Unveiling Tiger Woods' New Venture: The Golf League in VR

  • last year
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 - Well, Cam, I think that we're probably
00:04 getting ahead of ourselves here.
00:05 Normally we wouldn't do this on the show,
00:07 but I gotta ask you, Cam,
00:08 there's a lot of people who are watching Newswire,
00:10 they're watching you, they're watching me,
00:11 they're like, what are they talking about?
00:13 What is the golf league?
00:16 I can't make the assumption
00:17 that people are watching my show every day.
00:18 So Cam, let's start there.
00:20 What is the golf league?
00:21 How did it get constructed?
00:23 And then we'll get into some of the minutia
00:25 as to how they're gonna execute this new league
00:27 and this new plan.
00:29 - Yeah, so TGL was founded by Tiger Woods
00:32 in partnership with Rory McIlroy.
00:34 And the original mission statement, if you will,
00:37 even though it's not written down on paper,
00:40 was a rebuff to what was going on with Live
00:43 and the PGA Tour and all of that.
00:45 And Tiger Woods wanted an additional option
00:47 to really excite PGA Tour fans.
00:51 And this is an all virtual golf league
00:54 made up of teams in prime time,
00:57 set to start in January on ESPN.
00:59 We're talking weekly two hour matches held in prime time.
01:03 Six teams of four PGA Tour players,
01:06 all will be mic'd up,
01:08 will face off in head to head match play,
01:10 15 regular season matches.
01:13 And then of course we will have playoffs
01:14 and a championship and all of that good stuff.
01:17 Shot clock, timeouts, you got a referee, a booth official.
01:21 The goal here is for Tiger Woods
01:23 to really make this feel like you're watching
01:25 a football game or a basketball game in prime time.
01:28 And so I think this is going to be an interesting twist
01:33 in golf viewership and golf consumption.
01:35 We're so used to watching golf on a Sunday at two o'clock.
01:39 Sometimes it can be a little bit boring,
01:41 especially when one player is in the lead by like six shots.
01:45 This is gonna be different, faster paced.
01:47 I would assume the crowd is going to be more involved
01:50 a la like a Ryder Cup or a President's Cup.
01:53 So, you know, I think this is going to be
01:55 a really interesting test to see what the appetite is
01:58 for something like this in golf.
02:00 And we're going to find out in January.
02:02 - Yeah, and I think that because of the names,
02:05 the value is there alone.
02:07 But I think that Cam, you know,
02:09 we're throwing out Tiger Woods' name a lot.
02:11 What exactly is his role in the golf league?
02:15 And I think most people want to know
02:16 how much he's going to be playing in this.
02:18 - Well, he is running one of the teams.
02:21 So that is to say Tiger Woods
02:23 will be playing competitive golf in some way, shape or form.
02:27 And I think that actually is my biggest takeaway
02:30 for this thing actually starting
02:31 is that Tiger Woods is okay to play golf.
02:33 Now he's not walking a golf course.
02:36 This is virtual, right?
02:37 So the fatigue factor maybe isn't as high
02:41 as it would be when of course,
02:42 you're walking Augusta National at the Masters, right?
02:45 So I think this is an important first step for him
02:48 as he eases into the PGA Tour season.
02:51 I'm hearing some rumors that we may see him
02:54 at the Genesis Invitational in Los Angeles.
02:57 That'll be in February,
02:58 but this will be a nice warmup act if you will, for Tiger.
03:01 And you know, of course you swap, you do alternate shot.
03:04 The formats change during these sessions.
03:07 So Tiger's not playing two hours straight either.
03:09 So like I said, good warmup act for him
03:12 and we will see him play competitive golf,
03:14 which is always a good thing, Craig.
03:15 (upbeat music)
03:18 (bell ringing)
