BMW Motorcycle The Great Getaway Tour Day 2, 2022 | MC Travel

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BMW Motorrad tempts touring riders with The Great Getaway tour. We recently went along on a condensed four-day version of the tour to get a taste of BMW’s Costa Rican experience…


BMW Motorrad tempts touring riders with The Great Getaway tour. We recently went along on a condensed four-day version of the tour to get a taste of BMW’s Costa Rican experience.

After getting our visors dirty during BMW’s The Great Getaway Motorcycle Tour, Day 1 - 2022, we saddled up on our R 18 cruisers for a second day of riding from Playa Herradura to Las Catalinas. The leisurely 153-mile trip took us northwest around the Gulf of Nicoya.

Along the way, we made a variety of stops to sample local cuisine as we made our way northwest toward the beautiful coastline near Playa Flamingo. Tune in to see how the day went down.

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Photography: Hermann Köpf
Video: Adam Waheed, BMW Motorrad
Edit: Joseph Agustin

Motorcycle Gear Worn

Helmet: Shoei RF-SR
Jacket: Rev’It Blackwater
Gloves: Rev’It Kinetic
Pant: Rev’It Piston
Boots: TCX Rush 2 Air

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00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 Good morning folks.
00:13 We are pulling out of the Los Suenos Hotel
00:17 on day two of the great getaway by BMW Motorrad.
00:22 This is an eight day,
00:29 all inclusive and especially curated motorcycle tour.
00:34 We're only doing four of eight days,
00:37 which is, of course more riding is always better,
00:41 but four days is cool too, just to get an experience.
00:44 And wow, what a magnificent hotel this place was.
00:49 It was really nice just to unwind for a night
00:52 and have some drinks and hang out with your buddies
00:56 and tell some good bench racing stories
00:59 and just hang out.
01:01 Now for the second day,
01:03 we will be logging another,
01:08 I think right around 150 kilometers.
01:10 It's funny because yesterday,
01:12 I didn't think we rode that much,
01:14 but we ended up riding right around 90 miles.
01:17 I only thought it was like 40 miles
01:18 'cause we were going so slow,
01:20 but we ended up doing 90 miles,
01:21 which isn't so bad at all.
01:23 So approximately the same mileage again today
01:27 on day number two.
01:29 And we're going to explore the sights and sounds
01:34 of Central America, Costa Rica today.
01:38 There is our ambulance and medical team.
01:43 So as part of this eight day tour package,
01:48 the Elephant Moto, who is actually the tour provider,
01:55 who works in collaboration with BMW Motorrad,
01:59 they supply a medical team.
02:01 Two guys, they got that awesome Toyota Land Cruiser
02:04 with the straight pipe on it.
02:07 And they provide medical support
02:11 in case anything bad happens along the ride.
02:15 We live in a crazy world
02:16 and you never know what's going to happen.
02:18 So it's cool that they go the extra mile
02:21 and literally bring an ambulance with you just in case.
02:24 (upbeat music)
02:27 Here we are folks, cruising north up the coast of Costa Rica.
02:45 We are going to Punta Terrace, I think is the name.
02:53 I'm so bad with my Spanish pronounced cities.
02:57 And this is a popular beach zone.
03:01 There's vendors all up here
03:03 and Costa Rican people chilling out, hanging out seaside.
03:07 We are going to hop on off our motorcycles right now
03:11 and get something to drink because it is hot.
03:15 It's got to be probably right around 81 degrees Fahrenheit,
03:21 which normally isn't very warm,
03:23 at least it's not in Southern California,
03:26 but the humidity here is much, much higher
03:30 than it is at home in Southern California.
03:34 The humidity's gotta be probably,
03:36 I'd say at least 85 to 89% right now.
03:41 Where at home it's like 30% or 40%.
03:46 So definitely the 81 here feels a lot hotter,
03:51 but that's why we drink ice cold water.
03:54 (upbeat music)
03:57 On our way to Punta Terrace,
04:01 we are gonna eat some of these Churchills.
04:04 This is some local ice cream
04:06 that has a funny story behind it.
04:08 So back in the 1950s here in Costa Rica,
04:11 there was this guy who apparently looked
04:14 like Winston Churchill and he'd always come here
04:16 in order to drink with this ice cream.
04:19 And then fast forward to today,
04:21 they actually named a drink after him called the Churchill.
04:24 And this is what we're gonna have right there.
04:26 Look how yummy it looks.
04:27 Yum.
04:28 All right, boys and girls,
04:31 here we go with the Churchill Mamche.
04:34 Yes, we are going to dine in and eat this stuff.
04:37 It's gonna be bomb.
04:39 Mm, mm.
04:39 Sugar rush to my dome, I love it.
04:43 I love getting high on sugar.
04:45 Ha ha ha.
04:46 Well, folks, words can't describe
04:49 how delectable this treat is.
04:52 This is yummy.
04:53 I could eat this for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
04:57 Woo!
04:58 All right, folks, here we are
05:01 during the Great Getaway Tour, day number two.
05:06 Here's our lunch stop.
05:07 Look at this.
05:08 This is authentic Costa Rican cuisine.
05:12 Look at these plantains.
05:13 Oh, I love plantains.
05:16 This is so yummy, I can't wait to dig into this food.
05:19 This has been such a fun experience,
05:21 first class all the way.
05:23 And these juices, these pineapple juices,
05:26 and guava juices, and all these juices,
05:29 it's crazy how good these things are.
05:31 They're so unbelievable, and they're good for you too.
05:36 Cheers.
05:36 (upbeat music)
05:39 All right, guys, now we're drinking
05:44 the real nectar of the gods, the old,
05:47 what kind of fruit is this?
05:49 Who knows, but it's delicious.
05:51 (sucking)
05:54 So we blew it, guys, after you drink,
06:01 you cut it with a machete like a man,
06:04 or like a woman, women use machetes too.
06:06 And then you eat it.
06:07 And now folks, we're gonna have some watermelon.
06:14 Yes, dude, I love watermelon, it's so delicious.
06:17 May I have a piece?
06:18 Gracias, gracias.
06:22 Oh my God, so good.
06:25 Muchas gracias.
06:27 It's so good, the most fresh watermelon
06:30 in the whole wide world, on planet Earth.
06:33 All right, folks, we just finished lunch
06:36 at the, gosh, I can't even remember the name of it,
06:39 but God, it was good.
06:41 Now we are finally off the boring, dirty highway.
06:46 So although today is day two of the great getaway
06:53 by BMW Motorrad, if we were participating
06:57 in the full duration eight day program,
07:01 this would be like day four.
07:03 We're actually transferring from one area of Costa Rica
07:06 to the other.
07:08 So most of the morning was spent on highway one,
07:13 which is a pretty busy, dusty, boring stretch of tarmac.
07:18 Now we are actually heading toward the coast again,
07:24 and on this much more pretty looking highway.
07:29 Still a little bit too straight for my liking,
07:33 but at least we're not in the dust and in the heat.
07:37 The clouds in the air are blocking the sun,
07:40 which is lowering the ambient temperature
07:42 to right around probably 72 degrees,
07:45 and gosh, that is nice.
07:48 Now, as long as you're moving,
07:51 you stay pretty comfortable on this bike.
07:53 For sure, the inherent configuration of BMW's Boxster Twin
08:00 is gonna throw some of the heat
08:05 from the combustion process onto your feet,
08:10 but as long as you're moving, it's not so bad,
08:13 but I'd be lying to say if when you're riding
08:16 in a stop and go traffic,
08:17 if you don't feel that heat on your feet.
08:21 Hey folks, now we're going past some big bridge
08:26 they call something or other Honda.
08:28 Something or other Honda big bridge, pretty pristine waters.
08:33 We're getting a little bit of rain right now,
08:35 but not too bad.
08:36 God, that's so beautiful.
08:37 Look at that.
08:38 It's crazy that there's no one on this body of water.
08:41 If I lived here, I'd be riding my jet ski
08:43 or driving my wakeboard boat,
08:46 or just chilling and swimming.
08:49 Yeah.
08:51 We have some sort of civil unrest going on right now.
08:54 Civil unrest, just joking.
08:56 Looks like a wedding or something like that,
08:59 but you never know these days.
09:01 Let's give them some revs.
09:05 Let them know what's up.
09:09 Yep, gotta let them know sometimes.
09:12 Folks, do you see that rainbow?
09:16 We are pulling into Playa Patoro, I think it is,
09:21 which the beach is right behind us.
09:25 The rainbow is right in front of me.
09:28 I'm a big fan of rainbows and those colors.
09:33 Very awesome.
09:34 I'm very happy right now.
09:37 And I think we're getting ready to pack it in for a day.
09:41 We have logged, let's see.
09:46 Oh, wow, we have a big day.
09:47 We logged 242 kilometers today, 242 kilometers.
09:53 I think rough math on that's about probably 140, 150 miles.
09:58 So that's a lot of miles we covered today
10:00 in the saddle of this R18.
10:06 I'm a big advocate of this bike.
10:09 My favorite feature of it really is just that huge boxer twin.
10:13 I love this engine.
10:15 It produces an insane wave of torque.
10:19 It has great throttle response.
10:22 And a really pleasing sound to it.
10:26 What I don't like, however,
10:29 is the limited rear suspension travel.
10:34 I think it's right around three inches.
10:36 That doesn't do so good on these bumpy,
10:38 any bumpy surfaces for that matter.
10:41 And the seat, this particular R18 is fitted
10:46 with an aftermarket seat from RSD.
10:51 And while I really like the look of the seat
10:53 and aesthetically it looks like
10:55 it would be more plush and comfortable,
10:58 it is not very compatible with my rear end.
11:01 I almost wish I was riding on a stock seat right now.
11:06 But aside from those gripes,
11:10 we are having a good time
11:12 in logging some serious mileage
11:15 down here in Central America.
11:17 (upbeat music)
11:20 Look at this, boys and girls.
11:22 How beautiful is this action?
11:25 Because BMW Motorrad pulls out all the stops.
11:29 We're having a luau style barbecue dinner here.
11:33 Look how sick this is.
11:35 This is all part of the experience
11:37 when you sign up and do the great getaway
11:41 with BMW Motorrad.
11:43 How sick is that?
11:45 Look, there are the charcoals.
11:47 We're gonna do some grilling.
11:49 I love doing some grilling and some chilling.
11:53 So this is pretty dang neat.
11:56 (upbeat music)
11:59 Well folks, that wraps up the second day
12:02 of the great getaway with BMW Motorrad.
12:05 We covered some ground today
12:07 and saw some really awesome things,
12:09 ate some nice food.
12:10 And now we are here watching the sunset.
12:14 How beautiful is that?
12:15 Folks, well, that's a wrap from day number two.
12:19 Stay tuned for day number three
12:21 where we log more miles heading northeast
12:25 through Costa Rica.
12:26 We'll see you folks later.
12:27 Thanks for riding with us.
12:29 (upbeat music)
12:32 (upbeat music)
12:34 (upbeat music)
12:37 (upbeat music)
12:39 (upbeat music)
12:42 (upbeat music)
