay newspaper.
00:27 Recently, residents in Rofo, Bajubah, Balilare, and Yai Dan said
00:31 that they have been disturbed by the knocking sound of the door at night for the past week.
00:35 Some residents said that they suspected that they were the first victims of this mysterious knocking sound.
00:40 Last Thursday night, they were disturbed by the knocking sound of the door three times in a row.
00:44 The windows, front door, and back door were not let go.
00:47 And he looked at the Bilibili TV screen and found a light line of the Rofo theater
00:51 leading to his parents' house.
00:53 And after his parents' house, the knocking sound appeared.
00:56 Some people said that this was not the first time this happened.
00:59 And the locals also said that it was related to magic.
01:02 Actually, this has happened many times.
01:04 The knocking sound of the door.
01:06 Actually, there are people who use black magic.
01:09 But I don't know what the purpose is.
01:11 The knocking sound of the door is not normal.
01:13 It's not like people knock on the door.
01:15 It's like knocking to break the door.
01:17 The report mentioned that the residents of several huts are suffering the same fate.
01:21 And a group that is engaged in the supernatural phenomenon of Islam
01:24 came to the village not long ago to investigate.
01:27 And told that there was an unknown object there.
01:30 The house of the village has been surrounded.
01:32 Avoid further harassment.
01:34 However, this night knocking sound is definitely not a new thing.
01:38 If you have any impression, it has been a few times in the past few years.
01:41 And the impact of the disaster area is wide.
01:44 It used to cause a hot discussion.
01:46 The Malay Peninsula from south to north, from east to west.
01:49 Many posts have reported this knocking sound.
01:52 It just looks detailed.
01:54 After a while, it disappeared.
01:56 The mysterious knocking incident that broke out three years ago.
01:59 And when the public was interviewed, it was said that these knocking sounds have their own rules.
02:03 There is a set. One knock, three sets.
02:06 The second, the third.
02:08 It's a little bit like a rumble.
02:10 Strong knock.
02:11 At that time, there was a video of this fingerprint knocking sound not seen by anyone.
02:15 There is also a transparent glass door.
02:25 The shaking of being hit makes people look at the scene of the heart beating.
02:43 Have you ever encountered this strange situation?
02:46 When you hear about this supernatural phenomenon, what do you think?
02:50 A. Feel scared.
02:52 It's better to believe it than not.
02:54 Or B. No scientific theory.
02:56 No need to be surprised.
02:58 If you have other ideas, please leave a message below.
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03:09 (electronic music)
